Change octree quantization is the new palette creation method on gif format coding/decoding

This commit is contained in:
Gaspar Capello 2021-06-07 18:01:27 -03:00
parent 06a387fd45
commit bec5a14e22

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "base/file_handle.h"
#include "base/fs.h"
#include "doc/doc.h"
#include "doc/octree_map.h"
#include "gfx/clip.h"
#include "render/dithering.h"
#include "render/ordered_dither.h"
@ -798,7 +799,8 @@ private:
(oldImage, nullptr, IMAGE_RGB,
nullptr, // rgbmap isn't needed, because isn't used in
// INDEXED->RGB conversions
@ -849,16 +851,15 @@ private:
void reduceToAnOptimizedPalette() {
render::PaletteOptimizer optimizer;
OctreeMap octree;
const Palette* palette = m_sprite->palette(0);
// Feed the palette optimizer with pixels inside frameBounds
for (int i=0; i<palette->size(); ++i) {
// Feed the octree with palette colors
for (int i=0; i<palette->size(); ++i)
Palette newPalette(0, 256);
optimizer.calculate(&newPalette, m_bgIndex);
octree.makePalette(&newPalette, 256, 8);
m_sprite->setPalette(&newPalette, false);
@ -1060,7 +1061,7 @@ public:
!m_hasBackground) {
// We create a new palette with 255 colors + one extra entry
// for the transparent color
Palette newPalette(0, 255);
Palette newPalette(0, 256);
@ -1069,15 +1070,10 @@ public:
RgbMapAlgorithm::DEFAULT, // TODO configurable?
RgbMapAlgorithm::OCTREE, // TODO configurable?
false); // Do not add the transparent color yet
// We will use the last palette entry (e.g. index=255) as the
// transparent index
ASSERT(newPalette.size() <= 256);
m_transparentIndex = newPalette.size() - 1;
m_transparentIndex = 0;
m_globalColormapPalette = newPalette;
m_globalColormap = createColorMap(&m_globalColormapPalette);
@ -1377,11 +1373,10 @@ private:
if (m_globalColormap)
framePalette = m_globalColormapPalette;
framePalette = calculatePalette(frameBounds, disposal);
RgbMapRGB5A3 rgbmap; // TODO RgbMapRGB5A3 configurable?
rgbmap.regenerateMap(&framePalette, m_transparentIndex);
framePalette = calculatePalette();
OctreeMap octree;
octree.regenerateMap(&framePalette, m_transparentIndex);
ImageRef frameImage(Image::create(IMAGE_INDEXED,
@ -1419,7 +1414,7 @@ private:
if (i < 0)
i = rgbmap.mapColor(color | rgba_a_mask); // alpha=255
i = octree.mapColor(color | rgba_a_mask); // alpha=255
else {
if (m_transparentIndex >= 0)
@ -1519,174 +1514,38 @@ private:
Palette calculatePalette(const gfx::Rect& frameBounds,
const DisposalMethod disposal) {
// First, we must check the palette color count in m_deltaImage (our best shot
// to find the smaller palette color count)
Palette pal(createOptimizedPalette(m_deltaImage.get(), m_deltaImage->bounds(), 256));
if (pal.size() == 256) {
// Here the palette has 256 colors, there is no place to include
// the 0 color (createOptimizedPalette() doesn't create an entry
// for it).
// We have two paths:
// 1- Giving a try to palette generation on m_currentImage in frameBouns limits.
// 2- If the previous step is not possible (color count > 256), we will to start
// to approximate colors from m_deltaImage with some criterion. Final target:
// to approximate the palette to 255 colors + clear color (0)).
// 1- Giving a try to palette generation on m_currentImage in frameBouns limits.
// if disposal == RESTORE_BGCOLOR m_deltaImage already is a cropped copy of m_currentImage.
Palette auxPalette;
if (disposal == DisposalMethod::DO_NOT_DISPOSE)
auxPalette = createOptimizedPalette(m_currentImage, frameBounds, 257);
auxPalette = pal;
if (auxPalette.size() <= 256) {
// We are fine with color count in m_currentImage contained in
// frameBounds (we got 256 or less colors):
m_transparentIndex = -1;
pal = auxPalette;
if (disposal == DisposalMethod::DO_NOT_DISPOSE) {
ASSERT(frameBounds.w >= 1);
m_deltaImage.reset(crop_image(m_currentImage, frameBounds, 0));
else {
// 2- If the previous step fails, we will to start to approximate colors from m_deltaImage
// with some criterion:
// Final target: to approximate the palette to 255 colors + clear color (0)).
// Find a palette of 220 or less colors (in high precision) into the square border
// contained in m_deltaImage, then into the center square quantize the remaining colors
// to complete a palette of 255 colors, finally add the transparent color (0).
// m_currentImage__ __ m_deltaImage (same rectangle size as `frameBounds` variable)
// | |
// --------------*----|-----------
// | | |
// | --------------*- |
// | | | |
// | | ________ | |
// | | | | *--------------- square border (we will collect
// | | | | | | high precision colors from this area, less than 220)
// | | | | | |
// | | | *--------------------- center rectangle (we will to quantize
// | | | | | | colors contained in this area)
// | | |________| | |
// | | | |
// | |________________| |
// | |
// |_______________________________|
const gfx::Size deltaSize = m_deltaImage->size();
int thicknessTop = deltaSize.h / 4;
int thicknessLeft = deltaSize.w / 4;
int repeatCounter = 0;
while (repeatCounter < 10 && thicknessTop > 0 && thicknessLeft > 0) {
// ----------------
// |________________|
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | |________| |
// |________________|
render::PaletteOptimizer optimizer;
gfx::Rect auxRect(0, 0, deltaSize.w, thicknessTop);
optimizer.feedWithImage(m_deltaImage.get(), auxRect, false);
// ----------------
// | ________ |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// |___|________|___|
// |________________|
auxRect = gfx::Rect(0, deltaSize.h - thicknessTop - 1, deltaSize.w, thicknessTop);
optimizer.feedWithImage(m_deltaImage.get(), auxRect, false);
// ----------------
// |____________ |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// |___|________| |
// |________________|
auxRect = gfx::Rect(0, thicknessTop, thicknessLeft, deltaSize.h - 2 * thicknessTop);
optimizer.feedWithImage(m_deltaImage.get(), auxRect, false);
// ----------------
// | _____________|
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | |________|___|
// |________________|
auxRect = gfx::Rect(deltaSize.w - thicknessLeft - 1, thicknessTop, thicknessLeft, deltaSize.h - 2 * thicknessTop);
optimizer.feedWithImage(m_deltaImage.get(), auxRect, false);
int maxBorderColorCount = 220;
if (optimizer.isHighPrecision() && (optimizer.highPrecisionSize() < maxBorderColorCount)) {
optimizer.calculate(&pal, -1);
else if (thicknessTop <= 1 || thicknessLeft <= 1) {
thicknessTop = 0;
thicknessLeft = 0;
else {
thicknessTop -= thicknessTop / 2;
thicknessLeft -= thicknessLeft / 2;
// Quantize the colors contained into center rectangle and add these in `pal`:
if (pal.size() < 255) {
gfx::Rect centerRect(thicknessLeft,
deltaSize.w - 2 * thicknessLeft,
deltaSize.h - 2 * thicknessTop);
Palette centerPalette(0, 255 - pal.size());
centerPalette = createOptimizedPalette(m_deltaImage.get(),
centerRect, 255 - pal.size());
for (int i=0; i < centerPalette.size(); i++)
// Finally add transparent color:
ASSERT(pal.size() <= 255);
m_transparentIndex = pal.size() - 1;
Palette calculatePalette()
OctreeMap octree;
const LockImageBits<RgbTraits> imageBits(m_deltaImage.get());
auto it = imageBits.begin(), end = imageBits.end();
bool maskColorFounded = false;
for (; it != end; ++it) {
color_t i = *it;
if (i == 0 || m_transparentIndex == i) {
maskColorFounded = true;
// We are fine, we got 255 or less, there is room for the transparent color
else if (pal.size() <= 255) {
m_transparentIndex = pal.size() - 1;
Palette palette;
if (maskColorFounded) {
// If there is a mask color, the OctreeMap::makePalette adds it
// by default at entry == 0.
octree.makePalette(&palette, 256, 8);
m_transparentIndex = 0;
return palette;
return pal;
static Palette createOptimizedPalette(const Image* image,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
const int ncolors) {
render::PaletteOptimizer optimizer;
// Feed the palette optimizer with pixels inside the given bounds
for (const auto& color : LockImageBits<RgbTraits>(image, bounds)) {
if (rgba_geta(color) >= 128) // Note: the mask color won't be part of the final palette
rgba_getb(color), 255));
else {
// If there isn't mask color we need to remove the 0 entry
// added in OctreeMap::makePalette.
octree.makePalette(&palette, 257, 8);
Palette paletteWithoutMask(0, palette.size() - 1);
for (int i=0; i < paletteWithoutMask.size(); i++)
paletteWithoutMask.setEntry(i, palette.entry(i+1));
m_transparentIndex = -1;
return paletteWithoutMask;
Palette palette(0, ncolors);
optimizer.calculate(&palette, -1);
return palette;
void renderFrame(frame_t frame, Image* dst) {