diff --git a/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/share/ublue-os/just/82-bazzite-apps.just b/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/share/ublue-os/just/82-bazzite-apps.just
index b2e02f70..6c9dc2b5 100644
--- a/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/share/ublue-os/just/82-bazzite-apps.just
+++ b/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/share/ublue-os/just/82-bazzite-apps.just
@@ -117,6 +117,80 @@ install-opentabletdriver:
     systemctl enable --user --now arch-opentabletdriver.service && \
     distrobox enter -n arch -- bash -c 'distrobox-export --app otd-gui'
+# This installs ollama, a way to run various open LLMs locally on the CPU or GPU
+    #!/usr/bin/env bash
+    echo 'Follow the prompts and check the tutorial: '
+    echo
+    # Detect nvidia drivers
+    if which nvidia-smi > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+        GPU_CHOICES+=("Nvidia (CUDA)")
+    fi
+    # Detect radeon hardware
+    if lspci | grep ' VGA ' | grep -sq Radeon; then
+        GPU_CHOICES+=("AMD (ROCm)")
+    fi
+    GPU_SELECTION=$(printf '%s\n' "${GPU_CHOICES[@]}" | gum choose --select-if-one --header "Select the type of graphics card you have")
+    echo "Selected ${GPU_SELECTION}!"
+    case "$GPU_SELECTION" in
+        "Nvidia (CUDA)")
+            IMAGE=latest
+            CUSTOM_ARGS="AddDevice=nvidia.com/gpu=all"
+            ;;
+        "AMD (ROCm)")
+            IMAGE=rocm
+            read -r -d '' CUSTOM_ARGS <<-'EOF'
+    AddDevice=/dev/dri
+    AddDevice=/dev/kfd
+    EOF
+            ;;
+    esac
+    read -r -d '' QUADLET <<-EOF
+    [Unit]
+    Description=The Ollama container
+    After=local-fs.target
+    [Service]
+    Restart=always
+    TimeoutStartSec=60
+    # Ensure there's a userland podman.sock
+    ExecStartPre=/bin/systemctl --user enable podman.socket
+    # Ensure that the dir exists
+    ExecStartPre=-mkdir -p %h/.ollama
+    [Container]
+    ContainerName=ollama
+    PublishPort=11434:11434
+    RemapUsers=keep-id
+    RunInit=yes
+    NoNewPrivileges=no
+    Volume=%h/.ollama:/.ollama
+    PodmanArgs=--userns=keep-id
+    PodmanArgs=--group-add=keep-groups
+    PodmanArgs=--ulimit=host
+    PodmanArgs=--security-opt=label=disable
+    PodmanArgs=--cgroupns=host
+    Image=docker.io/ollama/ollama:${IMAGE}
+    [Install]
+    RequiredBy=default.target
+    EOF
+    if [  ! -f ~/.config/containers/systemd/ollama.container ]; then
+        mkdir -p ~/.config/containers/systemd
+        echo "${QUADLET}" > ~/.config/containers/systemd/ollama.container
+    else
+        echo "Ollama container already exists, skipping..."
+    fi
+    systemctl --user daemon-reload
+    systemctl --user start ollama.service
+    echo "Please install the ollama cli via \`brew install ollama\`"
+    echo "If you do not have brew yet, please install it via \`ujust install-brew\`"
 # Create fedora distrobox if it doesn't exist