- Add ContextBarObserver (and MovingPixelsState implements this interface)
- PixelMovements::discardImage() receives a "commit" flag to do a rollback
of the operation if the user needs it.
- Add red/blue onion skin type
- Add app::calculate_next_frame() function to calculate the next frame
depending of the timeline configuration (loop range, animation direction)
- Add app::finder() to simplify the access to widgets loaded from xml files
- Remove celmove.h/cpp and move_cel/copy_cel functions. Now they are
in the Timeline as dropRange/Cels/Frames/Layers member functions.
- Add DocumentApi::copyFrame/moveCel/copyCel member functions.
- Add timeline_drop_layer_deco and timeline_drop_frame_deco skin parts.
- Move code from DuplicateLayerCommand::onExecute() to new member
function DocumentApi::duplicateLayer().
- Fix a bug changing Cel's frame number: we weren't updating the Cel
position properly inside the LayerImage::m_cels collection. Now we use
LayerImage::moveCel() to change the Cel frame number.
- Other fixes to DocumentApi: Change bgcolor from int to color_t.
With this patch we replace the "unique/odd" behavior of Aseprite where
you add selection regions with left-click and remove with right-click.
Now by default you replace the selection with left-click (as in regular
gfx programs). Also you can change the selection tool behavior with
buttons/icons at the context bar (to select between replace/add/subtract).
- Added support for styles to SkinTheme and skin.xml.
- Added app::skin::Style/Rule/BackgroundRule/IconRule/TextRule classes.
- Added app::skin::SkinPart class to refer to one part (BITMAP) of
the skin sheet.
- Renamed app::skin::SkinPart to SkinParts as now SkinPart is a class.
At this moment the button isn't functional because the current frame
position is stored in the sprite (instead of the Editor). In this case,
when the "play" button is pressed, the mini-editor should show other
frames instead of the current one (should play the whole animation).
Now we have one editor for each Document we want to edit. Before we were
creating one editor and switching the document on it, but now we have
several Editors (one for each opened Document). This simplifies the
Document implementation, because it doesn't need to know temporal
Editor information (like "preferred editor settings").
- Removed all code from modules/editors.cpp (legacy from C code).
- Removed PreferredEditorSettings class and
- Added Workspace/WorkspaceView classes.
- Added DocumentView (a DocumentObserver).
- Added MiniEditorWindow class.
- Removed SelectFileCommand & CloseEditorCommand.
- Added TabView interface instead of using a raw void* in
Tabs/TabsDelegate classes.
- Modified editors_draw_sprite() calls to Document::notifySpritePixelsModified
- The "current_editor" global variable wasn't removed because it's
used in several places yet, but it will be removed in the near future.
(Also this variable now can be NULL when we don't have an opened
+ Added support to rotate images of IMAGE_BITMAP type.
+ Added transformation_handle & pivot_handle parts in sheet.png.
+ Added rotation cursors in sheet.png.
+ Added gfx::Transformation class and Document::m_transformation field.
+ Added StandbyState::Decorator and TransformHandles class to draw
transformation handles.
+ Modified PixelsMovement class to support transformation handles.
+ Added new Linear Algebra library with Vector2d class.
+ Removed gfxdata.cpp file.
+ Removed get_gfx() from modules/gfx.h/cpp.
+ Added skin parts for each removed graphics of gfxdata.
+ Added IButtonIcon interface and an implementation for skin theme.
+ Removed "icon_buttons" from gui.cpp.
+ Now icons in button are set through set_gfxicon_to_button function.
+ Removed from Theme class check/radio_icon_size member variables
(they are replaced with the new IButtonIcon interface).
+ Removed jdraw_inverted_sprite(), now each icon has it normal/selected
version in the skin sheet.