# Component wrapper makefile # # This makefile gets called recursively from the project make, once for each component. # COMPONENT_MAKEFILE is set to point at the bouffalo.mk file for the component itself, # which is included as part of this process (after default variables are defined). # # This makefile comprises multiple stages, marked in blocked comments below. # # CWD is the build directory of the component. ifndef PROJECT_PATH $(error Make was invoked from $(CURDIR). However please do not run make from the sdk or a component directory; invoke make from the project directory. See the README for details.) endif ################################################################################ # 1) Set default variables for the component build (including configuration # loaded from sdkconfig.) ################################################################################ # Find the path to the component COMPONENT_PATH := $(abspath $(dir $(COMPONENT_MAKEFILE))) export COMPONENT_PATH # COMPONENT_BUILD_DIR is otherwise known as CWD for the build COMPONENT_BUILD_DIR := $(abspath .) # include elements common to both project & component makefiles # (includes project configuration set via menuconfig) include $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/common.mk include $(PROJECT_PATH)/proj_config.mk # Some of the following defaults may be overriden by the component's bouffalo.mk makefile, # during the next step: # Absolute path of the .a file COMPONENT_LIBRARY = lib$(COMPONENT_NAME).a # Source dirs a component has. Default to root directory of component. COMPONENT_SRCDIRS = . # By default, include only the include/ dir. COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS = . include COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS = # Define optional compiling macros define compile_exclude COMPONENT_OBJEXCLUDE += $(1) endef define compile_include COMPONENT_OBJINCLUDE += $(1) endef define compile_only_if $(eval $(if $(1), $(call compile_include, $(2)), $(call compile_exclude, $(2)))) endef define compile_only_if_not $(eval $(if $(1), $(call compile_exclude, $(2)), $(call compile_include, $(2)))) endef COMPONENT_ADD_LINKER_DEPS ?= COMPONENT_DEPENDS ?= COMPONENT_EXTRA_CLEAN ?= COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES ?= COMPONENT_OBJEXCLUDE ?= COMPONENT_OBJINCLUDE ?= COMPONENT_SUBMODULES ?= ################################################################################ # 2) Include the bouffalo.mk for the specific component (COMPONENT_MAKEFILE) to # override variables & optionally define custom targets. Also include global # component makefiles. ################################################################################ # Include any Makefile.componentbuild file letting components add # configuration at the global component level # Save component_path; we pass it to the called Makefile.componentbuild # as COMPILING_COMPONENT_PATH, and we use it to restore the current # COMPONENT_PATH later. COMPILING_COMPONENT_PATH := $(COMPONENT_PATH) define includeCompBuildMakefile $(if $(V),$(info including $(1)/Makefile.componentbuild...)) COMPONENT_PATH := $(1) include $(1)/Makefile.componentbuild endef $(foreach componentpath,$(COMPONENT_PATHS), \ $(if $(wildcard $(componentpath)/Makefile.componentbuild), \ $(eval $(call includeCompBuildMakefile,$(componentpath))))) #Restore COMPONENT_PATH to what it was COMPONENT_PATH := $(COMPILING_COMPONENT_PATH) # Include bouffalo.mk for this component. -include $(BL60X_SDK_PATH)/make_scripts_riscv/project_val.mk include $(COMPONENT_MAKEFILE) ifeq ($(filter $(COMPONENT_NAME),$(LOG_ENABLED_COMPONENTS)),$(COMPONENT_NAME)) CPPFLAGS += -DCFG_COMPONENT_BLOG_ENABLE=1 else CPPFLAGS += -DCFG_COMPONENT_BLOG_ENABLE=0 endif ifndef COMPONENT_LIB_ONLY COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS += -l$(COMPONENT_NAME) endif ifdef COMPONENT_LIB_ONLY # Skip all below step if component is a lib .PHONY: build build: $(details) "No build needed for $(COMPONENT_NAME) (COMPONENT_LIB_ONLY)" .PHONY: clean clean: $(summary) RM component_project_vars.mk rm -f component_project_vars.mk define lib_MakeVariablePath $(subst $(BL60X_SDK_PATH),$$(BL60X_SDK_PATH),$(subst $(PROJECT_PATH),$$(PROJECT_PATH),$(subst $(BUILD_DIR_BASE),$$(BUILD_DIR_BASE),$(1)))) endef component_project_vars.mk:: $(details) "Building component project variables list $(abspath $@)" @echo '# Automatically generated build file. Do not edit.' > $@ @echo 'COMPONENT_INCLUDES += $(call lib_MakeVariablePath,$(abspath $(addprefix $(COMPONENT_PATH)/,$(COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS))))' >> $@ @echo 'COMPONENT_LDFLAGS += $(COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS_HEAD) $(call lib_MakeVariablePath, $(COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS)) $(COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS_TAIL)' >> $@ @echo 'COMPONENT_LINKER_DEPS += $(call lib_MakeVariablePath,$(call resolvepath,$(COMPONENT_ADD_LINKER_DEPS),$(COMPONENT_PATH)))' >> $@ @echo 'component-$(COMPONENT_NAME)-build: $(addprefix component-,$(addsuffix -build,$(COMPONENT_DEPENDS)))' >> $@ # COMPONENT_LIB_ONLY end else ################################################################################ # 3) Set variables that depend on values that may changed by bouffalo.mk ################################################################################ ifndef COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY # Skip steps 3-5 if COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY is set # Object files which need to be linked into the library # By default we take all .c, .cpp, .cc & .S files in COMPONENT_SRCDIRS. ifndef COMPONENT_OBJS # Find all source files in all COMPONENT_SRCDIRS COMPONENT_OBJS := $(foreach compsrcdir,$(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS),$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard $(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(compsrcdir)/*.c))) COMPONENT_OBJS += $(foreach compsrcdir,$(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS),$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard $(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(compsrcdir)/*.cpp))) COMPONENT_OBJS += $(foreach compsrcdir,$(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS),$(patsubst %.cc,%.o,$(wildcard $(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(compsrcdir)/*.cc))) COMPONENT_OBJS += $(foreach compsrcdir,$(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS),$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(wildcard $(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(compsrcdir)/*.S))) # Make relative by removing COMPONENT_PATH from all found object paths COMPONENT_OBJS := $(sort $(COMPONENT_OBJS)) COMPONENT_OBJS := $(patsubst $(COMPONENT_PATH)/%,%,$(COMPONENT_OBJS)) else # Add in components defined by conditional compiling macros COMPONENT_OBJS += $(COMPONENT_OBJINCLUDE) endif # Remove any leading ../ from paths, so everything builds inside build dir COMPONENT_OBJS := $(call stripLeadingParentDirs,$(COMPONENT_OBJS)) # Do the same for COMPONENT_OBJEXCLUDE (used below) COMPONENT_OBJEXCLUDE := $(call stripLeadingParentDirs,$(COMPONENT_OBJEXCLUDE)) # COMPONENT_OBJDIRS is COMPONENT_SRCDIRS with the same transform applied COMPONENT_OBJDIRS := $(call stripLeadingParentDirs,$(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS)) # Remove items disabled by optional compilation COMPONENT_OBJS := $(foreach obj,$(COMPONENT_OBJS),$(if $(filter $(abspath $(obj)),$(abspath $(COMPONENT_OBJEXCLUDE))), ,$(obj))) # Remove duplicates COMPONENT_OBJS := $(call uniq,$(COMPONENT_OBJS)) # If we're called to compile something, we'll get passed the COMPONENT_INCLUDES # variable with all the include dirs from all the components in random order. This # means we can accidentally grab a header from another component before grabbing our own. # To make sure that does not happen, re-order the includes so ours come first. COMPONENT_PRIV_INCLUDEDIRS ?= OWN_INCLUDES:=$(abspath $(addprefix $(COMPONENT_PATH)/,$(COMPONENT_PRIV_INCLUDEDIRS) $(COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS))) COMPONENT_INCLUDES := $(OWN_INCLUDES) $(filter-out $(OWN_INCLUDES),$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) ################################################################################ # 4) Define a target to generate component_project_vars.mk Makefile which # contains common per-component settings which are included directly in the # top-level project make # # (Skipped if COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY is set.) ################################################################################ # macro to generate variable-relative paths inside component_project_vars.mk, whenever possible # ie put literal $(BL60X_SDK_PATH), $(PROJECT_PATH) and $(BUILD_DIR_BASE) into the generated # makefiles where possible. # # This means if directories move (breaking absolute paths), don't need to 'make clean' define MakeVariablePath $(subst $(BL60X_SDK_PATH),$$(BL60X_SDK_PATH),$(subst $(PROJECT_PATH),$$(PROJECT_PATH),$(subst $(BUILD_DIR_BASE),$$(BUILD_DIR_BASE),$(1)))) endef # component_project_vars.mk target for the component. This is used to # take bouffalo.mk variables COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS, # COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS, COMPONENT_DEPENDS and COMPONENT_SUBMODULES # and inject those into the project make pass. # # The target here has no dependencies, as the parent target in # project.mk evaluates dependencies before calling down to here. See # GenerateComponentTargets macro in project.mk. # # If you are thinking of editing the output of this target for a # component-specific feature, please don't! What you want is a # Makefile.projbuild for your component (see docs/build-system.rst for # more.) # # Note: The :: target here is not a mistake. This target should always be # executed, as dependencies are checked by the parent project-level make target. # See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#index-_003a_003a-rules-_0028double_002dcolon_0029 component_project_vars.mk:: $(details) "Building component project variables list $(abspath $@)" @echo '# Automatically generated build file. Do not edit.' > $@ @echo 'COMPONENT_INCLUDES += $(call MakeVariablePath,$(abspath $(addprefix $(COMPONENT_PATH)/,$(COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS))))' >> $@ @echo 'COMPONENT_LDFLAGS += $(COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS_HEAD) $(call MakeVariablePath,-L$(COMPONENT_BUILD_DIR) $(COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS)) $(COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS_TAIL)' >> $@ @echo 'COMPONENT_LINKER_DEPS += $(call MakeVariablePath,$(call resolvepath,$(COMPONENT_ADD_LINKER_DEPS),$(COMPONENT_PATH)))' >> $@ @echo 'COMPONENT_SUBMODULES += $(call MakeVariablePath,$(abspath $(addprefix $(COMPONENT_PATH)/,$(COMPONENT_SUBMODULES))))' >> $@ @echo 'COMPONENT_LIBRARIES += $(COMPONENT_NAME)' >> $@ @echo 'component-$(COMPONENT_NAME)-build: $(addprefix component-,$(addsuffix -build,$(COMPONENT_DEPENDS)))' >> $@ ################################################################################ # 5) Where COMPONENT_OWNBUILDTARGET / COMPONENT_OWNCLEANTARGET # is not set by bouffalo.mk, define default build, clean, etc. targets # # (Skipped if COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY is set.) ################################################################################ # Default build behaviour: define a phony build target and a COMPONENT_LIBRARY link target. ifndef COMPONENT_OWNBUILDTARGET .PHONY: build build: $(COMPONENT_LIBRARY) # Build the archive. We remove the archive first, otherwise ar will get confused if we update # an archive when multiple filenames have the same name (src1/test.o and src2/test.o) $(COMPONENT_LIBRARY): $(COMPONENT_OBJS) $(summary) AR $(patsubst $(PWD)/%,%,$(CURDIR))/$@ rm -f $@ $(AR) cru $@ $^ endif # If COMPONENT_OWNCLEANTARGET is not set, define a phony clean target ifndef COMPONENT_OWNCLEANTARGET CLEAN_FILES := $(COMPONENT_LIBRARY) $(COMPONENT_OBJS) $(COMPONENT_OBJS:.o=.d) $(COMPONENT_OBJEXCLUDE) $(COMPONENT_OBJEXCLUDE:.o=.d) $(COMPONENT_EXTRA_CLEAN) component_project_vars.mk .PHONY: clean clean: $(summary) RM $(CLEAN_FILES) rm -f $(CLEAN_FILES) endif DEBUG_FLAGS ?= -gdwarf # Include all dependency files already generated -include $(COMPONENT_OBJS:.o=.d) # This is a fix for situation where the project or IDF dir moves, and instead # of rebuilding the target the build fails until make clean is run # # It adds an empty dependency rule for the (possibly non-existent) source file itself, # which prevents it not being found from failing the build # # $1 == Source File, $2 == .o file used for .d file name define AppendSourceToDependencies echo "$1:" >> $$(patsubst %.o,%.d,$2) endef # This pattern is generated for each COMPONENT_SRCDIR to compile the files in it. define GenerateCompileTargets # $(1) - directory containing source files, relative to $(COMPONENT_PATH) - one of $(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS) # $(2) - output build directory, which is $(1) with any leading ".."s converted to "."s to ensure output is always under build/ # $(2)/%.o: $$(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(1)/%.c $(COMMON_MAKEFILES) $(COMPONENT_MAKEFILE) | $(COMPONENT_OBJDIRS) $$(summary) CC $$(patsubst $$(PWD)/%,%,$$(CURDIR))/$$@ $$(CC) $$(CFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) -D __FILENAME__=\"$$(notdir $$<)\" -D __FILENAME_WO_SUFFIX__=\"$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<))\" -D __FILENAME_WO_SUFFIX_DEQUOTED__=$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) -D __COMPONENT_NAME__=\"$$(COMPONENT_NAME)\" -D __COMPONENT_NAME_DEQUOTED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME) -D __COMPONENT_FILE_NAME__=\"$$(COMPONENT_NAME)$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<))\" -D__COMPONENT_FILE_NAMED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME).$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) -D__COMPONENT_FILE_NAME_DEQUOTED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME)$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I $(1) -c $$(abspath $$<) -o $$@ $(call AppendSourceToDependencies,$$<,$$@) $(2)/%.o: $$(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(1)/%.cpp $(COMMON_MAKEFILES) $(COMPONENT_MAKEFILE) | $(COMPONENT_OBJDIRS) $$(summary) CXX $$(patsubst $$(PWD)/%,%,$$(CURDIR))/$$@ $$(CXX) $$(CFLAGS) $$(CXXFLAGS) -D __FILENAME__=\"$$(notdir $$<)\" -D __FILENAME_WO_SUFFIX__=\"$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<))\" -D __FILENAME_WO_SUFFIX_DEQUOTED__=$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) -D __COMPONENT_NAME__=\"$$(COMPONENT_NAME)\" -D __COMPONENT_NAME_DEQUOTED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME) -D __COMPONENT_FILE_NAME__=\"$$(COMPONENT_NAME)$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<))\" -D__COMPONENT_FILE_NAMED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME).$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) -D__COMPONENT_FILE_NAME_DEQUOTED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME)$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I $(1) -c $$(abspath $$<) -o $$@ $(call AppendSourceToDependencies,$$<,$$@) $(2)/%.o: $$(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(1)/%.cc $(COMMON_MAKEFILES) $(COMPONENT_MAKEFILE) | $(COMPONENT_OBJDIRS) $$(summary) CXX $$(patsubst $$(PWD)/%,%,$$(CURDIR))/$$@ $$(CXX) $$(CXXFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) -D __FILENAME__=\"$$(notdir $$<)\" -D __FILENAME_WO_SUFFIX__=\"$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<))\" -D __FILENAME_WO_SUFFIX_DEQUOTED__=$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) -D __COMPONENT_NAME__=\"$$(COMPONENT_NAME)\" -D __COMPONENT_NAME_DEQUOTED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME) -D __COMPONENT_FILE_NAME__=\"$$(COMPONENT_NAME)$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<))\" -D__COMPONENT_FILE_NAMED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME).$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) -D__COMPONENT_FILE_NAME_DEQUOTED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME)$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I $(1) -c $$(abspath $$<) -o $$@ $(call AppendSourceToDependencies,$$<,$$@) $(2)/%.o: $$(COMPONENT_PATH)/$(1)/%.S $(COMMON_MAKEFILES) $(COMPONENT_MAKEFILE) | $(COMPONENT_OBJDIRS) $$(summary) AS $$(patsubst $$(PWD)/%,%,$$(CURDIR))/$$@ $$(CC) $$(ASMFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) -D __FILENAME__=\"$$(notdir $$<)\" -D __FILENAME_WO_SUFFIX__=\"$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<))\" -D __FILENAME_WO_SUFFIX_DEQUOTED__=$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) -D __COMPONENT_NAME__=\"$$(COMPONENT_NAME)\" -D __COMPONENT_NAME_DEQUOTED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME) -D __COMPONENT_FILE_NAME__=\"$$(COMPONENT_NAME)$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<))\" -D__COMPONENT_FILE_NAMED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME).$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) -D__COMPONENT_FILE_NAME_DEQUOTED__=$$(COMPONENT_NAME)$$(subst .c,,$$(notdir $$<)) $$(DEBUG_FLAGS) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_INCLUDES)) $$(addprefix -I ,$$(COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDES)) -I $(1) -c $$(abspath $$<) -o $$@ $(call AppendSourceToDependencies,$$<,$$@) # CWD is build dir, create the build subdirectory if it doesn't exist # # (NB: Each .o file depends on all relative component build dirs $(COMPONENT_OBJDIRS), including $(2), to work # around a behaviour make 3.81 where the first pattern (randomly) seems to be matched rather than the best fit. ie if # you have objects a/y.o and a/b/c.o then c.o can be matched with $(1)=a & %=b/c, meaning that subdir 'a/b' needs to be # created but wouldn't be created if $(2)=a. Make 4.x doesn't have this problem, it seems to preferentially # choose the better match ie $(2)=a/b and %=c ) # # Note: This may cause some issues for out-of-tree source files and make 3.81 :/ # $(2): mkdir -p $(2) endef # Generate all the compile target patterns $(foreach srcdir,$(COMPONENT_SRCDIRS), $(eval $(call GenerateCompileTargets,$(srcdir),$(call stripLeadingParentDirs,$(srcdir))))) else # COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY is set build: $(details) "No build needed for $(COMPONENT_NAME) (COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY)" clean: $(summary) RM component_project_vars.mk rm -f component_project_vars.mk component_project_vars.mk:: # no need to add variables via bouffalo.mk @echo '# COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY target sets no variables here' > $@ endif # COMPONENT_CONFIG_ONLY endif # COMPONENT_LIB_ONLY