-- Copyright (C) 2023 Igara Studio S.A. -- -- This file is released under the terms of the MIT license. -- Read LICENSE.txt for more information. -- Basic decode + iterators do local o = json.decode('{"a":true,"b":5,"c":[1,3,9]}') assert(#o == 3) assert(o.a == true) assert(o.b == 5) assert(#o.c == 3) assert(o.c[1] == 1) assert(o.c[2] == 3) assert(o.c[3] == 9) -- Iterate json data for k,v in pairs(o) do if k == "a" then assert(v == true) end if k == "b" then assert(v == 5) end if k == "c" then assert(v[1] == 1) assert(v[2] == 3) assert(v[3] == 9) end end for i,v in ipairs(o.c) do if i == 1 then assert(v == 1) end if i == 2 then assert(v == 3) end if i == 3 then assert(v == 9) end end end -- Modify values do local o = json.decode('{"obj":{"a":3,"b":5},"arr":[0,"hi",{"bye":true}]}') assert(o.obj.a == 3) assert(o.obj.b == 5) assert(o.arr[1] == 0) assert(o.arr[2] == "hi") assert(o.arr[3].bye == true) local u = json.decode(json.encode(o)) -- Creates a copy assert(o == o) assert(o == u) o.obj.b = 6 o.arr[1] = "name" assert(tostring(o.obj) == '{"a": 3, "b": 6}') assert(tostring(o.arr) == '["name", "hi", {"bye": true}]') -- Check that "u" is a copy and wasn't modify (only "o" was modified) assert(tostring(u.obj) == '{"a": 3, "b": 5}') assert(tostring(u.arr) == '[0, "hi", {"bye": true}]') end -- Encode Lua tables do local arrStr = json.encode({ 4, "hi", true }) assert(arrStr == '[4, "hi", true]') local arr = json.decode(arrStr) assert(arr[1] == 4) assert(arr[2] == "hi") assert(arr[3] == true) local obj = json.decode(json.encode({ a=4, b=true, c="name", d={1,8,{a=2}} })) assert(obj.a == 4) assert(obj.b == true) assert(obj.c == "name") assert(obj.d[1] == 1) assert(obj.d[2] == 8) assert(obj.d[3].a == 2) end