Change en.ini multiline format

Instead of using the simpleini format (which is not quite common/standard):

  key = <<<END

We just use:

  key = line1\nline2
This commit is contained in:
David Capello 2023-12-05 13:33:23 -03:00
parent 609aedee12
commit 896e7f392e
2 changed files with 94 additions and 440 deletions

View File

@ -49,89 +49,29 @@ non_transformable_reference_layer = Layer '{}' is reference, cannot be transform
sprite_locked_somewhere = The sprite is locked in other editor
not_enough_transform_memory = Not enough memory to transform the selection
not_enough_rotsprite_memory = Not enough memory for RotSprite
cannot_modify_readonly_sprite = <<<END
Cannot modify a read-only sprite.
Use "File > Save" menu for more information.
cannot_modify_readonly_sprite = Cannot modify a read-only sprite.\nUse "File > Save" menu for more information.
applying_filter = FX<<Applying effect...||&Cancel
auto_remap = <<<END
Automatic Remap
<<The remap operation cannot be perfectly done for more than 256 colors.
<<Do you want to continue anyway?
auto_remap = Automatic Remap\n<<The remap operation cannot be perfectly done for more than 256 colors.\n<<Do you want to continue anyway?\n||&OK||&Cancel
cannot_delete_all_layers = Error<<You cannot delete all layers.||&OK
cannot_delete_used_tileset = <<<END
<<Cannot delete tileset used by the following tilemaps:
deleting_tilemaps_will_delete_tilesets = <<<END
<<Deleting the following tilemaps will delete their tilesets:
<<Do you want to continue anyway?
cannot_file_overwrite_on_export = <<<END
Overwrite Warning
<<You cannot Export with the same name (overwrite the original file).
<<Use "File > Save As" menu option in that case.
cannot_delete_used_tileset = Error\n<<Cannot delete tileset used by the following tilemaps:\n<<'{0}'\n||&OK
deleting_tilemaps_will_delete_tilesets = Warning\n<<Deleting the following tilemaps will delete their tilesets:\n<<'{0}'\n<<Do you want to continue anyway?\n||&OK||&Cancel
cannot_file_overwrite_on_export = Overwrite Warning\n<<You cannot Export with the same name (overwrite the original file).\n<<Use "File > Save As" menu option in that case.\n||&OK
cannot_open_file = Problem<<Cannot open file:<<{0}||&OK
cannot_open_folder = Problem<<Cannot open folder:<<{0}||&OK
cannot_save_in_read_only_file = Problem<<The selected file is read-only. Try with other file.||&Go back
clipboard_access_locked = Error<<Cannot access to the clipboard.<<Maybe other application is using it.||&OK
clipboard_image_format_not_supported = Error<<The current clipboard image format is not supported.||&OK
delete_selected_backups = <<<END
<<Do you really want to delete the selected {0} backup(s)?
delete_shortcut = <<<END
<<Do you really want to delete '{0}' keyboard shortcut?
empty_rect_importing_sprite_sheet = <<<END
Import Sprite Sheet
<<The specified rectangle does not create any tile.
<<Select a rectangle inside the sprite region.
delete_selected_backups = Warning\n<<Do you really want to delete the selected {0} backup(s)?\n||&Yes||&No
delete_shortcut = Warning\n<<Do you really want to delete '{0}' keyboard shortcut?\n||&Yes||&No
empty_rect_importing_sprite_sheet = Import Sprite Sheet\n<<The specified rectangle does not create any tile.\n<<Select a rectangle inside the sprite region.\n||&OK
error_loading_file = Error<<Error loading file: {0}||&OK
error_saving_file = Error<<Error saving file: {0}||&OK
file_format_doesnt_support_palette = Error<<Cannot save a color palette in {0} format||&OK
export_animation_in_sequence = <<<END
<<Do you want to export the animation in {0} files?
<<{1}, {2}...
file_format_doesnt_support_error = <<<END
<<File format ".{0}" doesn't support:
<<You must select other format.
<<Use ".aseprite" to keep all the sprite information.
file_format_doesnt_support_warning = <<<END
<<File format ".{0}" doesn't support:
<<You can use ".aseprite" format to keep all this information.
<<Do you want continue with ".{0}" anyway?
export_animation_in_sequence = Notice\n<<Do you want to export the animation in {0} files?\n<<{1}, {2}...\n||&Agree||&Cancel
file_format_doesnt_support_error = Error\n<<File format ".{0}" doesn't support:\n<<\n{1}\n<<\n<<You must select other format.\n<<Use ".aseprite" to keep all the sprite information.\n||&OK
file_format_doesnt_support_warning = Warning\n<<File format ".{0}" doesn't support:\n<<\n{1}<<\n<<You can use ".aseprite" format to keep all this information.\n<<Do you want continue with ".{0}" anyway?\n||&Yes||&No
file_format_alpha_channel = Alpha channel
file_format_tags = Tags
file_format_frames = Frames
@ -142,106 +82,32 @@ file_format_palette_changes = Palette changes between frames
file_format_rgb_mode = RGB mode
file_format_20ms_min_duration = Frame duration less than 20ms
file_format_10ms_duration_precision = Frame duration other than a multiple of 10ms
invalid_chars_in_filename = <<<END
<<The file name cannot contain the following character(s):
<< {0}
invalid_fg_or_bg_colors = <<<END
<<The current selected foreground and/or background color
<<is out of range. Select a valid color in the palette.
invalid_chars_in_filename = Error\n<<The file name cannot contain the following character(s):\n<< {0}\n||&OK
invalid_fg_or_bg_colors = Aseprite\n<<The current selected foreground and/or background color\n<<is out of range. Select a valid color in the palette.\n||&OK
job_working = {0}<<Working...||&Cancel
nothing_to_report = Crash Report<<Nothing to report||&OK
install_extension = <<<END
<<Do you really want to install the given extension?
uninstall_extension_warning = <<<END
<<Do you really want to uninstall '{0}' extension?
unknown_output_file_format_error = <<<END
<<Unknown file format '{0}' in output filename
update_screen_ui_scaling_with_theme_values = <<<END
Update Screen/UI Scaling
<<The new theme '{0}' wants to adjust some values for you:
<< Screen Scaling: {1}% -> {2}%
<< UI Scaling: {3}% -> {4}%
<<Allow these changes?
||&Adjust Scaling||&Don't Adjust Scaling
update_extension = <<<END
Update Extension
<<The extension '{0}' already exists.
<<Do you want to {1} from v{2} to v{3}?
install_extension = Warning\n<<Do you really want to install the given extension?\n<<'{0}'\n||&Install||&Cancel
uninstall_extension_warning = Warning\n<<Do you really want to uninstall '{0}' extension?\n||&Yes||&No
unknown_output_file_format_error = Aseprite\n<<Unknown file format '{0}' in output filename\n||&OK
update_screen_ui_scaling_with_theme_values = Update Screen/UI Scaling\n<<The new theme '{0}' wants to adjust some values for you:\n<< Screen Scaling: {1}% -> {2}%\n<< UI Scaling: {3}% -> {4}%\n<<Allow these changes?\n||&Adjust Scaling||&Don't Adjust Scaling
update_extension = Update Extension\n<<The extension '{0}' already exists.\n<<Do you want to {1} from v{2} to v{3}?\n||&Yes||&No
update_extension_downgrade = downgrade
update_extension_upgrade = upgrade
recent_file_doesnt_exist = Aseprite<<The selected file doesn't exist||&OK
recent_folder_doesnt_exist = Aseprite<<The selected folder doesn't exist||&OK
restart_by_preferences = <<<END
<<You must restart the program to see your changes to:{0}
restart_by_preferences = Aseprite\n<<You must restart the program to see your changes to:{0}\n||&OK
restart_by_preferences_save_recovery_data_period = Automatically save recovery data every X minutes
restart_by_preferences_keep_edited_sprite_data_lifespan = Keep edited sprite data for X days
restart_by_preferences_keep_closed_sprite_on_memory_for = Keep closed sprite on memory for X minutes
restore_all_shortcuts = <<<END
<<Do you want to restore all keyboard shortcuts
<<to their original default settings?
run_script = <<<END
Run Script
<<Do you want to run the following script?
<< {0}
<<WARNING: Scripts can crash Aseprite, please save your work
<<before running a script.
save_sprite_changes = <<<END
<<Saving changes to the sprite
<<"{0}" before {1}?
||&Save||Do&n't Save||&Cancel
restore_all_shortcuts = Warning\n<<Do you want to restore all keyboard shortcuts\n<<to their original default settings?\n||&Yes||&No
run_script = Run Script\n<<Do you want to run the following script?\n<<\n<< {0}\n<<\n<<WARNING: Scripts can crash Aseprite, please save your work\n<<before running a script.\n||&Run||&Cancel
save_sprite_changes = Warning\n<<Saving changes to the sprite\n<<"{0}" before {1}?\n||&Save||Do&n't Save||&Cancel
save_sprite_changes_quitting = quitting
save_sprite_changes_closing = closing
overwrite_existent_file = Warning<<File exists, overwrite it?<<{0}||&Yes||&No||&Cancel
overwrite_files_on_export_sprite_sheet = <<<END
Export Sprite Sheet Warning
<<Do you want to overwrite the following file(s)?
overwrite_files_on_export = <<<END
Export Warning
<<Do you want to overwrite the following file?
enter_license_disabled = <<<END
<<This copy of Aseprite does not support entering a license key.
<<Consider getting one from
<<Activating Aseprite will give you access to automatic updates.
overwrite_files_on_export_sprite_sheet = Export Sprite Sheet Warning\n<<Do you want to overwrite the following file(s)?\n{0}\n||&Yes||&No
overwrite_files_on_export = Export Warning\n<<Do you want to overwrite the following file?\n<<{0}\n||&Yes||&No
enter_license_disabled = Information\n<<This copy of Aseprite does not support entering a license key.\n<<Consider getting one from\n<<Activating Aseprite will give you access to automatic updates.\n||&OK
title = Brightness/Contrast
@ -289,18 +155,9 @@ sort_and_gradients = Sort & Gradients
presets = Presets
options = Options
switch_tileset = Show Tileset / Right-click to Show Only the Tileset
tileset_mode_manual = <<<END
Manual: Modify existent tiles,
don't create new tiles automatically
tileset_mode_auto = <<<END
Auto: Modify and reuse existent tiles,
create/delete tiles if needed/possible
tileset_mode_stack = <<<END
Stack: Don't modify existent tiles,
generate and stack new tiles automatically
tileset_mode_manual = Manual: Modify existent tiles,\ndon't create new tiles automatically
tileset_mode_auto = Auto: Modify and reuse existent tiles,\ncreate/delete tiles if needed/possible
tileset_mode_stack = Stack: Don't modify existent tiles,\ngenerate and stack new tiles automatically
set_as_default = Set As Default
remap_palette = Remap Palette
remap_palette_tooltip = Matches old indexes with new indexes
@ -512,18 +369,10 @@ OpenScriptFolder = Open Script Folder
OpenWithApp = Open With Associated Application
Options = Preferences
PaletteEditor = Switch{0}{1}{2}
PaletteEditor_Edit = <<<END
Edit Palette Mode
PaletteEditor_And = <<<END
PaletteEditor_FgPopup = <<<END
Foreground Color Popup
PaletteEditor_BgPopup = <<<END
Background Color Popup
PaletteEditor_Edit = \ Edit Palette Mode
PaletteEditor_And = \ and
PaletteEditor_FgPopup = \ Foreground Color Popup
PaletteEditor_BgPopup = \ Background Color Popup
PaletteSize = Palette Size
Paste = Paste
PasteText = Insert Text
@ -661,30 +510,15 @@ width = Width:
height = Height:
borders = Borders:
left = Left:
left_tooltip = <<<END
Columns to be added/removed in the left side.
Use a negative number to remove columns.
left_tooltip = Columns to be added/removed in the left side.\nUse a negative number to remove columns.
top = Top:
top_tooltip = <<<END
Rows to be added/removed in the top side.
Use a negative number to remove rows
top_tooltip = Rows to be added/removed in the top side.\nUse a negative number to remove rows
right = Right:
right_tooltip = <<<END
Columns to be added/removed in the right side.
Use a negative number to remove columns.
right_tooltip = Columns to be added/removed in the right side.\nUse a negative number to remove columns.
bottom = Bottom:
bottom_tooltip = <<<END
Rows to be added/removed in the bottom side.
Use a negative number to remove rows.
bottom_tooltip = Rows to be added/removed in the bottom side.\nUse a negative number to remove rows.
trim = &Trim content outside the canvas
trim_tooltip = <<<END
Remove pixels from image cels that will
be left outside the new canvas size.
trim_tooltip = Remove pixels from image cels that will\nbe left outside the new canvas size.
title = Cel Properties
@ -783,24 +617,15 @@ pressure_tooltip = Control parameters through the pen pressure sensor
velocity = Velocity
velocity_tooltip = Control parameters through the mouse velocity
size = Size
size_tooltip = <<<END
Change the brush size
depending on the sensor value
size_tooltip = Change the brush size\ndepending on the sensor value
angle = Angle
angle_tooltip = <<<END
Change the brush angle
depending on the sensor value
angle_tooltip = Change the brush angle\ndepending on the sensor value
min_size_tooltip = Brush size when the sensor has its minimum value
max_size_tooltip = Brush size when the sensor has its maximum value
min_angle_tooltip = Brush angle when the sensor has its minimum value
max_angle_tooltip = Brush angle when the sensor has its maximum value
gradient = Gradient
gradient_tooltip = <<<END
Gradient between foreground
and background colors
gradient_tooltip = Gradient between foreground\nand background colors
max_point_value = Min/Max Values
sensors_tweaks = Sensor Threshold
@ -814,10 +639,7 @@ frames = Frames:
anidir = Animation Direction:
pixel_ratio = Apply pixel ratio
for_twitter = Export for Twitter
for_twitter_tooltip = <<<END
Adjust the duration of the last frame to 1/4 so
Twitter reproduces the animation correctly.
for_twitter_tooltip = Adjust the duration of the last frame to 1/4 so\nTwitter reproduces the animation correctly.
adjust_resize = Adjust resize to {0}%
export = &Export
cancel = &Cancel
@ -830,35 +652,20 @@ sprite = Sprite
sprite_tooltip = Source of sprite samples to export in the sprite sheet
borders = Borders
borders_tooltip = Add or trim borders from each sprite in the sprite sheet
expand_all_sections_tooltip = <<<END
Show all sections
Use Ctrl + Click to display multiple sections at the same time
expand_all_sections_tooltip = Show all sections\n\nUse Ctrl + Click to display multiple sections at the same time
layout = Layout
layout_tooltip = Arrangement of sprites in the final result
output = Output
output_tooltip = Where to store the sprite sheet
sheet_type = Sheet Type:
sheet_type_tooltip = <<<END
Indicates a specific way to layout sprites in the sprite sheet:
* Horizontal: Each frame side by side.
* Vertical: Each frame one below the other.
* By Rows: Create one row for each layer or tag.
* By Columns: Create one column for each layer or tag.
* Packed: Try to fit all frames in the best possible way.
sheet_type_tooltip = Indicates a specific way to layout sprites in the sprite sheet:\n* Horizontal: Each frame side by side.\n* Vertical: Each frame one below the other.\n* By Rows: Create one row for each layer or tag.\n* By Columns: Create one column for each layer or tag.\n* Packed: Try to fit all frames in the best possible way.
type_horz = Horizontal Strip
type_vert = Vertical Strip
type_rows = By Rows
type_cols = By Columns
type_pack = Packed
constraints = Constraints:
constraints_tooltip = <<<END
Special constraints for the sprite sheet.
E.g. Fixed number of rows/columns or fixed
number of pixels (width/height).
constraints_tooltip = Special constraints for the sprite sheet.\nE.g. Fixed number of rows/columns or fixed\nnumber of pixels (width/height).
constraint_fixed_none = None
constraint_fixed_cols = Fixed # of Columns
constraint_fixed_rows = Fixed # of Rows
@ -868,10 +675,7 @@ constraint_fixed_size = Fixed Size
border = Border Padding:
border_tooltip = Space between each frame and the edge of the sprite sheet
shape = Spacing:
shape_tooltip = <<<END
Space between each frame in the sprite sheet
(a.k.a "Shape Padding")
shape_tooltip = Space between each frame in the sprite sheet\n(a.k.a "Shape Padding")
inner = Inner Padding:
inner_tooltip = Extra space inside frame edges
trim_sprite = Trim Sprite
@ -902,18 +706,9 @@ meta_layers = Layers
meta_tags = Tags
meta_slices = Slices
data_filename_format = Item Filename:
data_filename_format_tooltip = <<<END
Each frame in the JSON data will contain a filename
(string that identifies them), this field describes
how to build each frame. You can use special marks
like {layer}, {frame}, {tag}, {tagframe}, etc.
data_filename_format_tooltip = Each frame in the JSON data will contain a filename\n(string that identifies them), this field describes\nhow to build each frame. You can use special marks\nlike {layer}, {frame}, {tag}, {tagframe}, etc.
data_tagname_format = Item Tagname:
data_tagname_format_tooltip = <<<END
Each tag in the JSON data will have a name
field, you can customize this name using fields
like {filename}, {title}, {path}, {tag}, etc.
data_tagname_format_tooltip = Each tag in the JSON data will have a name\nfield, you can customize this name using fields\nlike {filename}, {title}, {path}, {tag}, etc.
preview = Preview
open_sprite_sheet = Open Sprite Sheet
export = &Export
@ -970,10 +765,7 @@ no = &No
cancel = &Cancel
user_data = User Data
dont_show = Don't show this alert again
dont_show_tooltip = <<<END
Check in case that you want to establish
the given option as the default option.
dont_show_tooltip = Check in case that you want to establish\nthe given option as the default option.
reset = Reset
advanced_options = Advanced Options
unknown = Unknown
@ -1004,17 +796,9 @@ title = Home
new_file = New File...
open_file = Open File...
recover_files = Recover Files...
recover_files_tooltip = <<<END
Recover files from crashed sessions or
closed sprite that were not saved in
previous sessions.
recover_files_tooltip = Recover files from crashed sessions or\nclosed sprite that were not saved in\nprevious sessions.
share_crashdb = Share crash data with Aseprite developers
share_crashdb_tooltip = <<<END
Check to share crash data with Aseprite developers automatically.
This will help to find new bugs and improve the general stability
of Aseprite for all users.
share_crashdb_tooltip = Check to share crash data with Aseprite developers automatically.\nThis will help to find new bugs and improve the general stability\nof Aseprite for all users.
recent_files = Recent files:
recent_folders = Recent folders:
news = News:
@ -1044,15 +828,7 @@ cancel = &Cancel
title = Incompatible File
message = <<<END
This file was originally created with a newer version of Aseprite which contains information we cannot fully read.
It's marked as read-only to avoid losing that information when you try to save/overwrite it.
To solve this situation you can:
- Update Aseprite to the latest version and try to load the file again (recommended), or
- Use the "File > Save As" option to save the file with other name (you will lose information stored in the original file anyway)
message = This file was originally created with a newer version of Aseprite which contains information we cannot fully read.\n\nIt's marked as read-only to avoid losing that information when you try to save/overwrite it.\n\nTo solve this situation you can:\n- Update Aseprite to the latest version and try to load the file again (recommended), or\n- Use the "File > Save As" option to save the file with other name (you will lose information stored in the original file anyway)
incompatibilities = Incompatibilities:
update_link = Update Aseprite
@ -1421,16 +1197,9 @@ grid_height = Grid Height:
name = Name:
default_name = Tileset
base_index = Base Index:
base_tooltip = <<<END
Visible aid to see the first tile with content from the tileset
as index 1 (by default, one-based index) or other value.
E.g. you can use 0 here for zero-based indexing.
base_tooltip = Visible aid to see the first tile with content from the tileset\nas index 1 (by default, one-based index) or other value.\nE.g. you can use 0 here for zero-based indexing.
allowed_flips = Allowed Flips:
allowed_flips_tooltip = <<<END
Aseprite can reuse tiles matching automatically with their flipped
versions (in X, Y, or Diagonal axes) in Auto/Stack modes.
allowed_flips_tooltip = Aseprite can reuse tiles matching automatically with their flipped\nversions (in X, Y, or Diagonal axes) in Auto/Stack modes.
title = Tileset
@ -1444,18 +1213,9 @@ color_mode = Color Mode:
rgba = &RGBA
grayscale = &Grayscale
indexed = &Indexed
rgba_tooltip = <<<END
Each pixel has Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha components
(32 bits per pixel)
grayscale_tooltip = <<<END
Each pixel has a Gray value and Alpha
(16 bits per pixel)
indexed_tooltip = <<<END
Each pixel is a reference to the palette
(8 bits per pixel)
rgba_tooltip = Each pixel has Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha components\n(32 bits per pixel)
grayscale_tooltip = Each pixel has a Gray value and Alpha\n(16 bits per pixel)
indexed_tooltip = Each pixel is a reference to the palette\n(8 bits per pixel)
background = Background:
transparent = &Transparent
white = &White
@ -1503,14 +1263,8 @@ section_extensions = Extensions
section_experimental = Experimental
general = General
ui_windows = User Interface:
one_win = <<<END
Confine the user interface to one native window.
i.e. Menus, Preview, popups are inside the main window area.
multi_win = <<<END
Create one native window for each interface window.
i.e. Menus, Preview, popups have their own window.
one_win = Confine the user interface to one native window.\ni.e. Menus, Preview, popups are inside the main window area.
multi_win = Create one native window for each interface window.\ni.e. Menus, Preview, popups have their own window.
theme_mode = Theme Mode:
screen_scaling = Screen Scaling:
ui_scaling = UI Elements Scaling:
@ -1522,17 +1276,11 @@ show_menu_bar = Show Aseprite menu bar
show_aseprite_file_dialog = Show Aseprite file dialog
show_home = Show Home tab when Aseprite is started
expand_menu_bar_items_on_mouseover = Expand menu bar items on mouseover
expand_menu_bar_items_on_mouseover_tooltip = <<<END
Check this option to get
this old menus behavior.
expand_menu_bar_items_on_mouseover_tooltip = Check this option to get\nthis old menus behavior.
color_bar_entries_separator = Draw a separation between each palette entry
recover_files = Recover Files
auto_save_recovery_data = Automatically save recovery data every
auto_save_recovery_data_tooltip = <<<END
With this option you can recover your documents
if the program finalizes unexpectedly.
auto_save_recovery_data_tooltip = With this option you can recover your documents\nif the program finalizes unexpectedly.
10_seconds = 10 Seconds
30_seconds = 30 Seconds
1_minute = 1 Minute
@ -1545,11 +1293,7 @@ END
4_hours = 4 Hours
8_hours = 8 Hours
keep_edited_sprite_data = Keep edited sprite data for
keep_edited_sprite_data_tooltip = <<<END
With this option you can re-open edited documents
after closing the program for the number of specified
keep_edited_sprite_data_tooltip = With this option you can re-open edited documents\nafter closing the program for the number of specified\ndays.
1_day = 1 Day
2_days = 2 Days
3_days = 3 Days
@ -1557,16 +1301,9 @@ END
2_weeks = 2 Weeks
1_month = 1 Month
show_full_path = Show full file name path
show_full_path_tooltip = <<<END
Uncheck this option if you would prefer to hide
full path on UI (e.g. useful for live streaming)
show_full_path_tooltip = Uncheck this option if you would prefer to hide\nfull path on UI (e.g. useful for live streaming)
keep_closed_sprite_on_memory = Keep closed sprite on memory for
keep_closed_sprite_on_memory_tooltip = <<<END
When you close a sprite, it will be kept on memory just in case if you
have closed the sprite by mistake, so you can "undo" the close action
using "File > Open Recent > Reopen Closed File" menu option.
keep_closed_sprite_on_memory_tooltip = When you close a sprite, it will be kept on memory just in case if you\nhave closed the sprite by mistake, so you can "undo" the close action\nusing "File > Open Recent > Reopen Closed File" menu option.
default_extension_for = Default extension for:
save_default_extension = File > Save:
export_image_default_extension = File > Export (one image):
@ -1590,12 +1327,7 @@ show_scrollbars_tooltip = Show scroll-bars in all sprite editors.
auto_scroll = Auto-scroll on editor edges
auto_fit = Auto-fit on screen when a sprite is opened
straight_line_preview = Preview straight line immediately on Pencil tool
straight_line_preview_tooltip = <<<END
On Pencil tool you can draw straight lines
using Shift + Click, with this option checked
you will see the preview immediately when
the Shift key is pressed.
straight_line_preview_tooltip = On Pencil tool you can draw straight lines\nusing Shift + Click, with this option checked\nyou will see the preview immediately when\nthe Shift key is pressed.
discard_brush = Discard custom brush when eyedropper is used
right_click = Right-click:
right_click_paint_bgcolor = Paint with background color
@ -1607,84 +1339,35 @@ right_click_lasso = Lasso
right_click_select_layer_and_move = Select Layer and Move
editor_selection = Selection
auto_opaque = Adjust opaque/transparent mode automatically
auto_opaque_tooltip = <<<END
Depending on the layer (background/transparent),
the pasted selection will be adjusted
automatically (opaque/transparent)
auto_opaque_tooltip = Depending on the layer (background/transparent),\nthe pasted selection will be adjusted\nautomatically (opaque/transparent)
keep_selection_after_clear = Keep selection after "Edit > Delete" command
keep_selection_after_clear_tooltip = <<<END
Check this if you want to keep the selection
after deleting it.
keep_selection_after_clear_tooltip = Check this if you want to keep the selection\nafter deleting it.
auto_show_selection_edges = Show selection edges automatically when the selection is modified
auto_show_selection_edges_tooltip = <<<END
When checked, the "View > Show > Selection Edges" option will be enabled
each time we modify the selection. Uncheck this in case that you want
to keep selection edges hidden when "View > Show > Selection Edges"
option is disabled, e.g. to avoid visual noise or performance issues.
auto_show_selection_edges_tooltip = When checked, the "View > Show > Selection Edges" option will be enabled\neach time we modify the selection. Uncheck this in case that you want\nto keep selection edges hidden when "View > Show > Selection Edges"\noption is disabled, e.g. to avoid visual noise or performance issues.
move_edges = Allow moving selection edges
move_edges_tooltip = <<<END
Check this if you want to be able to drag
only the selection edges when the mouse is
above them.
move_edges_tooltip = Check this if you want to be able to drag\nonly the selection edges when the mouse is\nabove them.
modifiers_disable_handles = Disable transformation handles when key modifiers are pressed
modifiers_disable_handles_tooltip = <<<END
If you press Shift/Ctrl/Alt keys, the handles
to transform the selection will be temporarily
modifiers_disable_handles_tooltip = If you press Shift/Ctrl/Alt keys, the handles\nto transform the selection will be temporarily\ndisabled.
move_on_add_mode = Move selection on Add mode
move_on_add_mode_tooltip = <<<END
On "Add to selection" mode, we can move
the selection when the mouse is inside it.
move_on_add_mode_tooltip = On "Add to selection" mode, we can move\nthe selection when the mouse is inside it.
select_tile_with_double_click = Select a grid tile with double-click
force_rotsprite = Force RotSprite even for right/straight angles
multicel_when_layers_or_frames = Transform cels in selected layers or frames on timeline
multicel_when_layers_or_frames_tooltip = <<<END
When you transform the selection, all selected cels in the timeline
will be transformed. With this option if you select multiple layers or
frames, the transformation will be applied to all cels of the selected
layers/frames. Without this option, multiple cels will be transformed
only if you select multiple cels explicitly in the timeline.
multicel_when_layers_or_frames_tooltip = When you transform the selection, all selected cels in the timeline\nwill be transformed. With this option if you select multiple layers or\nframes, the transformation will be applied to all cels of the selected\nlayers/frames. Without this option, multiple cels will be transformed\nonly if you select multiple cels explicitly in the timeline.
snap_to_grid_selection = Snap To Grid when the option is enabled
autotimeline = Show timeline automatically
autotimeline_tooltip = <<<END
Show the timeline automatically
when a new frame or layer is added.
autotimeline_tooltip = Show the timeline automatically\nwhen a new frame or layer is added.
rewind_on_stop = Rewind on Stop
rewind_on_stop_tooltip = <<<END
The 'Stop' button should rewind the animation
where it was started.
rewind_on_stop_tooltip = The 'Stop' button should rewind the animation\nwhere it was started.
timeline_selection = Timeline Range Selection
keep_timeline_selection = Keep selection
keep_timeline_selection_tooltip = <<<END
Keep the selected range of layers/frames/cels
when we edit the canvas / the timeline loses
the focus.
keep_timeline_selection_tooltip = Keep the selected range of layers/frames/cels\nwhen we edit the canvas / the timeline loses\nthe focus.
select_on_click = Select on Click
select_on_click_tooltip = <<<END
Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels
when we press the mouse button.
select_on_click_tooltip = Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels\nwhen we press the mouse button.
select_on_click_with_key = Select on Shift + Click
select_on_click_with_key_tooltip = <<<END
Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels
when we press the mouse button with the Shift key.
select_on_click_with_key_tooltip = Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels\nwhen we press the mouse button with the Shift key.
select_on_drag = Select on Drag
select_on_drag_tooltip = <<<END
Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels
when we press the mouse button and after we move
the mouse to another position.
select_on_drag_tooltip = Enable the selected range of layers/frames/cels\nwhen we press the mouse button and after we move\nthe mouse to another position.
drag_and_drop_from_edges = Drag && drop from edges
default_first_frame = Default First Frame:
ui_mouse_cursor = UI Mouse Cursor
@ -1732,18 +1415,10 @@ default_slice_color = Default Color:
undo = Undo
undo_show_tooltip = Show Undo Tooltip
undo_size_limit = Undo Limit:
undo_size_limit_tooltip = <<<END
Limit of memory to be used
for undo information per sprite.
Specified in megabytes.
undo_size_limit_tooltip = Limit of memory to be used\nfor undo information per sprite.\nSpecified in megabytes.
undo_mb = MB
undo_goto_modified = Go to modified frame/layer
undo_goto_modified_tooltip = <<<END
When it's enabled each time you undo/redo
the current frame & layer will be modified
to focus the undid/redid change.
undo_goto_modified_tooltip = When it's enabled each time you undo/redo\nthe current frame & layer will be modified\nto focus the undid/redid change.
undo_allow_nonlinear_history = Allow non-linear history
open_sequence_alert = Open a sequence of static files as an animation
open_sequence_alert_ask = Ask
@ -1802,16 +1477,9 @@ shaders_for_color_selectors = Use shaders for color selectors
hue_with_sat_value = Apply Saturation/Value to Hue slider on Tint/Shade/Tone selector
cache_compressed_tilesets = Cache compressed tilesets for faster save (uses more memory)
one_finger_as_mouse_movement = Interpret one finger as mouse movement
one_finger_as_mouse_movement_tooltip = <<<END
Only for Windows 8/10 Pointer API: Interprets one finger as mouse movement
and two fingers as pan/scroll. Uncheck this to use the old behavior:
One finger pans/scrolls.
one_finger_as_mouse_movement_tooltip = Only for Windows 8/10 Pointer API: Interprets one finger as mouse movement\nand two fingers as pan/scroll. Uncheck this to use the old behavior:\nOne finger pans/scrolls.
load_wintab_driver = Load wintab32 library
load_wintab_driver_tooltip = <<<END
Loads wintab32.dll driver to use Wacom-like devices
when Aseprite is started.
load_wintab_driver_tooltip = Loads wintab32.dll driver to use Wacom-like devices\nwhen Aseprite is started.
wintab_more_info = (More Information)
flash_selected_layer = Flash layer when it is selected
non_active_layer_opacity = Opacity for non-active layers:
@ -1990,11 +1658,7 @@ size = Size:
frames = Frames:
advanced = Advanced
transparent_color = Transparent Color:
transparent_color_tooltip = <<<END
Palette entry used as
transparent color in each
layer (only for indexed images).
transparent_color_tooltip = Palette entry used as\ntransparent color in each\nlayer (only for indexed images).
pixel_ratio = Pixel Aspect Ratio:
square_pixels = Square Pixels (1:1)
double_wide = Double-wide Pixels (2:1)
@ -2018,16 +1682,10 @@ title = Sprite Size
pixels = Pixels:
width = Width:
width_px_tooltip = New width for the sprite (in pixels)
width_perc_tooltip = <<<END
New width for the sprite
Percentage of current width.
width_perc_tooltip = New width for the sprite\nPercentage of current width.
height = Height:
height_px_tooltip = New height for the sprite (in pixels)
height_perc_tooltip = <<<END
New height for the sprite
Percentage of current height.
height_perc_tooltip = New height for the sprite\nPercentage of current height.
lock_ratio = Lock Ratio
percentage = Percentage:
interpolation = Interpolation:
@ -2082,19 +1740,13 @@ opacity_step = Opacity Step:
loop_tags = Loop through tag frames
current_layer = Current layer only
behind_sprite = Behind sprite
behind_sprite_toolip = <<<END
Only for transparent layers.
Background is not included in this onion skin mode.
behind_sprite_toolip = Only for transparent layers.\nBackground is not included in this onion skin mode.
in_front = In front of sprite
in_front_toolip = For all kind of layers (background and transparents)
rectangular_marquee = Rectangular Marquee Tool
selection_tooltip = <<<END
* Left Button: replace/add to current selection.
* Right Button: remove from current selection.
selection_tooltip = * Left Button: replace/add to current selection.\n* Right Button: remove from current selection.
elliptical_marquee = Elliptical Marquee Tool
lasso_tool = Lasso Tool
polygonal_lasso = Polygonal Lasso Tool
@ -2102,11 +1754,7 @@ magic_wand = Magic Wand Tool
pencil = Pencil Tool
spray = Spray Tool
eraser = Eraser Tool
eraser_tooltip = <<<END
* Left Button: Erase with the background color in 'Background' layer
or transparent color in any other layer.
* Right Button: Replace foreground with background color.
eraser_tooltip = * Left Button: Erase with the background color in 'Background' layer\n or transparent color in any other layer.\n* Right Button: Replace foreground with background color.
eyedropper = Eyedropper Tool
zoom = Zoom Tool
hand = Hand Tool

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "app/xml_document.h"
#include "app/xml_exception.h"
#include "base/fs.h"
#include "base/replace_string.h"
#include "cfg/cfg.h"
#include <algorithm>
@ -154,10 +155,15 @@ void Strings::loadStringsFromFile(const std::string& fn)
cfg.getAllKeys(section.c_str(), keys);
std::string textId = section;
std::string value;
for (auto key : keys) {
m_strings[textId] = cfg.getValue(section.c_str(), key.c_str(), "");
value = cfg.getValue(section.c_str(), key.c_str(), "");
base::replace_string(value, "\\n", "\n");
base::replace_string(value, "\\ ", " "); // Mainly used for leading blanks
m_strings[textId] = value;
//TRACE("I18N: Reading string %s -> %s\n", textId.c_str(), m_strings[textId].c_str());