This fix solves u,v set calculation when 'image brush' are used. The cause of this bug is that we considered the set m_u, m_v as constants. We have several cases when we are working on X axis: - Scanline entirely contained in a tile, but OUTSIDE of the reference tile. - Scanline entirely contained in a tile, but INSIDE of the reference tile. - The left side of a scanline which was sliced (by the tile limit). - The right side of a scanline which was sliced (by the tile limit). Each one has its own m_u, so we need to recalculate it before every loop->getInk()->inkHline(...). We have to take similar considerations when we are working in the Y axis. We need recalculate m_v according if 'y+scanline.y' is INSIDE or OUTSIDE of the reference tile, each case has its own m_v. Bug reports: * *
Aseprite is a program to create animated sprites. Its main features are:
- Sprites are composed by layers & frames (as separated concepts).
- Supported color modes: RGBA, Indexed (palettes up to 256 colors), and Grayscale.
- Load/save sequence of PNG files and GIF animations (and FLC, FLI, JPG, BMP, PCX, TGA).
- Export/import animations to/from Sprite Sheets.
- Tiled drawing mode, useful to draw patterns and textures.
- Undo/Redo for every operation.
- Real-time animation preview.
- Multiple editors support.
- Pixel-art specific tools like filled Contour, Polygon, Shading mode, etc.
- Onion skinning
There is a list of Known Issues (things to be fixed or that aren't yet implemented).
If you found a bug or have a new idea/feature for the program, you can report them.
You can ask for help in:
- Aseprite Community
- Aseprite Discord Server
- Official support:
- Social networks and community-driven places: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram.
Igara Studio is developing Aseprite:
- David Capello: Lead developer, fixing issues, new features, and user support.
- Gaspar Capello: Developer, fixing issues and new features.
The default Aseprite theme was introduced in v0.8, created by:
Aseprite includes color palettes created by:
- Richard "DawnBringer" Fhager, 16 colors, 32 colors.
- Arne Niklas Jansson, 16 colors, 32 colors.
- ENDESGA Studios, EDG16 and EDG32, and other palettes
- Hyohnoo Games, mail24 palette.
- Davit Masia, matriax8c palette.
- Javier Guerrero, nyx8 palette.
- Adigun A. Polack, AAP-64, AAP-Splendor128, SimpleJPC-16, and AAP-Micro12 palette.
- PineTreePizza, Rosy-42 palette
It tries to replicate some pixel-art algorithms:
- RotSprite by Xenowhirl.
- Pixel perfect drawing algorithm by Sébastien Bénard and Carduus.
Thanks to third-party open source projects, to contributors, and all the people who have contributed ideas, patches, bugs report, feature requests, donations, and help me to develop Aseprite.
This program is distributed under three different licenses:
- Source code and official releases/binaries are distributed under our End-User License Agreement for Aseprite (EULA). Please check that there are modules/libraries in the source code that are distributed under the MIT license (e.g. laf, clip, undo, observable, ui, etc.).
- You can request a special educational license in case you are a teacher in an educational institution and want to use Aseprite in your classroom (in-situ).
- Steam releases are distributed under the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement.
You can get more information about Aseprite license in the FAQ.