2016-12-23 12:38:32 -03:00

535 lines
12 KiB

# Aseprite
# Copyright (C) 2016 by David Capello
title = Warning - Important
description = You are going to enter in "Advanced Mode".
dont_show_again = Don't show this again
brush = Brush:
brush_type = Type
brush_size = Size
brush_angle = Angle
color = Color:
foreground = Foreground
background = Background
image_color = Image Color
ink = Ink:
ink_type = Type
ink_opacity = Opacity
extras = Extras:
shade = Shade
pixel_perfect = Pixel-Perfect
title = Canvas Size
size = Size:
width = Width:
height = Height:
borders = Borders:
left = Left:
left_tooltip = <<<END
Columns to be added/removed in the left side.
Use a negative number to remove columns.
top = Top:
top_tooltip = <<<END
Rows to be added/removed in the top side.
Use a negative number to remove rows
right = Right:
right_tooltip = <<<END
Columns to be added/removed in the right side.
Use a negative number to remove columns.
bottom = Bottom:
bottom_tooltip = <<<END
Rows to be added/removed in the bottom side.
Use a negative number to remove rows.
title = Cel Properties
opacity = Opacity:
user_data_tooltip = User Data
title = Point Properties
x = X:
y = Y:
ok = &OK
cancel = &Cancel
delete = &Delete
reload_stock = &Reload Stock
width = Width:
height = Height:
title = Duplicate Sprite
duplicate = Duplicate:
as = As:
merged_layers = Duplicate merged layers only
title = Export Sprite Sheet
sheet_type = Sheet Type:
columns = # of Columns:
rows = # of Rows:
padding = Padding
border = Border:
shape = Shape:
inner = Inner:
width = Width:
height = Height:
best_fit = Best fit for texture
layers = Layers:
frames = Frames:
output_file = Output File
json_data = JSON Data
json_data_hash = Hash
json_data_array = Array
meta = Meta:
meta_layers = Layers
meta_frame_tags = Frame Tags
open_sprite_sheet = Open generated sprite sheet
export = &Export
cancel = &Cancel
go_back_button_tooltip = Go back one folder
go_forward_button_tooltip = Go forward one folder
go_up_button_tooltip = Up to parent folder
new_folder_button_tooltip = New folder
file_name = File name:
file_type = File type:
resize = Resize:
layeres = Layers:
frames = Frames:
resize = Resize:
layers = Layers:
frames = Frames:
available_fonts = Available Fonts:
load = Load
title = Frame Properties
frame_number = Frame number:
duration = Duration (milliseconds):
title = Frame Tag Properties
name = Name:
from = From:
to = To:
color = Color:
ani_dir = Animation Direction:
ok = &OK
close = &Close
yes = &Yes
no = &No
cancel = &Cancel
user_data = User Data
title = GIF Options
general_options = General Options:
interlaced = &Interlaced
animation_loop = Animation &Loop
ok = &OK
cancel = &Cancel
title = Go to Frame
frame_number = Frame number:
title = Grid Settings
x = X:
y = Y:
width = Width:
height = Height:
recover = Recover Lost Sprites
new_file = New File...
open_file = Open File...
recent_files = Recent files:
recent_folders = Recent folders:
news = News:
title = Import Sprite Sheet
select_file = Select File
type = Type:
x = X:
y = Y:
width = Width:
height = Height:
partial_tiles = Include partial tiles at bottom/right edges
import = &Import
cancel = &Cancel
title = JPEG Options
quality = Quality:
title = Keyboard Shortcuts
import = &Import
export = &Export
reset = &Reset
ok = &OK
cancel = &Cancel
title = Layer Properties
name = Name:
mode = Mode:
opacity = Opacity:
title = Modify Selection
by = By:
circle = Circle Brush
square = Square Brush
title = New Folder
folder_name = Folder Name:
default_new_folder_name = New Folder
title = New Layer
name = Name:
default_new_layer_name = New Layer
title = New Sprite
size = Size:
width = Width:
height = Height:
color_mode = Color Mode:
rgba = &RGBA
grayscale = &Grayscale
indexed = &Indexed
rgba_tooltip = <<<END
Each pixel has Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha components
(32 bits per pixel)
grayscale_tooltip = <<<END
Each pixel has a Gray value and Alpha
(16 bits per pixel)
indexed_tooltip = <<<END
Each pixel is a reference to the palette
(8 bits per pixel)
background = Background:
transparent = &Transparent
white = &White
black = &Black
advanced_options = Advanced Options
pixel_ratio = Pixel Ratio:
square_pixels = Square Pixels (1:1)
double_wide = Double-wide Pixels (2:1)
double_high = Double-high Pixels (1:2)
title = Notice
description = Do you want to load the following files as an animation?
repeat = Do the same for other files
agree = &Agree
skip = &Skip
title = Preferences
section_general = General
section_editor = Editor
section_timeline = Timeline
section_cursors = Cursors
section_background = Background
section_grid = Grid
section_undo = Undo
section_theme = Theme
section_experimental = Experimental
general = General
screen_scaling = Screen Scaling:
ui_scaling = UI Elements Scaling:
gpu_acceleration = GPU acceleration
gpu_acceleration_tooltip = Check this option to enable hardware acceleration
expand_menu_bar_items_on_mouseover = Expand menu bar items on mouseover
expand_menu_bar_items_on_mouseover_tooltip = <<<END
Check this option to get
this old menus behavior.
auto_save_recovery_data = Automatically save recovery data every
auto_save_recovery_data_tooltip = <<<END
With this option you can recover your documents
if the program finalizes unexpectedly.
10_seconds = 10 Seconds
30_seconds = 30 Seconds
1_minute = 1 Minute
2_minutes = 2 Minutes
5_minutes = 5 Minutes
10_minutes = 10 Minutes
15_minutes = 15 Minutes
30_minutes = 30 Minutes
show_full_path = Show full file name path
show_full_path_tooltip = <<<END
Uncheck this option if you would prefer to hide
full path on UI (e.g. useful for live streaming)
locate_file = Locate Configuration File
locate_crash_folder = Locate Crash Folder
wheel_zoom = Zoom with scroll wheel
slide_zoom = Zoom sliding two fingers up or down
zoom_from_center_with_wheel = Zoom from center with scroll wheel
zoom_from_center_with_keys = Zoom from center with keys
show_scrollbars = Show scroll-bars in sprite editor
show_scrollbars_tooltip = Show scroll-bars in all sprite editors.
auto_scroll = Auto-scroll on editor edges
right_click = Right-click:
editor_selection = Selection
auto_opaque = Adjust opaque/transparent mode automatically
auto_opaque_tooltip = <<<END
Depending on the layer (background/transparent),
the pasted selection will be adjusted
automatically (opaque/transparent)
keep_selection_after_clear = Keep selection after "Edit > Clear" command
keep_selection_after_clear_tooltip = <<END
Check this if you want to keep the selection
after deleting it.
autotimeline = Show timeline automatically
autotimeline_tooltip = <<<END
Show the timeline automatically
when a new frame or layer is added.
rewind_on_stop = Rewind on Stop
rewind_on_stop_tooltip = <<<END
The 'Stop' button should rewind the animation
where it was started.
default_first_frame = Default First Frame:
ui_mouse_cursor = UI Mouse Cursor
native_cursor = Use native mouse cursors
cursor_scale_label = Mouse Cursor Scale:
painting_cursors = Painting Cursors
crosshair_type = Crosshair Type:
simple_crosshair = Simple Crosshair
crosshair_on_sprite = Crosshair on Sprite
brush_preview = Brush Preview:
brush_preview_none = None
brush_preview_edges = Brush Edges
brush_preview_full = Full Real-time Brush Preview
cursor_color_type = Crosshair & Brush Edges Color:
cursor_neg_bw = Negative Black and White
cursor_specific_color = Specific Color
bg_checked = Checked Background
bg_size = Size:
bg_apply_zoom = Apply Zoom
bg_colors = Colors:
reset_bg = Reset
grid_visible = Visible Grid
grid_x = X:
grid_y = Y:
grid_width = Width:
grid_height = Height:
grid_color = Color:
grid_opacity = Opacity:
grid_auto = Auto
grid_pixel_grid_visible = Visible Pixel Grid
grid_pixel_grid_color = Color:
grid_pixel_grid_opacity = Opacity:
reset_grid = Reset
undo = Undo
undo_size_limit = Undo Limit:
undo_size_limit_tooltip = <<<END
Limit of memory to be used
for undo information per sprite.
Specified in megabytes.
undo_mb = MB
undo_goto_modified = Go to modified frame/layer
undo_goto_modified_tooltip = <<<END
When it's enabled each time you undo/redo
the current frame & layer will be modified
to focus the undid/redid change.
undo_allow_nonlinear_history = Allow non-linear history
available_themes = Available Themes
select_theme = &Select
open_theme_folder = Open &Folder
user_interface = User Interface
native_file_dialog = Use native file dialog
flash_selected_layer = Flash layer when it is selected
non_active_layer_opacity = Opacity for non-active layers:
ok = &OK
apply = &Apply
cancel = &Cancel
title = Palette from Sprite
new_palette = Create a new palette with a specific number of colors (or less):
replace_palette = Replace current palette
replace_range = Replace current range
alpha_channel = Create entries with alpha component
title = Available Palettes:
load = &Load
open_folder = Open &Folder
title = Palette Size
number_of_colors = Number of colors:
title = Insert Text
text = Text:
font_size = Font Size:
font = Font:
select_font = Select Font
color = Color:
antialias = Anti-aliasing filter
antialias_tooltip = Smooth font edges
from = From:
to = To:
tolerance = Tolerance:
title = Keyboard Shortcut
key = Key:
clear = Clear
modifiers = Modifiers:
ctrl = Ctrl
cmd = Cmd
alt = Alt
shift = Shift
space = Space
win = Win
assigned_to = Assigned to:
ok = OK
cancel = Cancel
title = Crash Report
send_file = Please send the following file:
to_email = To this email:
explaining = Explaining what you was doing when the program crashed.
using_dev_ver = You are using a development version.
open_dmp_file = Open the following file to debug your compilation:
do_it_later = Do it later
delete_file = Delete file, I've already sent it
title = Sprite Properties
filename = File name:
type = Type:
size = Size:
frames = Frames:
advanced = Advanced
transparent_color = Transparent Color:
transparent_color_tooltip = <<<END
Palette entry used as
transparent color in each
layer (only for indexed images).
pixel_ratio = Pixel Ratio:
square_pixels = Square Pixels (1:1)
double_wide = Double-wide Pixels (2:1)
double_high = Double-high Pixels (1:2)
title = Sprite Size
pixels = Pixels:
width = Width:
width_px_tooltip = New width for the sprite (in pixels)
width_perc_tooltip = <<<END
New width for the sprite
Percentage of current width.
height = Height:
height_px_tooltip = New height for the sprite (in pixels)
height_perc_tooltip = <<<END
New height for the sprite
Percentage of current height.
lock_ratio = Lock Ratio
percentage = Percentage:
interpolation = Interpolation:
method = Method:
position = Position:
left = &Left
right = &Right
bottom = &Bottom
frame_header = Frame Header:
first_frame = First Frame:
thumbnails = Thumbnails:
force = Force
zoom = Zoom:
overlay = Overlay
size = Size:
onion_skin = Onion Skin:
merge_frames = Merge Frames
red_blue_tint = Red/Blue Tint
reset = Reset
opacity = Opacity:
opacity_step = Opacity Step:
loop_tags = Loop through tag frames
current_layer = Current layer only
behind_sprite = Behind sprite
behind_sprite_toolip = <<<END
Only for transparent layers.
Background is not included in this onion skin mode.
in_front = In front of sprite
in_front_toolip = For all kind of layers (background and transparents)
title = Undo History
title = User Data
user_data = User Data:
color = Color:
title = WebP Options
save_as = Save as:
lossless_webp = Lossless WebP
lossless_webp_tooltip = Save in simple WebP lossless format.
compression = Compression:
image_hint = Image Hint:
image_hint_default = Default
image_hint_picture = Picture
image_hint_photo = Photo
image_hint_graph = Graph
lossy_webp = Lossy WebP
lossy_webp_tooltip = Save in simple WebP lossy format.
quality = Quality:
image_preset = Image Preset:
image_preset_default = Default
image_preset_picture = Picture
image_preset_photo = Photo
image_preset_drawing = Drawing
image_preset_icon = Icon
image_preset_text = Text