Refactoring ----------- - editors_ -> Editors class widget - rename core/cfg.h to cfg_file.h - convert all widgets to classes: + match Jinete design with Vaca library (Vaca Fusion) + move all functions (jwidget_*) to methods in Widget class. + the same for each widget (e.g. jbutton_* to Button widget) + AppHooks to Vaca::Signals + Convert all JI_SIGNAL to Vaca::Signals - all member functions should be named verbNoun instead of verb_noun or noun_verb. - all functions to handle an object should be converted to member functions: - e.g. jwidget_set_text -> Widget::setText High priority work ------------------ + Selection tools do not have "move" functionality incorporated yet as we talked (they just add/subtract selection) + The following tools do not work: spray, eraser, blur, jumble, eyedropper, scroll, move. + You cannot cancel trace pressing the other mouse button + "shade" drawing mode + A lot of tool configurations are not working (grid, tiled, opacity) + Improve polygon tool (and polygon lasso) - Fix paste behavior: + paste when there are no images (create one image or put the clipboard as the layer's image) + create a 'floating' flag for image-layers and make the trasformation embedded in the editor + Ctrl+T should transform the current cel - fix bilinear: when getpixel have alpha = 0 get a neighbor color. - fix sliders in Tools Configuration, they are too big for small resolutions. - rewrite palette-editor to edit multiple-palettes. - fix quantize (one palette for all frames, one palette per frame) - pal-operations (sort, quantize, gamma by color-curves, etc.); - complete palette operations, and palette editor (it needs a slider or something to move between palette changes) - add undo support for palette changes. - brush options by tool. - if there is activated the Tools Configuration dialog box, the Shift+G and Shift+S should update it - when press Plus/Minus pad in the editor and the configuration tool window is active, the slider of the "Brush Size" must be updated. - add two DrawClick2: - DrawClick2FreeHand - DrawClick2Shape - see the new Allegro's load_font - finish ICO files support. - add "size" to GUI font (for TTF fonts); - layer movement between sets in animation-editor; + add all the "set" stuff again; - fix algo_ellipsefill; - view_tiled() should support animation playback (partial support: with left and right keys). - make keys like 9, 0, + Pad, - Pad configurable. Wish-list --------- - dacap wish-list: + added starred file-items in the file-selector. + the commands should use a new ase/ API and not the raster/ low-level - "raster/Undoable" is the beginning + the dependencies should be: commands/ -> ase/ -> raster/ -> jinete/ + consistent error handling (now I'm using exception). - manuq wish-list: + layer-with-constant-cel - Mateusz Czaplinski ideas: + when move selections, will be good the possibility to see relative position from the starting point of movement; + make drawing the 'marching-ants-rectangle' a prioritaire thing to draw (when move it). Low priority stuff ------------------ - add more unit-tests. - test routines: load/save_pic_file, load/save_msk_file, load/save_col_file. - fix the fli reader (both Allegro and Gfli): when a frame hasn't chunks means that it's looks like the last frame; - talk with Ben Davis, his "quantize.c" has memory leaks (test it more, I don't think so); - talk with Elias Pschernig, his "do_ellipse_diameter" (algo_ellipse) has a bug with ellipses of some dimensions (I made a test, and a various sizes have errors). - optimize the *_to_allegro image methods (I profiled ASE, and these are the more slow routines in all the program); - remove the jfilesel.c & jquickmenu.c - fix Jinete examples: + 05fsel + 09lists + 20combo + 21manage