# Allegro Sprite Editor tips # Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by David Capello ********************************************************************** \palette ase.pcx \image ase.pcx Welcome to ASE 0.7 READ THIS! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.aseprite.org/ ********************************************************************** \image zoom.pcx Use the <1>, <2>, <3>, <4>, <5> and <6> keys to set the zoom in the current editor's viewport. ********************************************************************** \image eyedropper.pcx You can pick a color from the sprite using . This replaces the ``Tool Foreground Color''. replaces the ``Tool Background Color'' and the switches the Foreground and Background colors. ********************************************************************** \image anicontrols.pcx Move through the frames with the arrows keys \split = go to previous frame = go to first frame \next = go to next frame = go to last frame \done = play animation ********************************************************************** \image aniedit.pcx Do you want edit layers, frames and cels? Use the ``Animation Editor''. Go to ``Tools/Animation Editor'' menu or press key when you are editing a sprite. ********************************************************************** \image newframe.pcx You can add new animation frames pressing key or using ``Frame/New'' menu. ********************************************************************** \image onion.pcx You can use the onion-skinning feature to edit animations (press key to see the ``Tools Setup'' window). The onion-skinning works only for transparent layers, the ``Background'' layer can't be used. ********************************************************************** When you apply some effect (like Convolution Matrix, or Color Curves), you can choose the target channels: \split \image tar_rgb.pcx * R: Red channel * G: Green channel * B: Blue channel * A: Alpha channel \next \image tar_gray.pcx * K: Black channel * A: Alpha channel \next \image tar_indx.pcx * R: Red channel * G: Green channel * B: Blue channel * Index: Use directly the index \done Also you will be able to specify to what images apply the effect: \split \image tar_1.pcx Current frame in current layer \next \image tar_2.pcx All frames of current layer \next \image tar_3.pcx Current frames of all layers \next \image tar_4.pcx All frames in all layers \done ********************************************************************** \image colcurv.pcx In the ``Color Curve'' window, you can use the and keys to insert or remove vertices respectively. Also, if you press in a vertex with the right mouse button, the ``Point Properties'' window (to change the coordinates manually) will be appears. ********************************************************************** \split \image nodither.pcx A RGB image without dithering. \next \image dither.pcx Ordered dithering method. \done See ``Tool/Options'' menu or press . ********************************************************************** \palette sprite.pcx \image sprite.pcx And remember look for updates in: http://www.aseprite.org/ Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by David Capello