Merge branch 'main' into testing

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Gospodnetich 2024-06-25 08:08:14 -07:00
commit 19d61d7da0

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@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
# This is a workaround for cards that somehow has their sysfs power1_cap permission set to 666 on boot
# Which in turn makes steam directly set the TDP to 15W
POWER_CAP_PATH=$(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
SYSFS_PATH=$(find /sys/class/hwmon/*/ -name "power1_cap")
# If the permissions are set to writable
if [ "$(stat -c %a "$POWER_CAP_PATH")" == "666" ]; then
chmod 644 "$POWER_CAP_PATH"
echo "fix: Permissions reset to 644 on $POWER_CAP_PATH" | systemd-cat -t bazzite-tdpfix -p warning
# Loop through the SYSFS paths that has a "power1_cap"
# If the permissions are set to writable
if [ "$(stat -c %a "$POWER_CAP_PATH")" == "666" ]; then
chmod 644 "$POWER_CAP_PATH"
echo "fix: Permissions reset to 644 on $POWER_CAP_PATH" | systemd-cat -t bazzite-tdpfix -p warning
# If TDP is 15W and default TDP is higher than 45W, set card to use default TDP
# This will then be handled by firmware or software afterwards as this is set once
if [ "$(cat "$POWER_CAP_PATH")" == "15000000" ] && [ "$(cat "${POWER_CAP_PATH}_default")" -gt "45000000" ]; then
"$(cat "${POWER_CAP_PATH}_default")" > "$POWER_CAP_PATH"
echo "fix: TDP reset to default on $POWER_CAP_PATH" | systemd-cat -t bazzite-tdpfix -p warning
# If TDP is 15W and default TDP is higher than 45W, set card to use default TDP
# This will then be handled by firmware or software afterwards as this is set once
if [ "$(cat "$POWER_CAP_PATH")" == "15000000" ] && [ "$(cat "${POWER_CAP_PATH}_default")" -gt "45000000" ]; then
"$(cat "${POWER_CAP_PATH}_default")" > "$POWER_CAP_PATH"
echo "fix: TDP reset to default on $POWER_CAP_PATH" | systemd-cat -t bazzite-tdpfix -p warning