#! /usr/bin/env bash # # This is a script to help users and developers to build Aseprite. # Usage: # # ./build.sh # ./build.sh --reset # ./build.sh --auto [--norun] # # If you run this script without parameters, you will be able to # follows the instructions and a configuration will be stored in a # ".build" directory. # # Options: # # --reset Deletes the configuration and you can start over # --auto Tries to build the default user configuration (release mode) # --norun Doesn't auto-run when using --auto # echo "======================= BUILD ASEPRITE HELPER ========================" # Check that we are running the script from the Aseprite clone directory. pwd=$(pwd) if [[ ! -f "$pwd/EULA.txt" || ! -f "$pwd/.gitmodules" ]] ; then echo "" echo "Run build script from the Aseprite directory" exit 1 fi # Use "./build.sh --reset" to reset all the configuration (deletes # .build directory). if [ "$1" == "--reset" ] ; then echo "" echo "Resetting $pwd/.build directory" if [ -f "$pwd/.build/builds_dir" ] ; then rm $pwd/.build/builds_dir ; fi if [ -f "$pwd/.build/log" ] ; then rm $pwd/.build/log ; fi if [ -f "$pwd/.build/main_skia_dir" ] ; then rm $pwd/.build/main_skia_dir ; fi if [ -f "$pwd/.build/beta_skia_dir" ] ; then rm $pwd/.build/beta_skia_dir ; fi if [ -f "$pwd/.build/userkind" ] ; then rm $pwd/.build/userkind ; fi if [ -d "$pwd/.build" ] ; then rmdir $pwd/.build ; fi echo "Done" exit 0 fi # Use "./build.sh --auto" to build the user configuration without # questions (downloading Skia/release mode). auto= if [ "$1" == "--auto" ] ; then shift auto=1 fi norun= if [ "$1" == "--norun" ] ; then shift norun=1 fi # Platform. if [[ "$(uname)" =~ "MINGW32" ]] || [[ "$(uname)" =~ "MINGW64" ]] || [[ "$(uname)" =~ "MSYS_NT-10.0" ]] ; then is_win=1 cpu=x64 if ! cl.exe >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then echo "" echo "MSVC compiler (cl.exe) not found in PATH" echo "" echo " PATH=$PATH" echo "" exit 1 fi elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]] ; then is_linux=1 cpu=x64 elif [[ "$(uname)" =~ "Darwin" ]] ; then is_macos=1 if [[ $(uname -m) == "arm64" ]]; then cpu=arm64 else cpu=x64 fi fi # Check utilities. if ! cmake --version >/dev/null ; then echo "" echo "cmake utility is not available. You can get cmake from:" echo "" echo " https://cmake.org/download/" echo "" exit 1 fi if ! ninja --version >/dev/null ; then echo "" echo "ninja utility is not available. You can get ninja from:" echo "" echo " https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases" echo "" exit 1 fi # Check that all submodules are checked out. run_submodule_update= for module in $(cat "$pwd/.gitmodules" | \ grep '^\[submodule' | \ sed -e 's/^\[.*\"\(.*\)\"\]/\1/') \ $(cat "$pwd/laf/.gitmodules" | \ grep '^\[submodule' | \ sed -e 's/^\[.*\"\(.*\)\"\]/laf\/\1/') ; do if [[ ! -f "$module/CMakeLists.txt" && ! -f "$module/Makefile" && ! -f "$module/makefile" && ! -f "$module/Makefile.am" ]] ; then echo "" echo "Module $module doesn't exist." if [ $auto ] ; then run_submodule_update=1 break else echo "Run:" echo "" echo " git submodule update --init --recursive" echo "" exit 1 fi fi done if [ $run_submodule_update ] ; then echo "Running:" echo "" echo " git submodule update --init --recursive" echo "" if ! git submodule update --init --recursive ; then echo "Failed, try again" exit 1 fi echo "Done" fi # Create the directory to store the configuration. if [ ! -d "$pwd/.build" ] ; then mkdir "$pwd/.build" fi # Kind of user (User or Developer). # For users we simplify the process (no multiple builds), for # developers we have more options (debug mode, etc.). if [ ! -f "$pwd/.build/userkind" ] ; then if [ $auto ] ; then echo "user" > $pwd/.build/userkind else echo "" echo "Select what kind of user you are (press U or D keys):" echo "" echo " [U]ser: give a try to Aseprite" echo " [D]eveloper: develop/modify Aseprite" echo "" read -sN 1 -p "[U/D]? " echo "" if [[ "$REPLY" == "d" || "$REPLY" == "D" ]] ; then echo "developer" > $pwd/.build/userkind elif [[ "$REPLY" == "u" || "$REPLY" == "U" ]] ; then echo "user" > $pwd/.build/userkind else echo "Use U or D keys to select kind of user/build process" exit 1 fi fi fi userkind=$(echo -n $(cat $pwd/.build/userkind)) if [ "$userkind" == "developer" ] ; then echo "======================= BUILDING FOR DEVELOPER =======================" else echo "========================= BUILDING FOR USER ==========================" fi # Get the builds_dir location. if [ ! -f "$pwd/.build/builds_dir" ] ; then if [ "$userkind" == "developer" ] ; then # The "builds" folder is a place where all possible combination/builds # will be stored. If the ASEPRITE_BUILD environment variable is # defined, that's the directory, in other case for a regular "user" # the folder will be this same directory where Aseprite was cloned. if [[ "$ASEPRITE_BUILD" != "" ]] ; then if [ $is_win ] ; then builds_dir=$(cygpath "$ASEPRITE_BUILD") else builds_dir="$ASEPRITE_BUILD" fi if [ -d "$builds_dir" ] ; then echo "" echo "Using ASEPRITE_BUILD environment variable for builds directory." else if ! mkdir "$builds_dir" ; then echo "" echo "The ASEPRITE_BUILD is defined but we weren't able to create the directory:" echo "" echo " ASEPRITE_BUILD=$builds_dir" echo "" echo "To solve this issue delete the ASEPRITE_BUILD variable or point it to a valid path." exit 1 fi fi else # Default location for developers builds_dir=$HOME/builds echo "" echo "Select a folder where to leave all builds:" echo " builds_dir/" echo " release-x64/..." echo " debug-x64/..." echo "" echo "builds_dir [$builds_dir]? " read builds_dir_read if [ "$builds_dir_read" != "" ] ; then builds_dir="$builds_dir_read" fi fi else # Default location for users builds_dir="$pwd" echo "" echo "We'll build Aseprite in $builds_dir/build directory" fi echo "$builds_dir" > "$pwd/.build/builds_dir" fi # Overwrite $builds_dir variable from the config content. builds_dir="$(echo -n $(cat $pwd/.build/builds_dir))" # List all builds. builds_list="$(mktemp)" n=1 for file in $(ls $builds_dir/*/CMakeCache.txt 2>/dev/null | sort) ; do if cat "$file" | grep -q "CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME:STATIC=aseprite" ; then if [ $n -eq 1 ] ; then echo "-- AVAILABLE BUILDS --" fi echo "$file" >> $builds_list echo "$n. $file" n=$(($n+1)) fi done # New build configuration. build_type=RelWithDebInfo # No builds, so this is the first build. if [[ $n -eq 1 ]] ; then echo "-- FIRST BUILD --" if [ "$userkind" == "developer" ] ; then active_build_dir="$builds_dir/aseprite-release" else active_build_dir="$builds_dir/build" fi echo "First build directory: $active_build_dir" else echo "N. New build (N key)" echo "U. Update Visual Studio/Windows Kit/macOS SDK version (U key)" read -p "Select an option or number to build? " build_n # New build if [[ "$build_n" == "n" || "$build_n" == "N" ]] ; then read -p "Select build type [RELEASE/debug]? " if [[ "${REPLY,,}" == "debug" ]] ; then build_type=Debug new_build_name=aseprite-debug else build_type=RelWithDebInfo new_build_name=aseprite-release fi read -p "Select a name [$new_build_name]? " if [[ "$REPLY" != "" ]] ; then new_build_name=$REPLY fi active_build_dir="$builds_dir/$new_build_name" # Update SDK elif [[ "$build_n" == "u" || "$build_n" == "U" ]] ; then echo "Update SDK dirs..." if [ $is_win ] ; then newclver=$(echo $VCToolsInstallDir | sed -e 's_^.*\\\([0-9\.]*\)\\$_\1_') function update_file { file=$1 echo "--- Updating $file ---" | tee -a "$pwd/.build/log" mv "$file" "$file-old" cat "$file-old" | sed -e 's_^\(.*/VC/Tools/MSVC/\)\([0-9\.]*\)\(.*$\)_\1'$newclver'\3_' > "$file" diff -w -u3 "$file-old" "$file" >> "$pwd/.build/log" echo "--- End $file ---" >> "$pwd/.build/log" } echo "New VC version: $newclver" for file in $(cat $builds_list) ; do build_dir=$(dirname $file) echo "--- Updating $build_dir ---" update_file "$file" for other_file in "$build_dir/CMakeFiles/rules.ninja" \ "$build_dir"/CMakeFiles/*/*.cmake \ "$build_dir/third_party/libpng/scripts/genout.cmake" ; do update_file "$other_file" done done fi echo "Done" exit else # Build the selected dir n=1 for file in $(cat $builds_list) ; do if [ "$n" == "$build_n" ] ; then active_build_dir=$(dirname $file) build_type=$(cat $active_build_dir/CMakeCache.txt | grep CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | cut -d "=" -f2) break fi n=$(($n+1)) done fi fi if [ "$active_build_dir" == "" ] ; then echo "No build selected" exit 1 fi if [ -f "$active_build_dir/CMakeCache.txt" ] ; then source_dir=$(cat $active_build_dir/CMakeCache.txt | grep aseprite_SOURCE_DIR | cut -d "=" -f2) else source_dir="$pwd" fi branch_name=$(git --git-dir="$source_dir/.git" rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [[ "$branch_name" == "main" || "$branch_name" == "beta" ]] ; then base_branch_name="$branch_name" else # Get the origin (or first remote) name remote=$(git --git-dir="$source_dir/.git" remote | grep origin) if [ "$remote" == "" ] ; then remote=$(git --git-dir="$source_dir/.git" remote | head -n1) fi if git --git-dir="$source_dir/.git" branch --contains "$remote/beta" | grep -q "^\* $branch_name\$" ; then base_branch_name=beta elif git --git-dir="$source_dir/.git" branch --contains "$remote/main" | grep -q "^\* $branch_name\$" ; then base_branch_name=main else echo "" echo "Error: Branch $branch_name looks like doesn't belong to main or beta" echo "" exit 1 fi fi echo "=========================== CONFIGURATION ============================" echo "Build type: $build_type" echo "Build dir: \"$active_build_dir\"" echo "Source dir: \"$source_dir\"" if [ "$branch_name" != "$base_branch_name" ] ; then echo "Branch name: $base_branch_name > $branch_name" else echo "Branch name: $base_branch_name" fi # Required Skia for the base branch. if [ "$base_branch_name" == "beta" ] ; then skia_tag=m124-08a5439a6b file_skia_dir=beta_skia_dir possible_skia_dir_name=skia-m124 else skia_tag=m102-861e4743af file_skia_dir=main_skia_dir possible_skia_dir_name=skia fi # Check Skia dependency. if [ ! -f "$pwd/.build/$file_skia_dir" ] ; then # Try "C:/deps/skia" or "$HOME/deps/skia" if [[ $is_win ]] ; then skia_dir="C:/deps/$possible_skia_dir_name" else skia_dir="$HOME/deps/$possible_skia_dir_name" fi if [ ! -d "$skia_dir" ] ; then echo "" echo "Skia directory wasn't found." echo "" echo "Select Skia directory to create [$skia_dir]? " if [ ! $auto ] ; then read skia_dir_read if [ "$skia_dir_read" != "" ] ; then skia_dir="$skia_dir_read" fi fi mkdir -p $skia_dir || exit 1 fi echo $skia_dir > "$pwd/.build/$file_skia_dir" fi skia_dir=$(echo -n $(cat $pwd/.build/$file_skia_dir)) if [ ! -d "$skia_dir" ] ; then mkdir "$skia_dir" fi # Only on Windows we need the Debug version of Skia to compile the # Debug version of Aseprite. if [[ $is_win && "$build_type" == "Debug" ]] ; then skia_library_dir="$skia_dir/out/Debug-x64" else skia_library_dir="$skia_dir/out/Release-$cpu" fi # If the library directory is not available, we can try to download # the pre-built package. if [ ! -d "$skia_library_dir" ] ; then echo "" echo "Skia library wasn't found." echo "" if [ ! $auto ] ; then read -sN 1 -p "Download pre-compiled Skia automatically [Y/n]? " fi if [[ $auto || "$REPLY" == "" || "$REPLY" == "y" || "$REPLY" == "Y" ]] ; then if [[ $is_win && "$build_type" == "Debug" ]] ; then skia_build=Debug else skia_build=Release fi if [ $is_win ] ; then skia_file=Skia-Windows-$skia_build-$cpu.zip elif [ $is_macos ] ; then skia_file=Skia-macOS-$skia_build-$cpu.zip else skia_file=Skia-Linux-$skia_build-$cpu-libstdc++.zip fi skia_url=https://github.com/aseprite/skia/releases/download/$skia_tag/$skia_file if [ ! -f "$skia_dir/$skia_file" ] ; then curl -L -o "$skia_dir/$skia_file" "$skia_url" fi if [ ! -d "$skia_library_dir" ] ; then unzip -n -d "$skia_dir" "$skia_dir/$skia_file" fi else echo "Please follow these instructions to compile Skia manually:" echo "" echo " https://github.com/aseprite/skia?tab=readme-ov-file#skia-for-aseprite-and-laf" echo "" exit 1 fi fi echo "================================ SKIA ================================" echo "Skia directory: \"$skia_dir\"" echo "Skia library directory: \"$skia_library_dir\"" if [ ! -d "$skia_library_dir" ] ; then echo " But the Skia library directory wasn't found." exit 1 fi # Building echo "=============================== CMAKE ================================" if [ ! -f "$active_build_dir/ninja.build" ] ; then echo "" echo "We are going to run cmake and then build the project." echo "This will take some minutes." echo "" if [ ! $auto ] ; then read -sN 1 -p "Press any key to continue. " fi if [ $is_macos ] ; then osx_deployment_target="-DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0" else osx_deployment_target= fi echo "Configuring Aseprite..." if ! cmake -B "$active_build_dir" -S "$source_dir" -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$build_type \ $osx_deployment_target \ -DLAF_BACKEND=skia \ -DSKIA_DIR="$skia_dir" \ -DSKIA_LIBRARY_DIR="$skia_library_dir" | \ tee -a "$pwd/.build/log" ; then echo "Error running cmake." exit 1 fi fi echo "============================== BUILDING ==============================" if ! cmake --build "$active_build_dir" -- aseprite | tee -a "$pwd/.build/log" ; then echo "Error building Aseprite." exit 1 fi echo "================================ DONE ================================" if [ $is_win ] ; then exe=.exe ; else exe= ; fi echo "Run Aseprite with the following command:" echo "" echo " $active_build_dir/bin/aseprite$exe" echo "" # Run Aseprite in --auto mode if [[ $auto && ! $norun ]] ; then $active_build_dir/bin/aseprite$exe fi