#!/usr/bin/env bash IMAGE_INFO="/usr/share/ublue-os/image-info.json" IMAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '."image-name"' < $IMAGE_INFO) IMAGE_FLAVOR=$(jq -r '."image-flavor"' < $IMAGE_INFO) BASE_IMAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '."base-image-name"' < $IMAGE_INFO) # SCRIPT VERSION HWS_VER=4 HWS_VER_FILE="/etc/bazzite/hws_version" HWS_VER_RAN=$(cat $HWS_VER_FILE) # IMAGE IDENTIFIERS KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME_FILE="/etc/bazzite/image_name" KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME=$(cat $KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME_FILE) KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR_FILE="/etc/bazzite/image_flavor" KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR=$(cat $KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR_FILE) # GLOBAL SYS_ID="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name)" GPU_ID=$(lspci -k | grep -A 3 -E "(VGA|3D)") KARGS=$(rpm-ostree kargs) NEEDED_KARGS="" echo "Current kargs: $KARGS" mkdir -p /etc/bazzite # KERNEL ARGUMENTS if [[ ":Jupiter:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then echo "Checking for needed karg changes (Jupiter)" if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "amd_pstate" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=amd_pstate=active" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "amd_iommu" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=amd_iommu=off" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "amdgpu.gttsize" ]]; then if [[ "$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $(NF-1)}' /proc/meminfo)" == "31664740" ]]; then echo "32GB RAM Steam Deck detected" NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=amdgpu.gttsize=16256" else NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=amdgpu.gttsize=8128" fi fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "spi_amd.speed_dev" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=spi_amd.speed_dev=1" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "initcall_blacklist" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=initcall_blacklist=simpledrm_platform_driver_init" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "nowatchdog" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=nowatchdog" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "nmi_watchdog" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=nmi_watchdog=0" fi fi if grep -qz "Kernel driver in use: radeon" <<< $GPU_ID; then echo "Legacy AMD hardware detected, enabling CIK and SI support in AMDGPU" if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "radeon.si_support" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=radeon.si_support=0" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "radeon.cik_support" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=radeon.cik_support=0" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "amdgpu.si_support" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=amdgpu.si_support=1" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "amdgpu.cik_support" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=amdgpu.cik_support=1" fi fi if [[ $IMAGE_FLAVOR = "nvidia" ]]; then echo "Checking for needed karg changes (Nvidia)" if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "rd.driver.blacklist" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "modprobe.blacklist" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=modprobe.blacklist=nouveau" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "nvidia-drm.modeset" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=nvidia-drm.modeset=1" fi else echo "Checking for needed karg changes" if [[ $KARGS =~ "rd.driver.blacklist" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --delete=rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau" fi if [[ $KARGS =~ "modprobe.blacklist" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --delete=modprobe.blacklist=nouveau" fi if [[ $KARGS =~ "nvidia-drm.modeset" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --delete=nvidia-drm.modeset=1" fi fi if [[ $KARGS =~ "nomodeset" ]]; then echo "Removing nomodeset" NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --delete=nomodeset" fi if [[ ! $KARGS =~ "rd.luks.options" ]]; then NEEDED_KARGS="$NEEDED_KARGS --append=rd.luks.options=discard" fi if [[ -n "$NEEDED_KARGS" ]]; then echo "Found needed karg changes, applying the following: $NEEDED_KARGS" rpm-ostree kargs ${NEEDED_KARGS} --reboot || exit 1 else echo "No karg changes needed" fi # RUN REMAINDER OF SCRIPT ONLY IF UPDATED if [[ -f $HWS_VER_FILE && $HWS_VER = $HWS_VER_RAN ]]; then if [[ -f $KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME_FILE && -f $KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR_FILE ]]; then # Run script if image has been rebased if [[ $IMAGE_NAME = $KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME && $IMAGE_FLAVOR = $KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR ]]; then echo "Hardware setup has already run. Exiting..." exit 0 fi fi fi if [[ $IMAGE_NAME =~ "deck" ]]; then if [[ ":Jupiter:" =~ ":$SYS_ID:" ]]; then # Future updates to deck on jupiter here else echo "Generic device detected. Performing setup..." systemctl enable --now handycon.service systemctl disable --now jupiter-fan-control.service systemctl disable --now vpower.service systemctl disable --now jupiter-biosupdate.service systemctl disable --now jupiter-controller-update.service systemctl disable --now ryzenadj.service systemctl disable --now batterylimit.service systemctl --global disable --now sdgyrodsu.service fi fi # FSTAB CONFIGURATION if [[ $(grep "compress=zstd" /etc/fstab) ]]; then echo "Applying fstab param adjustments" if grep -q '64GB' <<< $(lsblk -o MODEL); then echo "64GB eMMC detected" sed -i 's/compress=zstd:1/noatime,lazytime,discard=sync,compress-force=zstd:3,space_cache=v2/g' /etc/fstab else sed -i 's/compress=zstd:1/noatime,lazytime,commit=120,discard=async,compress-force=zstd:1,space_cache=v2/g' /etc/fstab fi else echo "No fstab param adjustments needed" fi echo $HWS_VER > $HWS_VER_FILE echo $IMAGE_NAME > $KNOWN_IMAGE_NAME_FILE echo $IMAGE_FLAVOR > $KNOWN_IMAGE_FLAVOR_FILE