// Copyright (C) 2018 David Capello // // This file is released under the terms of the MIT license. // Read LICENSE.txt for more information. var a = new Sprite(32, 64) console.assert(a.width == 32) console.assert(a.height == 64) console.assert(a.colorMode == ColorMode.RGB) // RGB by default var s = a.selection console.assert(s.bounds.x == 0) console.assert(s.bounds.y == 0) console.assert(s.bounds.width == 0) console.assert(s.bounds.height == 0) s.selectAll() console.assert(s.bounds.x == 0) console.assert(s.bounds.y == 0) console.assert(s.bounds.width == a.width) console.assert(s.bounds.height == a.height) s.select(2, 3, 4, 5) console.assert(s.bounds.x == 2) console.assert(s.bounds.y == 3) console.assert(s.bounds.width == 4) console.assert(s.bounds.height == 5) a.crop() console.assert(a.width == 4) console.assert(a.height == 5) a.resize(6, 8) console.assert(a.width == 6) console.assert(a.height == 8) a.crop({ 'x': -1, 'y': -1, 'width': 20, 'height': 30 }) console.assert(a.width == 20) console.assert(a.height == 30) // resize sprite setting width/height a.width = 8 a.height = 10 console.assert(a.width == 8) console.assert(a.height == 10) var b = new Sprite(4, 4, ColorMode.INDEXED) console.assert(b.width == 4) console.assert(b.height == 4) console.assert(b.colorMode == ColorMode.INDEXED)