# Aseprite Source Code If you are here is because you want to learn about Aseprite source code. I'll try to write in these `README.md` files a summary of each module/library. # Modules & Libraries Aseprite is separated in the following layers/modules: ## Level 0: Completely independent modules These libraries are easy to be used and embedded in other software because they don't depend on any other component. * [allegro](allegro/): Modified version of [Allegro](http://alleg.sourceforge.net/) library, used for keyboard/mouse input, and drawing 2D graphics on screen. * [base](base/): Core/basic stuff, multithreading, utf8, sha1, file system, memory, etc. * [gfx](gfx/): Abstract graphics structures like point, size, rectangle, region, color, etc. * [scripting](scripting/): JavaScript engine ([V8](https://code.google.com/p/v8/)). * [undo](undo/): Generic library to manage undo history of undoable actions. ## Level 1 * [net](net/) (base): Networking library to send HTTP requests. * [raster](raster/) (base, gfx): Library to handle graphics entities like sprites, images, frames. * [she](she/) (allegro): A (Work In Progress) wrapper for Allegro library. * [webserver](webserver/) (base): HTTP web server (based on [mongoose](https://github.com/valenok/mongoose)) ## Level 2 * [filters](filters/) (base, gfx, raster): FX for raster images. * [ui](ui/) (base, gfx, she): Portable UI library (buttons, windows, text fields, etc.) * [updater](updater/) (base, net): Component to check for updates. ## Level 3 * [app](app/) (allegro, base, filters, gfx, raster, scripting, she, ui, undo, updater, webserver) ## Level 4 * [main](main/) (app, base, she, ui)