mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 10:20:48 +00:00
In this was we can process the text string just one time to remove the character preceded by '&' that will be finally acts as a mnemonic. This simplifies the rendering and text measure code too.
712 lines
21 KiB
712 lines
21 KiB
// Aseprite
// Copyright (C) 2001-2017 David Capello
// This program is distributed under the terms of
// the End-User License Agreement for Aseprite.
#include "config.h"
#include "app/widget_loader.h"
#include "app/app.h"
#include "app/i18n/strings.h"
#include "app/modules/gui.h"
#include "app/resource_finder.h"
#include "app/ui/button_set.h"
#include "app/ui/color_button.h"
#include "app/ui/drop_down_button.h"
#include "app/ui/icon_button.h"
#include "app/ui/search_entry.h"
#include "app/ui/skin/skin_style_property.h"
#include "app/ui/skin/skin_theme.h"
#include "app/widget_not_found.h"
#include "app/xml_document.h"
#include "app/xml_exception.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/fs.h"
#include "base/memory.h"
#include "she/system.h"
#include "ui/ui.h"
#include "tinyxml.h"
#include <climits>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
namespace app {
using namespace ui;
using namespace app::skin;
static int convert_align_value_to_flags(const char *value);
static int int_attr(const TiXmlElement* elem, const char* attribute_name, int default_value);
: m_tooltipManager(NULL)
for (TypeCreatorsMap::iterator
it=m_typeCreators.begin(), end=m_typeCreators.end(); it != end; ++it)
void WidgetLoader::addWidgetType(const char* tagName, IWidgetTypeCreator* creator)
m_typeCreators[tagName] = creator;
Widget* WidgetLoader::loadWidget(const char* fileName, const char* widgetId, ui::Widget* widget)
std::string buf;
ResourceFinder rf;
buf = "widgets/";
buf += fileName;
if (!rf.findFirst())
throw WidgetNotFound(widgetId);
widget = loadWidgetFromXmlFile(rf.filename(), widgetId, widget);
if (!widget)
throw WidgetNotFound(widgetId);
return widget;
Widget* WidgetLoader::loadWidgetFromXmlFile(
const std::string& xmlFilename,
const std::string& widgetId,
ui::Widget* widget)
m_tooltipManager = NULL;
m_stringIdPrefix = widgetId;
XmlDocumentRef doc(open_xml(xmlFilename));
TiXmlHandle handle(doc.get());
// Search the requested widget.
TiXmlElement* xmlElement = handle
while (xmlElement) {
const char* nodename = xmlElement->Attribute("id");
if (nodename && nodename == widgetId) {
widget = convertXmlElementToWidget(xmlElement, NULL, NULL, widget);
xmlElement = xmlElement->NextSiblingElement();
return widget;
Widget* WidgetLoader::convertXmlElementToWidget(const TiXmlElement* elem, Widget* root, Widget* parent, Widget* widget)
const std::string elem_name = elem->Value();
// TODO error handling: add a message if the widget is bad specified
// Try to use one of the creators.
TypeCreatorsMap::iterator it = m_typeCreators.find(elem_name);
if (it != m_typeCreators.end()) {
if (!widget)
widget = it->second->createWidgetFromXml(elem);
else if (elem_name == "panel") {
if (!widget)
widget = new Panel();
else if (elem_name == "box") {
bool horizontal = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
bool vertical = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");
int align = (horizontal ? HORIZONTAL: vertical ? VERTICAL: 0);
if (!widget)
widget = new Box(align);
widget->setAlign(widget->align() | align);
else if (elem_name == "vbox") {
if (!widget)
widget = new VBox();
else if (elem_name == "hbox") {
if (!widget)
widget = new HBox();
else if (elem_name == "boxfiller") {
if (!widget)
widget = new BoxFiller();
else if (elem_name == "button") {
const char* icon_name = elem->Attribute("icon");
if (!widget) {
if (icon_name) {
SkinPartPtr part = SkinTheme::instance()->getPartById(icon_name);
if (!part)
throw base::Exception("<button> element found with invalid 'icon' attribute '%s'",
widget = new IconButton(part->bitmap(0));
else {
widget = new Button("");
bool left = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "left");
bool right = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
bool top = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
bool closewindow = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "closewindow");
widget->setAlign((left ? LEFT: (right ? RIGHT: CENTER)) |
(top ? TOP: (bottom ? BOTTOM: MIDDLE)));
if (closewindow) {
->Click.connect(base::Bind<void>(&Widget::closeWindow, widget));
else if (elem_name == "check") {
const char *looklike = elem->Attribute("looklike");
if (looklike != NULL && strcmp(looklike, "button") == 0) {
if (!widget)
widget = new CheckBox("", kButtonWidget);
else {
if (!widget)
widget = new CheckBox("");
bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
bool right = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
bool top = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
widget->setAlign((center ? CENTER:
(right ? RIGHT: LEFT)) |
(top ? TOP:
(bottom ? BOTTOM: MIDDLE)));
else if (elem_name == "combobox") {
if (!widget)
widget = new ComboBox();
bool editable = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "editable");
if (editable)
else if (elem_name == "entry") {
const char* maxsize = elem->Attribute("maxsize");
const char* suffix = elem->Attribute("suffix");
if (maxsize != NULL) {
bool readonly = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "readonly");
widget = new Entry(strtol(maxsize, NULL, 10), "");
if (readonly)
if (suffix)
throw std::runtime_error("<entry> element found without 'maxsize' attribute");
else if (elem_name == "grid") {
const char *columns = elem->Attribute("columns");
bool same_width_columns = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "same_width_columns");
if (columns != NULL) {
widget = new Grid(strtol(columns, NULL, 10),
else if (elem_name == "label") {
if (!widget)
widget = new Label("");
bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
bool right = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
bool top = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
widget->setAlign((center ? CENTER:
(right ? RIGHT: LEFT)) |
(top ? TOP:
(bottom ? BOTTOM: MIDDLE)));
else if (elem_name == "link") {
const char* url = elem->Attribute("url");
if (!widget)
widget = new LinkLabel(url ? url: "", "");
else {
LinkLabel* link = dynamic_cast<LinkLabel*>(widget);
ASSERT(link != NULL);
if (link)
bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
bool right = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
bool top = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
(center ? CENTER: (right ? RIGHT: LEFT)) |
(top ? TOP: (bottom ? BOTTOM: MIDDLE)));
else if (elem_name == "listbox") {
if (!widget)
widget = new ListBox();
bool multiselect = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "multiselect");
if (multiselect)
else if (elem_name == "listitem") {
ListItem* listitem;
if (!widget) {
listitem = new ListItem("");
widget = listitem;
else {
listitem = dynamic_cast<ListItem*>(widget);
ASSERT(listitem != NULL);
const char* value = elem->Attribute("value");
if (value)
else if (elem_name == "splitter") {
bool horizontal = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
bool vertical = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");
const char* by = elem->Attribute("by");
const char* position = elem->Attribute("position");
Splitter::Type type = (by && strcmp(by, "pixel") == 0 ?
Splitter* splitter = new Splitter(type,
horizontal ? HORIZONTAL:
vertical ? VERTICAL: 0);
if (position) {
splitter->setPosition(strtod(position, NULL)
* (type == Splitter::ByPixel ? guiscale(): 1));
widget = splitter;
else if (elem_name == "radio") {
const char* group = elem->Attribute("group");
const char* looklike = elem->Attribute("looklike");
int radio_group = (group ? strtol(group, NULL, 10): 1);
if (!widget) {
if (looklike != NULL && strcmp(looklike, "button") == 0) {
widget = new RadioButton("", radio_group, kButtonWidget);
else {
widget = new RadioButton("", radio_group);
else {
RadioButton* radio = dynamic_cast<RadioButton*>(widget);
ASSERT(radio != NULL);
if (radio)
bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
bool right = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
bool top = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "top");
bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
(center ? CENTER:
(right ? RIGHT: LEFT)) |
(top ? TOP:
(bottom ? BOTTOM: MIDDLE)));
else if (elem_name == "separator") {
bool center = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "center");
bool right = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "right");
bool middle = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "middle");
bool bottom = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "bottom");
bool horizontal = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "horizontal");
bool vertical = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "vertical");
int align =
(horizontal ? HORIZONTAL: 0) |
(vertical ? VERTICAL: 0) |
(center ? CENTER: (right ? RIGHT: LEFT)) |
(middle ? MIDDLE: (bottom ? BOTTOM: TOP));
if (!widget) {
widget = new Separator(textAttr(elem, "text"), align);
widget->setAlign(widget->align() | align);
else if (elem_name == "slider") {
const char *min = elem->Attribute("min");
const char *max = elem->Attribute("max");
int min_value = min != NULL ? strtol(min, NULL, 10): 0;
int max_value = max != NULL ? strtol(max, NULL, 10): 0;
widget = new Slider(min_value, max_value, min_value);
else if (elem_name == "textbox") {
bool wordwrap = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "wordwrap");
if (!widget)
widget = new TextBox(elem->GetText(), 0);
if (wordwrap)
widget->setAlign(widget->align() | WORDWRAP);
else if (elem_name == "view") {
if (!widget)
widget = new View();
else if (elem_name == "window") {
if (!widget) {
bool desktop = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "desktop");
if (desktop)
widget = new Window(Window::DesktopWindow);
else if (elem->Attribute("text"))
widget = new Window(Window::WithTitleBar, textAttr(elem, "text"));
widget = new Window(Window::WithoutTitleBar);
else if (elem_name == "colorpicker") {
if (!widget)
widget = new ColorButton(Color::fromMask(), app_get_current_pixel_format(), false);
else if (elem_name == "dropdownbutton") {
if (!widget) {
widget = new DropDownButton(textAttr(elem, "text").c_str());
else if (elem_name == "buttonset") {
const char* columns = elem->Attribute("columns");
if (!widget && columns)
widget = new ButtonSet(strtol(columns, NULL, 10));
if (ButtonSet* buttonset = dynamic_cast<ButtonSet*>(widget)) {
bool multiple = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "multiple");
if (multiple)
else if (elem_name == "item") {
if (!parent)
throw std::runtime_error("<item> without parent");
if (ButtonSet* buttonset = dynamic_cast<ButtonSet*>(parent)) {
const char* icon = elem->Attribute("icon");
const char* text = elem->Attribute("text");
int hspan = int_attr(elem, "hspan", 1);
int vspan = int_attr(elem, "vspan", 1);
ButtonSet::Item* item = new ButtonSet::Item();
if (icon) {
SkinPartPtr part = SkinTheme::instance()->getPartById(std::string(icon));
if (part)
if (text)
item->setText(textAttr(elem, "text"));
buttonset->addItem(item, hspan, vspan);
fillWidgetWithXmlElementAttributes(elem, root, item);
else if (elem_name == "image") {
if (!widget) {
const char* file = elem->Attribute("file");
// Load image
std::string icon(file);
ResourceFinder rf;
if (!rf.findFirst())
throw base::Exception("File %s not found", file);
try {
she::Surface* sur = she::instance()->loadRgbaSurface(rf.filename().c_str());
widget = new ImageView(sur, 0, true);
catch (...) {
throw base::Exception("Error loading %s file", file);
else if (elem_name == "search") {
if (!widget)
widget = new SearchEntry;
// Was the widget created?
if (widget) {
fillWidgetWithXmlElementAttributesWithChildren(elem, root, widget);
return widget;
void WidgetLoader::fillWidgetWithXmlElementAttributes(const TiXmlElement* elem, Widget* root, Widget* widget)
const char* id = elem->Attribute("id");
const char* tooltip_dir = elem->Attribute("tooltip_dir");
bool selected = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "selected");
bool disabled = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "disabled");
bool expansive = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "expansive");
bool homogeneous = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "homogeneous");
bool magnet = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "magnet");
bool noborders = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "noborders");
const char* width = elem->Attribute("width");
const char* height = elem->Attribute("height");
const char* minwidth = elem->Attribute("minwidth");
const char* minheight = elem->Attribute("minheight");
const char* maxwidth = elem->Attribute("maxwidth");
const char* maxheight = elem->Attribute("maxheight");
const char* border = elem->Attribute("border");
const char* styleid = elem->Attribute("style");
const char* childspacing = elem->Attribute("childspacing");
if (width) {
if (!minwidth) minwidth = width;
if (!maxwidth) maxwidth = width;
if (height) {
if (!minheight) minheight = height;
if (!maxheight) maxheight = height;
if (id)
if (elem->Attribute("text"))
widget->setText(textAttr(elem, "text"));
if (elem->Attribute("tooltip") && root) {
if (!m_tooltipManager) {
m_tooltipManager = new ui::TooltipManager();
int dir = LEFT;
if (tooltip_dir) {
if (strcmp(tooltip_dir, "top") == 0) dir = TOP;
else if (strcmp(tooltip_dir, "bottom") == 0) dir = BOTTOM;
else if (strcmp(tooltip_dir, "left") == 0) dir = LEFT;
else if (strcmp(tooltip_dir, "right") == 0) dir = RIGHT;
m_tooltipManager->addTooltipFor(widget, textAttr(elem, "tooltip"), dir);
if (selected)
if (disabled)
if (expansive)
if (homogeneous)
widget->setAlign(widget->align() | HOMOGENEOUS);
if (magnet)
if (noborders)
if (border)
widget->setBorder(gfx::Border(strtol(border, NULL, 10)*guiscale()));
if (childspacing)
widget->setChildSpacing(strtol(childspacing, NULL, 10)*guiscale());
gfx::Size reqSize = widget->sizeHint();
if (minwidth || minheight) {
int w = (minwidth ? guiscale()*strtol(minwidth, NULL, 10): reqSize.w);
int h = (minheight ? guiscale()*strtol(minheight, NULL, 10): reqSize.h);
widget->setMinSize(gfx::Size(w, h));
if (maxwidth || maxheight) {
int w = (maxwidth ? guiscale()*strtol(maxwidth, NULL, 10): INT_MAX);
int h = (maxheight ? guiscale()*strtol(maxheight, NULL, 10): INT_MAX);
widget->setMaxSize(gfx::Size(w, h));
if (styleid) {
SkinTheme* theme = static_cast<SkinTheme*>(root->theme());
// New styles
ui::Style* style = theme->getNewStyle(styleid);
if (style)
else {
skin::Style* style = theme->getStyle(styleid);
if (style) {
SkinStylePropertyPtr prop(new SkinStyleProperty(style));
// Assign widget mnemonic from the character preceded by a '&'
void WidgetLoader::fillWidgetWithXmlElementAttributesWithChildren(const TiXmlElement* elem, ui::Widget* root, ui::Widget* widget)
fillWidgetWithXmlElementAttributes(elem, root, widget);
if (!root)
root = widget;
// Children
const TiXmlElement* childElem = elem->FirstChildElement();
while (childElem) {
Widget* child = convertXmlElementToWidget(childElem, root, widget, NULL);
if (child) {
// Attach the child in the view
if (widget->type() == kViewWidget) {
// Add the child in the grid
else if (widget->type() == kGridWidget) {
const char* cell_hspan = childElem->Attribute("cell_hspan");
const char* cell_vspan = childElem->Attribute("cell_vspan");
const char* cell_align = childElem->Attribute("cell_align");
int hspan = cell_hspan ? strtol(cell_hspan, NULL, 10): 1;
int vspan = cell_vspan ? strtol(cell_vspan, NULL, 10): 1;
int align = cell_align ? convert_align_value_to_flags(cell_align): 0;
Grid* grid = dynamic_cast<Grid*>(widget);
ASSERT(grid != NULL);
grid->addChildInCell(child, hspan, vspan, align);
// Attach the child in the view
else if (widget->type() == kComboBoxWidget &&
child->type() == kListItemWidget) {
ComboBox* combo = dynamic_cast<ComboBox*>(widget);
ASSERT(combo != NULL);
// Just add the child in any other kind of widget
childElem = childElem->NextSiblingElement();
if (widget->type() == kViewWidget) {
bool maxsize = bool_attr_is_true(elem, "maxsize");
if (maxsize)
static int convert_align_value_to_flags(const char *value)
char *tok, *ptr = base_strdup(value);
int flags = 0;
for (tok=strtok(ptr, " ");
tok != NULL;
tok=strtok(NULL, " ")) {
if (strcmp(tok, "horizontal") == 0) {
flags |= HORIZONTAL;
else if (strcmp(tok, "vertical") == 0) {
flags |= VERTICAL;
else if (strcmp(tok, "left") == 0) {
flags |= LEFT;
else if (strcmp(tok, "center") == 0) {
flags |= CENTER;
else if (strcmp(tok, "right") == 0) {
flags |= RIGHT;
else if (strcmp(tok, "top") == 0) {
flags |= TOP;
else if (strcmp(tok, "middle") == 0) {
flags |= MIDDLE;
else if (strcmp(tok, "bottom") == 0) {
flags |= BOTTOM;
else if (strcmp(tok, "homogeneous") == 0) {
return flags;
static int int_attr(const TiXmlElement* elem, const char* attribute_name, int default_value)
const char* value = elem->Attribute(attribute_name);
return (value ? strtol(value, NULL, 10): default_value);
std::string WidgetLoader::textAttr(const TiXmlElement* elem, const char* attrName)
const char* value = elem->Attribute(attrName);
if (!value)
return std::string();
else if (value[0] == '@') {
if (value[1] == '.')
return Strings::instance()->translate((m_stringIdPrefix + (value+1)).c_str());
return Strings::instance()->translate(value+1);
return std::string(value);
} // namespace app