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+++ b/README.html
@@ -166,7 +166,10 @@ data/widgets/*.xml XML files with dialogs
Programmer, designer, and maintainer.
New GUI skin (from ASEPRITE 0.8). A lot of good ideas.
@@ -176,8 +179,9 @@ data/widgets/*.xml XML files with dialogs
Trent Gamblin
Mac OS X packager.
- Thanks to all the people which have contributed ideas, patches, bugs
- report, feature requests, donations, and help me developing ASEPRITE.
+ Thanks to all the people who have contributed ideas, patches, bugs
+ report, feature requests, donations, and help me developing
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-[html4css1 writer]
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diff --git a/docs/manual/manual.rst b/docs/manual/manual.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 319581bca..000000000
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- ASE Manual
-:Author: David Capello
-:Contact: davidcapello@gmail.com
-:Date: March 2010
-.. contents::
- Tutorial
-This chapter explains how to use ASE step by step. Here you learn ASE
-terminology and how to use the different screen elements to created
-your own sprites. All other chapters are extensive reference of the
-application to see its functionality in depth.
-You can start creating a `sprite `__
-with ``File > New`` option.
-.. image:: images/new_sprite.png
-In this dialog you select:
-- The width and height of the new sprite in pixels.
- .. note::
- ASE works with `raster graphics `__,
- where images are conformed by a
- `grid of pixels `__,
- little squares distributed in a rectangular way. When you
- see a photo in your computer, you almost does not notice the
- existence of pixels (they are too small). But when you see little
- images in your mobile device or in a
- `handheld video game `__,
- you can appreciate the pixels. ASE is a program to see and manipulate
- pixels, to created this kind of little images.
-- The color mode, which basically says how many colors you will be able to put in the image.
- .. note::
- With **RGB** images you can have an independent color for each pixel, in
- this way each little pixel has its Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
- (opacity) values. **Indexed** sprites have a special element associated:
- a color palette (with a maximum of 256 colors), in this way each
- pixel has a palette entry associated, if you change the palette
- color, all pixels associated to that color will change their aspect.
- You can choose the number of color for the sprite palette (from 2 to
- 256).
- For `pixel art `__ your selection
- should be Indexed.
-- The background color to be used in the sprite.
- .. note::
- ASE sprites have layers, when you create a new sprite, it is created
- with just one layer. The background color specified the color to be
- used to clear this first layer content. There a two kind of sprites
- in ASE: 1) sprites with a background layer (a layer at the bottom
- that cannot be moved), and 2) sprites without a background layer
- (all layers are transparent). If you specified "Transparent" as
- background color, you will obtain a sprite with a layer that is
- completely transparent initially (you will see a checked-background
- indicating "no background here"). In the other side, if you
- specified a color as background, you will get a sprite with the
- background layer painted with that color.
-After creating the sprite, you will see it in the **current editor**. The
-current editor is where you can draw (the center of the screen).
-In next sections you will see how to split the current editor in
-various other editors, so you will take care of current editor
-.. image:: images/main_screen.png
-In ASE you draw pressing the buttons of the mouse. Left mouse button
-draws with the foreground color, and right mouse button uses the
-background color. The **background color** is a very special color, it is
-used in various operations that are not related to drawing with the
-right mouse button. E.g. when you cut or clear a portion of image
-(``Edit > Cut``, or ``Edit > Clear``) the selected pixels are cleared with
-the background color.
-.. image:: images/color_bar.png
-Picking Colors
-You can pick colors from the image using ``Alt+mouse click``. Using
-``Alt+left click`` you will choose the foreground color. With ``Alt+right
-click`` you choose the background color.
-In some platforms (Linux or MacOS) you can have some problems
-using the ``Alt`` key together with mouse clicks, so you can
-use ``I key`` to use the `Eyedropper Tool`_.
-You have created a new sprite, now you want to draw. You need to know two things:
- - Where you draw: the current editor shows the selected sprite
- in tabs.
- .. image:: images/selected_tab.png
- - With what you draw: there are various elements that are used when you draw in the sprite:
- tool, color, pen, and other configuration that modifies how you draw (e.g. snap to grid,
- tiled mode, fill or not the shape, etc.).
-You will notice that a sprite is not just one plain image. It can have
-frames and layers. So in next sections, the current editor will take
-more importance when you want to manage various sprites, with frames,
-and layers at the same time. Right now let's keep it simple, just one
-sprite with one image.
-To draw you can use one of the tools at the right of the screen:
-.. image:: images/tools_bar.png
-By default the `Pencil Tool`_ is selected (if it is not selected, you
-can press the |pencil icon| icon to select it). The pencil is one of the most
-basic tools: You press the left mouse button, hold it, drag the mouse
-and then release the same button. This will draw a freehanded trace
-using the selected foreground color.
-.. |pencil icon| image:: images/pencil_icon.png
-Canceling trace
-If you do not like the last trace you drew, you can press ``Ctrl+Z``
-or select ``Edit > Undo`` menu option to undo it. Also, you can cancel
-the trace before releasing left mouse button (in this case there are
-no need to Undo):
- 1. while you are pressing left mouse button,
- 2. press right button,
- 3. then release left button,
- 4. and finally release the right mouse button.
-In this way you cancel the trace you was drawing (the whole trace will
-disappear instantaneously). You can do the same procedure inverting the
-mouse buttons. E.g. if you start with right mouse button (background
-color), you can cancel using left button.
-You can zoom using the ``mouse wheel`` or just pressing the numbers ``1``, ``2``,
-``3``, ``4``, ``5``, or ``6`` in the keyboard. When you zoom, the pixel above
-the mouse cursor will be centered in the current editor.
-You can zoom while you are drawing too.
-To scroll the image you can keep the ``mouse wheel`` pressed and move the mouse.
-Also you can press the ``Space bar`` key (and keep it pressed) and then drag
-the image with any mouse button.
-When you are drawing you will notice that moving the mouse outside the
-bounds of the editor will scroll the image automatically. You can change
-how much to scroll when the mouse touch the bounds of the editor using
-the options dialog...
-``TODO configuration about smooth/big step scroll``
-Moving Parts
-The Background Layer
-Transparent Layers
-As each sprite has a set of layers and frames, you can imagine them
-as a grid, where layers are rows and frames are columns. Each little
-cell of this grid is called: cel. A cel is an image located in specific
-layer, in a specific frame, with a specific position (x, y)
-and with other properties like "opacity" (transparency level).
-[TODO Animation editor screenshot]
-Empty Cel
-.. _empty cel:
-When a transparent layer is completely invisible in a specific frame
-(it does not contain any pixel of any color), you are in an empty cel.
-It means this cel is not consuming any memory because its image
-does not even exist.
-You can remove a non-empty cel using the clear_ command in a transparent
-Multiple Editors
-Current Editor
- Tools
-Selection Tools
-Rectangular Marquee Tool
-With this tool you can select rectangular regions in the sprite. You
-select a rectangular portion of sprite pressing left mouse button,
-moving the mouse, and finally releasing the same button. If you repeat this same
-operation over and over again you can add more rectangles to the
-selected area. If you move the mouse over the selected region, you can drag-and-drop
-this portion of sprite using the left mouse button.
-Using the right mouse button you can substract rectangles from selection.
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: Outside the selection adds rectangles;
- inside the selection *drag-and-drop* it.
- **Right button**: Subtracts rectangles from selection.
-Lasso Tool
-With this tool you can select free hand drawn contours. You
-press the mouse button, move it to draw a contour, and then
-when you release the button, a line will close the contour
-from the starting point to the end point. The are will be
-selected (if you used the left mouse button) or deselected
-(if you used the right mouse button).
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: Outside the selection adds contours;
- inside the selection *drag-and-drop* it.
- **Right button**: Subtracts contours from selection.
-Polygonal Lasso Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: Outside the selection adds polygons;
- inside the selection *drag-and-drop* it.
- **Right button**: Subtracts polygons from selection.
-Magic Wand Tool
-With this tool you can select a continuous area filled with the same
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: Select the adjacent region of clicked color.
-Pencil Tool
- .. image:: images/pencil_icon.png
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: Paint a freehanded trace with foreground color.
- **Right button**: Paint a freehanded trace with background color.
-Spray Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Eraser Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Eyedropper Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Hand Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Move Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Paint Bucket Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Line Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Curve Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Rectangle Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Ellipse Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Contour Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Polygon Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Blur Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
-Jumble Tool
- .. admonition:: Summary
- **Left button**: .
- **Right button**: .
- Menus
-In this chapter you have explained each functionality of ASE that is
-accessible from menus. Some options have a keyboard shortcut associated
-to be quickly executed.
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+N
-Creates a new sprite.
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+O
-Opens an existent sprite in the disk.
-Open Recent
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+S
-Save As
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+Shift+S
-Save Copy As
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+Shift+C
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+W
-Closes the current sprite. If there are modifications in the sprite, you will see a confirmation dialog.
-``TODO close warning screenshot``
-You can close sprites pressing the middle mouse button above a tab.
-``TODO closing through tab + middle mouse button screenshot``
-Close All
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+Shift+N
-Screen Shot
-Record Screen
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+U
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+R
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+X
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+C
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+V
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Del (or Backspace)
-This command has different behavior depending in which layer you use it:
- - In the background layer: If there are something selected, the
- selected region is cleared with the background color. If nothing
- is selected the entire cel is cleared with the background color.
- - In a transparent layer: If there are something selected, the
- selected region is cleared with transparent color. If nothing
- is selected the entire cel is removed from the layer, so an
- `empty cel`_ is left.
-Flip Horizontal
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Shift+H
-Flip Vertical
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Shift+V
-Replace Color
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Shift+R
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- Ctrl+I
-Color Mode
-RGB Color
-Indexed (No Dithering)
-Indexed (Ordered Dither)
-Sprite Size
-Canvas Size
-Rotate Canvas
-90 CW
-90 CCW
-Flip Canvas Horizontal
-Flip Canvas Vertical
-New Layer
-Remove Layer
-Background from Layer
-Layer from Background
-Merge Down
-New Frame
-Remove Frame
-Jump to
-First Frame
-Previous Frame
-Next Frame
-Last Frame
-Play Animation
-Color Range
-Load from MSK file
-Save to MSK file
-Make Unique
-Split Vertically
-Split Horizontally
-Grid Settings
-Show Grid
-Snap to Grid
-.. admonition:: Keyboard shortcut:
- F8
-Using this command you can see the whole sprite with a checked background.
-If tiled mode is activated, the sprite will be drawn as a pattern.
-It is useful to check alpha channel and border joints (when the sprite is a tile).
-When you are inside the Preview mode, you can use the following keys:
- - ESC or F8: Returns to the editor (exits from Preview mode).
- - Plus/Minus key: Select a palette color as background (instead of the checked background).
- - Left/Right: Move through frames.
-Configure Screen
-Animation Editor
-Palette Editor
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Customization
-Here you have some explanation about how to customize your own copy of
-ASE. Take care of all modifications you made in configuration files, and
-make sure you have a backup copy of everything.
-Most of the customizable UI elements are taken from ``/data/gui.xml`` file.
-Keyboard Shortcuts
-In the ``data/gui.xml`` file you will found a the following sections:
-In the ```` section you have the set of available tools in ASE
-separated by groups (```` elements). Each group has a set of tools (```` elements).
-The ``id`` attribute is used to identify the tool, it must be unique
-between all tools. The ``text`` attribute specified the name of the
-tool shown to the user.
-The ``ink`` attribute indicates what the tool does, e.g. paint,
-select, pick a color, etc. Available inks are:
- - selection
- - paint (paint with fg or bg, depending if left or right button was used)
- - paint_fg
- - paint_bg
- - eraser
- - replace_fg_with_bg
- - replace_bg_with_fg
- - pick_fg
- - pick_bg
- - scroll
- - move
- - blur
- - jumble
-The ``controller`` specifies how mouse buttons are controlled.
-Available controllers are:
- - freehand (e.g. pencil)
- - point_by_point (e.g. polygon)
- - one_point (e.g. paint bucket)
- - two_points (e.g. lines, rectangles, etc.)
- - four_points (e.g. bezier lines)
-The ``pointshape`` is the way a mouse point will be converted to an area
-in the image. Available points:
- - pixel
- - pen
- - floodfill
- - spray
-The ``intertwiner`` says how mouse points should be joined.
-Available intertwiners:
- - none
- - as_lines
- - as_bezier
- - as_rectangles
- - as_ellipses
diff --git a/docs/manual/split.py b/docs/manual/split.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 43021b3d7..000000000
--- a/docs/manual/split.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Splits the rst .html output in various .html files
-# Copyright (C) 2009 David Capello
-from xml.dom import Node
-from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
-def getElementById(node, id):
- if node.hasAttribute("id") and node.getAttribute("id") == id:
- return node
- for child in node.childNodes:
- if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- found = getElementById(child, id)
- if found:
- return found
- return None
-def remapAHref(node, old, new):
- if node.tagName == "a" and node.hasAttribute("href") and node.getAttribute("href") == old:
- node.setAttribute("href", new)
- for child in node.childNodes:
- if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- remapAHref(child, old, new)
-def collectIdsInSection(node, ids, section):
- if section:
- if node.hasAttribute("id"):
- ids.append([ section, node.getAttribute("id") ])
- elif node.tagName == "div" and \
- ( node.hasAttribute("class") and node.getAttribute("class") == "section") or \
- ( node.hasAttribute("id") and node.getAttribute("id") == "contents"):
- if node.getAttribute("id") == "contents":
- section = "index"
- else:
- section = node.getAttribute("id")
- for child in node.childNodes:
- if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- collectIdsInSection(child, ids, section)
-def splitSection(doc, sectionId, removePrevs, outputFileName, idsToRemap):
- # clone the whole document
- doc2 = doc.cloneNode(True)
- # get the element containing the specified section
- div = getElementById(doc2.documentElement, sectionId)
- if not div:
- return
- # remove previous elements (
of previous sections and content table)
- if removePrevs:
- while div.previousSibling:
- div.parentNode.removeChild(div.previousSibling)
- # remove next elements (
of next sections)
- while div.nextSibling:
- div.parentNode.removeChild(div.nextSibling)
- file = open(outputFileName, "w")
- doc2.writexml(file)
- file.close()
-manualDoc = parse("manual.html")
-# get IDs from any tag with a id="..." attribute
-idsToRemap = []
-collectIdsInSection(manualDoc.documentElement, idsToRemap, None)
-# sections
-sectionsIds = []
-for id in idsToRemap:
- sectionsIds.append(id[0])
-sectionsIds = set(sectionsIds)
-# remap sections
-for sectionId in sectionsIds:
- remapAHref(manualDoc.documentElement, "#" + sectionId, sectionId + ".html")
-# remap all href to the future location
-for id in idsToRemap:
- remapAHref(manualDoc.documentElement, "#" + id[1], id[0] + ".html#" + id[1])
-# create a file for the content table
-splitSection(manualDoc, "contents", False, "index.html", idsToRemap)
-# create a file for each section
-for sectionId in sectionsIds:
- splitSection(manualDoc, sectionId, True, sectionId + ".html", idsToRemap)