2008-03-29 04:35:30 +00:00

101 lines
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Next beta
- Check these routines:
+ move_cel
+ copy_cel
+ link_cel
+ quick_move
+ quick_copy
+ quick_swap
- search for "TODO remove me"
- fix colors (Background layer never with alpha < 255)
- tooltips for color-bar.
+ agregar soporte para UNDO al cambiar los colores de la paleta.
High priority work
- search for TODO;
- if there is activated the Tools Configuration dialog box, the
Shift+G and Shift+S should update it
+ Solution: with hooks and Options (add core/options.[ch])
- add a consistent error handling.
- rewrite the film editor.
- rewrite tools-inks-drawingmode stuff;
- new animation editor (remove the film editor)
- drag & drop files in Windows.
- add core/options & the Options structure.
- add two DrawClick2:
- DrawClick2FreeHand
- DrawClick2Shape
- remove the jfilesel.c
- fix the sprite-properties dialog when select the constant
frame length.
- ver por el nuevo load_font de Allegro.
- complete palette operations, and palette editor (it needs a slider
or something to move between palette changes);
- fix undo of big chunks (more than limit):
+ how to reproduce the error? create an RGB image of 800x600, add a
layer, add a frame, move the new frame to the other layer, undo,
there is the bug.
- fix quantize (one palette for all frames, one palette per frame)
- fix Jinete examples:
+ 05fsel
+ 09lists
+ 20combo
+ 21manage
+ finished the support for ICO files.
- add "size" to GUI font (for TTF fonts);
- layer movement between sets in filmeditor;
+ add all the "set" stuff again;
- quick swap;
+ the regions mustn't be overlapped;
- options to change the curve type (in curedit.c);
- More Commands:
+ resize sprite;
+ rotate sprite;
+ canvas size;
- gauss blur;
- pal-operations (sort, quantize, gamma by color-curves, etc.);
- RGB and HSV effects;
- color-curve stock;
- fix algo_ellipsefill;
- view_tiled() should support animation playback (partial support:
with left and right keys).
- when press Plus/Minus pad in the editor and the configuration tool
window is active, the slider of the "Brush Size" must be updated.
- make keys like 9, 0, + Pad, - Pad configurable.
- drawing tools:
+ real-spray;
+ Animator Pro like: oval, petal, rpoly, star, poly, spiral;
- dacap wish-list:
+ added starred file-items in the file-selector.
- manuq wish-list:
+ layer-with-constant-cel
- Mateusz Czaplinski ideas:
+ when move selections, will be good the possibility to see relative
position from the starting point of movement;
+ make drawing the 'marching-ants-rectangle' a prioritaire thing to
draw (when move it).
Low priority stuff
- add more unit-tests.
- test routines: load/save_pic_file, load/save_msk_file,
- fix the fli reader (both Allegro and Gfli): when a frame hasn't
chunks means that it's looks like the last frame;
- talk with Ben Davis, his "quantize.c" has memory leaks (test it
more, I don't think so);
- talk with Elias Pschernig, his "do_ellipse_diameter" (algo_ellipse)
has a bug with ellipses of some dimensions (I made a test, and a
various sizes have errors).
- optimize the *_to_allegro image methods (I profiled ASE, and these
are the more slow routines in all the program);