[LOAD_CFG] #jlink or uart interface = uart device = COM1 speed_uart_boot = 500000 speed_uart_load = 500000 speed_jlink = 2000 do_reset = true #reset retry+hold time reset_hold_time = 50 shake_hand_delay = 100 reset_revert = false cutoff_time = 50 shake_hand_retry = 3 flash_burn_retry = 1 checksum_err_retry = 3 #1:32M,2:38.4M,3:40M,4:26M,5:52M,6:RC32M #xtal_type = 2 erase_time_out = 10000 #chiptype=602 #eflash_loader_file=bl602\eflash_loader\eflash_loader_26m.bin check_mac = false load_bin = true #0:no erase,1:programmed section erase,2:chip erase erase = 1 #0:verify by calculating SHA256(xip), >0:read back verify and verify by calculating SHA256(sbus) verify = 0 tx_size = 2056 [FLASH_CFG] flash_id = c84015 #empty: auto,0: internal flash with io switch,1: internal flash no io switch,2: GPIO 0-5,3: GPIO 22,23,37-40 flash_pin = "" #empty for auto, otherwise specified para file path: eg: ./efuse_bootheader/flash_para.bin flash_para = "" file = bl602/img_create/bootinfo_boot2.bin bl602/img_create/img_boot2.bin bl602/partition/partition.bin bl602/partition/partition.bin address = 00000000 00002000 e000 f000 [EFUSE_CFG] security_write = false file = ../../../Tools/img_tools/efuse_bootheader/efusedata.bin maskfile = ../../../Tools/img_tools/efuse_bootheader/efusedata_mask.bin