diff --git a/README-SPA.md b/README-SPA.md index 2cef8f28..050c16c4 100644 --- a/README-SPA.md +++ b/README-SPA.md @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite-deck-gnome - Los paquetes del sistema se mantienen relativamente actualizados a su última versión. - Puedes instalar paquetes de Fedora en capas (layered) sin que se pierdan entre actualizaciones. - Enfocado en seguridad con [SELinux](https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux) pre-instalado y configurado fuera de la caja. -- La habilidad de cambiar de base (rebase) de una imagen libostree de Fedora, si así se desea, sin perder datos del usuario. +- La habilidad de cambiar de base (rebase) de una imagen atómica de Fedora, si así se desea, sin perder datos del usuario. - Soporte para impresoras gracias a que el servidor de impresión [CUPS](https://www.cups.org/) viene pre-instalado. ## ¿Por qué? @@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ Todos los paquetes que son porteados de SteamOS, ChimeraOS u otros que son utilz | [gnome-shell-extension-caribou-blocker](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1326/block-caribou/) |  | | [gnome-shell-extension-hanabi](https://github.com/jeffshee/gnome-ext-hanabi) |  | | [gnome-shell-extension-compiz-windows-effect](https://github.com/hermes83/compiz-windows-effect) |  | +| [joystickwake](https://github.com/foresto/joystickwake) |  | | jupiter-fan-control |  | | jupiter-hw-support-[btrfs](https://gitlab.com/popsulfr/steamos-btrfs) |  | | [mangohud](https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud) |  | @@ -370,6 +371,8 @@ cosign verify --key cosign.pub ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite ## Arranque Seguro (Secure Boot) +**ADVERTENCIA:** ¡Los usuarios de la Steam Deck **NO** deben activar Secure Boot o registrar nuestras llaves digitales! + El Arranque Seguro (Secure Boot) tiene soporte gracias a nuestra llave digital personalizada. La llave pública puede encontrarse en la raíz de [este](https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/blob/main/secure_boot.der) repositorio. Si gustas registrar esta llave antes de instalar Bazzite, descarga la llave y ejecuta el siguiente comando en una terminal: diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2844bce8..53edc3f2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ <p align="center"> - <img src="/repo_content/Bazzite_Tagline.svg?raw=true" alt="Bazzite"/> + <a href="https://bazzite.gg/"><img src="/repo_content/Bazzite_Tagline.svg?raw=true" alt="Bazzite"/></a> </p> [](https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/actions/workflows/build.yml) @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ## About & Features -Bazzite is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the [Steam Deck](https://www.steamdeck.com/), and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers and living room home theater PCs. +[Bazzite](https://bazzite.gg/) is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the [Steam Deck](https://www.steamdeck.com/), and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers and living room home theater PCs. Bazzite is built from [ublue-os/main](https://github.com/ublue-os/main) and [ublue-os/nvidia](https://github.com/ublue-os/nvidia) using [Fedora](https://fedoraproject.org/) technology, which means expanded hardware support and built in drivers are included. Additionally, Bazzite adds the following features: diff --git a/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/bin/waydroid-launcher b/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/bin/waydroid-launcher index d0a15667..78a6841b 100755 --- a/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/bin/waydroid-launcher +++ b/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/bin/waydroid-launcher @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ fi # Launch Cage & Waydroid pkexec /usr/libexec/waydroid-container-start if [ -z "$(pgrep wlr-randr)" ]; then - cage -- bash -c "wlr-randr --output X11-1 --custom-mode ${WAYDROID_WIDTH:-1280}x${WAYDROID_HEIGHT:-800}; sleep 1; waydroid show-full-ui &> /dev/null &" + cage -- bash -c "wlr-randr --output X11-1 --custom-mode ${WAYDROID_WIDTH:-1280}x${WAYDROID_HEIGHT:-800}; sleep 1; waydroid show-full-ui &> /dev/null &" & fi # Fix controllers, we know Waydroid has started because surfaceflinger is running