#!/usr/bin/bash IMAGE_INFO="/usr/share/ublue-os/image-info.json" IMAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '."image-name"' < $IMAGE_INFO) IMAGE_BRANCH=$(jq -r '."image-branch"' < $IMAGE_INFO) IMAGE_FLAVOR=$(jq -r '."image-flavor"' < $IMAGE_INFO) FEDORA_VERSION=$(jq -r '."fedora-version"' < $IMAGE_INFO) # SCRIPT VERSION HWS_VER=34 HWS_VER_FILE="/etc/bazzite/hws_version" HWS_VER_RAN=$(cat $HWS_VER_FILE) # IMAGE IDENTIFIERS KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME_FILE="/etc/bazzite/image_name" KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME=$(cat $KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME_FILE) KNOWN_IMAGE_BRANCH_FILE="/etc/bazzite/image_branch" KNOWN_IMAGE_BRANCH=$(cat $KNOWN_IMAGE_BRANCH_FILE) KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR_FILE="/etc/bazzite/image_flavor" KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR=$(cat $KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR_FILE) KNOWN_FEDORA_VERSION_FILE="/etc/bazzite/fedora_version" KNOWN_FEDORA_VERSION=$(cat $KNOWN_FEDORA_VERSION_FILE) # INITRAMFS CONFIG INITRAMFS_DIR="/etc/bazzite/initramfs" INITRAMFS_REBUILD_TRIGGER="$INITRAMFS_DIR/rebuild" INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARG_FILE="$INITRAMFS_DIR/hardware-setup.args" INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARGS=$(cat $INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARG_FILE) INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS_DIR="$INITRAMFS_DIR/args.d" INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS="" # If the /etc/bazzite/initramfs/args.d dir exists if [[ -d "$INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS_DIR" ]]; then # Grab all the content of the files (minus comments) and join them together with spaces INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS=$(grep -RvP "^(#|$)" $INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS_DIR/ | sort | perl -pe 's/(^$INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS_DIR\/.+:|\\\n$)//g' | tr '\n' ' ') fi # If no rebuild is requested if [[ ! -f $INITRAMFS_REBUILD_TRIGGER ]]; then # RUN REMAINDER OF SCRIPT ONLY IF UPDATED if [[ -f $HWS_VER_FILE && $HWS_VER = "$HWS_VER_RAN" ]]; then if [[ -f $KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME_FILE && -f $KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR_FILE && -f $KNOWN_FEDORA_VERSION_FILE && -f $KNOWN_IMAGE_BRANCH_FILE ]]; then # Run script if image has been rebased if [[ $IMAGE_NAME = "$KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME" && $IMAGE_FLAVOR = "$KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR" && $FEDORA_VERSION = "$KNOWN_FEDORA_VERSION" && $IMAGE_BRANCH = "$KNOWN_IMAGE_BRANCH" ]]; then echo "Hardware setup v$HWS_VER has already run. Exiting..." exit 0 fi fi fi else # REMOVE REBUILD TRIGGER TO AVOID INFINITE BOOT LOOP! rm $INITRAMFS_REBUILD_TRIGGER # Rebuild current initramfs (this will add any new configs added to /etc/dracut.conf.d/) then reboot echo "Initramfs rebuild triggered, using: $INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARGS $INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS" plymouth display-message --text="Updating initramfs - Please wait, this may take a while" || true rpm-ostree initramfs --enable "$INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARGS" "$INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS" --reboot exit 0 fi # GLOBAL SYS_ID="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name)" MINIMUM_FREE_ZRAM=$(awk '/MemTotal/ {printf "%.0f", $2 * 0.01}' /proc/meminfo) CURRENT_FREE_ZRAM=$(sysctl vm.min_free_kbytes | awk '{print $3}') KARGS=$(rpm-ostree kargs) NEEDED_KARGS=() INITRAMFS=$(rpm-ostree initramfs) NEEDED_INITRAMFS=("/etc/crypttab") NEEDS_INITRAMFS_APPLICATION=false # INITRAMFS echo "Current initramfs: $INITRAMFS" if [[ $IMAGE_FLAVOR =~ "nvidia" ]]; then NEEDED_INITRAMFS+=("/usr/lib/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf") else NEEDED_INITRAMFS+=("/etc/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf") fi if [[ $IMAGE_NAME =~ "deck" || $IMAGE_NAME =~ "ally" || $IMAGE_NAME =~ "framegame" ]]; then NEEDED_INITRAMFS+=("/etc/modprobe.d/deck-blacklist.conf") fi for INITRAMFS_ARG in ${NEEDED_INITRAMFS[@]}; do if [[ ! $INITRAMFS =~ "$INITRAMFS_ARG" ]]; then NEEDS_INITRAMFS_APPLICATION=true fi done # If there is nothing in INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARGS if [[ ! $INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARGS ]]; then # Make sure we will have /etc/bazzite/initramfs/bazzite.args for the future mkdir -p /etc/bazzite/initramfs/args.d echo "--arg=\"-I ${NEEDED_INITRAMFS[*]}\"" > $INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARG_FILE INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARGS=$(cat $INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARG_FILE) fi if $NEEDS_INITRAMFS_APPLICATION; then echo "Found needed initramfs changes, applying the following: ${NEEDED_INITRAMFS[*]}" echo "--arg=\"-I ${NEEDED_INITRAMFS[*]}\"" > $INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARG_FILE INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARGS=$(cat $INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARG_FILE) echo "Building initramfs with following custom args: $INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS" plymouth display-message --text="Updating initramfs - Please wait, this may take a while" || true rpm-ostree initramfs --enable "$INITRAMFS_BAZZITE_ARGS" "$INITRAMFS_CUSTOM_ARGS" else echo "No initramfs changes needed" fi # KERNEL ARGUMENTS echo "Current kargs: $KARGS" if /usr/libexec/hardware/valve-hardware; then echo "Checking for needed karg changes (Jupiter/Galileo)" if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "amd_iommu" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=amd_iommu=off") fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "amdgpu.gttsize" ]]; then if [[ "$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $(NF-1)}' /proc/meminfo)" == "31664740" ]]; then echo "32GB RAM Steam Deck detected" NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=amdgpu.gttsize=16256") else NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=amdgpu.gttsize=8128") fi fi fi if [[ $IMAGE_NAME =~ "deck" && ":AOKZOE A1 AR07:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then echo "AOKZOE A1 on deck build detected, fixing edid" if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "drm.edid_firmware" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=drm.edid_firmware=eDP-1:edid/aokzoea1ar07_edid.bin") fi fi if [[ ":Galileo:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "video" ]]; then echo "Adding panel orientation for Steam Deck OLED" NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=video=eDP-1:panel_orientation=right_side_up") fi elif [[ ":83E1:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "video" ]]; then echo "Adding panel orientation for Lenovo Legion Go" NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=video=eDP-1:panel_orientation=left_side_up") fi elif [[ ":G1617-01:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "video" ]]; then echo "Adding panel orientation for GPD Win Mini" NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=video=eDP-1:panel_orientation=right_side_up") fi elif [[ ":WIN2:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "video" ]]; then echo "Adding panel orientation for GPD Win 2" NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=video=eDP-1:panel_orientation=right_side_up") fi fi if /usr/libexec/hardware/simpledeckytdp-supported-hardware; then if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "iomem" ]]; then echo "Adding needed kargs for ryzenadj" NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=iomem=relaxed") fi fi if [[ $KARGS =~ "nomodeset" ]]; then echo "Removing nomodeset" NEEDED_KARGS+=("--delete-if-present=nomodeset") fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "gpu_sched.sched_policy" ]]; then echo "Fixing GPU scheduler default" NEEDED_KARGS+=("--append-if-missing=gpu_sched.sched_policy=0") fi if [[ -n "$NEEDED_KARGS" ]]; then echo "Found needed karg changes, applying the following: ${NEEDED_KARGS[*]}" plymouth display-message --text="Updating kargs - Please wait, this may take a while" || true rpm-ostree kargs ${NEEDED_KARGS[*]} --reboot || exit 1 else echo "No karg changes needed" fi if [[ $IMAGE_NAME =~ "deck" || $IMAGE_NAME =~ "ally" || $IMAGE_NAME =~ "framegame" ]]; then if [[ ":Jupiter:Galileo:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then if [[ ":Jupiter:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then RESOLUTION=$(lshw -json -c display | jq -r .[]."configuration"."resolution") if [[ "${RESOLUTION}" = "1200,1920" ]]; then echo "Jupiter with DeckHD detected, disabling BIOS updates..." systemctl disable --now jupiter-biosupdate.service elif [[ "$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $(NF-1)}' /proc/meminfo)" == "31664740" ]]; then echo "Jupiter with 32GB RAM detected, disabling BIOS updates..." systemctl disable --now jupiter-biosupdate.service fi fi systemctl enable --now jupiter-fan-control.service systemctl enable --now vpower.service else echo "Generic device detected. Performing setup..." systemctl disable --now jupiter-fan-control.service systemctl disable --now vpower.service systemctl disable --now jupiter-biosupdate.service systemctl disable --now jupiter-controller-update.service systemctl disable --now ryzenadj.service systemctl disable --now batterylimit.service fi systemctl enable --now ds-inhibit.service fi # FSTAB CONFIGURATION if [[ $(grep "compress=zstd" /etc/fstab) ]]; then echo "Applying fstab param adjustments" if grep -q '64GB' <<< "$(lsblk -o MODEL)"; then echo "64GB eMMC detected" sed -i 's/compress=zstd:1/noatime,lazytime,discard=sync,compress-force=zstd:3,space_cache=v2/g' /etc/fstab else sed -i 's/compress=zstd:1/noatime,lazytime,commit=120,discard=async,compress-force=zstd:1,space_cache=v2/g' /etc/fstab fi else echo "No fstab param adjustments needed" fi # ZRAM MINIMUM-FREE CONFIGURATION echo "Current minimum-free ZRAM value: $CURRENT_FREE_ZRAM" if ((MINIMUM_FREE_ZRAM > CURRENT_FREE_ZRAM)); then sysctl -w "vm.min_free_kbytes=${MINIMUM_FREE_ZRAM}" echo "Found needed minimum-free ZRAM changes, applying the following: ${MINIMUM_FREE_ZRAM}" else echo "No minimum-free ZRAM changes needed" fi # HOSTNAME FIX # If the hostname is too long Distrobox will fail during setup # Let's check the length and reset it to something sensible if that happens. if (( $(hostname | wc -m) > 20 )); then hostnamectl set-hostname bazzite fi # Set default target to graphical, fixes rebase from base image if grep -qv "graphical.target" <<< "$(systemctl get-default)"; then systemctl set-default graphical.target fi # Ensure files needed for topgrade are always present if [[ ! -f "/etc/ublue-os/topgrade.toml" ]]; then mkdir -p "/etc/ublue-os" cp "/usr/etc/ublue-os/topgrade.toml" "/etc/ublue-os/topgrade.toml" fi if [[ ! -f "/etc/ublue-update/topgrade-system.toml" ]]; then mkdir -p "/etc/ublue-update" cp "/usr/etc/ublue-update/topgrade-system.toml" "/etc/ublue-update/topgrade-system.toml" fi if [[ ! -f "/etc/ublue-update/topgrade-user.toml" ]]; then mkdir -p "/etc/ublue-update" cp "/usr/etc/ublue-update/topgrade-user.toml" "/etc/ublue-update/topgrade-user.toml" fi if [[ ! -f "/etc/ublue-update/ublue-update.toml" ]]; then mkdir -p "/etc/ublue-update" cp "/usr/etc/ublue-update/ublue-update.toml" "/etc/ublue-update/ublue-update.toml" fi if [[ ! -f "/etc/ublue-update.d/system/00-system-update.py" ]]; then mkdir -p "/etc/ublue-update.d/system" cp "/usr/etc/ublue-update.d/system/00-system-update.py" "/etc/ublue-update.d/system/00-system-update.py" fi mkdir -p /etc/bazzite echo $HWS_VER > $HWS_VER_FILE echo $IMAGE_NAME > $KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME_FILE echo $IMAGE_FLAVOR > $KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR_FILE echo $FEDORA_VERSION > $KNOWN_FEDORA_VERSION_FILE echo $IMAGE_BRANCH > $KNOWN_IMAGE_BRANCH_FILE