# Aseprite *Copyright (C) 2001-2013 David Capello* > THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
> See the license section for more information. ## Introduction **Aseprite** is an open source program to create animated sprites. Sprites are little images that can be used in your website or in a video game. You can draw characters with movement, intros, textures, patterns, backgrounds, logos, color palettes, isometric levels, etc. What makes Aseprite different? It focuses on pixel editing, to do pixel-art. Indeed, it isn't a photo retouching tool or a vector graphics editor. Mainly it is a tool to create tiny animations pixel-by-pixel. ## Features The main features of Aseprite are: * Sprites are composed by **layers** & **frames**. * Supported color modes: **RGBA**, **Indexed** (palettes up to 256 colors), and Grayscale. * Supported image formats (load/save): **PNG**, **GIF**, JPG, FLC, FLI, BMP, PCX, TGA, and ASE (special format). * Load and save animations in a **sequence of bitmaps** (e.g. frame1.png, frame2.png, etc.). * **Tiled** drawing mode, useful to draw **patterns** and textures. * **Undo/Redo** for every operation. * **Multiple editors** support. You can split an editor horizontally or vertically multiple times to edit and view the same sprite with different zooms, or different sprites. * Import/Export **Sprite Sheets**. * Pixel art specific tools like filled **Contour** & **Polygon**. * **Onion skinning** ## Configuration files In Windows XP/Vista/7 the main configuration file is `aseprite.ini` which is saved in the same folder of `aseprite.exe` executable file (in this way Aseprite is a portable application, i.e. you can transport a copy of the program in your USB drive). The following is a list of all configuration files that you could modify (it is not recommended to do so, but is useful if you want to super-customize Aseprite): aseprite.ini Program configuration data/gui.xml Menus, shortcuts, and tools data/convmatr.def Convolutions matrices data/skins/*.* Aseprite skins data/widgets/*.xml XML files with dialogs In GNU/Linux, the configuration file is ~/.asepriterc, and the data/ files are searched in these locations (in priority order): $HOME/.aseprite/ ../share/aseprite/ ./data/ ## Contact Information You can report problems (bugs) or features in the Google Code project: * [Bugs](http://code.google.com/p/aseprite/issues/entry) * [Request features](http://code.google.com/p/aseprite/issues/entry?template=New%20feature) * [Aseprite Group](http://groups.google.com/group/aseprite-discuss) ([subscribe](mailto:aseprite-discuss+subscribe@googlegroups.com)) For more information, visit the official page of the project: http://www.aseprite.org/ ## License This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the [GNU General Public License](docs/licenses/GPL.txt) along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## Authors * David Capello [davidcapello@gmail.com](mailto:davidcapello@gmail.com)
Programmer, designer, and maintainer.
http://dacap.com.ar/ * Ilija Melentijevic
New GUI skin (from Aseprite 0.8). A lot of good ideas.
http://www.pixeljoint.com/p/9270.htm * Contributors
http://code.google.com/p/aseprite/people/list Thanks to all the people who have contributed ideas, patches, bugs report, feature requests, donations, and help me developing Aseprite. ## Credits Aseprite uses libraries or parts of the original source code of the following projects created by third-parties: * [Allegro 4](http://alleg.sourceforge.net/) - [allegro4 license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/allegro4-LICENSE.txt) * [AllegroFont](http://chernsha.sitesled.com/) - [FTL license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/FTL.txt) * [curl](http://curl.haxx.se/) - [curl license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/curl-LICENSE.txt) * [FreeType](http://www.freetype.org/) - [FTL license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/FTL.txt) * [giflib](http://sourceforge.net/projects/giflib/) - [giflib license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/giflib-LICENSE.txt) * [GIMP](http://www.gimp.org/) - [GPL license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/GPL.txt) * [GTK+](http://www.gtk.org/) - [LGPL license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/LGPL-2.1.txt) * [Google Test](http://code.google.com/p/googletest/) - [gtest license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/gtest-LICENSE.txt) * [libart](http://www.levien.com/libart/) - [LGPL license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/LGPL-2.0.txt) * [libjpeg](http://www.ijg.org/) - [libjpeg license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/libjpeg-LICENSE.txt) * [libpng](http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/) - [libpng license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/libpng-LICENSE.txt) * [loadpng](http://tjaden.strangesoft.net/loadpng/) - [zlib license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/ZLIB.txt) * [tinyxml](http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml) - [zlib license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/ZLIB.txt) * [XFree86](http://www.x.org/) - [XFree86 license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/XFree86-LICENSE.txt) * [zlib](http://www.gzip.org/zlib/) - [ZLIB license](https://github.com/dacap/aseprite/tree/master/docs/licenses/ZLIB.txt) Other parts of code by: * Gary Oberbrunner
Code to quantize RGB images with ordered dither method.