David Capello c8db258b00 Added background color to sprite.
Renamed FileType to FileFormat.
Moved ase/jinete/src to ase/src/jinete.
Moved ase/jinete/include to ase/src/jinete.
Moved ase/jinete/freetype to ase/third_party/freetype.
2007-12-05 01:30:50 +00:00

330 lines
13 KiB
Raw Blame History

+ Replaced the "List" menu with the tabs selector.
+ Better file selector.
+ Restructured all the menus (more user friendly options).
- Temporaly removed a lot of complex functionality:
Mask-Repository (but you can use .msk files yet), Draw-Text,
Layer-Sets and Link-Cels.
+ New XML format for the menus.
- Removed menu scripting customization.
- Removed screen saver.
- Removed sessions.
+ GUI enhanced:
+ more borders for windows and more spacing between widgets.
+ better mouse behavior (in Windows).
+ Added support for PNG files (through libpng).
+ Finished the support for ICO files.
+ Finally screen scaling supported (with double-buffering). This means
that you can use a screen of 320x240 between a window of 640x480
(screen-scaling x2). This is the new default video mode for ASE.
+ Fixed compilations errors for Allegro 4.2
+ Added features-requested by Carl Olsson:
+ better "snap to grid" support for box-like tools (rectangle,
ellipse, etc.).
+ floating selection now "snap to grid" also.
+ added a subpixel movement for zoomed-cursors in the editor, to
known where we are inside the pixel.
+ Better support for the mouse wheel and middle button in the
sprite-editor (to scroll and zoom).
+ GIF support to save file fully supported by default.
+ Fixed compilation with Allegro 4.2.3 SVN (and fixed a bug in Allegro
with key_shifts).
+ Now the full-screen or windowed state is remembered (thanks
to Manuel De Miguel Moreno to report it).
- Removed the console mode.
+ Changed Film Editor shortcut: TAB key.
+ New feature: Each animation frame has duration.
+ New Palette Editor (F4 key).
+ Now sprites support multiple palettes: Each frame can has its own
color palette.
+ Added support to load GIF files (by Elias Pschernig).
+ Added a combobox to file-selection to handle the bookmarks.
+ Added rotation!!! Now you can scale and rotate what you paste from
the clipboard.
+ Fixed the creation of session files when an exception (fatal error)
happens in Windows.
+ Added es.po and files.
+ Added session manager (if the program crashes the session is saved
+ Added a tool to draw text (finally).
+ More documentation and tips.
+ Improved the frame adding process.
+ Fixed important bugs.
+ Added a mapgen utility (original code by Johan Halm<6C>n and Anders
+ Spanish language support (now works in Windows too).
+ Internal code improved (mainly GUI parts, and functions names).
+ More stable undo: with limit and without the strange
redo-after-overwrite-undo feature.
+ New median filter to despeckle images.
+ Updated alternative support to load/save JPEG files with JPGalleg 2.3
library, thanks to Angelo Mottola for this.
+ Fixed problems with non-US keyboards: the Alt key can't be used for
shortcuts. Some combinations changes:
+ <~> to <`> (open film editor)
+ <Ctrl+/> to <?> (mask by color)
+ <Ctrl+~> to <Ctrl+4> (close current editor)
+ Added Cut, Copy, Paste!
+ Added AutoCrop (before known as Trim).
+ Fixed routine to save JPG files.
+ Fixed and improved various parts of GUI.
+ Added some documentation to write Lua scripts.
+ Film Editor was improved.
+ Fixed errors with the graphics cursor, some keyboard problems, and
various minor bugs.
+ New tips with text and images. This will be very useful for
+ Onionskin feature is done.
+ Added (optional) ordered dithering to render RGB images in 8 bpp.
+ New actions: Merge Down, New Frame, Copy Frame, change Image Type!,
Load Script File.
+ Optimized the drawing speed with tiled mode.
+ Fixed in Windows version: spray and some errors saving file-names in
the configuration file.
+ Added libintl support and the Spanish translation (only for Linux,
but I have planned make this usable in Windows).
+ More undo support: insert/remove layers and mask modifications.
+ Filters Convolution Matrix and Color Curve are back.
+ Added more basic operations (with undo support): flatten layers,
duplicate layer, duplicate sprite, horizontal/vertical flip, crop
+ New .ASE format (in alpha status, please test it!).
+ Easy script routines: now are a high-level layer of routines (easy
to use and understand), and the low-level routine's set (for
internal or more specific works).
- Removed all the interpolation stuff between key-frames: yes, after
thinking, this make too hard the animation edition (so the "fancy
spline interpolation" was removed).
+ Optimized the editor's speed in scroll movements.
+ The Film Editor is almost done for layers and frames handle.
+ Fixed filters using mask with displaced layers.
+ Support to apply filters to various frames/layers at the same time.
+ Added differents screen layouts in main.jid (see FAQ.txt to see how
change between them).
+ The tool bar is back!
+ Fixed a lot of bugs.
+ Added optional support for JPEG with JPGalleg 2.0 library.
+ Added draw mode: Opaque (normal), Glass (transparent), Semi
+ Added brush types: Circle, Square, Line.
+ Implemented a fake-palette system to make the GUI usable with any
sprite palette (mainly to avoid "black-screen" situations when open
sprites with ugly palettes).
+ The palette editor has more improvements (like the possibility to
move the selection range).
+ "menus" file modified a bit. Some keyboard bindings have change
(and new ones added), you can see the "docs/QuickHelp.html" file for
more help. Anyway, I try to leave the compability in the more used
+ Full scripting support with Lua-5.0. Sprites and GUI controllable
from same scripts, to give you an idea, various of menus actions are
programmed directly with scripts.
+ Complete selection handle (mask regions). You can select irregular
areas (add, subtract, intersect, by color), save and load them in
the .MSK Animator Pro format.
+ Multiple editors. Now you will be able to edit an image with zoom
and see the results in other editors (updated in real-time).
+ New Gfx-core. All sprite/image/layer/prop/key stuff was
reprogrammed. The more big change, was to property/keyframe level
(the properties can be with lineal or spline interpolation, also,
have a ending flag to make circular movements or patterns of movement).
+ New GUI. The look and the internal code was reestructured
completelly, I made a new GUI library: Jinete (rider).
+ New RLE Gaussian Blur effect (from The GIMP source code).
+ Blender modes are back!: Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay,
Hard Light, Darken, Lighten, Addition, Subtract, Difference, Hue,
Saturation, Color, Luminosity.
+ Better the GUI look: With colors, this should be less boring :-)
+ Added a graphics selection dialog where you can specify any
resolution (this could be useful for windowed modes).
+ Back again to the good-and-peaceful-allegro-like makefiles. Ok, ok,
the GNU style was the worst change in ASE, but now is fixed :-)
- Removed the .DLL or .so capability for plug-ins. After some weeks of
thinking, I decide to strip off this feature because is too hard to
do a good system to attach new plug-ins with the current menu
implementation. The most user are just "user" and don't will copy
the plug-in and modify the `menus' to add a new entry with a little
script-string to call the new plug-in action. Also, this save me a
lot of headaches :-)
+ Added multiple filter application: Now, you can apply effects to
every layer, to every animation frame, or both.
+ Added the "Recent Files" list.
+ A complete set of scripts routines to handle paths.
+ New selection type: "shrink", to shrink the selection to the current
layer bitmap bounds.
+ New "trim_sprite" action.
- Removed the `move' tool to displace layers (it was redundant).
+ New interface to load Plug-Ins in a dynamic way (DLL, .so).
+ Complete new support for JPEG files (RGB/grayscale) load/save:
athwart the Independent JPEG Group's JPEG Library.
+ New actions:
+ trim_layer_bitmap: trim the current layer to the selection bounds.
+ merge_down: to merge the current layer with the next one.
+ make_undo_animation: to make an animation from the undo
operations (to see all the progression of the graphics).
+ undo_history: to undo/redo various operations.
+ color_curve: to make color conversion effects pixel by pixel.
+ Improved the `Color Replace' command (with `tolerance' and `preview').
+ A new optimized layer-bar, to handle all the keyframe/properties stuff.
+ Various things rewritten to Plug-Ins:
+ file formats,
+ actions for menus (also, now these actions can be used from scripts).
+ Replaced the old `color depth' system to the new `image types':
From now, an image can be: RGB, Grayscale, or Indexed type.
+ New ASE Library, with a complete new design to handle:
images, layers, bitmaps, properties, keyframes, etc.
+ Source code to GNU style: with,, etc.
+ New scripts routines: request(), apply_filter(), load_sprite(),
and save_sprite().
+ Support to load FLI/FLC and to save FLC files. Yes! Now with ASE
you can make FLC animations with a good compression performance.
+ Added the posibility to load/save sequences of bitmaps: like ani00.pcx,
ani01.pcx, ani02.pcx, etc.
+ More undo functionality. I re-wrote the entire `undo' system.
+ New rectangular-selection tool: Now you can cut, copy, paste and clear.
+ New RLE compression for 8 bpp in .ase files.
+ Support to load .ase files of `0.0.6' and `0.0.7 CVS (important stage)':
I recommend you upgrade all your .ase files to the `0.0.7 release' version.
+ New properties for keyframes: now each keyframe has its position and alpha,
with this you can make animations of objects moving only the keyframes
(all the intermediate frames will be calculate automatically).
+ Now the program remember the configuration (through `ase.cfg').
+ Added a new draw-tiled mode.
+ New full-screen editing mode. With resizable layer-bar.
+ Added an options to draw the previous frame in transparent mode.
- Removed the `background' properties of layers: from now, a layer
will be transparent (masked-blitting) ever. With this are fixed
a lot of problems with load/save routines in old versions.
+ New `reload_menus' command.
- I still don't recommend you the .ase format (just for temporary usage):
there are planes to change it.
+ Scripting capability athwart Lua language (
now, you can make automatic tasks programming your own scripts
(included some scripts as example).
+ Independent `alpha' (global transparency) and `blender-mode' for
each layer (like in GIMP and Adobe Photoshop).
+ Improved the layer/frame-control:
Now add/remove/move/copy layer and frames are really-very-easy
with the new layer-panel (like in Macromedia Flash).
+ More easy tool-configuration.
+ New drawing tool: real-pencil, with a unique and original algorithm.
- Removed all the use of the Allegro GUI.
+ New original (and ugly) GUI look:
now, the colors are in harmony for the eyes.
+ More facilities to handle colors with different `alpha'.
+ New animation control: need test (see `bugs.txt' to report errors).
+ Optimized the color-selection dialog: now you can make gammas
between *four* colors.
+ Added a `preview' in the apply-filter dialog.
+ New improved gui system (for the users and for the developers).
+ New `tile' and `reload' option for the filters.
+ New view-tile option in tool-menu (for make tileable patterns).
+ Modificable draw properties:
thickness, alpha color, spray random factor, and spray radius.
+ Undo support for all tools.
+ Multiple drawing tools support:
pixel, pencil, fill, spray, line, rectangle, and ellipse;
+ New improved layer control.
+ A lot of optimizations in the status bar.
+ New duplicate sprite option.
+ New session manager, for load and save your work. Other utility of this,
is if the program crash for any reason, it auto-backups your data.
- Bad news: the old .ase format is incompatible with the new one:
I recommend you don't save in .ase until the 0.1 release.
+ New "visible" property for hide and show the layers.
+ New change color-depth function.
+ Added a set-gfx-mode option in the system-menu.
+ New duplicate layer support.
+ New .ase format (for save the layers).
+ More keyboard shorcuts (with a new `keys.txt').
+ New layers operations: insert, move and remove.
+ RGBA (alpha channel) bitmaps support.
+ New filter capability, with some examples of filters.
+ An incredible new way to create dialogs (for programmers only).
+ More "Windows friendly" text files.
+ New optimized status bar.
+ New improved look of the GUI.
+ New "infinite" Undo & Redo support.
+ Some importants bug fixed.
+ One tool: interactive line.
+ Color selection support.
- Poor palette modification capability.