دانتي باولا b40614ca36
Use FlattenLayers for MergeDownLayerCommand (#4643)
Rework of the cmd::FlattenLayers implementation to accommodates the
'Merge Down' command as a special case.
2024-09-20 17:25:09 -03:00
2024-05-28 15:00:22 -03:00
2022-10-25 15:57:31 -03:00

Aseprite Tests

Test suite for Aseprite to avoid breaking backward compatibility.

This directory is cloned by the build.yml action to run several automated tests after Aseprite is compiled:

How to run tests?

You have to set the ASEPRITE environment variable pointing to the Aseprite executable and then run run-tests.sh from Bash:

export ASEPRITE=$HOME/your-aseprite-build/bin/aseprite
cd tests
bash run-tests.sh

You can filter some tests with a regex giving a parameter to run-tests.sh, for example:

run-tests.sh color

Should run all tests which have the color word in their name.