David Capello 9fbc9374e2 Fix problem pasting from the clipboard when the active tool is a non-selection one.
The PixelsMovement uses the document's extra cel to show the transformation
preview. On the other side, painting tools use the extra cel to show
the drawing cursor preview. So MovingPixelsState is incompatible
with painting tools, both use the extra cel for different purposes.
2012-01-06 00:41:02 -03:00

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<div id="page">

<div id="title">ASEPRITE</div>
<div id="subtitle">Copyright &copy; 2001-2011 David Capello</div>
<div id="warning">
  See <a href="#license">license</a> section for more information.

<p id="tableofcontent">
  <a href="#introduction">Introduction</a><br/>
  <a href="#features">Features</a><br/>
  <a href="#configuration_files">Configuration Files</a><br/>
  <a href="#contact_information">Contact Information</a><br/>
  <a href="#license">License</a><br/>
  <a href="#authors">Authors</a><br/>

<a name="introduction"></a><h1>INTRODUCTION</h1>
  <b>ASEPRITE</b> is an open source program to create animated
  sprites. Sprites are little images that can be used in your website
  or in a video game. You can draw characters with movement, intros,
  textures, patterns, backgrounds, logos, color palettes, isometric
  levels, etc.
  What makes ASEPRITE different? It focuses on pixel editing, to do
  pixel-art. Indeed, it isn't a photo retouching tool or a vector
  graphics editor. Mainly it is a tool to create tiny animations

<a name="features"></a><h1>FEATURES</h1>
  The main features of ASEPRITE are:
        Sprites are composed by <b>layers</b> &amp; <b>frames</b>.
        Supported color modes: <b>RGBA</b>, <b>Indexed</b> (palettes up to 256 colors), and Grayscale.
        Supported image formats (load/save): <b>PNG</b>, <b>GIF</b>, JPG, FLC, FLI, BMP, PCX, TGA, and ASE (special format).
        Load and save animations in a <b>sequence of bitmaps</b> (e.g. frame1.png, frame2.png, etc.).
        <b>Tiled</b> drawing mode, useful to draw <b>patterns</b> and textures.
        <b>Undo/Redo</b> for every operation.
        <b>Multiple editors</b> support. You can split an editor horizontally or vertically multiple times
        to edit and view the same sprite with different zooms, or different sprites.
        Import/Export <b>Sprite Sheets</b>.
        Pixel art specific tools like filled <b>Contour</b> &amp; <b>Polygon</b>.
        <b>Onion skinning</b>.

<a name="configuration_files"></a><h1>CONFIGURATION FILES</h1>
  In Windows XP/Vista/7 the main configuration file is
  <em>aseprite.ini</em> which is saved in the same folder of
  executable file (in this way ASEPRITE is a portable
  application, i.e. you can transport a copy of the program
  in your USB drive).
  The following is a list of all configuration files that you could
  modify (it is not recommended to do so, but is useful if you want to
  <em>super</em>-customize ASEPRITE):
  <pre>aseprite.ini          Program configuration
data/gui.xml          Menus, shortcuts, and tools
data/convmatr.def     Convolutions matrices
data/skins/*.*        ASEPRITE skins
data/widgets/*.xml    XML files with dialogs</pre>
  In GNU/Linux, the configuration file is ~/.asepriterc, and
  the data/ files are searched in these locations (in priority

<a name="contact_information"></a><h1>CONTACT INFORMATION</h1>
<p>You can report problems (bugs) or features in the Google Code project:</p>
  <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/aseprite/issues/entry">Bugs</a></li>
  <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/aseprite/issues/entry?template=New%20feature">Request features</a></li>
  <li><a href="http://groups.google.com/group/aseprite-discuss">ASEPRITE Group</a> (<a href="mailto:aseprite-discuss+subscribe@googlegroups.com">subscribe</a>)</li>
  For more information, visit the official page of the project:
  <a href="http://www.aseprite.org/">http://www.aseprite.org/</a>

<a name="license"></a><h1>LICENSE</h1>
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the <a href="docs/licenses/GPL.txt">GNU General Public License</a>
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307

<a name="authors"></a><h1>AUTHORS</h1>
<div class="author">David Capello &lt;<a href="mailto:davidcapello@gmail.com">davidcapello@gmail.com</a>&gt;</div>
<div class="details">
  Programmer, designer, and maintainer.
  <a href="http://dacap.com.ar/">http://dacap.com.ar/</a>
<div class="author">Ilija Melentijevic</div>
<div class="details">
  New GUI skin (from ASEPRITE 0.8). A lot of good ideas.
  <a href="http://ilkke.blogspot.com/">http://ilkke.blogspot.com/</a>
  <a href="http://www.pixeljoint.com/p/9270.htm">http://www.pixeljoint.com/p/9270.htm</a>
<div class="author">Contributors</div>
<div class="details">
  <a href="http://code.google.com/p/aseprite/people/list">http://code.google.com/p/aseprite/people/list</a>
  Thanks to all the people who have contributed ideas, patches, bugs
  report, feature requests, donations, and help me developing
<a name="thankfulness"></a><h2>CREDITS</h2>
  ASEPRITE uses libraries or parts of the original source code
  of the following projects created by third-parties:
<div class="library">
  Allegro 4
  | <a href="http://alleg.sourceforge.net/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/allegro4-LICENSE.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://curl.haxx.se/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/curl-LICENSE.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.freetype.org/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/FTL.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/giflib/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/giflib-LICENSE.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.gimp.org/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/GPL.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.gtk.org/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/LGPL-2.1.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  Google Test
  | <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googletest/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/gtest-LICENSE.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.levien.com/libart/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/LGPL-2.0.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.ijg.org/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/libjpeg-LICENSE.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/libpng-LICENSE.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://tjaden.strangesoft.net/loadpng/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/ZLIB.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.x.org/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/XFree86-LICENSE.txt">license</a>
<div class="library">
  | <a href="http://www.gzip.org/zlib/">homepage</a>
  | <a href="docs/licenses/ZLIB.txt">license</a>

<div style="margin:16px 0px;">
Other parts of code by:

<div class="author">Gary Oberbrunner</div>
<div class="details">
  Code to quantize RGB images with ordered dither method.

<div class="author">Javier Gonzalez</div>
<div class="details">
  AllegroFont wrapper.

<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2001-2011 David Capello</div>
C++ 94.2%
Lua 3.7%
Shell 0.9%
CMake 0.8%
C 0.2%
Other 0.2%