This is a work-in-progress to create a consistent API and finally
separate the whole Aseprite base/gfx/ui libs into a reusable C++ library.
app::IFileItem, app::AppMenuItem, app::skin::SkinPart,
gfx::Rect, gfx::Border, she::FileDialog,
ui::IButtonIcon, ui::Graphics, ui::Overlay, ui::Widget,
ui::ScrollableViewDelegate, and UI events
* Added new ui::IconButton widget to create widgets with one skin icon
that is colored depending on the button state.
* ContextBar::InkShadesField was divided into a couple widgets (ShadeWidget
and IconButton to drop-down a little menu with saved shades)
* Fixed CommonLockedSurface::drawColoredRgbaSurface() impl.
* Removed invalid gfx::setr/g/b/a() functions.
With this change now we add a "mask" image/parameter in rotation
functions. In this way we can identify which specific pixels are
inside the original mask/selection, and in opaque mode we can
include/scale/rotate all those pixels inside the mask, whatever
value they are, even if they are the mask color.
* Create render library (move util/render.cpp to render/render.cpp)
* Move app::Zoom class to render::Zoom
* Remove doc::Image::merge() member function
* Add gfx::Clip helper class (to clip dst/src rectangles before a blit)
* Move doc::composite_image() to render::composite_image()
* Remove doc::Sprite::render()
* Replace Sprite::getPixel() with render::get_sprite_pixel()
* Remove doc::layer_render() function
* Convert DitheringMethod to a enum class
* Add AppRender to configure a render::Render with the app configuration
* Move checked background preferences as document-specific configuration
* Add doc::Sprite::layer() and palette() member functions
* Add doc::Layer::cel() member function
* Add doc::Palette::entry() member function()
* Add doc::frame_t type
* Move create_palette_from_rgb/convert_pixel_format to render library
* ExportSpriteSheet doesn't need a temporary image now that we can specify
the source rectangle in the render routine
- Add HAVE_CONFIG_H wrapper to #include "config.h"
- Removed widgets namespace (it's in app now)
- Move some functions from src/file/file.h to src/base/cfile.h
- Move Vector2d to base library
- Rename MenuItem2 to AppMenuItem
+ Added support to rotate images of IMAGE_BITMAP type.
+ Added transformation_handle & pivot_handle parts in sheet.png.
+ Added rotation cursors in sheet.png.
+ Added gfx::Transformation class and Document::m_transformation field.
+ Added StandbyState::Decorator and TransformHandles class to draw
transformation handles.
+ Modified PixelsMovement class to support transformation handles.
+ Added new Linear Algebra library with Vector2d class.