-- ase -- allegro-sprite-editor: the ultimate sprites factory -- Copyright (C) 2001-2005 by David A. Capello function GUI_SaveSprite() if not current_sprite then return end local filename = current_sprite.filename local ret while true do filename = ji_file_select(_("Save Sprite"), filename, get_writeable_extensions()) if not filename then return end -- does the file exist? if file_exists(filename) then -- ask if the user wants overwrite the file? ret = jalert(_("Warning").. "<<".._("File exists, overwrite it?").. "<<"..get_filename(filename).. "||".._("&Yes||&No||&Cancel")) else break end -- "yes": we must continue with the operation... if ret == 1 then break -- "cancel" or per example: we back doing nothing elseif ret != 2 then return end -- "no": we must back to select other file-name */ end sprite_set_filename(current_sprite, filename) rebuild_sprite_list() if sprite_save(current_sprite) == 0 then recent_file(filename) sprite_was_saved(current_sprite) else unrecent_file(filename) print(_("Error saving sprite file: ")..current_sprite.filename) end end