from itertools import product import subprocess import json import time from typing import Any import re from collections import defaultdict REGISTRY = "docker://" IMAGE_MATRIX = { "base": ["desktop", "deck", "nvidia-closed", "nvidia-open"], "de": ["kde", "gnome"], "image_flavor": ["main", "asus", "surface"], } RETRIES = 3 RETRY_WAIT = 5 FEDORA_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\.fc\d\d") STABLE_START_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\d\d\.\d") OTHER_START_PATTERN = lambda target: re.compile(rf"{target}-\d\d\.\d") PATTERN_ADD = "\n| ✨ | {name} | | {version} |" PATTERN_CHANGE = "\n| 🔄 | {name} | {prev} | {new} |" PATTERN_REMOVE = "\n| ❌ | {name} | {version} | |" PATTERN_PKGREL_CHANGED = "{prev} ➡️ {new}" PATTERN_PKGREL = "{version}" COMMON_PAT = "### All Images\n| | Name | Previous | New |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |{changes}\n\n" OTHER_NAMES = { "desktop": "### Desktop Images\n| | Name | Previous | New |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |{changes}\n\n", "deck": "### Deck Images\n| | Name | Previous | New |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |{changes}\n\n", "kde": "### KDE Images\n| | Name | Previous | New |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |{changes}\n\n", "gnome": "### Gnome Images\n| | Name | Previous | New |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |{changes}\n\n", "nvidia": "### Nvidia Images\n| | Name | Previous | New |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |{changes}\n\n", "asus": "### Asus Images\n| | Name | Previous | New |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |{changes}\n\n", "surface": "### Surface Images\n| | Name | Previous | New |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |{changes}\n\n", } COMMITS_FORMAT = "### Commits\n| Hash | Subject |\n| --- | --- |{commits}\n\n" COMMIT_FORMAT = "\n| **[{short}]({hash})** | {subject} |" CHANGELOG_TITLE = "{tag}: {pretty}" CHANGELOG_FORMAT = """\ {handwritten} From previous `{target}` version `{prev}` there have been the following changes. **One package per new version shown.** ### Major packages | Name | Version | | --- | --- | | **Kernel** | {pkgrel:kernel} | | **Firmware** | {pkgrel:atheros-firmware} | | **Mesa** | {pkgrel:mesa-filesystem} | | **Gamescope** | {pkgrel:gamescope} | | **Gnome** | {pkgrel:gnome-control-center-filesystem} | | **KDE** | {pkgrel:plasma-desktop} | | **[HHD](** | {pkgrel:hhd} | {changes} ### How to rebase For current users, type the following to rebase to this version: ```bash # For this branch (if latest): bazzite-rollback-helper rebase {target} # For this specific image: bazzite-rollback-helper rebase {curr} ``` """ HANDWRITTEN_PLACEHOLDER = """\ This is an automatically generated changelog for release `{curr}`.""" BLACKLIST_VERSIONS = [ "kernel", "mesa-filesystem", "gamescope", "gnome-control-center-filesystem", "plasma-desktop", "atheros-firmware", ] def get_images(): for base, de, image_flavor in product(*IMAGE_MATRIX.values()): img = "bazzite" if base == "deck": if image_flavor == "asus": img += "-ally" else: img += "-deck" if de == "gnome": img += "-gnome" if base != "deck" and image_flavor == "asus": img += "-asus" if base == "nvidia-closed": img += "-nvidia" elif base == "nvidia-open": img += "-nvidia-open" yield img, base, de, image_flavor def get_manifests(target: str): out = {} imgs = list(get_images()) for j, (img, _, _, _) in enumerate(imgs): output = None print(f"Getting {img}:{target} manifest ({j+1}/{len(imgs)}).") for i in range(RETRIES): try: output = ["skopeo", "inspect", REGISTRY + img + ":" + target], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ).stdout break except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print( f"Failed to get {img}:{target}, retrying in {RETRY_WAIT} seconds ({i+1}/{RETRIES})" ) time.sleep(RETRY_WAIT) if output is None: print(f"Failed to get {img}:{target}, skipping") continue out[img] = json.loads(output) return out def get_tags(target: str, manifests: dict[str, Any]): tags = set() # Select random manifest to get reference tags from first = next(iter(manifests.values())) for tag in first["RepoTags"]: # Tags ending with .0 should not exist if tag.endswith(".0"): continue if target != "stable": if re.match(OTHER_START_PATTERN(target), tag): tags.add(tag) else: if re.match(STABLE_START_PATTERN, tag): tags.add(tag) # Remove tags not present in all images for manifest in manifests.values(): for tag in list(tags): if tag not in manifest["RepoTags"]: tags.remove(tag) tags = list(sorted(tags)) assert len(tags) > 2, "No current and previous tags found" return tags[-2], tags[-1] def get_packages(manifests: dict[str, Any]): packages = {} for img, manifest in manifests.items(): try: packages[img] = json.loads(manifest["Labels"][""])[ "packages" ] except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to get packages for {img}:\n{e}") return packages def get_package_groups(prev: dict[str, Any], manifests: dict[str, Any]): common = set() others = {k: set() for k in OTHER_NAMES.keys()} npkg = get_packages(manifests) ppkg = get_packages(prev) keys = set(npkg.keys()) | set(ppkg.keys()) pkg = defaultdict(set) for k in keys: pkg[k] = set(npkg.get(k, {})) | set(ppkg.get(k, {})) # Find common packages first = True for img, base, de, image_flavor in get_images(): if img not in pkg: continue if first: for p in pkg[img]: common.add(p) else: for c in common.copy(): if c not in pkg[img]: common.remove(c) first = False # Find other packages for t, other in others.items(): first = True for img, base, de, image_flavor in get_images(): if img not in pkg: continue if t == "asus" and image_flavor != "asus": continue if t == "surface" and image_flavor != "surface": continue if t == "nvidia" and "nvidia" not in base: continue if t == "kde" and de != "kde": continue if t == "gnome" and de != "gnome": continue if t == "deck" and base != "deck": continue if t == "desktop" and base == "deck": continue if first: for p in pkg[img]: if p not in common: other.add(p) else: for c in other.copy(): if c not in pkg[img]: other.remove(c) first = False return sorted(common), {k: sorted(v) for k, v in others.items()} def get_versions(manifests: dict[str, Any]): versions = {} pkgs = get_packages(manifests) for img_pkgs in pkgs.values(): for pkg, v in img_pkgs.items(): versions[pkg] = re.sub(FEDORA_PATTERN, "", v) return versions def calculate_changes(pkgs: list[str], prev: dict[str, str], curr: dict[str, str]): added = [] changed = [] removed = [] blacklist_ver = set([curr.get(v, None) for v in BLACKLIST_VERSIONS]) for pkg in pkgs: # Clearup changelog by removing mentioned packages if pkg in BLACKLIST_VERSIONS: continue if pkg in curr and curr.get(pkg, None) in blacklist_ver: continue if pkg in prev and prev.get(pkg, None) in blacklist_ver: continue if pkg not in prev: added.append(pkg) elif pkg not in curr: removed.append(pkg) elif prev[pkg] != curr[pkg]: changed.append(pkg) blacklist_ver.add(curr.get(pkg, None)) blacklist_ver.add(prev.get(pkg, None)) out = "" for pkg in added: out += PATTERN_ADD.format(name=pkg, version=curr[pkg]) for pkg in changed: out += PATTERN_CHANGE.format(name=pkg, prev=prev[pkg], new=curr[pkg]) for pkg in removed: out += PATTERN_REMOVE.format(name=pkg, version=prev[pkg]) return out def get_commits(prev_manifests, manifests, workdir: str): try: start = next(iter(prev_manifests.values()))["Labels"][ "org.opencontainers.image.revision" ] finish = next(iter(manifests.values()))["Labels"][ "org.opencontainers.image.revision" ] commits = [ "git", "-C", workdir, "log", "--pretty=format:%H %h %s", f"{start}..{finish}", ], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ).stdout.decode("utf-8") out = "" for commit in commits.split("\n"): if not commit: continue hash, short, subject = commit.split(" ", 2) if subject.lower().startswith("merge"): continue out += ( COMMIT_FORMAT.replace("{short}", short) .replace("{subject}", subject) .replace("{hash}", hash) ) if out: return COMMITS_FORMAT.format(commits=out) return "" except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to get commits:\n{e}") return "" def generate_changelog( handwritten: str | None, target: str, pretty: str | None, workdir: str, prev_manifests, manifests, ): common, others = get_package_groups(prev_manifests, manifests) versions = get_versions(manifests) prev_versions = get_versions(prev_manifests) prev, curr = get_tags(target, manifests) if not pretty: # Generate pretty version since we dont have it try: finish: str = next(iter(manifests.values()))["Labels"][ "org.opencontainers.image.revision" ] except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to get finish hash:\n{e}") finish = "" # Remove .0 from curr curr_pretty = re.sub(r"\.\d{1,2}$", "", curr) # Remove target- from curr curr_pretty = re.sub(rf"^[a-z]+-", "", curr_pretty) pretty = target.capitalize() + " (F" + curr_pretty if finish and target != "stable": pretty += ", #" + finish[:7] pretty += ")" title = CHANGELOG_TITLE.format_map(defaultdict(str, tag=curr, pretty=pretty)) changelog = CHANGELOG_FORMAT changelog = ( changelog.replace("{handwritten}", handwritten if handwritten else HANDWRITTEN_PLACEHOLDER) .replace("{target}", target) .replace("{prev}", prev) .replace("{curr}", curr) ) for pkg, v in versions.items(): if pkg not in prev_versions or prev_versions[pkg] == v: changelog = changelog.replace( "{pkgrel:" + pkg + "}", PATTERN_PKGREL.format(version=v) ) else: changelog = changelog.replace( "{pkgrel:" + pkg + "}", PATTERN_PKGREL_CHANGED.format(prev=prev_versions[pkg], new=v), ) changes = "" changes += get_commits(prev_manifests, manifests, workdir) common = calculate_changes(common, prev_versions, versions) if common: changes += COMMON_PAT.format(changes=common) for k, v in others.items(): chg = calculate_changes(v, prev_versions, versions) if chg: changes += OTHER_NAMES[k].format(changes=chg) changelog = changelog.replace("{changes}", changes) return title, changelog def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("target", help="Target tag") parser.add_argument("output", help="Output environment file") parser.add_argument("changelog", help="Output changelog file") parser.add_argument("--pretty", help="Subject for the changelog") parser.add_argument("--workdir", help="Git directory for commits") parser.add_argument("--handwritten", help="Handwritten changelog") args = parser.parse_args() # Remove refs/tags, refs/heads, refs/remotes e.g. # Tags cannot include / anyway. target ='/')[-1] if target == "main": target = "stable" manifests = get_manifests(target) prev, curr = get_tags(target, manifests) print(f"Previous tag: {prev}") print(f" Current tag: {curr}") prev_manifests = get_manifests(prev) title, changelog = generate_changelog( args.handwritten, target, args.pretty, args.workdir, prev_manifests, manifests, ) print(f"Changelog:\n# {title}\n{changelog}") print(f"\nOutput:\nTITLE=\"{title}\"\nTAG={curr}") with open(args.changelog, "w") as f: f.write(changelog) with open(args.output, "w") as f: f.write(f'TITLE="{title}"\nTAG={curr}\n') if __name__ == "__main__": main()