mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 21:40:35 +00:00
* feat: add mdbook docs * chore: add several articles to docs * docs: add documentation at surface level Using Discourse urls as fallback for missing content for now docs: add missing image files * docs: Add missing chapter emojis docs: Add missing warning in Advanced docs in summary docs: add missing waydroid guide docs: rename files to avoid spaces docs: fix badly set docs build params docs: remove unnecesary placeholders * docs: Realocate 'Gaming' section under 'General' * docs: Add 'Introduction' section This section contains a table of contents of the documentation * docs: Add unstable documentation warning * docs: Add missing github url docs: add missing symlink to resources * docs: Add discourse scrapper utility * docs: minor discourse scrapper docs changes * docs: Add youtube embeding preprocessor * minor reformat for youtube-embed * docs: Add mdbook preprocessor template * docs: add format-author preprocessor * docs: add git lib to mdbook toolset * docs: Always fetch the highest quality image by fetch_discourse_md * docs: fix youtube-embed ignoring new line requirement * docs: Add documentation transcription guide * docs: Missing url in transcription guide * docs: Remove YAML header from doc guide * docs: Minor tweaks to transcription guide * docs: Add utilities preprocessor module docs: Move debug preprocessor util to utils * docs: tweak debug function * docs: Add 'replace-urls' preprocessor * chore: Move mappings parameter in replace-urls preprocessor * docs: add ignore field to replace-urls * docs: add Mdbook python types * docs: Add ignore field to replace-urls Now we can exclude files from being processed with blob patterns * chore(ci): add deploy_docs * chore(ci): Add dynamic edit url template to deploy_docs * chore(ci): Add html.site-url to deploy_docs * chore(readme): Use relative paths for repo_content * chore(ci): Add README to included paths for deploy_docs * chore(ci): Disable deploy_docs * chore(ci): Use main in deploy_docs.on.push.branches * docs: Rephrase unstable docs warning * chore(ci): Exclude docs from triggering build workflow * chore(ci): Enable deploy_docs * fix(docs): Remove unnecessary imports in preprocessors * docs: Move unstable docs warning to index.hbs * docs: Add page metadata inclusion with fetch_discourse_md.py * docs: Move fetch_discourse_md.py to docs/utils * docs: Add 'fetched_at' metadata field in fetch_discourse_md.py * docs: Update fetch_discourse_md.py to format metadata in json * Revert "chore(readme): Use relative paths for repo_content" This reverts commit 6a781c659607e0c83c19248241684c5785c7e93b. * docs: Replace include with an url to repo README * ci(docs): Add multilanguage doc build support * docs: add Justfile utility * docs: update Justfile utility * ci(docs): Add stricter workflow trigger to deploy_docs * docs: add 'preview_translation' to Justfile * docs: add documentation translation guide * ci(docs): Add mdbook cache * ci(docs): Add i18n-report * ci(docs): tweak deploy_docs workflow triggers * ci(docs): remove unnecessary slash at build.yml * ci(docs): remove unnecessary slash at deploy_docs.yml * ci(docs): add docs/book.toml to deploy_docs trigger * ci(docs): Add schedule trigger * ci(docs): add github-pages cleaning * ci(docs): Exclude docs from generate_changelog * docs: Add dependencies installation script * ci(docs): Add mdbook pdf build * docs: Tweak Justfile to support pdf generation * Revert "docs: Always fetch the highest quality image by fetch_discourse_md" This reverts commit 74130ee1fe9264dc7a4c4c49fb416ef3dc12e322. * ci(docs): Exclude deploy_docs.yml from cache-mdbook keys * docs: Add 'mdbook_build' to Justfile * docs: Add 'mdbook_serve' to Justfile * docs: Add debug flag to fetch_discourse_md * docs: Automate discourse documentation scrapping * docs: Add flock to fetch_discourse_md * docs: Add translation file generation with Justfile * docs: Prefix url replacements with site-url in replace-urls.py preprocessor * docs: Add installation guides docs: Replace print button * Revert "docs: Prefix url replacements with site-url in replace-urls.py preprocessor" This reverts commit a685de4dce54debc900607d743069b79202a26ac. * Reapply "docs: Prefix url replacements with site-url in replace-urls.py preprocessor" This reverts commit 777d8055eac7543001200834939c960fb490e666. * docs: fix replace-urls.py * docs: fix fetch_discourse_md.py hitting discourse ip_10_secs_limit * ci(docs): Remove duplicate '/' in build translation step * ci(docs): Update actions/cache * ci(docs): Reduce deploy_docs schedule timespan between triggers * docs: update install-deps.sh * docs: Update Advanced docs * docs: Add favicon * docs: Reword unstable documentation warning * docs: Change default theme to 'navy' * ci(docs): Move permisions to job scope
179 lines
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179 lines
3.4 KiB
# Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/python
# Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=python
### Python ###
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
# Distribution / packaging
# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
# Installer logs
# Unit test / coverage reports
# Translations
# Django stuff:
# Flask stuff:
# Scrapy stuff:
# Sphinx documentation
# PyBuilder
# Jupyter Notebook
# IPython
# pyenv
# For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
# .python-version
# pipenv
# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
# install all needed dependencies.
# poetry
# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
# This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
# commonly ignored for libraries.
# https://python-poetry.org/docs/basic-usage/#commit-your-poetrylock-file-to-version-control
# pdm
# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
# pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
# in version control.
# https://pdm.fming.dev/#use-with-ide
# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow and github.com/pdm-project/pdm
# Celery stuff
# SageMath parsed files
# Environments
# Spyder project settings
# Rope project settings
# mkdocs documentation
# mypy
# Pyre type checker
# pytype static type analyzer
# Cython debug symbols
# PyCharm
# JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
# be found at https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Global/JetBrains.gitignore
# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
### Python Patch ###
# Poetry local configuration file - https://python-poetry.org/docs/configuration/#local-configuration
# ruff
# LSP config files
# End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/python