# ASEPRITE # Copyright (C) 2001-2018 David Capello include_directories(.) if(MSVC) add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) endif(MSVC) if(NOT USE_SHARED_JPEGLIB) add_subdirectory(jpeg) endif() if(NOT USE_SHARED_ZLIB) set(SKIP_INSTALL_ALL on) # Don't build zlib tests set(ZLIB_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Build zlib tests") add_subdirectory(zlib) endif() if(NOT USE_SHARED_LIBPNG) set(SKIP_INSTALL_ALL ON) # We only need the static version of libpng set(PNG_SHARED OFF CACHE BOOL "Build shared lib") set(PNG_STATIC ON CACHE BOOL "Build static lib") set(PNG_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Build libpng tests") add_subdirectory(libpng) endif() if(NOT USE_SHARED_GIFLIB) set(GIFLIB_UTILS OFF CACHE BOOL "Build giflib utils") add_subdirectory(giflib) endif() if(WITH_WEBP_SUPPORT) # Enable img2webp so "webpmux" library is built set(WEBP_BUILD_IMG2WEBP ON CACHE BOOL "Build the img2webp animation tool.") add_subdirectory(libwebp) endif() if(NOT USE_SHARED_TINYXML) add_subdirectory(tinyxml) endif() if(REQUIRE_CURL AND NOT USE_SHARED_CURL) set(BUILD_RELEASE_DEBUG_DIRS ON BOOL) set(CMAKE_USE_OPENSSL OFF CACHE BOOL "Use OpenSSL code. Experimental") add_subdirectory(curl) endif() if(NOT USE_SHARED_PIXMAN) add_subdirectory(pixman-cmake) endif() if(NOT USE_SHARED_FREETYPE) set(SKIP_INSTALL_ALL on) set(WITH_BZip2 OFF CACHE BOOL "") add_subdirectory(freetype2) if(NOT USE_SHARED_LIBPNG) add_dependencies(freetype ${PNG_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() if(NOT USE_SHARED_HARFBUZZ) if(NOT USE_SHARED_FREETYPE) set(ENV{FREETYPE_DIR} ${FREETYPE_DIR}) endif() set(HB_HAVE_FREETYPE ON CACHE BOOL "Enable freetype interop helpers") set(HB_HAVE_GRAPHITE2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Graphite2 complementary shaper") set(HB_BUILTIN_UCDN ON CACHE BOOL "Use HarfBuzz provided UCDN") set(HB_HAVE_GLIB OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable glib unicode functions") set(HB_HAVE_ICU OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable icu unicode functions") set(HB_HAVE_CORETEXT OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable CoreText shaper backend on macOS") set(HB_HAVE_UNISCRIBE OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Uniscribe shaper backend on Windows") set(HB_HAVE_DIRECTWRITE OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable DirectWrite shaper backend on Windows") add_subdirectory(harfbuzz) endif() add_subdirectory(simpleini) add_subdirectory(fmt) # Add cmark without tests if(NOT USE_SHARED_CMARK) set(CMARK_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Build cmark tests and enable testing") add_subdirectory(cmark) set(cmark_headers ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmark/src/cmark.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmark/src/cmark_export.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmark/src/cmark_version.h) foreach(fn ${cmark_headers}) get_filename_component(fn_name "${fn}" NAME) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmark/${fn_name} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${fn} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmark/${fn_name} MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${fn}) list(APPEND copy_cmark_headers ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmark/${fn_name}) endforeach() add_custom_target(copy_cmark_headers DEPENDS ${copy_cmark_headers}) add_dependencies(libcmark_static copy_cmark_headers) endif() # JSON add_subdirectory(json11) # libarchive set(ENABLE_TEST OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable unit and regression tests") set(ENABLE_COVERAGE OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable code coverage (GCC only, automatically sets ENABLE_TEST to ON)") set(ENABLE_LZMA OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable the use of the system LZMA library if found") set(ENABLE_CNG OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable the use of CNG(Crypto Next Generation)") set(ENABLE_BZip2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable the use of the system BZip2 library if found") set(ENABLE_LIBXML2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable the use of the system libxml2 library if found") add_subdirectory(libarchive) target_include_directories(archive_static INTERFACE $) # benchmark if(ENABLE_BENCHMARKS) set(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable testing of the benchmark library.") add_subdirectory(benchmark) endif() # tinyexpr add_library(tinyexpr tinyexpr/tinyexpr.c) target_include_directories(tinyexpr PUBLIC tinyexpr) # lua if(ENABLE_SCRIPTING) add_library(lua lua/lapi.c lua/lcode.c lua/lctype.c lua/ldebug.c lua/ldo.c lua/ldump.c lua/lfunc.c lua/lgc.c lua/llex.c lua/lmem.c lua/lobject.c lua/lopcodes.c lua/lparser.c lua/lstate.c lua/lstring.c lua/ltable.c lua/ltm.c lua/lundump.c lua/lvm.c lua/lzio.c lua/ltests.c) add_library(lauxlib lua/lauxlib.c) add_library(lualib lua/lbaselib.c lua/lcorolib.c lua/ldblib.c lua/linit.c lua/liolib.c lua/lmathlib.c lua/loadlib.c lua/loslib.c lua/lstrlib.c lua/ltablib.c lua/lutf8lib.c) target_include_directories(lua PUBLIC lua) target_include_directories(lauxlib PUBLIC lua) target_include_directories(lualib PUBLIC lua) target_link_libraries(lauxlib lua) endif()