-- Copyright (C) 2022 Igara Studio S.A. -- -- This file is released under the terms of the MIT license. -- Read LICENSE.txt for more information. function fix_test_img(testImg, scale, fileExt, cm, c1) -- With file formats that don't support alpha channel, we -- compare totally transparent pixels (alpha=0) with black. if fileExt == "bmp" or (fileExt == "tga" and cm == ColorMode.GRAYSCALE) then local pixel if cm == ColorMode.RGB then pixel = c1.rgbaPixel elseif cm == ColorMode.GRAYSCALE then pixel = c1.grayPixel else pixel = 0 -- Do nothing in indexed end for p in testImg:pixels() do if p() == 0 then p(pixel) end end end testImg:resize(testImg.width*scale, testImg.height*scale) end for _,cm in ipairs{ ColorMode.RGB, ColorMode.GRAYSCALE, ColorMode.INDEXED } do local spr = Sprite(32, 32, cm) spr.palettes[1]:resize(3) spr.palettes[1]:setColor(0, Color(0, 0, 0, 0)) spr.palettes[1]:setColor(1, Color(0, 0, 0, 255)) spr.palettes[1]:setColor(2, Color(255, 0, 0, 255)) local c1, c2 if cm == ColorMode.RGB then c1 = Color(0, 0, 0) c2 = Color(255, 0, 0) elseif cm == ColorMode.GRAYSCALE then c1 = Color{ gray=0 } c2 = Color{ gray=255 } elseif cm == ColorMode.INDEXED then c1 = 1 c2 = 2 end app.useTool{ color=c1, brush=Brush(1), tool="filled_ellipse", points={{0,0},{31,31}} } app.useTool{ color=c2, brush=Brush(1), tool="filled_ellipse", points={{4,4},{27,27}} } spr.filename = "_test_a.aseprite" app.command.SaveFile() assert(spr.filename == "_test_a.aseprite") app.command.SaveFileAs{ filename="_test_b.png" } assert(spr.filename == "_test_b.png") app.command.SaveFileCopyAs{ filename="_test_c.png" } assert(spr.filename == "_test_b.png") -- Scale for _,fn in ipairs{ "_test_c_scaled.png", "_test_c_scaled.gif", "_test_c_scaled.fli", "_test_c_scaled.tga", "_test_c_scaled.bmp" } do local fileExt = app.fs.fileExtension(fn) -- TODO support saving any color mode to FLI files on the fly if (fileExt ~= "fli" or cm == ColorMode.INDEXED) and -- TODO Review grayscale support in bmp files (fileExt ~= "bmp" or cm ~= ColorMode.GRAYSCALE) then for _,scale in ipairs({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }) do print(fn, scale, cm) app.activeSprite = spr app.command.SaveFileCopyAs{ filename=fn, scale=scale } local c = app.open(fn) assert(c.width == spr.width*scale) assert(c.height == spr.height*scale) -- GIF file is loaded as indexed, so we have to convert from -- indexed to the ColorMode if c.colorMode ~= cm then assert(fileExt == "gif" or fileExt == "bmp") if cm == ColorMode.RGB then app.activeSprite = c app.command.ChangePixelFormat{ format="rgb" } elseif cm == ColorMode.GRAYSCALE then app.activeSprite = c app.command.ChangePixelFormat{ format="grayscale" } else assert(false) end end local testImg = Image(spr.cels[1].image) fix_test_img(testImg, scale, fileExt, cm, c1) if not c.cels[1].image:isEqual(testImg) then c.cels[1].image:saveAs("_testA.png") testImg:saveAs("_testB.png") end assert(c.cels[1].image.colorMode == testImg.colorMode) assert(c.cels[1].image:isEqual(testImg)) end end end -- Scale + Slices local slice = spr:newSlice(Rectangle(1, 2, 8, 15)) slice.name = "small_slice" for _,fn in ipairs({ "_test_c_small_slice.png", -- TODO slices aren't supported in gif/fli yet --"_test_c_small_slice.gif", --"_test_c_small_slice.fli", "_test_c_small_slice.tga", "_test_c_small_slice.bmp" }) do local fileExt = app.fs.fileExtension(fn) if (fileExt ~= "bmp" or cm ~= ColorMode.GRAYSCALE) then for _,scale in ipairs({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }) do print(fn, scale, cm) app.activeSprite = spr app.command.SaveFileCopyAs{ filename=fn, slice="small_slice", scale=scale } local c = app.open(fn) assert(c.width == slice.bounds.width*scale) assert(c.height == slice.bounds.height*scale) local testImg = Image(spr.cels[1].image, spr.slices[1].bounds) fix_test_img(testImg, scale, fileExt, cm, c1) if not c.cels[1].image:isEqual(testImg) then c.cels[1].image:saveAs("_testA.png") testImg:saveAs("_testB.png") end assert(c.cels[1].image:isEqual(testImg)) end end end end