# Aseprite # Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Igara Studio S.A. # Copyright (C) 2016-2018 David Capello # # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 # International License. To view a copy of this license, visit # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to # Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. # In extensions you have to use the "displayName" property of your # "languages" item: https://aseprite.org/docs/extensions/languages/ [_] display_name = English [advanced_mode] title = Warning - Important description = You are going to enter in "Advanced Mode". [ani_controls] shortcut = Shortcut: right_click = Right-click: Show playback options [anidir_combo] forward = Forward reverse = Reverse ping_pong = Ping-pong ping_pong_reverse = Ping-pong Reverse [ask_for_color_profile] title = Color Profile sprite_with_profile = The sprite contains a color profile. sprite_without_profile = The sprite doesn't contain a color profile. [statusbar_tips] all_layers_are_locked = All selected layers are locked layer_locked = Layer "{0}" is locked disable_snap_grid = Disable Snap to Grid frame = Frame: current_frame = Current Frame zoom_level = Zoom Level new_frame = New Frame locked_layers = There are locked layers no_active_layers = There is no active layer layer_x_is_hidden = Layer "{}" is hidden unmodifiable_reference_layer = Layer "{}" is reference, cannot be modified filter_no_unlocked_layer = No unlocked layers to apply filter cannot_move_bg_layer = The background layer cannot be moved nothing_to_move = Nothing to move recovery_task_using_sprite = Sprite is used by a backup/data recovery task non_transformable_reference_layer = Layer "{}" is reference, cannot be transformed sprite_locked_somewhere = The sprite is locked in other editor not_enough_transform_memory = Not enough memory to transform the selection not_enough_rotsprite_memory = Not enough memory for RotSprite cannot_modify_readonly_sprite = Cannot modify a read-only sprite.\nUse "File > Save" menu for more information. [alerts] applying_filter = FX< Save As" menu option in that case.\n||&OK cannot_open_file = Problem< {2}%\n<< UI Scaling: {3}% -> {4}%\n< Save As" option to save the file with other name (you will lose information stored in the original file anyway) incompatibilities = Incompatibilities: update_link = Update Aseprite [inks] simple_ink = Simple Ink alpha_compositing = Alpha Compositing copy_color = Copy Alpha + Color lock_alpha = Lock Alpha shading = Shading [jpeg_options] title = JPEG Options quality = Quality: [keyboard_shortcuts] title = Keyboard Shortcuts import = &Import export = &Export reset = &Reset import_keyboard_sc = Import Keyboard Shortcuts export_keyboard_sc = Export Keyboard Shortcuts section_menus = Menus section_commands = Commands section_tools = Tools section_action_modifiers = Action Modifiers section_mouse_wheel = Mouse Wheel section_drag_value = Drag Value default_wheel_behavior = Default custom_wheel_behavior = Custom slide_as_wheel = Interpret two fingers slide on Trackpad as mouse wheel invert_brush_size_wheel = Invert the mouse wheel direction for increasing the brush size drag_angle = Angle: drag_angle_tooltip = Direction of the mouse to indicate an increment of the value drag_distance = Distance: drag_distance_tooltip = Number of pixels for mouse movement to increment/decrement one unit header_action = Action header_key = Key header_context = Context zoom = Zoom add = Add default_action = (Default Action) scroll_vertically = Scroll Vertically scroll_horizontally = Scroll Horizontally fg_color = Color: Foreground Palette Entry bg_color = Color: Background Palette Entry fg_tile = Tile: Foreground Tile Entry bg_tile = Tile: Background Tile Entry change_frame = Change Frame change_brush_size = Change Brush Size change_brush_angle = Change Brush Angle change_tool = Change Tool change_tool_same_group = Change Tool (same group) change_layer = Change Layer change_ink_type = Change Ink Type change_ink_opacity = Change Ink Opacity change_layer_opacity = Change Layer Opacity change_cel_opacity = Change Cel Opacity color_alpha = Color: Alpha color_hsl_hue = Color: HSL Hue color_hsl_saturation = Color: HSL Saturation color_hsl_lightness = Color: HSL Lightness color_hsv_hue = Color: HSV Hue color_hsv_saturation = Color: HSV Saturation color_hsv_value = Color: HSV Value key_context_normal = Normal key_context_selection = Selection key_context_translating_selection = Translating Selection key_context_scaling_selection = Scaling Selection key_context_rotating_selection = Rotating Selection key_context_move_tool = Move Tool key_context_freehand_tool = Freehand Tool key_context_shape_tool = Shape Tool key_context_frames_selection = Frames Selection copy_selection = Copy Selection snap_to_grid = Snap To Grid lock_axis = Lock Axis fine_translating = Fine Translating maintain_aspect_ratio = Maintain Aspect Ratio scale_from_center = Scale From Center fine_scaling = Fine Scaling angle_snap = Angle Snap add_selection = Add Selection subtract_selection = Subtract Selection intersect_selection = Intersect Selection auto_select_layer = Auto Select Layer line_from_last_point = Straight Line from Last Point angle_from_last_point = Angle Snap from Last Point move_origin = Move Origin square_aspect = Square Aspect draw_from_center = Draw From Center rotate_shape = Rotate Shape trigger_left_mouse_button = Trigger Left Mouse Button trigger_right_mouse_button = Trigger Right Mouse Button ok = &OK cancel = &Cancel [layer_combo] group = Group: layer = Layer: selected_layers = Selected layers visible_layers = Visible layers [layer_properties] title = Layer Properties name = Name: mode = Mode: opacity = Opacity: tileset_tooltip = Tileset normal = Normal darken = Darken multiply = Multiply color_burn = Color Burn lighten = Lighten screen = Screen color_dodge = Color Dodge addition = Addition overlay = Overlay soft_light = Soft Light hard_light = Hard Light difference = Difference exclusion = Exclusion subtract = Subtract divide = Divide hue = Hue saturation = Saturation color = Color luminosity = Luminosity no_layer = No Layer flattened = Flattened [load_palette] title = Load Palette [load_selection] title = Load Selection (.msk file) [main_menu] file = &File file_new = &New... file_open = &Open... file_open_recent = Open &Recent file_reopen_closed = &Reopen Closed File file_no_recent_file = No Recent File file_clear_recent_files = &Clear Recent Files file_save = &Save file_save_as = Save &As... file_close = &Close file_close_all = Close All file_export = &Export file_export_as = &Export As... file_export_sprite_sheet = Export &Sprite Sheet file_export_tileset = Export &Tileset file_repeat_last_export = Repeat &Last Export file_import = &Import file_import_sprite_sheet = &Import Sprite Sheet file_scripts = Scri&pts file_open_script_folder = &Open Scripts Folder file_rescan_script_folder = &Rescan Scripts Folder file_debugger = &Debugger file_exit = E&xit edit = &Edit edit_undo = &Undo edit_redo = &Redo edit_undo_history = Undo Histor&y edit_cut = Cu&t edit_copy = &Copy edit_copy_merged = Copy Mer&ged edit_paste = &Paste edit_paste_special = Paste Specia&l edit_paste_special_new_sprite = Paste as New &Sprite edit_paste_special_new_layer = Paste as New &Layer edit_paste_special_new_ref_layer = Paste as New &Reference Layer edit_clear = &Delete edit_fill = &Fill edit_stroke = Stroke edit_rotate = R&otate edit_rotate_180 = &180 edit_rotate_90cw = &90 CW edit_rotate_90ccw = 90 &CCW edit_flip_horizontal = Flip &Horizontal edit_flip_vertical = Flip &Vertical edit_transform = Transfor&m edit_shift = &Shift edit_shift_left = &Left edit_shift_right = &Right edit_shift_up = &Up edit_shift_down = &Down edit_new_brush = New &Brush edit_new_sprite_from_selection = &New Sprite From Selection edit_replace_color = R&eplace Color... edit_invert_color = &Invert... edit_adjustments = Ad&justments edit_adjustments_brightness_contrast = &Brightness/Contrast... edit_adjustments_hue_saturation = &Hue/Saturation... edit_adjustments_color_curve = &Color Curve... edit_fx = F&X edit_fx_outline = &Outline edit_fx_convolution_matrix = Convolution &Matrix... edit_fx_despeckle = &Despeckle (Median Filter)... edit_insert_text = Insert Text edit_keyboard_shortcuts = &Keyboard Shortcuts... edit_preferences = Preferences&... sprite = &Sprite sprite_properties = &Properties... sprite_color_mode = Color &Mode sprite_color_mode_rgb = &RGB Color sprite_color_mode_grayscale = &Grayscale sprite_color_mode_indexed = &Indexed sprite_color_mode_more_options = &More Options sprite_duplicate = &Duplicate... sprite_sprite_size = &Sprite Size... sprite_canvas_size = &Canvas Size... sprite_rotate_canvas = &Rotate Canvas sprite_rotate = R&otate sprite_rotate_180 = &180 sprite_rotate_90cw = &90 CW sprite_rotate_90ccw = 90 &CCW sprite_flip_canvas_horizontal = Flip Canvas &Horizontal sprite_flip_canvas_vertical = Flip Canvas &Vertical sprite_crop = Cr&op sprite_trim = &Trim layer = &Layer layer_properties = &Properties... layer_visible = &Visible layer_lock_layers = Loc&k Layers layer_open_group = &Open Group layer_new = &New... layer_new_layer = &New Layer layer_new_group = New &Group layer_new_layer_via_copy = New Layer via &Copy layer_new_layer_via_cut = New Layer via Cu&t layer_new_reference_layer_from_file = New &Reference Layer from File layer_new_tilemap_layer = New Tilemap Layer layer_delete_layer = Delete Laye&r layer_convert_to = Conv&ert To... layer_convert_to_background = &Background layer_convert_to_layer = &Layer layer_convert_to_tilemap = &Tilemap layer_duplicate = &Duplicate layer_merge_down = &Merge Down layer_flatten = &Flatten layer_flatten_visible = Flatten Vi&sible frame = F&rame frame_properties = &Frame Properties... frame_cel_properties = &Cel Properties... frame_new_frame = &New Frame frame_new_empty_frame = New &Empty Frame frame_duplicate_cels = &Duplicate Cel(s) frame_duplicate_linked_cels = Duplicate &Linked Cel(s) frame_delete_frame = Delete F&rame frame_playback = &Playback frame_tags = &Tags frame_tags_tag_properties = Tag &Properties... frame_tags_new_tag = New &Tag frame_tags_delete_tag = &Delete Tag frame_jump_to = &Jump to frame_jump_to_first_frame = &First Frame frame_jump_to_previous_frame = &Previous Frame frame_jump_to_next_frame = &Next Frame frame_jump_to_last_frame = &Last Frame frame_jump_to_first_frame_in_tag = First Frame In Tag frame_jump_to_last_frame_in_tag = Last Frame In Tag frame_go_to_frame = &Go to Frame frame_constant_frame_rate = Constant Frame Rate frame_reverse_frames = Re&verse Frames select = Selec&t select_all = &All select_deselect = &Deselect select_reselect = &Reselect select_inverse = &Inverse select_color_range = &Color Range select_modify = &Modify select_modify_border = &Border select_modify_expand = &Expand select_modify_contract = &Contract select_load_from_file = &Load from MSK file select_save_to_file = &Save to MSK file view = &View view_duplicate_view = Duplicate &View view_show_extras = &Extras view_show = &Show view_show_layer_edges = &Layer Edges view_show_selection_edges = &Selection Edges view_show_grid = &Grid view_show_auto_guides = &Auto Guides view_show_slices = Sl&ices view_show_pixel_grid = &Pixel Grid view_show_brush_preview = &Brush Preview view_show_tile_numbers = &Tile Numbers view_grid = &Grid view_grid_settings = Gri&d Settings view_grid_selection_as_grid = Select&ion as Grid view_grid_snap_to_grid = &Snap to Grid view_tiled_mode = Tiled &Mode view_tiled_mode_none = &None view_tiled_mode_both = Tiled in &Both Axes view_tiled_mode_x = Tiled in &X Axis view_tiled_mode_y = Tiled in &Y Axis view_symmetry_options = S&ymmetry Options view_set_loop_section = Set &Loop Section view_show_onion_skin = Show &Onion Skin view_timeline = &Timeline view_preview = Previe&w view_preview_hide_other_layers = &Hide Other Layers view_advanced_mode = &Advanced Mode view_full_screen_mode = &Full Screen Mode view_full_screen_preview = F&ull Screen Preview view_home = &Home view_refresh = &Refresh && Reload Skin help = &Help help_readme = Readme help_quick_reference = Quick &Reference help_documentation = Documentation help_tutorial = Tutorial help_release_notes = Release Notes help_twitter = Twitter help_enter_license = Enter &License help_about = &About [mask_by_color] title = Select Color label_color = Color: tolerance = Tolerance: preview = &Preview ok = &OK cancel = &Cancel [modify_selection] title = Modify Selection circle = Circle Brush square = Square Brush [new_brush] shortcut = Shortcut: context_bar_help = Select brush bounds | Right-click to cut [new_folder] title = New Folder folder_name = Folder Name: default_new_folder_name = New Folder [new_layer] title = New Layer name = Name: tileset = Tileset: default_new_layer_name = New Layer [news_listbox] more = More... problem_loading = Problems loading news. Please retry. [enter_license] title = Enter License default_message = If you need a license key, go to license_key = License Key activating_message = Activating... activated_message = Aseprite has been successfully activated! [aseprite_update] title = Aseprite update [tileset_selector] new_tileset = New Tileset grid_width = Grid Width: grid_height = Grid Height: name = Name: default_name = Tileset base_index = Base Index: base_tooltip = Visible aid to see the first tile with content from the tileset\nas index 1 (by default, one-based index) or other value\nE.g. you can use 0 here for zero-based indexing allowed_flips = Allowed Flips: allowed_flips_tooltip = Aseprite can reuse tiles matching automatically with their flipped\nversions (in X, Y, or Diagonal axes) in Auto/Stack modes [tileset_selector_window] title = Tileset [new_sprite] title = New Sprite size = Size: width = Width: height = Height: color_mode = Color Mode: rgba = &RGBA grayscale = &Grayscale indexed = &Indexed rgba_tooltip = Each pixel has Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha components\n(32 bits per pixel) grayscale_tooltip = Each pixel has a Gray value and Alpha\n(16 bits per pixel) indexed_tooltip = Each pixel is a reference to the palette\n(8 bits per pixel) background = Background: transparent = &Transparent white = &White black = &Black pixel_ratio = Pixel Aspect Ratio: square_pixels = Square Pixels (1:1) double_wide = Double-wide Pixels (2:1) double_high = Double-high Pixels (1:2) [rgbmap_algorithm_selector] label = RGB to palette index mapping: default = Default (Octree) rgb5a3 = Table RGB 5 bits + Alpha 3 bits octree = Octree [open_file] title = Open loading = Loading file [open_sequence] title = Notice description = Do you want to load the following files as an animation? repeat = Do the same for other files duration = Duration agree = &Agree skip = &Skip [options] title = Preferences section_general = General section_files = Files section_tablet = Tablet section_alerts = Alerts section_color = Color section_editor = Editor section_selection = Selection section_timeline = Timeline section_cursors = Cursors section_background = Background section_grid = Grid section_guides_and_slices = Guides && Slices section_undo = Undo section_theme = Theme section_extensions = Extensions section_experimental = Experimental general = General ui_windows = User Interface: one_win = Confine the user interface to one native window.\ni.e. Menus, Preview, popups are inside the main window area. multi_win = Create one native window for each interface window.\ni.e. Menus, Preview, popups have their own window. theme_mode = Theme Mode: screen_scaling = Screen Scaling: ui_scaling = UI Elements Scaling: language = Language: download_translations = Download Translations gpu_acceleration = GPU acceleration [DEVMODE/INTERNAL TESTING ONLY] gpu_acceleration_tooltip = Check this option to enable hardware acceleration show_menu_bar = Show Aseprite menu bar show_aseprite_file_dialog = Show Aseprite file dialog show_home = Show Home tab when Aseprite is started expand_menu_bar_items_on_mouseover = Expand menu bar items on mouseover expand_menu_bar_items_on_mouseover_tooltip = Check this option to get\nthis old menus behavior color_bar_entries_separator = Draw a separation between each palette entry recover_files = Recover Files auto_save_recovery_data = Automatically save recovery data every auto_save_recovery_data_tooltip = With this option you can recover your documents\nif the program finalizes unexpectedly 10_seconds = 10 Seconds 30_seconds = 30 Seconds 1_minute = 1 Minute 2_minutes = 2 Minutes 5_minutes = 5 Minutes 10_minutes = 10 Minutes 15_minutes = 15 Minutes 30_minutes = 30 Minutes 1_hour = 1 Hour 4_hours = 4 Hours 8_hours = 8 Hours keep_edited_sprite_data = Keep edited sprite data for keep_edited_sprite_data_tooltip = With this option you can re-open edited documents\nafter closing the program for the number of specified\ndays 1_day = 1 Day 2_days = 2 Days 3_days = 3 Days 1_week = 1 Week 2_weeks = 2 Weeks 1_month = 1 Month show_full_path = Show full file name path show_full_path_tooltip = Uncheck this option if you would prefer to hide\nfull path on UI (e.g. useful for live streaming) keep_closed_sprite_on_memory = Keep closed sprite on memory for keep_closed_sprite_on_memory_tooltip = When you close a sprite, it will be kept on memory just in case if you\nhave closed the sprite by mistake, so you can "undo" the close action\nusing "File > Open Recent > Reopen Closed File" menu option default_extension_for = Default extension for: save_default_extension = File > Save: export_image_default_extension = File > Export (one image): export_animation_default_extension = File > Export (animation): export_sprite_sheet_default_extension = File > Export Sprite Sheet: recent_files = Recent Items: recent_files_tooltip = Number of recent files and folders clear_recent_files = Clear clear_recent_files_tooltip = Clear the list of recent files and folders locate_file = Locate Configuration File locate_crash_folder = Locate Crash Folder tablet_api_windows_pointer = Windows 8/10 Pointer API (Windows Ink) tablet_api_wintab_system = Wintab tablet_api_wintab_direct = Wintab (direct packet processing) wheel_zoom = Zoom with scroll wheel slide_zoom = Zoom sliding two fingers up or down zoom_from_center_with_wheel = Zoom from center with scroll wheel zoom_from_center_with_keys = Zoom from center with keys show_scrollbars = Show scroll-bars in sprite editor show_scrollbars_tooltip = Show scroll-bars in all sprite editors auto_scroll = Auto-scroll on editor edges auto_fit = Auto-fit on screen when a sprite is opened straight_line_preview = Preview straight line immediately on Pencil tool straight_line_preview_tooltip = On Pencil tool you can draw straight lines\nusing Shift + Click, with this option checked\nyou will see the preview immediately when\nthe Shift key is pressed discard_brush = Discard custom brush when eyedropper is used right_click = Right-click: right_click_paint_bgcolor = Paint with background color right_click_pick_fgcolor = Pick foreground color right_click_erase = Erase right_click_scroll = Scroll right_click_rectangular_marquee = Rectangular Marquee right_click_lasso = Lasso right_click_select_layer_and_move = Select Layer and Move editor_selection = Selection auto_opaque = Adjust opaque/transparent mode automatically auto_opaque_tooltip = Depending on the layer (background/transparent),\nthe pasted selection will be adjusted\nautomatically (opaque/transparent) keep_selection_after_clear = Keep selection after "Edit > Delete" command keep_selection_after_clear_tooltip = Check this if you want to keep the selection\nafter deleting it auto_show_selection_edges = Show selection edges automatically when the selection is modified auto_show_selection_edges_tooltip = When checked, the "View > Show > Selection Edges" option will be enabled\neach time we modify the selection\n\nUncheck this in case that you want to keep selection edges hidden\nwhen "View > Show > Selection Edges" option is disabled, e.g. to avoid\nvisual noise or performance issues move_edges = Allow moving selection edges move_edges_tooltip = Check this if you want to be able to drag\nonly the selection edges when the mouse is\nabove them modifiers_disable_handles = Disable transformation handles when key modifiers are pressed modifiers_disable_handles_tooltip = If you press Shift/Ctrl/Alt keys, the handles\nto transform the selection will be temporarily\ndisabled move_on_add_mode = Move selection on Add mode move_on_add_mode_tooltip = On "Add to selection" mode, we can move\nthe selection when the mouse is inside it select_tile_with_double_click = Select a grid tile with double-click force_rotsprite = Force RotSprite even for right/straight angles multicel_when_layers_or_frames = Transform cels in selected layers or frames on timeline multicel_when_layers_or_frames_tooltip = When you transform the selection, all selected cels in the timeline\nwill be transformed. With this option if you select multiple layers or\nframes, the transformation will be applied to all cels of the selected\nlayers/frames. Without this option, multiple cels will be transformed\nonly if you select multiple cels explicitly in the timeline snap_to_grid_selection = Snap To Grid when the option is enabled autotimeline = Show timeline automatically autotimeline_tooltip = Show the timeline automatically\nwhen a new frame or layer is added rewind_on_stop = Rewind on Stop rewind_on_stop_tooltip = The "Stop" button should rewind the animation\nwhere it was started timeline_selection = Timeline Range Selection keep_timeline_selection = Keep selection keep_timeline_selection_tooltip = Keep the selected range of layers/frames/cels\nwhen we edit the canvas / the timeline loses\nthe focus select_on_click = Select on Click select_on_click_tooltip = Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels\nwhen we press the mouse button select_on_click_with_key = Select on Shift + Click select_on_click_with_key_tooltip = Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels\nwhen we press the mouse button with the Shift key select_on_drag = Select on Drag select_on_drag_tooltip = Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels\nwhen we press the mouse button and after we move\nthe mouse to another position drag_and_drop_from_edges = Drag && drop from edges default_first_frame = Default First Frame: ui_mouse_cursor = UI Mouse Cursor native_cursor = Use native mouse cursors cursor_scale_label = Mouse Cursor Scale: painting_cursors = Painting Cursors crosshair_type = Crosshair Type: simple_crosshair = Simple Crosshair crosshair_on_sprite = Crosshair on Sprite brush_preview = Brush Preview: brush_preview_none = None brush_preview_edges = Edges Only brush_preview_full = Full Preview brush_preview_fullall = Full Preview with All Tools brush_preview_fullnedges = Full Preview and Edges cursor_color_type = Crosshair && Brush Edges Color: cursor_neg_bw = Negative Black and White cursor_specific_color = Specific Color snap_cursor_to_grid = Snap To Grid when the option is enabled bg_checkered = Checkered Background bg_size = Size: bg_custom_size = Custom bg_apply_zoom = Apply Zoom bg_colors = Colors: bg_for_new_docs = Background for New Documents bg_for_active_doc = Background for the Active Document grid_for_active_doc = Grid for the Active Document grid_for_new_docs = Grid for New Documents grid_visible = Visible Grid grid_x = X: grid_y = Y: grid_width = Width: grid_height = Height: grid_color = Color: grid_opacity = Opacity: grid_auto = Auto grid_pixel_grid_visible = Visible Pixel Grid grid_pixel_grid_color = Color: grid_pixel_grid_opacity = Opacity: guides = Guides slices = Slices layer_edges_color = Layer Edges Color: auto_guides_color = Auto Guides Color: default_slice_color = Default Color: undo = Undo undo_show_tooltip = Show Undo Tooltip undo_size_limit = Undo Limit: undo_size_limit_tooltip = Limit of memory to be used\nfor undo information per sprite.\nSpecified in megabytes undo_mb = MB undo_goto_modified = Go to modified frame/layer undo_goto_modified_tooltip = When it's enabled each time you undo/redo\nthe current frame & layer will be modified\nto focus the undid/redid change undo_allow_nonlinear_history = Allow non-linear history open_sequence_alert = Open a sequence of static files as an animation open_sequence_alert_ask = Ask open_sequence_alert_no = No open_sequence_alert_yes = Yes file_format_doesnt_support_alert = Show warning when saving a file with unsupported features export_animation_in_sequence_alert = Show warning when saving an animation as a sequence of static images overwrite_files_on_export_alert = Show warning when overwriting files on "File > Export" overwrite_files_on_export_sprite_sheet_alert = Show warning when overwriting files on Export Sprite Sheet delete_tilemap_delete_unused_tileset_alert = Show warning when deleting a tilemap will delete its unused tileset image_format_alerts = Show options when saving files: advanced_mode_alert = Show alert when we enter to Advanced Mode invalid_fg_bg_color_alert = Show alert when drawing with index out of palette bounds run_script_alert = Show alert when we try to run a script reset_alerts = Reset all alert dialogs color_management = Color Management window_cs = Window Color Profile use_monitor_cs = Use Current Monitor Color Profile use_srgb_cs = Use sRGB Color Profile use_specific_cs = Use {0} working_rgb_cs = Working RGB space: files_with_cs = Files with profile: missing_cs = Missing profile: disable_cs = Don't handle color use_embedded_cs = Use embedded profile convert_cs = Convert to working RGB space assign_cs = Assign working RGB space ask_cs = Ask available_themes = Available Themes extension_themes = Extension Themes select_theme = &Select download_themes = Download Themes open_theme_folder = Open &Folder language_extensions = Languages theme_extensions = Themes keys_extensions = Keyboard Shortcuts script_extensions = Scripts palette_extensions = Palettes dithering_matrix_extensions = Dithering Matrices multiple_extensions = Multiple Categories add_extension = &Add Extension add_extension_title = Add Extension enable_extension = &Enable disable_extension = &Disable uninstall_extension = &Uninstall open_extension_folder = Open &Folder user_interface = User Interface color_quantization = Color Quantization performance = Performance multiple_windows = UI with multiple windows new_blend = New layer blending method new_render_engine = New render engine for sprite editor native_clipboard = Use native clipboard native_file_dialog = Use native file dialog shaders_for_color_selectors = Use shaders for color selectors hue_with_sat_value = Apply Saturation/Value to Hue slider on Tint/Shade/Tone selector cache_compressed_tilesets = Cache compressed tilesets for faster save (uses more memory) one_finger_as_mouse_movement = Interpret one finger as mouse movement one_finger_as_mouse_movement_tooltip = Only for Windows 8/10 Pointer API: Interprets one finger as mouse movement\nand two fingers as pan/scroll. Uncheck this to use the old behavior:\nOne finger pans/scrolls load_wintab_driver = Load wintab32 library load_wintab_driver_tooltip = Loads wintab32.dll driver to use Wacom-like devices\nwhen Aseprite is started wintab_more_info = (More Information) flash_selected_layer = Flash layer when it is selected non_active_layer_opacity = Opacity for non-active layers: ok = &OK apply = &Apply cancel = &Cancel [outline] color = Outline Color: outside = Outside inside = Inside circle = Circle horizontal = Horizontal vertical = Vertical square = Square bg_color = Background Color: [palette_from_sprite] title = Palette from Sprite new_palette = Create new palette, color count limit: replace_palette = Replace current palette replace_range = Replace current range alpha_channel = Create entries with alpha component [palette_popup] load = &Load open_folder = Open &Folder [palette_popup_menu] title = Palette edit_palette = Edit &Palette palette_size = Palette Si&ze select_palette_colors = S&elect small_size = &Small Size medium_size = &Medium Size large_size = &Large Size color_tint_shade_tone = Color Tint/Shade/Tone color_spectrum = Color Spectrum rgb_color_wheel = RGB Color Wheel ryb_color_wheel = RYB Color Wheel normal_map_color_wheel = Normal Map Color Wheel load_palette = L&oad Palette save_palette = S&ave Palette save_palette_as_preset = Save Palette as Preset load_default_palette = Load Default Palette save_as_default_palette = Save Palette as Default create_palette_from_current_sprite = New Palette from Sprite unused_colors = Unused Colors unused_tiles = Unused Tiles used_colors = Used Colors used_tiles = Used Tiles [palette_size] title = Palette Size number_of_colors = Number of colors: [paste_text] title = Insert Text text = Text: font_size = Font Size: font = Font: select_font = Select Font color = Color: antialias = Anti-aliasing filter antialias_tooltip = Smooth font edges [preview] title = Preview [recover_files] title = Recover Files recover_sprite = Recover Sprite recover_n_sprites = Recover {} Sprite(s) delete = Delete refresh = Refresh raw_images_as_frames = Raw Images as Frames raw_images_as_layers = Raw Images as Layers loading = Loading... crash_sessions = Crashed Sessions old_sessions = Previous Sessions incompatible = [MIGHT BE INCOMPATIBLE v{1}] {0} [replace_color] title = Replace Color from = From: to = To: tolerance = Tolerance: [remove_slice] x_removed = Slice "{}" removed n_slices_removed = {} slice(s) removed [remove_layer] x_removed = Layer "{}" removed layers_removed = Layers removed [save_file] title = Save File save_as = Save As export = Export saving = Saving file saved = File <{}> saved. [save_palette] title = Save Palette [save_selection] title = Save Selection (.msk file) [script_access] title = Security script_label = The following script: file_label = wants to access to this file: command_label = wants to execute the following command: websocket_label = wants to open a WebSocket connection to this URL: dont_show_for_this_access = Don't show this specific alert again for this script dont_show_for_this_script = Give full trust to this script allow_execute_access = &Allow Execute Access allow_write_access = &Allow Write Access allow_read_access = &Allow Read Access allow_open_conn_access = &Allow to Open Connections allow_load_lib_access = &Allow Load External Library give_full_access = Give Script Full &Access stop_script = &Stop Script [select_accelerator] title = Keyboard Shortcut key = Key: clear = Clear modifiers = Modifiers: ctrl = Ctrl cmd = Cmd alt = Alt shift = Shift space = Space win = Win assigned_to = Assigned to: ok = OK cancel = Cancel [select_file] text = Select File browse = ... [selection_mode] replace = Replace selection add = Add to selection subtract = Subtract from selection intersect = Intersect selection [send_crash] title = Crash Report send_file = Please send the following file: to_email = To this email: explaining = Explaining what you were doing when the program crashed. using_dev_ver = You are using a development version. open_dmp_file = Open the following file to debug your compilation: do_it_later = Do it later delete_file = Delete file, I've already sent it [slice_popup_menu] properties = Slice &Properties... delete = &Delete Slice [slice_properties] title = Slice Properties name = Slice Name: user_data_tooltip = User Data bounds = Bounds: center = 9-Slices pivot = Pivot x = X y = Y width = Width height = Height [sprite_properties] title = Sprite Properties filename = File name: type = Type: size = Size: frames = Frames: advanced = Advanced transparent_color = Transparent Color: transparent_color_tooltip = Palette entry used as\ntransparent color in each\nlayer (only for indexed images) pixel_ratio = Pixel Aspect Ratio: square_pixels = Square Pixels (1:1) double_wide = Double-wide Pixels (2:1) double_high = Double-high Pixels (1:2) color_profile = Color Profile: assign = Assign convert = Convert rgb = RGB grayscale = Grayscale indexed_color = Indexed ({0} colors) indexed_image_only = (only for indexed images) assign_color_profile = Assign Color Profile convert_color_profile = Convert Color Profile change_sprite_props = Change Sprite Properties tilesets = Tilesets delete_tileset = Delete duplicate_tileset = Duplicate [sprite_size] title = Sprite Size pixels = Pixels: width = Width: width_px_tooltip = New width for the sprite (in pixels) width_perc_tooltip = New width for the sprite\nPercentage of current width height = Height: height_px_tooltip = New height for the sprite (in pixels) height_perc_tooltip = New height for the sprite\nPercentage of current height lock_ratio = Lock Ratio percentage = Percentage: interpolation = Interpolation: method = Method: method_nearest_neighbor = Nearest-neighbor method_bilinear = Bilinear method_rotsprite = RotSprite [svg_options] title = SVG Options pixel_scale = Pixel Scale: [tab_popup_menu] close = &Close [tag_properties] title = Tag Properties name = Name: from = From: to = To: color = Color: ani_dir = Animation Direction: repeat = Repeat: [tga_options] title = TGA Options bits_per_pixel = Bits Per Pixel compress = Compress [css_options] title = CSS Options pixel_scale = Pixel Scale with_vars = Use CSS3 Variables generate_html = Generate Sample HTML File [timeline_conf] position = Position: left = &Left right = &Right bottom = &Bottom frame_header = Frame Header: first_frame = First Frame: thumbnails = Thumbnails thumbnail_size = Thumbnail Size: overlay_size = Overlay Size: onion_skin = Onion Skin: merge_frames = Merge Frames red_blue_tint = Red/Blue Tint reset = Reset opacity = Opacity: opacity_step = Opacity Step: loop_tags = Loop through tag frames current_layer = Current layer only behind_sprite = Behind sprite behind_sprite_toolip = Only for transparent layers.\nBackground is not included in this onion skin mode. in_front = In front of sprite in_front_toolip = For all kind of layers (background and transparents) [tools] rectangular_marquee = Rectangular Marquee Tool selection_tooltip = * Left Button: replace/add to current selection\n* Right Button: remove from current selection elliptical_marquee = Elliptical Marquee Tool lasso_tool = Lasso Tool polygonal_lasso = Polygonal Lasso Tool magic_wand = Magic Wand Tool pencil = Pencil Tool spray = Spray Tool eraser = Eraser Tool eraser_tooltip = * Left Button: Erase with the background color in "Background" layer\n or transparent color in any other layer\n* Right Button: Replace foreground with background color eyedropper = Eyedropper Tool zoom = Zoom Tool hand = Hand Tool move = Move Tool slice = Slice Tool paint_bucket = Paint Bucket Tool gradient = Gradient Tool line = Line Tool curve = Curve Tool rectangle = Rectangle Tool filled_rectangle = Filled Rectangle Tool ellipse = Ellipse Tool filled_ellipse = Filled Ellipse Tool contour = Contour Tool polygon = Polygon Tool blur = Blur Tool jumble = Jumble Tool shortcut = Shortcut: {0} preview_hide = Hide Preview preview_show = Show Preview timeline_hide = Hide Timeline timeline_show = Show Timeline [undo_history] title = Undo History [user_data] user_data = User Data: color = Color: [webp_options] title = WebP Options save_as = Save as: animation_loop = Animation &Loop type = Type: simple_webp = Simple: Good Lossless Compression lossless_webp = Lossless WebP compression = Compression: image_hint = Image Hint: image_hint_default = Default image_hint_picture = Picture image_hint_photo = Photo image_hint_graph = Graph lossy_webp = Lossy WebP quality = Quality: image_preset = Image Preset: image_preset_default = Default image_preset_picture = Picture image_preset_photo = Photo image_preset_drawing = Drawing image_preset_icon = Icon image_preset_text = Text [symmetry] toggle = Toggle Symmetry toggle_horizontal = Toggle Horizontal Symmetry toggle_vertical = Toggle Vertical Symmetry show_options = Symmetry Options reset_position = Reset Symmetry to Center