Merge pull request #1097 from tony/install-rewrite

Update installation instructions for Skia and OS X
This commit is contained in:
David Capello 2016-04-26 19:44:05 -03:00
commit 9150b047b7

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
* [Issues with Retina displays](#issues-with-retina-displays)
* [Using shared third party libraries](#using-shared-third-party-libraries)
* [Linux issues](#linux-issues)
* [Building Skia dependency](#building-skia-dependency)
* [Linux, OS X, BSDs](#linux-os-x-bsd)
# Platforms
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ Aseprite can be compiled with two different back-ends:
## Linux dependencies
You will need the following dependencies:
You will need the following dependencies (Ubuntu, Debian):
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install -y g++ libx11-dev libxcursor-dev cmake ninja-build
@ -76,6 +78,8 @@ You will need the following dependencies:
The `libxcursor-dev` package is needed to
[hide the hardware cursor](
Aseprite uses Ninja as the build system on POSIX-like platforms.
# Compiling
The following are the steps to compile Aseprite (in this case we have
@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ the repository clone in a directory called `aseprite`):
C:\aseprite>cd build
If you have ninja:
On Linux / OS X / BSD:
C:\aseprite\build>cmake -G Ninja ..
@ -107,10 +111,6 @@ the repository clone in a directory called `aseprite`):
C:\aseprite\build>cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" ..
If you are on Linux:
~/aseprite/build$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
For more information in [CMake wiki](
Additionally you can change build settings by passing them on the
@ -134,14 +134,26 @@ the repository clone in a directory called `aseprite`):
# Mac OS X details
From v1.1.4 we compile with Mac OS X 10.11 SDK universal. You should
run cmake with the following parameters:
From v1.1.4 we compile with Mac OS X 10.11 SDK universal and skia.
-D "CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT:PATH=/Applications/"
-D "SKIA_DIR:PATH=/directory-which-contains-a-compiled-skia"
See the [skia instructions](#building-skia-dependency-os-xlinuxbsd)
from how to build skia.
You should run cmake with the following parameters:
cd aseprite
mkdir build
cd build
-D "CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT:PATH=/Applications/" \
-D "WITH_HarfBuzz:BOOL=OFF" -GNinja ..
## Issues with Retina displays
@ -172,3 +184,39 @@ known issues solved in
* You will have problems
[adding HSV colors in non-English systems](
using the warning icon.
## Building Skia dependency
### Linux, OS X, BSD
Building aseprite with [skia]( as a back-end may require building from
source since most package repositories don't package skia (as for April 2016).
For "always up to date" info on building skia across platforms, see the
[skia quickstart]( and select the OS you are building for.
Grab [depot tools](
git clone '' ~/.depot_tools
Add depot tools to your `PATH` to `~/.bashrc`, `~/.zshrc`, etc:
export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"
Clone skia
git clone ''
cd skia
Checkout chrome/m50:
git checkout chrome/m50
Set terminal to build without graphic support
export GYP_DEFINES='skia_gpu=0'
Sync and create ninja project file
python bin/sync-and-gyp
ninja -C out/Debug dm