We've added a new chunk type in .ase files to save palettes with alpha
channel, color name, and palettes with more than 256 colors.
Related to #668, #467, and #286
* Paint FrameTags in Timeline with labels
* Add app::ui::FrameTagWindow
* Fix FrameTag::m_aniDir initialization
* Add warning for files that doesn't support frame tags
* Remove document preferences related to the active loop
* Created base::write24bits() function (and detect endianness with a
special base/config.h.cmakein)
* Use _WIN32 instead of ALLEGRO_WINDOWS
* Use _DEBUG instead of DEBUGMODE
* Replaced AL_CONST with "const" in bmp_format.cpp
* Replace stricmp() with base::utf8_icmp()
* Add doc::ImageRef to count references to the same image between Cels
(at this moment we cannot generate linked cels anyway)
* Remove doc:Stock class and doc::Sprite::m_stock member variable
* Remove app::undoers::Add/RemoveImage
* Add doc::SubObjectsIO and app::undoers::ObjectIO to
replace doc::LayerSubObjectsSerializer
* Create render library (move util/render.cpp to render/render.cpp)
* Move app::Zoom class to render::Zoom
* Remove doc::Image::merge() member function
* Add gfx::Clip helper class (to clip dst/src rectangles before a blit)
* Move doc::composite_image() to render::composite_image()
* Remove doc::Sprite::render()
* Replace Sprite::getPixel() with render::get_sprite_pixel()
* Remove doc::layer_render() function
* Convert DitheringMethod to a enum class
* Add AppRender to configure a render::Render with the app configuration
* Move checked background preferences as document-specific configuration
* Add doc::Sprite::layer() and palette() member functions
* Add doc::Layer::cel() member function
* Add doc::Palette::entry() member function()
* Add doc::frame_t type
* Move create_palette_from_rgb/convert_pixel_format to render library
* ExportSpriteSheet doesn't need a temporary image now that we can specify
the source rectangle in the render routine
The objective of these changes is to create a more testable doc/logic API.
Included changes:
- Added doc::Context, doc::Documents (the old app::Documents),
and doc::Sprites (and observers for each)
- Added raster::Sprite::createBasicSprite()
- Added doc::ColorMode (equal to raster::PixelFormat)
- Added some methods to doc::Document: context(), sprites(), sprite()
(to replace app::Document::getSprite()), width/height(), colorMode(),
name(), and close()
- Moved app::DocumentObserver/Event to doc::DocumentObserver/Event
- Replaced app::ContextObserver with doc::DocumentsObserver and a couple
of signals.
- Renamed app::Context::getActiveDocument() with
- Renamed app::Context::getActiveLocation() with
- Removed app::ContextObserverList
- Removed app::DocumentId (now we can use doc::ObjectId)
- Removed app::Context::getSettings()
There were a number of places where a std::string was being used in a function calls that expected a c string. These instances were trivally fixed by adding a call to string::c_str().
Note, I'm not sure if this is a GCC specific issue, however even if it is a case of MSVC simply letting these usages slide it can't hurt to be explicit.
- Rename _rgba/_graya to raster::rgba()/graya()
- Add raster::color_t type (alias for uint32_t)
- Rename raster::GfxObj to Object. And GfxObj::getType() to Object::type()
- Move conversion from raster::Image/Palette to Allegro BITMAP/RGB
to raster/conversion_alleg.h file
- Add raster/color_scales.h
- Rename image_* functions to raster/primitives.h
- Reimplement ink processing with templates instead of macros
- Fixed issue #46: open .png files with Unicode chars
- Fixed issue #150: ability to uncompress program in folders w/Unicode chars
- Added base::utf8_iterator
- Added base::FileHandle
- Added base::get_app_path()
- Modified ui::KeyMessage::ascii() -> unicodeChar()
- Removed JI_NOTEXT flag
- Added app::XmlDocumentRef class and app::open_xml() function
- Added support for Unicode text exchange with Win32 clipboard
- Add HAVE_CONFIG_H wrapper to #include "config.h"
- Removed widgets namespace (it's in app now)
- Move some functions from src/file/file.h to src/base/cfile.h
- Move Vector2d to base library
- Rename MenuItem2 to AppMenuItem