feat: Add ujust command to install CoolerControl, an excellent GUI for controlling fan speeds on a wide array of hardware

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Gospodnetich 2024-03-06 17:51:43 -08:00
parent 10ff90c5d6
commit 30eac4aae9

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@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ install-lact:
rm /tmp/lact.rpm
echo 'Complete.'
# Install CoolerControl, a GUI for viewing all your system's sensors and for creating custom fan and pump profiles based on any available temperature sensor28
ublue-update --wait
wget https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/codifryed/CoolerControl/repo/fedora-$(rpm -E %fedora)/codifryed-CoolerControl-fedora-$(rpm -E %fedora).repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/_copr_codifryed-CoolerControl.repo
rpm-ostree install --apply-live -y liquidctl coolercontrol
systemctl enable coolercontrold.service
echo 'Complete.'
alias get-steamcmd := install-steamcmd
# Install SteamCMD (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD)