From 352e99bc6d982b6f855ffb6545e1d287c8262845 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Capello <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 21:25:57 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Removed ChangeLog because it is not updated anymore.

 ChangeLog | 4692 -----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 4692 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ChangeLog

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 59658fa8d..000000000
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4692 +0,0 @@
-2010-03-07  David Capello  <>
-	* src/tools: All tools stuff refactored in various files/components. Added
-	classes: IToolLoop, Tool, ToolGroup, ToolInk, ToolController, ToolPointShape,
-	ToolIntertwine, ToolBox, etc.
-	(Removed old src/modules/tools.cpp)
-2010-01-29  David Capello  <>
-	* src/app.cpp (Modules): A lot of modules converted to classes.
-2009-11-27  David Capello  <>
-	* Now XML files are loaded with tinyxml library (for better error
-	handling/reporting).
-2009-11-22  David Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.cpp (jmanager_generate_messages): Added
-	support for the Close button in the system window.
-2009-11-21  David Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/skinneable_theme.h (jtheme): Added SkinneableTheme
-	class. Thanks to Ilija Melentijevic for the graphics.
-2009-11-17  David Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/layer.h (Layer, LayerImage, LayerFolder): Converted
-	layer to a class with member functions.
-2009-10-17  David Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_configure_screen.cpp: Fixed issue #2874422
-	"More screen resolutions" (Philippe Michael Groarke idea).
-2009-10-14  David Capello  <>
-	* src/core/app.h (IAppHook, AppEvent): Added IAppHook interface
-	for a cleaner event/hook interface.
-	* src/core/app.cpp (Option): Converted to a class.
-2009-10-08  David Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/tools.cpp (tool_marker): Modified marquee tooltip.
-	Fixed bug #2874453 (thanks to Philippe Michael Groarke).
-	* src/core/dirs.cpp (filename_in_datadir): Modified folders to
-	load data on Mac OS X platform (thanks to Trent Gamblin).
-	* Completelly refactored all the commands related stuff. This is
-	the beginning to implement macro recording.
-2009-09-03  David Capello  <>
-	* Version 0.7.2 released.
-	* src/commands/cmd_close_file.cpp (close_current_sprite): Fixed
-	bug #2847210: "Save" button when close a modified file was not working.
-2009-08-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Version 0.7.1 released.
-2009-08-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/filesel.cpp (ase_file_selector): Fixed a bug where
-	new sprites where saved with lower case file names in Windows.
-	* src/jinete/jentry.cpp (entry_msg_proc): Process Windows
-	shortcuts to cut/paste (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V).
-	* src/jinete/jclipboard.cpp: Added support for Windows clipboard.
-2009-08-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Version 0.7 released.
-	* Prepared to be compiled with VC++ 9.0 Express Edition.
-2009-08-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Modified some error handling code from return-value to exceptions.
-2009-08-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/render.cpp (merge_zoomed_image): unified all
-	merge_zoomed_image8/16/32 in one generic method (and fixed
-	critical bugs).
-2009-06-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_rotate_canvas.cpp: Added.
-2009-06-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/gui.h (JWidgetPtr): Added to automatically delete
-	the widget in the destructor.
-	* src/modules/gui.cpp (load_widget/get_widgets): In case of error
-	now they throw an exception.
-	* src/sprite_wrappers.h: CurrentSprite class was split in
-	SpriteWrapper/Reader/Writer, and CurrentSpriteReader/Writer
-	wrappers.
-	* src/console/console.h (Console): Added the class to
-	automatically open/close the console (with RAII idiom).
-2009-06-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/palettes.h: Added CurrentSpriteRgbMap class.
-2009-06-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/sprite.h (Sprite): Added m_write_lock and
-	m_read_locks members. Added lock(bool) and lock_to_write()
-	methods.
-2009-06-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/ase/current_sprite.h (CurrentSprite): Added.
-2009-05-31  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/file.cpp (fop_free): Fixed a mutex-handle leak.
-	* src/raster/undo.cpp (update_undo): Fixed a bug where
-	the current open-undo-chunk were discarded if the undo-limit
-	were reached.
-	* src/core/job.cpp: Added Job class to do background jobs more easily.
-2009-05-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/image_impl.h (ImageImpl): Changed the implementation of
-	images with templates.
-2009-05-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_sprite_size.cpp (cmd_sprite_size_execute): Implemented
-	feature #2671468: Resize a sprite.
-2009-05-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_canvas_size.cpp (cmd_canvas_size_execute):
-	Added command to change the canvas size.
-2009-03-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/tools.cpp: Now tiled mode can be specified by X
-	and/or Y axis (Scott Wilson idea, feature #2636076).
-2009-03-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/clipboard_win32.h: Added support to copy & paste
-	to/from the Windows Clipboard (feature #2577954).
-2009-03-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/filesel.cpp (ase_file_selector): Fixed a bug
-	when the user presses ENTER with an empty file name.
-2009-03-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/editor/cursor.cpp (editor_clean_cursor): Fixed a
-	problem where old_clipping_region can be NULL if multiple editors
-	are in use and PASTE command is executed.
-2009-02-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_save_file.cpp (cmd_save_file_copy_as_execute):
-	Added "Save Copy As" command (Scott Wilson idea, feature #2636076).
-2009-02-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed some compilation errors in gcc 64 bits (reported by Scott Wilson).
-2009-01-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Version 0.6.1 released.
-2009-01-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/drop_files.cpp (subclass_hwnd): Added support to drop
-	files in Windows (feature #2419098, David Campo idea).
-2009-01-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jscroll.h: Removed.
-	* Added 2009 year to copyright.
-	* src/jinete/*.*: Fixed the BSD license text.
-	* src/jinete/jstring.h (jstring::split): Applied the patch
-	of Clayton Enga to add the last token of the split string
-	(bug #2511762).
-2008-10-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Version 0.6 released.
-2008-10-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/app.cpp (tabsbar_select_callback): Added support to
-	close files with middle-button.
-	* src/dialogs/filesel.cpp (ase_file_selector): Better handling of
-	special file-names in the entry field (filename_entry).
-2008-10-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jstring.cpp (jstring::separator): Fixed for Windows (\).
-2008-10-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/gfxobj.cpp (_gfxobj_set_id): Fixed (the object is
-	removed from the map before its ID is changed).
-	* src/raster/stock.cpp (Stock::Stock): Fixed.
-	* src/raster/undoable.cpp (Undoable::crop_sprite)
-	(Undoable::crop_layer, Undoable::autocrop_sprite)
-	(Undoable::replace_stock_image): Added.
-	* src/raster/image.cpp (image_shrink_rect): Added.
-	* src/raster/gfxobj.cpp (objects_map): Replaced JList 'objects'
-	by a 'objects_map' (a std::map).
-	* src/raster/sprite.cpp (~Sprite),
-	* src/modules/palettes.cpp (exit_module_palette):
-	* src/commands/cmd_palette_editor.cpp (load_command): Fixed a
-	serious bug where palettes were not freed right (jfree instead of
-	palette_free). It leaves dead-pointers in the collection of
-	graphics objects in 'gfxobj.cpp'.
-	* config.h: Added new overloaded new/delete operators to use
-	jmalloc/jfree (useful when use MEMLEAK detector).
-	* src/core/file_system.cpp: Modified to use "jstring" instead of
-	"char*", and "std::map" instead of "HashTable".
-2008-10-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/filesel.cpp (ase_file_selector): Now it uses
-	"jstring" instead of "char*".
-	* src/jinete/jstring.h (jstring): Added.
-	* src/raster/undoable.cpp (Undoable::set_constant_frame_rate): Added.
-	(Undoable::set_frame_length): Renamed to set_frame_duration.
-	* src/commands/cmd_frame_properties.cpp (dialogs_frame_length):
-	Added undo.
-2008-10-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/misc.cpp (ClearMask): Removed.
-	* src/util/clipbrd.cpp (cut_to_clipboard): Use Undoable::clear_mask now.
-2008-10-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/mask.cpp (shrink_mask): Fixed a bug where image_crop
-	where called with w<=0 and h<=0.
-	* src/commands/cmd_clear.cpp (cmd_clear_execute): Changed to use
-	Undoable.
-2008-10-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/undo.cpp: Renamed undo_undo and undo_redo to
-	undo_do_undo and undo_do_redo.
-	(undo_clear_redo): Added (used by Undoable when the final result
-	isn't committed).
-	* src/dialogs/aniedit.cpp (anieditor_msg_proc): Uses Undoable to
-	move frames, and move layers.
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_layer.cpp (cmd_new_layer_execute):
-	* src/commands/cmd_remove_cel.cpp (cmd_remove_cel_execute):
-	* src/commands/cmd_remove_frame.cpp (cmd_remove_frame_execute):
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_frame.cpp (cmd_new_frame_execute):
-	Changed to use Undoable.
-	* src/raster/undoable.h (class Undoable): Added.
-2008-09-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/gfxobj.h (GfxObj): Converted to a class (and all the
-	hierarchy of graphics objects).
-	* src/tests/: Renamed src/test to src/tests
-	* makefile.lst: Project converted to C++
-2008-09-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/fileview.c (fileview_msg_proc): Fixed a bug when the
-	user pressed a key to do an incremental-search but no item where
-	selected.
-	* src/widgets/colsel.[ch]: Renamed from src/widgets/colsel2.[ch].
-	* data/jids/colsel.jid: Removed.
-	* src/script/: Removed.
-	* src/util/functions.c: From 'src/script/functions.c'.
-	* src/script/functions.c (FlattenLayers): Fixed a bug calling
-	'layer_configure_as_background' without 'undo_move_layer' before.
-	* src/util/clipbrd.c (paste_from_clipboard): Fixed a bug when
-	paste the clipboard outside the sprite.
-	* src/modules/tools.c (M_PI): Defined for MSVC8.
-	* src/widgets/colbut.c (colorbutton_draw): Fixed compilation error
-	in MSVC8.
-	* src/widgets/colbar.c (colorbar_msg_proc): Fixed a bug little bug
-	when drop color in nowhere.
-2008-09-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/tools.c: Added new Curve tool.
-	(control_tool): Added support to lock lines in more
-	angles (feature request #1961397).
-2008-09-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/colbar.c: Added support to drag & drop
-	colors (feature request #2109224).
-2008-05-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Version 0.6b2 released.
-	* src/widgets/paledit.c: Added the 'All Frames' check box.
-	* src/file/ase_format.c (load_ASE): Added support for preview (to
-	load just the first frame). Removed link-cels support.
-	* src/raster/brush.c (regenerate_brush): Now the 'angle' modifies
-	the square brush.
-2008-05-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_duplicate_layer.c (duplicate_layer): Fixed the
-	duplication of background layer: the flags aren't copied.
-	* src/script/functions.c (CropLayer): Rewritten (more simple).
-	(CropSprite): Fixed to crop the background layer right.
-	* src/commands/cmd_merge_down_layer.c (cmd_merge_down_layer_execute):
-	Fixed to merge a transparent over the background.
-	* src/raster/image.c (image_crop): Added the 'bgcolor' parameter.
-	* src/script/functions.c (CropLayer): Fixed.
-2008-05-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/celmove.c (move_cel, copy_cel): Fixed to handle
-	movements between transparent & background layers.
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_cel.c (cmd_new_cel_execute): Removed.
-2008-04-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jdraw.c (ji_move_region): Renamed ji_blit_region to
-	ji_move_region.
-	* src/jinete/jwidget.c (jwidget_scroll): Done.
-	* src/jinete/jdraw.c (jdraw_inverted_sprite): Rewritten to use
-	Allegro routines instead of get/putpixel.
-2008-04-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/aniedit.c (anieditor_msg_proc): Now the user can
-	move layers.
-	* src/script/functions.c (MoveLayerAfter): Added.
-	* src/widgets/colbar.c (FGBGSIZE): Added.
-	* src/modules/gui.h: Renamed GUISCALE to guiscale() function.
-	* src/script/functions.c (SetFrameLength): Added.
-	(MoveFrameBefore): Fixed to undo frame-lengths.
-	* src/raster/undo.c (undo_set_frlen): Added.
-2008-04-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/aniedit.c: In these days I was working in the new
-	Animation Editor. Right now you can create/remove/move
-	frames. Select layers and frame. See thumbnails. Change the
-	separator position. It doesn't support scroll yet.
-	* src/script/functions.c (MoveFrameBefore): Added.
-2008-04-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/tools.c: Added the Jumble tool & ink.
-2008-04-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/undo.c (read_raw_cel, write_raw_cel): Fixed to
-	read/write the position of the Cel with sign (int16_t instead of
-	uint16_t).
-	* src/commands/cmd_advanced_mode.c (cmd_advanced_mode_execute):
-	Fixed another typo (reported by Manuel Qui�ones).
-	* src/dialogs/tips.c (dialogs_tips): Fixed a typo (reported by
-	Manuel Qui�ones).
-	* makefile.lnx: Applied Manuel Qui�ones's patch to fix the
-	install/uninstall rules.
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_frame.c (copy_cel_in_next_frame): Fixed,
-	now it copies the entiry cel instead of the visible area.
-2008-04-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/sprites.h (ImageRef): Added.
-	* src/raster/stock.c (stock_new_ref): Removed.
-2008-04-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/tools.c (control_tool): Fixed tiled drawing mode.
-2008-03-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/color.c (get_color_for_layer): Added to avoid writing
-	colors with Alpha < 255 in the `Background' layer.
-	* src/modules/tools.c (ink_hline[124]_soften): Fixed to support
-	tiled mode.
-	* src/effect/effect.h (GET_MATRIX_DATA): Modified so it can be
-	used in soften-ink.
-	* src/file/format_options.c: Renamed filedata to format_options.
-	* src/file/jpeg_format.c (getdata_JPEG): Added from configure_jpeg.
-	* src/file/filedata.h (JpegData): Added.
-	* src/file/file.h (FileFormat): Added the `getdata' method to
-	configure the output format.
-2008-03-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_save_file.c (save_sprite_in_background): Added
-	to save sprites with progress bar.
-	* src/commands/fx/effectbg.c (effect_apply_to_target_with_progressbar):
-	Added to show progress bar and background processing when the user
-	applies an effect.
-	* src/effect/effect.h (Effect): Added progress information to
-	customize the progress and cancellation of the effect operations.
-	* src/file/fli_format.c (load_FLI),
-	  src/file/gif_format.c (load_GIF): Now these two routines
-	  configure the only layer as `Background'.
-	* src/file/file.h (FileOp): Added seq.has_alpha so a PNG file with
-	alpha hasn't a `Background' layer.
-2008-03-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added a call to undo_set_label(...) for every undo operation in
-	the source code.
-	* src/script/functions.c (LayerFromBackground): Done.
-	* src/commands/cmd_layer_from_background.c: Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_background_from_layer.c: Added.
-2008-03-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/brush.c (regenerate_brush): Now the line-brush is
-	more thick (this is a "shortcut" to avoid ugly effect when the
-	line-brush was used to draw, for example, a ellipse).
-	* src/raster/sprite.c (sprite_set_imgtype): Fixed a bug where an
-	incorrect address was saved in the undo information.
-	* src/commands/cmd_cel_properties.c, data/jids/celprop.jid:
-	Modified to display information only (the "opacity" of the Cel is
-	the only field that can be modified).
-	* src/jinete/jfile.c (convert_tag_to_widget): Added grid support.
-2008-03-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/layer.c (layer_free_images): Added to fix a bug which
-	the stock has images of removed layers.
-	* src/script/functions.c (FlattenLayers): Rewritten to use the
-	`Background' layer.
-	* src/raster/undo.c (update_undo): the undo size is get from the
-	configuration.
-	* src/dialogs/options.c (dialogs_options): Added option to change
-	the undo size limit per sprite.
-2008-03-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/tools.c (ase_tool_eraser): Added.
-	* src/modules/tools.c (ase_tool_dots): Removed.
-	* src/modules/tools.h (struct ToolData): Added. Restructured all
-	the tools handling. No more real-time dirty. Now a temporary
-	preview image is used and them a `dirty' is created using the
-	differences between the old and new layer pixels.
-	* src/core/color.c: Removed alpha value of colors.
-	* src/widgets/editor.h (Editor): Added ctrl_pressed to show the
-	move-cursor.
-	* src/raster/sprite.h (struct Sprite): Removed the bgcolor
-	property (it's confusing).
-2008-03-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/filedata.[ch]: Added FileData and BmpData.
-2008-03-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/filmedit.c (layer_box_msg_proc, cel_box_msg_proc):
-	Fixed a bug when calling create_bitmap with negative values to do
-	double-buffering.
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_file.c (cmd_new_file_execute): Removed the
-	'Custom' background-color option.
-	* src/widgets/colbut.c (ColorButton): Rewritten to use the new
-	colorselector tooltip window, and added a new eyedropper feature
-	pressing the button.
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (jmanager_remove_msg_filter_for): Added.
-	* src/widgets/statebar.c (statusbar_show_tip): Added.
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (jmanager_set_timer_interval): Added.
-2008-03-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/sprite.c (general_copy): Fixed a problem calling with
-	sprite_set_frames(..., src_sprite->frame) instead of src_sprite->frames.
-	* src/raster/layer.c (layer_new_copy): Added dst_sprite.
-2008-03-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/layer.c (layer_flatten): Fixed a problem where the
-	flatten layer was added in other sprite. For this the new "sprite"
-	parameter was added. Renamed to layer_new_flatten_copy.
-	* src/widgets/editor/editor.c (editor_msg_proc): Fixed an annoying
-	flickering effect when the mouse button was released in
-	editor->state == EDIT_DRAWING.
-2008-03-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (jmanager_generate_messages): Now the
-	mouse events are enqueue even if mouse_widget = NULL, because
-	maybe a msg_filter is added in "jmanager_enqueue_message".
-2008-03-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/undo.c (chunk_dirty_invert): Fixed a bug with
-	dirty->rows == 0 (for example, when you use floodfill and it
-	doesn't fill nothing).
-	* src/raster/palette.h (struct Palette): Added. A lot of code was
-	passed from Allegro's RGB and PALETTE to this new Palette
-	structure.
-2008-03-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/app.c (app_add_hook): Added.
-	(app_trigger_event): Added.
-	* src/jinete/jtooltips.c (tipwindow_msg_proc): Fixed a memory leak
-	of a JRect in JM_DRAW.
-	* src/jinete/jmenu.c (window_msg_proc): Added to call
-	jwidget_free_deferred in JM_CLOSE of a menubox-window. This fix a
-	memory leak (the menuboxes' windows were not freed).
-	* src/jinete/jtooltips.c (jtooltip_window_set_hotregion): Fixed a
-	memory leak (was called jfree instead of jregion_free).
-	* src/commands/cmd_grid.c (cmd_snap_to_grid_checked)
-	(cmd_show_grid_checked): Added.
-	* src/jinete/jslider.c (slider_msg_proc): Fixed the mouse limits
-	in the slider widget.
-2008-03-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/colbar.c: A lot of work was done for the lock/idx
-	widgets (to edit the selected palette entry).
-2008-03-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jgrid.c: Added. A better layout manager to handle
-	grids like HTML tables.
-2008-03-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/editor/editor.c (editor_msg_proc): Fixed a big error
-	cleaning the cursor with thick == 0.
-2008-02-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/fileview.c: Added incremental search.
-	* src/core/file_system.c (fileitem_insert_child_sorted):
-	Fixed. Now the file-system has a readed-version, so we can updated
-	outdated file-items with the new children list.
-2008-02-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jbox.c, src/jinete/jpanel.c: Fixed some bugs when
-	access to widget-visibility properties (when layout widgets, we
-	have to check the JI_HIDDEN flag directly instead of calling
-	jwidget_is_visible/hidden routines).
-2008-02-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_duplicate_layer.c (duplicate_layer): Fixed a
-	problem where the images weren't duplicated (this bug was
-	introduced when the stock changed from the Layers to the Sprite).
-2008-02-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jwidget.c (jwidget_get_drawable_region): Fixed a bug:
-	when clipping the drawable-region with the children regions, it
-	was considering hidden children too.
-2008-02-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/*: Refactoring color_bar->colorbar, status_bar->statusbar,
-	tool_bar->toolbar, menu_bar->menubar, tabs_bar->tabsbar.
-	* src/modules/tools.c (apply_grid): Added 'flexible' parameter.
-	* src/commands/cmd_grid.c: Added show_grid and snap_to_grid
-	commands.
-	* src/jinete/jwidget.c (jwidget_set_text_soft): Added.
-2008-02-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/jids/mapgen.jid, src/commands/cmd_mapgen.c,
-	src/util/mapgen.c, src/dialogs/dmapgen.c: Removed.
-	* src/jinete/jwidget.c (widget_msg_proc): Do more work to handle
-	redirection of each message.
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c: Simplified the destination list for every
-	message.
-	* src/jinete/jmessage.h (struct jmessage_key): Added fields:
-	repeat, propagate_to_children, propagate_to_parent.
-	* src/jinete/jbase.h: Added JM_SETCURSOR. Removed JM_CHAR.
-2008-02-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/file_system.c (get_key_for_pidl): Fixed.
-2008-02-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/dirty.c: Optimized.
-	* src/widgets/fileview.c (fileview_msg_proc): Fixed flickering.
-2008-02-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/gif/lzw.c (LZW_decode): Fixed a bug when loading some
-	broken-GIF (the 'lzw_write_pixel' routine was called with pos < 0).
-2008-02-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/fileview.c: Finished with thumbnails generation.
-	* src/commands/cmd_open_file.c (monitor_free): Added to join the
-	thread. This fix bugs when you close the program and there're
-	files loading: all threads are joined.
-	* src/modules/gui.c (remove_gui_monitor): Added.
-	(add_gui_monitor): Now it receives a 'free' routine too (to
-	destroy the 'data' of the monitor).
-	* src/test/test_errno.c: Added a test to check errno
-	thread-safety.
-2008-02-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (jmanager_remove_msg_filter): 
-	* src/raster/undo.c (chunk_set_mask_invert): Fixed more memory leaks.
-2008-02-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/sprites.c (exit_module_sprites):
-	* src/core/core.c (core_exit): 
-	* src/widgets/colbar.c (color_bar_msg_proc):
-	* src/raster/layer.c (layer_free): 
-	* src/jinete/jaccel.c (jaccel_free):
-	* src/widgets/tabs.c (calculate_hot):
-	* src/core/dirs.c (dirs_cat_dirs): Fixed more memory leaks
-	  (the leaks in exit routines aren't too critical, but the
-	   other yes).
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (jmanager_generate_messages): Fixed a
-	memory leak when replacing the value of 'widgets' field of a
-	JMessage.
-	* src/jinete/jlist.c (jlist_free): Fixed a big memory leak (for
-	every linked list JList in the program, the 'list->end' field was
-	never freed).
-	* src/core/file_system.c (struct FileItem): Added thumbnail field.
-2008-02-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/filesel.c: Done (navigation history added, and
-	file-type combo-box).
-	* src/core/file_system.c: Done the Allegro interface with
-	for_each_file.
-2008-02-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jcombox.c (jcombobox_del_index): Fixed a memory leak.
-	(jcombobox_add_string): Added 'data' field for each item.
-	(jcombobox_get_data): Added.
-	* src/test/test_file_system.c: Added.
-	* src/core/file_system.c: All these days I was working in
-	this. The PIDL interface for Win32 is done.
-2008-01-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_configure_screen.c (show_dialog): Added a
-	confirmation dialog after changing the gfx-mode.
-2008-01-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/gui.c (rebuild_sprite_list): Removed.
-	* src/file/*.c: A lot of work to make it thread safe through the
-	new FileOp structure.
-	* src/raster/gfxobj.c: Added a mutex to be thread safe.
-2008-01-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/editor/editor.c (show_drawing_cursor): Added the
-	'forbidden' cursor.
-	* src/modules/editors.c (editors_draw_sprite_tiled): Fixed for
-	cels with differents position.
-	* src/dialogs/filmedit.c (layer_box_msg_proc): Added buttons to
-	toggle readable/writable flags to layers.
-	* src/raster/sprite.h (struct Sprite): Added 'locked' and 'mutex'
-	fields.
-2008-01-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (jmanager_generate_messages): Focus magnet
-	works again.
-	* src/util/clipbrd.c (paste_from_clipboard): Fixed some problems
-	when Paste.
-2008-01-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_configure_tools.c (cmd_configure_tools_execute):
-	Now the window is loaded one time and reused in all the program
-	execution.
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (_jmanager_close_window): Now the mouse
-	and focus aren't freed if it's not necessary.
-2008-01-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/editor/cursor.c, src/widgets/editor/editor.c: Fixed
-	a lot of bugs in the code that draws/cleans the brush-cursor in
-	the editor.
-2008-01-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jwidget.c (jwidget_free_deferred): Added.
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c: Replaced 'jmanager_poll' with
-	'jmanager_generate_messages' and
-	'jmanager_dispatch_messages'. This fixed a lot of bugs when mix up
-	two foreground windows.
-	* src/jinete/jfilesel.c (generate_extensions): Fixed a bug that
-	leaves 'extensions=NULL' when it's should be 'extensions=a empty
-	list'.
-	* src/modules/gui.c (load_widget): Fixed the most stupid code I
-	ever write (double loading of the widget from the .jid files).
-	* src/modules/rootmenu.c (load_menu_by_id): Added to fix a problem
-	with popup-menus of the new jmenu.c implementation.
-2008-01-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_play_animation.c: Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_goto_frame.c: Added goto_*_frame commands.
-	* src/jinete/jmenu.c (Base): Added 'is_processing' to avoid
-	sending menu-messages when there're menu-messages in the queue.
-2008-01-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jmenu.c (menubox_msg_proc): Finally works (with keys
-	and without JM_IDLE message).
-2008-01-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jmenu.c: In all these day I was working to make it
-	working without JM_IDLE. The keyboard is the only thing that
-	doesn't work right now.
-	* src/widgets/preview.c: Doesn't use JM_IDLE message anymore.
-	* src/widgets/statebar.c: Doesn't use JM_IDLE message anymore.
-2007-12-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c: Added 'enqueue_messages_before_this'.
-	* src/widgets/tabs.c (tabs_msg_proc): Fixed a problem that allow
-	to the user select to no-tabs at all.
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (jmanager_poll): Double-click now is
-	controlled through the 'ji_clock'.
-	(jmanager_add_msg_filter): Added routines to control filters for
-	the messages.
-	* src/jinete/jsystem.c: Removed all the stuff about double-click
-	in this file.
-2007-12-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/jinete/jentry.c, src/widgets/tabs.c: Modified to use timers.
-	* src/jinete/jmanager.c (jmanager_add_timer): Added timers and
-	JM_TIMER (needed to finally remove the JM_IDLE message in the
-	future).
-2007-12-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_screen_shot.c (cmd_screen_shot_execute): Now
-	saves screen shots in PNG format.
-2007-12-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/scrsaver.c: Removed.
-2007-12-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/script/functions.c (NewSprite): Added.
-	* src/raster/sprite.c (sprite_set_imgtype): Added convertion of
-	the background color.
-	* config.h: Added ase_uint8, ase_uint16, ase_uint32 to support 64
-	bits CPU (problems with amd64 reported by Jon Rafkind).
-2007-12-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/png_format.c (save_PNG): Fixed a problem when saving
-	non-indexed images (reported by Trent Gamblin).
-2007-12-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/editor/editor.c (editor_draw_sprite): Fixed to allow
-	differents indexed images in multiple editors in a screen
-	color-depth > 8bpp.
-	* src/util/misc.c (interactive_move_layer): Fixed problem with
-	scroll in windowed moded and mouse-paint problem in
-	double-buffering mode.
-2007-12-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/statebar.c (status_bar_set_text): Uses dirty
-	region. This optimized the speed of the loading bar.
-	* src/jinete/jsystem.c (ji_flip_dirty_region): Added dirty region.
-	* src/file/png_format.c (save_png): Added.
-2007-12-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/sprite.h (struct Sprite): Added "stock" (now the
-	stock of images is shared between all layers).
-	(struct Sprite): Added bgcolor field:
-	* src/raster/layer.h (struct Layer): Removed the "stock" from the
-	layers.
-2007-11-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/gui.c (init_module_gui): Better graphics-resolution
-	selection by default.
-	* src/widgets/tabs.c: Done (finished the buttons to move the
-	scroll).
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c (jwidget_pick): Fixed a bug: the disabled
-	widgets didn't get the mouse never (so the button-pressed message
-	was never sent to disable widgets).
-2007-11-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/tabs.c: Added tab.
-2007-11-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_frame.c (copy_cel_in_next_frame): Fixed
-	undo for new frames in other layers.
-	* src/file/png_file.c (load_png): Finished.
-	* src/commands/cmd_configure_screen.c: Added the new dialog to
-	select the graphics mode.
-2007-11-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_frame.c,
-	src/commands/cmd_frame_properties.c,
-	src/commands/cmd_remove_frame.c: Added frame operations.
-2007-11-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/cel.c: Renamed "frame" to "cel" to avoid
-	confusion (Manuel Qui�ones advice).
-	* src/modules/render.[ch]: Moved to util/.
-2007-11-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* INSTALL.txt: Clarified "COMPILATION" section (thanks to Manuel
-	Qui�ones).
-2007-11-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jfilesel.c: Better file selector (separated file name
-	and path).
-2007-11-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/script/functions.c: Added: NewLayer(Set), RemoveLayer,
-	FlattenLayers, RemoveFrame.
-2007-11-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_merge_down_layer.c: Done.
-	* src/commands/cmd_remove_layer.c: Done.
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_layer_set.c: Done.
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_layer.c: Done.
-2007-11-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_duplicate_sprite.c: Done.
-	* src/commands/cmd_change_image_type.c: Done.
-	* src/commands/cmd_color_curve.c: Done. Removed src/dialogs/effect/dcolcurv.c
-	* src/commands/cmd_convolution_matrix.c: Done. Removed src/dialogs/effect/dconvmtr.c
-	* src/commands/cmd_despeckle.c: Done. Removed src/dialogs/effect/dmedian.c
-	* src/commands/cmd_replace_color.c: Done. Removed src/dialogs/effect/dreplcol.c
-	* src/commands/cmd_invert_color.c: Done. Removed src/dialogs/effect/dinvcol.c
-	* src/commands/cmd_flip.c: Done. Removed src/util/flip.c
-2007-10-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_frame.c (command_execute_new_frame): Added
-	from new_frame() routine (now with undo of sprite_set_frames).
-	* src/raster/undo.c (undo_set_frames): Added.
-2007-10-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_crop.c: Added with crop_sprite/layer/frame &
-	autocrop sprite.
-2007-09-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_sprite_properties.c (command_execute_sprite_properties): Done.
-	* src/dialogs/dfrlen.c: Removed (all in cmd_sprite_properties).
-	* data/scripts/sprprop.lua: Removed.
-	* data/scripts/edit.lua: Removed.
-	* src/commands/cmd_refresh.c (command_execute_refresh): Added.
-2007-09-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/toolconf.c (dialogs_tools_configuration):
-	Removed (now all the code is in cmd_configure_tools.c).
-	* src/commands/cmd_about.c (command_execute_about): Now it show
-	the AUTHORS.txt file.
-	* data/scripts/selspr.lua: Removed.
-	* data/scripts/rootmenu.lua: Removed.
-	* src/util/scrshot.c: Removed.
-	* src/commands/cmd_screen_shot.c (command_execute_screen_shot): Done.
-	* src/commands/cmd_clear.c (command_execute_clear): Done.
-	* data/scripts/mask.lua: Removed.
-	* src/commands/cmd_invert_mask.c (command_execute_invert_mask): Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_reselect_mask.c (command_execute_reselect_mask): Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_deselect_mask.c (command_execute_deselect_mask): Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_mask_all.c (command_execute_mask_all): Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_mask_by_color.c (command_execute_mask_by_color): Added.
-	* src/dialogs/toolconf.c (set_grid_button_select_hook): Fixed a
-	bug using an invalid rectangle for set_grid().
-	* src/commands/cmd_drawing_tools.c: Added all commands to select
-	each tool.
-2007-09-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_load_mask.c (command_execute_load_mask): Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_save_mask.c (command_execute_save_mask): Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_copy.c (command_execute_copy): Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_cut.c (command_execute_cut): Added.
-	* src/file/gif.c (save_GIF): Better progress bar.
-	* src/core/shutdown.c: Removed (it was only for sessions).
-	* src/util/session.c: Removed all session stuff.
-	* src/commands/cmd_save_file.c (command_execute_save_file): Added.
-2007-09-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_undo.c (command_execute_undo): Added.
-	* src/commands/cmd_redo.c (command_execute_redo): Added.
-	* jinete/src/jsystem.c (jmouse_poll): Now (in Windows) we continue
-	getting mouse feedback even when the cursor is outside of the
-	window.
-	* src/commands/cmd_close_file.c (command_execute_close_all_files):
-	Fixed.
-	* src/commands/cmd_drawing_tools.c: Added. All change of
-	drawing-tool is in this file.
-	* jinete/src/jaccel.c (jaccel_new_copy): Added to fix an error of
-	double freed (from 'menuitems' and from 'commands').
-	* src/commands/commands.c (command_reset_keys): Added to fix a
-	error of duplicate accelerators..
-	* src/commands/cmd_sprite_editor.c: Added with the four main
-	commands for the editor of sprites: close_editor,
-	make_unique_editor, split_editor_horizontally,
-	split_editor_vertically.
-2007-09-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c (jwidget_hard_capture_mouse): Added usage
-	of SetCapture() (in Windows, to really capture the mouse in OS
-	level).
-	* src/commands/cmd_preview.c: Added.
-	* src/dialogs/viewspr.c: Removed.
-	* src/commands/cmd_advanced_mode.c (command_execute_advanced_mode):
-	Added a warning message.
-	* src/core/app.c (app_switch): Removed.
-	* src/commands/cmd_open_file.c (command_execute_open_file):
-	Added (based on openspr.lua).
-	* jinete/src/jmanager.c (jmanager_dispatch_draw_messages): Removed.
-	(dispatch_msgs): Fixed for ji_screen != screen.
-2007-09-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/editor/editor.c (editor_msg_proc): Fixed wheel
-	behavior (only when the editor is in standby state).
-	* jinete/src/jsystem.c (jmouse_hide, jmouse_show): Added (replaced
-	scare/unscare_mouse by these functions). Renamed ji_mouse -> jmouse.
-2007-09-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/commands/cmd_close_file.c: Added (based on closespr.lua and
-	sprite.lua).
-	* src/commands/cmd_about.c: Added (based on dialogs/about.c).
-	* src/commands/cmd_new_file.c: Added (based on newspr.lua).
-	* src/commands/cmd_exit.c: Added (based on exit.lua).
-2007-09-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/menu.c (menuitem_new): Modified to use only
-	commands. No more scripts for menus.
-	* src/modules/commands.c: Added commands.
-2007-09-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jxml.c: Added routines to load XML files.
-2007-09-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/gui.c (display_switch_in_callback): Fixed (now it
-	only activate a flag to redraw the screen in the next GUI IDLE).
-2007-09-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/tips.c (tips_msg_proc): Added scrolling with mouse
-	wheel.
-	* src/modules/gui.c (init_module_gui): Added support for
-	double-buffering and "screen scaling".
-	* jinete/src/jsystem.c (ji_mouse_draw_cursor): Added.
-	* jinete/src/jsystem.c (ji_mouse_poll, ji_mouse_set_position):
-	Support for a "ji_screen" not equal to "screen".
-	* src/script/export.h: renamed "GUI_" to "dialogs_".
-2007-09-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ASE 0.5 Released.
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c (jwidget_check_underscored): Fixed to use
-	scancode instead of ASCII value returned by readkey() routine.
-2007-09-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/gui.c (display_switch_in_callback): Added (thanks to
-	Carl Olsson, this is the Feature Request item #1033858).
-2007-09-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/clipbrd.c (interactive_transform): Added snap-to-grid
-	when handle a floating selection (recommended by Carl Olsson,
-	Feature Requests item #1033853)
-	* src/modules/tools.c (control_tool): The grid is not applied to
-	the fill-tool.
-	* jinete/src/jhook.c: Added comments.
-	* src/modules/tools.c (apply_grid): Modified the behavior of the
-	tools using grid (recommended by Carl Olsson, Feature Requests
-	item #1033852).
-2007-09-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/editor/editor.c (editor_msg_proc): Added better
-	support for the mouse wheel (to zoom and scroll) and middle mouse
-	button (to scroll).
-2005-10-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* extern/: this directory was moved to third_party/.
-	* data/ Fixed "Mask/Color" and "Ver/Editor de Pel�cula"
-	shortcuts.
-2005-02-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added INSTALL.txt (Elio Cuevas G�mez idea).
-	* Removed the readline stuff (and the console mode).
-2005-01-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jslider.c (slider_msg_proc): Added mouse-wheel
-	support.
-2005-01-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/dialogs/dpaledit.c (GUI_PaletteEditor): Added support for
-	multiple-palettes.
-2005-01-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/widgets/editor/keys.c (editor_keys_toset_zoom): Fixed a
-	memory leak.
-2004-12-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/gif.c (load_GIF): Fixed the "restore to previous"
-	dispose method.
-2004-11-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/ico.c: Added .ico support.
-2004-11-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/libs.c: Removed.
-2004-11-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/gif.c (save_GIF): Fixed.
-	* src/util/quantize.c (quantize_bitmaps1): Added progress bar.
-	* src/file/fli.c (save_FLI): Fixed to support per-frame duration.
-2004-11-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/gif.c: Modified to support new API stuff (per-frame
-	palette, per-frame duration). Added comments, and fixed the usage
-	of disposal method.
-2004-10-31  David A. Capello  <>
-	* docs/files/ase.txt: Updated.
-	* src/file/ase.c: Added support for the new duration field per
-	frame.
-	* src/raster/sprite.c (sprite_set_speed): Now it changes to a
-	constant frame-rate (all frame's duration with the same tempo).
-	* src/widgets/statebar.c (play_animation): Added support to handle
-	the variable frame duration.
-	* src/raster/sprite.h: Added "int *frlens" field to support
-	variable duration pre frame. Removed the "speed" field.
-	* jinete/src/jwindow.c (move_window): Finally fixed using
-	ji_blit_region. (now a window can be moved even if another window
-	is overlapping it).
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c (ji_widget_scroll): Added.
-	* jinete/src/jdraw.c (ji_blit_region): Added.
-2004-10-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/sprites.c (send_sprite_to_top): Added to make more
-	easy the selection of sprites.
-	* src/raster/sprite.h: Added support for multiple-palettes per
-	frame. (the color-selection dialog must be rewritten).
-2004-10-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/gif: Applied Elias Pschernig's patch to support GIF
-	files.
-2004-10-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jlist.c: Replaced old Glib linked-list code with my
-	new code (that uses circular-list, this should optimized the usage
-	of ji_list_last, and ji_list_append).
-2004-10-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/include/jinete/widget.h (struct ji_widget): I can say
-	that today all widgets works fine with the new `update_region'
-	field (a new optimized way to redraw the screen).
-	* jinete/src/jmanager.c (_ji_manager_close_window): Optimized the
-	final region to be updated after close a window (or a set of
-	windows if we are removing a desktop).
-2004-10-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jmanager.c: Optimized: calls
-	generate_proc_windows_list when is necessary.
-	* jinete/src/jmessage.c (ji_message_free): Optimized: removed
-	ji_manager_remove_message.
-	* jinete/src/jmessage.c (ji_message_add_dest)
-	Optimized: s/ji_list_append/ji_list_prepend/
-	* jinete/src/jmanager.c (generate_proc_windows_list2):
-	Optimized: s/ji_list_append/ji_list_prepend/
-2004-10-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jregion.c: Removed my ugly-slowly implementation with
-	linked-list, and replaced with the new one from miregion.c.
-	* jinete/src/miregion.c: Added new optimized code to handle regions.
-2004-10-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/examples/11file.c (poll_button): Fixed the loading
-	process (reported by Hern�n Echegoyemberry).
-2004-10-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jview.c: Fixed scroll-bars (mainly because I didn't
-	test it before with border_width in the view widget).
-2004-10-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jdftheme.c (theme_draw_panel): Modified (smaller
-	separator).
-	* jinete/src/jpanel.c (panel_msg_proc): Added cursor change.
-2004-10-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c (ji_widget_get_drawable_region): Added
-	support for manager in viewports.
-2004-10-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/script/script.c (load_all_scripts): Fixed memory leak.
-	* src/core/app.c (app_loop): Integrated layout support to C
-	code from Lua scripts.
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c (ji_widget_is_hidden/visible_alone): Removed.
-	* src/util/clipbrd.c: Done, now draws the rotated image.
-	(interactive_transform): Added keyboard shortcuts to modify the
-	angle (Elias Pschernig idea).
-	* src/raster/rotate.c (image_parallelogram): Added. And done the
-	blend copy.
-2004-10-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/raster/rotate.c (image_rotate, image_scale): Added.
-	* src/widgets/colbar.c (color_bar_set_color): Fixed, don't find
-	the same color that has the other button assigned.
-	* jinete/src/jfilesel.c: Integrated bookmarks to a combobox. Now
-	it's more easy to handle bookmarks.
-2004-10-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/clipbrd.c (update_status_bar): Added the interface for
-	rotation. TODO: draw the rotated image and fix the scroll movement.
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c (ji_widget_free): Fixed memory leak.
-2004-10-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/: Renamed "event" to "message".
-2004-10-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c (ji_widget_replace): Renamed 'new' to
-	'new_child' because problems with some C++ compilers (reported by
-	Hern�n Echegoyemberry).
-2004-10-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/cfg.c: Removed all cfg_* routines. Now ASE uses the
-	Allegro configuration file.
-	* src/modules/gui.c (gui_feedback): Added rest(1) to avoid 100%
-	CPU usage (Elias Pschernig report it).
-2004-09-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/gui.c (change_to_button_style): Simplified with the
-	new event masks.
-	* jinete/src/jwidget.c: Now hooks are handled with a
-	linked-list (much more easy).
-	* jinete/include/jinete/base.h: Added event masks (JI_MASK_*)
-2004-09-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/jsystem.c: Added ji_screen (to make double-buffered
-	drawing techniques).
-2004-09-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/app.c (app_loop): Added background-switch-mode when ASE
-	is running in non-GUI mode (batch or console).
-	(app_init): Call to _ji_font_init to initialize TTF handling when
-	the GUI isn't initialized.
-	* obj/: Changed the directories structure, now all .o are stored
-	in one directory, with this will be more quick the cross-plataform
-	compiling.  I did this because I made various mistakes releasing
-	the 0.3 version.
-2004-09-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* (Version 0.3.1 released).
-	* src/core/app.c (app_init): Ugly bug fixed (detection of errors
-	in modules initialization).
-	* data/scripts/born/session.lua: Added a dialog to ask if the user
-	want to load a backed up session.
-	* src/dialogs/playfli.c (my_play_fli): Fixed the scale factor when
-	play in full-screen mode.
-	* src/dialogs/tips.c (GUI_Tips): Fixed an error when didn't find
-	the tips file.
-	* I forget the es.po and files in the release.
-2004-09-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* (Version 0.3 released).
-	* src/dialogs/filmedit.c (layer_box_event_handler): Added better
-	graphics to move layers.
-	* src/modules/tools.c (control_tool):
-	* src/widgets/editor/editor.c (editor_event_handler): Added the
-	click2 configuration (click-and-click or click-and-release mode).
-	* data/scripts/gens/dacap.lua: Added.
-	* src/raster/image.c (image_rect): Added.
-	(image_vline): Added.
-	* src/file/session.c (load/save_session): Added.
-	* src/modules/gui.c (get_widgets): Added to simplify (and check)
-	the widgets getting process.
-	* src/util/clipbrd.c (low_copy): Fixed (the palette is copy too).
-	* src/modules/gui.c (change_to_button_style): Fixed with
-	button_style_hook (this is geetting ugly, maybe Jinete needs a
-	better way to handle objects inheritance).
-2004-09-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/clipbrd.c (update_status_bar): Fixed (and improved) the
-	status bar info.
-	* src/dialogs/drawtext.c (GUI_DrawText): Added.
-	* src/util/clipbrd.c (interactive_transform): Fixed an
-	update-screen error.
-2004-09-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/menu.c: Finally fixed.
-	* (in these months) A lot of undocumented changes.
-2004-08-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* config.h: Renamed aseconfig.h to config.h.
-	* libase/: Moved to src/ase/.
-2004-07-31  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/: All this days I was working hard to make release Jinete
-	separately from ASE. Writing (Spanish) documentation and fixing
-	functions names (I don't want to change the API after the
-	release).
-2004-07-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/src/entry.c (entry_event_handler): Added "copy text"
-	through Ctrl+Insert.
-	* data/scripts/born/sprprop.lua: 
-	* data/scripts/born/newlay.lua: 
-	* data/scripts/born/frmprop.lua: 
-	* data/scripts/born/newspr.lua: Fixed errors getting integer values
-	from strings.
-2004-07-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/mapgen.c, src/gui/mapgen.c: Added.
-2004-07-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/jmanager.c (ji_manager_dispatch_events): Finally fixed.
-	Now it support recursive calling, processing event_queue
-	perfectly.
-2004-07-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/born/undo.lua: Fixd GUI_Undo and GUI_Redo when undo
-	a crop action (now the editor are updated).
-	* data/scripts/born/mask.lua (invert_mask): Fixed undo support.
-2004-07-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/intl/intl.c: Added.  Internationalization changed, the .po
-	files are loaded directly (this is much easy in Windows that port
-	the GNU gettext stuff to load .mo files).
-2004-07-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* glittle/: Name changed (before was glibttle)
-2004-07-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/: Changed the API (mainly JID -> JWidget, and now use a
-	event queue).
-2004-05-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed an error with keyboard-shortcuts when NumKey (or any other
-	key_shifts) was activated.
-	* jinete/jregion.c (ji_region_intersect2): Fixed a memory leak.
-2004-05-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* (Version 0.2.4 released).
-	* libase/aundo.c: Optimized with linked lists.
-2004-05-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/born/remfrm.lua (remove_frame):
-	Fixed (stock_remove_image called with wrong parameters).
-2004-04-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/file/ase.c:
-	* src/file/fli.c:
-	* src/file/jpeg.c:
-	* src/file/pcx.c:
-	* src/file/tga.c: From plugins.
-	* src/file/file.c: Added (some routines from modules/sprites.c
-	were moved to here).
-	* src/plugins: Finally removed.
-2004-04-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/effect/effect.h (GET_MATRIX_DATA): Added.
-	* src/effect/convmatr.c (GET_MATRIX_DATA): Better performance.
-2004-04-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Moved some files from src/plugins/action to src/util.
-	* Renamed a lot of scripting routines.
-2004-04-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/born/newspr.lua (GUI_NewSprite): Simplified.
-	* libase/aundo.c (update_undo): Added.
-	(undo_stream_discard_first_chunk): Added to discard old undoes.
-	(undo_discard_undo/redo): Removed.
-	* libase/aundo.h (Undo): Added size_limit.
-2004-04-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/plugins/action/clipbrd.c (interactive_transform): Fixed the
-	status bar indicator.
-	* src/plugins/plugin.c (plugin_file_load): Fixed the palette
-	loading from .ase files.
-	* src/plugins/action/median.c: 
-	* src/effect/median.c: Added median effect.
-2004-04-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/born/remfrm.lua (GUI_RemoveFrame):
-	Fixed (sprite -> current_sprite).
-	* data/ Updated.
-2004-03-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/jdftheme.c (theme_draw_slider): Fixed an error drawing
-	sliders under windows.
-2004-03-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/plugins/file/jpeg.c (load_jpeg, save_jpeg): Thanks to Angelo
-	Mottola for him patch to add progress bar, and RGB/Grayscale
-	support.
-2004-03-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/plugins/action/autocrop.c (bind_autocrop_sprite): Fixed.
-	* src/effect/effect.c (effect_begin_for_preview): Fixed when apply
-	an effect without mask in a frame that aren't in origin 0,0.
-	* src/plugins/action/about.c (bind_about): Added.
-	* src/plugins/action/filmedit.c (layer_box_event_handler): Now
-	uses the keyboard shortcuts for Undo/Redo/Close Film Editor from
-	the root-menu (data/menus.en).
-	* src/modules/rootmenu.c (check_for_accel): Added.
-	* jinete/jaccel.c (ji_accel_check): Fixed for non-US
-	keyboards (thanks to Elias Pschernig).
-2004-03-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/editor/editor.c (editor_draw_sprite):
-	Fixed (current_sprite->palette to editor->sprite->palette).
-	* src/plugins/action/clipbrd.c (bind_copy, bind_cut): Added.
-	* src/modules/editors.c (replace_sprite_in_editors): Added.
-	* src/plugins/action/autocrop.c (bind_autocrop_sprite): Added.
-2004-03-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/born/duplay.lua: Added DuplicateLayer.
-	* data/scripts/born/effect.lua (ColorCurve): Now this uses
-	CURVE_LINEAR (before was using CURVE_SPLINE).
-	* jinete/jfilesel.c (ji_file_select_ex): Fixed the behavior for
-	the <ENTER> key.
-	* jinete/jmanager.c (ji_manager_set_focus): Fixed (removed the
-	condition about the captured widget).
-	* src/plugins/action/viewtile.c (bind_view_tiled): Fixed the
-	keyboard behavior.
-	* src/gui/minipal.c (paledit_change_signal): Now when the user
-	selects some range in the mini-pal, the color-bar colors are
-	updated to that selection.
-2004-03-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/jdftheme.c: Modified some graphics and colors.
-	* jinete/jlistbox.c (ji_listbox_center_scroll): Added.  With this
-	now when a list-box is shown, the selected item will be centered
-	in the viewport.
-	* jinete/jfilesel.c (ji_file_select_ex): Modified to two
-	list-boxes behavior: one for directories and the other for files.
-2004-03-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/tips/tips.en: Fixed the tip about Color Curve window.
-2004-03-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* (Version 0.2.2 released).
-2004-03-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/high/frame.c (PositionFrame): Before it was PositionLayer.
-	* libase/alayer.h (Layer): Removed the "w" and "h" fields.
-	* data/scripts/born/loadfile.lua: Added.
-2004-03-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/aimage.c (image_depth): Added.
-	* data/scripts/born/imgtype.lua (GUI_ImageType): Done.
-	* libase/asprite.c (sprite_set_imgtype): Added.
-	* libase/aquant.c (image_set_imgtype): Added.
-2004-03-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/jmanager.c (ji_manager_poll): Fixed the key
-	processing (thanks to Elias Pschernig).
-	* src/gui/statebar.c (button_select_signal): Fixed a big
-	mistake (it was using "specific_data" instead of user_data[0] in
-	the "update_from_layer" call).
-2004-03-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/minipal.c (window_resize_signal): Better distribution
-	for the palette when the window's size changes.
-2004-03-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/gui.c (hook_destroy_signal_to_free_user_data):
-	Removed (now "status_bar" uses specific_data and menuitem has a
-	own hook for destroy signal).
-2004-03-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/color.c (draw_color): Fixed when draw RGB
-	colors (now it doesn't use the fake colors).
-	* src/gui/gui.c (init_module_gui): Better handling of default
-	screen resolution.
-	(reload_default_font): Now default2.pcx is loaded by default if
-	the screen width is more big that 320 (based on Elias Pschernig
-	ideas).
-	* jinete/jdftheme.c (theme_map_decorative_widget): Added.
-	* jinete/jlow.h (JWidget): Added "is_decorative".  To create
-	decorative widgets for windows in themes.
-2004-03-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/plugins/action/tips.c: Is almost done.  It's a quick tip
-	system, much better that the old one (supports images).
-	* jinete/jtheme.c (_ji_theme_textbox_draw): Now can control
-2004-02-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/palette.c (set_current_palette): Fixed the call of
-	create_trans_table (this routine uses the rgb_map, and I didn't
-	change it).  With this the onion-skin is working good.
-2004-02-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/born/imgtype.lua: Added this new action to convert
-	the image type.
-	* data/scripts/born/options.lua: Added a check button to setup the
-	"/options/dither".
-	* src/gui/editor/editor.c: Added "use_dither" and the
-	"/options/dither" configuration entry to handle if we use or not
-	dither method.
-	* src/plugins/action/frame.c (bind_copy_frame): Added
-	`plugin_copy_frame'.
-2004-02-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/plugins/action/dither.c (bind_ordered_dither): Added.
-2004-02-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/editor/editor.c (editor_event_handler): The drawing
-	cursor is updated only when the mouse change to other pixel (no to
-	other screen position).
-	* src/core/cfg.c (open_entry): Fixed an overflow (alloc for int,
-	use like double).
-2004-02-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* glibttle/: Added to be used if glib-2.0 isn't available.
-	* rlib/: Removed (now is used glib-2.0).
-	* src/plugins/file/ase.c: Now uses FILE.
-2004-02-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/filetoks.c (tok_read): Now uses FILE (I have planned
-	remove rlib).
-2004-01-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/editor/editor.c (editor_event_handler): Fixed cursor
-	problems when some windows was above the editor.
-2004-01-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Released 0.2.1 Alpha.
-2004-01-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/minipal.c (ji_minipal_new): Added.
-2004-01-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* po/es.po: Added and done a lot of translations.
-	* src/intl/gettext.c (init_intl): Added support to differentes
-	languages.
-	* jinete/jsystem.c (ji_set_translation_hook): Support to load
-	translated strings (you can use the _("") in .jid files).
-2004-01-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/editors.c: Moved the routines related to
-	editors-list from src/core/app.c to this file.
-2004-01-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/asprite.c (sprite_is_modified): Added.
-	(sprite_was_saved): Added.
-	(sprite_is_edited): Removed.
-	* libase/aundo.h (Undo): Replaced "harmony" with the new
-	diff_count/saved interface.
-2004-01-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/astock.c: Added comments to all routines.
-	(stock_replace_image): Added.
-2004-01-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/born/frmprop.lua: Frames properties dialog.
-	* src/modules/rootmenu.c: Added.
-	* libase/alayer.c (layer_free): Fixed an ugly bug ("it=it->data"
-	instead of "it=it->next").
-	* src/plugins/action/crop.c (bind_crop_layer): Done.
-	(bind_crop_sprite, bind_crop_frame): Are done from a week.
-	* libase/aframe.c (frame_is_link): Fixed.
-	* libase/alayer.h (Layer): Removed the "data" union (this will
-	simplified the code a lot).
-2004-01-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/aundo.c (undo_set_mask): Added (now mask changes support
-	undo).
-	* libase/aundo.h (Undo): Modified "peaceful" to "harmony".
-	* data/scripts/startup/flatten.lua: Added the undo suppport.
-	* libase/aundo.c (undo_move_layer): Added.
-	(undo_chunk_write_stock):
-	(undo_chunk_write_layer): Fixed (now the undo_remove_layer works).
-	* data/scripts/startup/duplay.lua: Added.
-2004-01-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/startup/flatten.lua: Added.
-	* data/scripts/startup/dupspr.lua: Done.
-	* libase/asprite.c (sprite_new_flatten_copy):
-	* libase/alayer.c (layer_flatten): Added.
-	* libase/asprite.c (sprite_index2layer, sprite_layer2index):
-	Added.
-	* libase/asprite.c (sprite_new_copy):
-	* libase/abrush.c (brush_new_copy):
-	* libase/astock.c (stock_new_copy):
-	* libase/alayer.c (layer_new_copy): Done.
-	* src/util/thmbnail.c (generate_thumbnail): Added (and removed
-	from src/plugins/action/filmedit.c).
-2004-01-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/plugins/file/ase.c: Added progress stuff.
-2004-01-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/plugins/file/ase.c: Done (compression and paths aren't yet).
-2004-01-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/matrices: Added sharpen-7x7.
-	* src/plugins/action/viewtile.c (bind_view_tiled): Fixed.
-	* src/gui/editor/editor.c (editor_set_scroll): Fixed.
-2003-12-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/libase/undo.c (undo_flip): Added.
-	* src/plugins/action/flip.c: Added.
-	* data/scripts/startup/mask.lua (MaskStretchBottom): Added.
-	* src/gui/editor/editor.c (editor_refresh_region): Added.
-	(editor_set_scroll): Optimized (blit from screen to screen to
-	redraw only the necessary parts).  This make the scroll movement a
-	lot more faster (Angelo Mottola wanted more speed for high
-	resolutions).
-	* src/effect/effect.c (effect_apply_step): Fixed to use the
-	correct mask displacement.
-2003-12-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/high/high.h: Added a little high-level layer for scripts.  I
-	think that with those routines I could make some script-recording
-	feature.
-2003-12-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/apath.c: Finally fixed.
-	* src/effect/*.c: Modified the effect interface, there aren't
-	effect plug-ins anymore.  with this, all effects don't use
-	configure routines.
-	* plug-ins/effect/convmatr.c: Done the convolution matrix effect
-	(for Indexed images too).
-2003-12-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/plug-in.c: Fixed a bug with the console stuff (when
-	run nested scripts).
-	* jinete/jmenu.c (ji_menu_popup): Done.
-2003-12-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/jmanager.c, jinete/jmenu.c: Modified the internal
-	management (in the manager was added the proc_* stuff, and in the
-	menus was removed the level stuff, also the "is_dead" property was
-	added in JWidget structure).
-	* jinete/jfilesel.c (enter_to_path_in_entry): Replaces
-	canonicalize_filename by fix_filename_path (thanks to Juraj
-	Michalek to report this).
-	* src/core/cfg.c (save_entry): Fixed when save strings with
-	backslashes "\" (thanks to Jonathan Taylor to report it).
-	* src/gui/editor/editor.c (editor_event_handler): All keyboard
-	actions were moved to src/gui/editor/keys.c.
-2003-12-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* makefile.gcc: Added and restructured the makefile
-	infrastructure.
-	* extern/: lua/ and gfli/ code was moved to this directory.  Also
-	I added the libart code in this directory.
-	* src/modules/tools.c (my_image_hline4_glass) 
-	(my_image_hline2_glass): Fixed.
-	* src/modules/gfx.c (render_sprite): Optimized (just creates one
-	temporary image).  The problem is if the background layer has
-	other layer mode that the normal one.  Anyway, it's very uncommon.
-	* jinete/jbutton.c (button_event_handler): Fixed the behavior for
-	<Enter> key.
-	* src/util/effect.c (begin_target_data): Added.
-	* src/util/effect.h (TargetData): Added.
-	* jinete/jlistbox.c, jinete/jtextbox.c: Added suppport to control
-	scroll with the wheel (this should be tested, because I haven't a
-	mouse with wheel).
-	* jinete/jmanager.c (ji_manager_poll): Added support for the new
-	* jinete/jmenu.c: Changes the behavior: when you move the mouse
-	over a parent, it's opened automatically, you don't need to make
-	more clicks (thanks to Angelo Mottola for the suggestion).
-2003-12-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/colsel.c (ji_color_select): Now uses colsel.jid.
-	* jinete/jwindow.c (ji_window_set_text): Added.
-	* src/gui/gui.c (gui_feedback): Added to made common stuff in
-	loops (like recording screen).
-	(my_theme_draw_view_viewport): Fixed a bug with viewports without
-	child.
-	* src/util/effect.c (effect_apply_to_target): Added (with this
-	added the support to apply an effect to various frames/layers).
-	* src/util/asehigh.c (get_layer_image): Added to get the layer's
-	image and position in a frpos.
-	* libase/aundo.c (undo_image): Added to undo entire image
-	portions.
-	* jinete/jwidget.c (ji_widget_is_visible/hidden_alone): Added.
-	* data/jids/main.jid: Added differents layouts.
-	* src/gui/colbar.c (color_bar_new): Added align.
-	* src/core/app.c (app_loop): Added the load_all_scripts routine to
-	exe "startup" scripts (before it was in script module
-	initialization).  With this now the mouse speed is really loaded
-	in the startup (because the video mode is already started when we
-	call the scripts).  Also, the GUI mode startup was restructured a
-	little (so scripts can access to main widgets in startup).
-	* data/scripts/shutdown/rec.lua: Added to stop the screen
-	recording (before it was in app_exit ()).
-	* plug-ins/action/toolconf.c (bind_configure_tool): Fixed (I
-	forget the running=TRUE, this avoid the possibility to open
-	"infinite" configuration windows).
-	* data/scripts/shutdown/layout.lua: Added (to save the layout
-	configuration).
-	* data/scripts/startup/layout.lua: Added (to load the layout
-	configuration (visible widgets)).
-	* data/scripts/*.lua: Moved to data/scripts/startup/, and created
-	data/scripts/shutdown.
-	* src/gui/toolbar.c (tool_bar_new): Added the tool bar (thanks to
-	Jonathan Taylor for the suggestion).
-2003-12-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/dirs.c: Fixed the routines to find files in MacOSX,
-	BeOS and QNX (thanks to Angelo Mottola to report it).
-	* src/util/filetoks.c (tok_read): Added.
-	* src/gui/gui.c (load_widget): Fixed when the file isn't found.
-2003-12-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/editor/cursor.c: Optimized a lot.  Now is drawn just the
-	perfect shape for each brush-type.
-	* src/gui/editor/cursor.c:
-	* src/gui/editor/click.c:
-	* src/gui/editor/editor.c: src/gui/editor.c was splitted in these
-	three files.
-	* data/jids/main.jid: Added (now you can configure the main window
-	aspect).
-	* src/modules/tools.c (control_tool): Fixed some strange behavior
-	with grid-mode.
-2003-12-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/console/readline.c (do_readline_console_mode): Added (from
-	old C++ code).
-	* src/gui/editor.c (editor_click_scroll_change): Added.
-	* docs/QuickHelp.html: Updated.
-	* plug-ins/action/move.c (bind_move): Finished.
-2003-12-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/editor.c: Removed the EDIT_MOVING_SCROLL, I simplified
-	everything with the interactive_move_layer routine.
-	* src/util/asehigh.c (insert_on_top_of, new_layer_from_mask)
-	(clear_mask, interactive_move_layer): Added.
-	* libase/aundo.c (undo_discard): Added.
-	* src/modules/tools.c (control_tool): Updated to use the new
-	"click" editor interface (with this there is scroll movement in
-	drawing loop).
-	* src/gui/editor.c (editor_click_start, editor_click_done)
-	(editor_click, editor_click_cancel): Added a new "click" interface
-	to control mouse movement in a editor (it support
-	click-and-release and click-and-click modes).
-	* plug-ins/action/toolconf.c (bind_configure_tool): Added to
-	change view_grid.
-	* src/modules/tools.c: Added view_grid.
-	* src/gui/editor.c (editor_draw_grid): Added.
-2003-12-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/plug-in.h (PlugIn): Removed the "dest" and
-	"copyright" field.
-2003-12-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/effect.c (effect_flush): Fixed.
-	* rlib/rregion.c (r_region_intersect_both): Fixed.
-	* src/gui/curvedit.c: Almost finished.
-2003-12-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/app.c (app_split_editor, app_close_editor)
-	(app_make_unique_editor): Don't need use EditorInfo anymore.
-	* jinete/jview.c (view_plain_update): Added.
-	(ji_view_update): Fixed to update the viewport leaving the scroll
-	in the same center position.
-	* jinete/jwindow.c (_ji_window_is_moving): Added.
-2003-11-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* rlib/, libase/, jinete/, src/, plug-ins/: All long file names
-	changed to short names (8 chars max).
-	*, fix.bat: Added.
-2003-11-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/testjid.lua (TestJID): Added.
-	* src/gui/color_bar.c: Better interface.
-	* jinete/manager.c (new_mouse_event): Now JI_EVENT_DOUBLECLICK
-	sends the right mouse button flags.
-	* jinete/system.c (ji_mouse_get_click_button): Added.
-2003-11-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/sprites.c (sprite_get_images): Done.
-	* src/plug-in/plug-in.c (plugin_file_save): Fixed a problem when
-	ask for mask repository.
-2003-11-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/target_button.c (target_button_new): Added (and all
-	effects now uses it).
-	* jinete/button.c: Added the different bevel levels for each
-	corner of the button.
-	* jinete/file_select.c (enter_to_path_in_entry): Fixed with
-	canonicalize_filename.
-	* src/gui/file_select.c (my_file_select): Uses ji_file_select.
-2003-11-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* gfli-1.3/fli.c (fli_write_color, fli_write_color_2): Fixed (I
-	send the patch to Jens Ch. Restemeier).
-	* plug-ins/action/play_fli.c: Added.
-2003-11-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/rec_screen.c (rec_screen_on, rec_screen_off)
-	(rec_screen_poll): Added.
-2003-11-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/configure_tool.c (bind_configure_tool): Added
-	options to select brush type and drawing mode.
-	* src/gui/group_button.c (group_button_new): Added.
-	* plug-ins/action/invert_color.c:
-	* plug-ins/effect/invert_color.c:
-	* plug-ins/action/replace_color.c:
-	* plug-ins/effect/replace_color.c: Done.
-	* src/gui/editor.c (editor_draw_sprite): Fixed the drawing for
-	RGBA images (using the orig_rgb_map).
-2003-11-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/menu.c (menubox_event_handler): The accelerators now are
-	called only in menu-bar (this fix the error that happend when
-	press ESC to close the menu-box and this key is hooked by some
-	accelerator).
-	* src/modules/palette.c (set_current_palette): Implemented the
-	fake-palette system.
-	* libase/ASE_sprite.h (Sprite): The "palette" is just a RGB
-	pointer (Allegro PALETTE).
-	* libase/palette.c: Removed.
-	* src/modules/palette.c (ase_palette_set_current): Update
-	_index_cmap to make the fake-palette system.
-	* libase/image_methods_indexed.c (indexed_to_allegro): Uses
-	_index_cmap.
-	* libase/blend.c (_index_cmap): Added.
-	* src/gui/gui.c (rebuild_lock, rebuild_unlock): Added to fix a bug
-	when rebuild menus before finish the menu/script call (see the
-	routine "menuitem_select_signal" in "src/gui/menu.c").  With this
-	finally fixed the segmentation fault of unrecent_file() (well
-	known in 0.1.2 version).
-	* src/gui/preview.c, src/util/effect.c: Added (from the old code).
-	* libase/dirty.c (dirty_optimize): Removed.
-	* libase/dirty.c (dirty_insert_hline): Now uses something like
-	for(x=x1;x<=x2;x++) dirty_insert_pixel(x).  This must be
-	optimized.
-2003-11-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/dirty.c (dirty_insert_pixel): Optimized with sorted
-	vectors.  Also now two columns are joined if it's necessary (with
-	this, dirty_optimize () will dead).
-	* libase/x86/int_mult.s (_int_mult): Added.
-	* libase/image_methods_bitmap.c (bitmap_to_allegro): Fixed.
-	* src/core/cfg.c: Modified to use RFile and string routines from
-	string.h (the speed of read_tok() was optimized a lot).
-2003-11-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/system.c (check_click): Added control to avoid
-	double-click with differents mouse's buttons.
-2003-11-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/*.lua, data/jids/*.jid: Renamed all these files to
-	use short names.
-	* data/scripts/new_sprite.lua: Now use the new_sprite.jid file.
-	* data/jids/new_sprite.jid: Added.
-	* jinete/view.c (ji_view_set_size): Fixed a bug seting up the
-	viewport size.
-	* jinete/JI_lowlevel.h (JWidget): Removed all the menu members.
-	* src/modules/tools.c: Added drawing modes (opaque, glass, semi).
-	* jinete/panel.c (ji_panel_get_pos, ji_theme_set_pos): Added.
-	* libase/sprite.c (sprite_set_filename, sprite_set_size)
-	(sprite_set_frames, sprite_set_speed): Removed the undo support in
-	those routines (because they aren't dangerous changes that must be
-	undoes).
-2003-11-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/JI_lowlevel.h (JWidget): Removed the entry/slider/panel
-	variables.  Added the "specific_data" parameter.
-	* src/modules/tools.c: Now uses brushes.
-	* libase/brush.c: Added.  Now Dirty support brushes.
-2003-11-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* rlib/file.c: Added all the routines to handle file/buffer
-	streams.
-2003-11-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/trim_sprite.c (bind_trim_sprite): Added.
-2003-11-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/file/jpeg.c: Added the JPGalleg functionality (now we
-	can compile with libjpeg or JPGalleg).
-2003-11-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/file_select.c (ji_file_select_ex): Added.
-	* src/gui/color_bar.c: Better functionality.
-2003-11-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/quick_menu.c (ji_menubar_new_quickmenu):
-	(ji_menubox_new_quickmenu): Added (a the new JQuickMenu
-	structure).
-2003-11-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/view_tiled.c (bind_view_tiled): Optimized (now
-	it doesn't draw the scaled sprite, it use stretch_blit()).  Also,
-	added a couplee of visualization modes.  Fixed a memory leak.
-2003-11-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/file/bmp.c (save_bmp): Updated from Allegro (4.1.12 CVS).
-	* src/gui/status_bar.c (play_animation): Added.
-2003-10-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/radio.c (radio_event_handler): 
-	* jinete/check.c (check_event_handler): 
-	* jinete/button.c (button_event_handler): Added support for the
-	underscored letter.
-2003-10-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/mask_by_color.c (bind_mask_by_color): Done.
-2003-10-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/ASE_sprite.h (Sprite): Added the "frames" field.
-2003-10-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/editor.c (editor_event_handler): now the layer movement
-	doesn't update the editor, the layer-boundary is drew with
-	priority (Mateusz Czaplinski idea).
-2003-10-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/modules/tools.c (control_tool): Added the Shift/Ctrl
-	functionality.
-	* src/gui/editor.c (editor_draw_sprite_safe): Added.
-	* plug-ins/action/configure_tool.c (bind_configure_tool): Added.
-	* plug-ins/action/mask_repository.c (bind_mask_repository): Uses
-	repo_dlg stuff.
-	* src/gui/bookmarks.c (ji_select_bookmark): Uses repo_dlg stuff.
-	* src/gui/repo_dlg.c (ji_show_repo_dlg): Done.
-2003-10-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/bookmarks.c (ji_select_bookmark): Added.
-	* data/scripts/insert_layer.lua: Added InsertLayerSet.
-	* plug-ins/action/mask_repository.c: Added.
-	* src/gui/gui.c (reload_default_font): Added.
-	* libase/prop.c (prop_get_y): Fixed for tangent-ending mode.
-	* libase/algo.c (algo_spline_get_tan): Added.
-	* libase/sprite.c (sprite_append_path, sprite_remove_path) 
-	(sprite_append_mask, sprite_remove_mask): Added.
-	* libase/ASE_sprite.h (Sprite): Added "locked" flag,
-	repository{paths,masks}.
-2003-10-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/script/bindings.c (handle_signals_for_lua_functions): Fixed
-	to read the correct return value of the called function.
-	* jinete/manager.c (_ji_manager_close_window): When a desktop is
-	closed, all windows in top of it are closed.
-	* src/util/msk_file.c (save_msk_file): Done.
-	* src/util/pic_file.c (save_pic_file): Done.
-	* src/gui/status_bar.c (status_bar_set_progress):
-	(status_bar_append_progress, status_bar_remove_progress): Added
-	the progress bar stuff.
-	* src/gui/palette_editor.c (palette_editor_move_selection): Added.
-	* src/modules/palette.c (palette_save, palette_load): Added.
-	* jinete/menu.c (menubox_event_handler): Fixed a bad behaviour
-	when a keyboard shortcut was pressed and then we click in the
-	menu-bar.
-2003-10-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/util/msk_file.c (load_msk_file): Added.
-	* src/util/pic_file.c (load_pic_file): Added.
-2003-10-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/insert_layer.lua: Added InsertImageLayer.
-	* data/scripts/layer_properties.lua (LayerProperties): Added.
-	* data/scripts/mask.lua (MaskLoad, MaskSave): Added.
-	* libase/mask.c (mask_load, mask_save): Added.
-	* rlib/file.c (r_pack_igetdouble, r_pack_iputdouble): Added.
-2003-10-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/status_bar.c: Added.
-	* data/scripts/show_options.lua: Added.
-	* src/core/app.c (app_split_editor): Done.
-	(app_close_editor): Done.
-	(app_make_unique_editor): Done.
-	* jinete/panel.c: Added this new widget.
-	* data/scripts/reload_menus.lua: Added.
-	* Happy birthday... to me :-)
-2003-10-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/path.c (path_new_copy): Added.
-	* src/gui/gui.c (load_window_pos, save_window_pos): Added routines
-	to load/save windows position.
-	* src/util/col_file.c (load_col_file, save_col_file): Added
-	routines to handle COL files from Animator and Animator Pro.
-2003-10-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/core/app.c, src/gui/gui.c: Added some routines to handle the
-	menu rebuild process in IDLE manager signals.  This fix various
-	bugs related with recent and sprite menu lists.
-	* src/modules/recent.c (recent_file): Fixed a old bug (from 0.1.2
-	version).
-	* jinete/system.c (ji_mouse_set_cursor): Fixed a ugly error (I
-	forgot to use set_mouse_sprite (NULL) when change the null
-	cursor);
-2003-10-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/color_bar.c: Done.
-	* src/gui/editor.c (editor_event_handler): Fixed a bug between
-	scroll-movement and menu bar.
-	* rlib/hash.c (r_hash_free): Fixed (added "next" variable to keep
-	the next item after remove it).
-2003-10-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/file_select.c (ji_file_select): Done.
-2003-10-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/alert.c (ji_alert): Done.
-	* data/scripts/configure_jpeg.lua: Added.
-	* plug-ins/file/bmp.c: 
-	* plug-ins/file/fli.c: 
-	* plug-ins/file/jpeg.c: 
-	* plug-ins/file/pcx.c: 
-	* plug-ins/file/tga.c: Added.
-2003-09-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* modules/tools.c: Works.
-	* libase/TEST_dirty.c:
-	* libase/dirty.c: Added.
-	* jinete/textbox.c (textbox_event_handler): Better scroll handle.
-	* jinete/widget.c (ji_widget_show, ji_widget_hide): Fixed, now
-	them don't touch children.
-	* libase/palette.c (palette_new): Fixed the copy of the current
-	palette.
-2003-09-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/manager.c (_ji_manager_close_window): Fixed the problem
-	with JI_EVENT_CLOSE and destroy_window, now windows_to_close is
-	updated after the last event (the JI_EVENT_CLOSE).
-2003-09-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/window.c (window_event_handler): Added the
-	* jinete/menu.c (menubox_event_handler): Fixed the emission of the
-	* jinete/manager.c (ji_manager_poll): Fixed the send of CHAR
-	events to desktop when a foregrounded-window is running.
-2003-09-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* src/gui/editor.c: Done some parts, right now I can
-	compile/execute the program :-) (after a very long time).
-	* src/core/app.c:
-	* src/core/cfg.c:
-	* src/core/core.c:
-	* src/core/dirs.c:
-	* src/core/main.c:
-	* src/gui/gui.c:
-	* src/gui/gfxmode_select.c:
-	* src/modules/color.c:
-	* src/modules/gfx.c:
-	* src/modules/language.c:
-	* src/modules/palette.c:
-	* src/modules/recent.c:
-	* src/modules/rootmenu.c:
-	* src/modules/sprites.c:
-	* src/util/quantize.c: Done (almost everything is old code).
-	* jinete/slider.c: Done
-	* libase/palette.c: Done.
-2003-09-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/algo.c (algo_ellipse_fill): Done.
-	* libase/gfxobj.c: 
-	* libase/layer.c: 
-	* libase/sprite.c: 
-	* libase/stock.c: Done.
-	* jinete/menu.c: Done.
-2003-09-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/manager.c (ji_manager_poll): Fixed the close windows
-	stuff (replaced with the old interface that use the
-	windows_to_close list).
-2003-09-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/manager.c (ji_manager_poll): Now work "foreground" mode.
-2003-09-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/manager.c (ji_manager_set_focus): Fixed the focus
-	movement with "some_parent_want_focus()" routine.
-	* jinete/textbox.c: Done.
-	* jinete/view.c: 
-	* jinete/listbox.c: Done.
-2003-09-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/separator.c: 
-	* jinete/default_theme.c (theme_draw_separator): Done.  Support
-	for frames.
-2003-09-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/entry.c: Done.
-	* jinete/radio.c: Done.
-2003-09-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* jinete/window.c (window_event_handler): Fixed the window
-	movement screen refresh (now is optimal).
-	* jinete/: These days I made all a GUI interface (based on RAP):
-	Jinete.  It's more simple (uses IDs for handle widgets).  I have
-	made the manager, event, window, box, label, button, check-button
-	stuff.
-2003-09-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/keys.c, libase/image_methods_*.c, libase/blend.c: 
-	* libase/algo.c, libase/image.c: Added and almost done.
-	* libase/: Started the graphics library.
-	* rlib/: Done this library with the general purpose routines
-	(linked lists, objects, classes, etc).
-	* rap/examples/text_boxes.c: Added.
-	* rap/src/text_box.c: Done.
-2003-09-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* rap/src/list.c: All RAP_LIST stuff added.
-	* rap/src/object.c (rap_object_new): Now use rap_class_init.
-	(rap_object_free): Now use rap_class_shutdown.
-	* rap/src/class.c (rap_class_init, rap_class_finalize): Fixed.
-	* ase/: The Resurrection Day, this is a important day, because I
-	drop off all C++ code and I back to old times C code. I am fixing
-	all stuff to get work this (I start from the last release 0.1.2
-	with some changes).
-2003-04-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/menu/duplicate_sprite.lua: Done.
-2003-04-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/file/jpeg.lua: Added for plug-ins/file/jpeg.c.
-	* data/scripts/base/(init|exit).lua: Support the save/load of the
-	main widgets (menu/status/color/tool bars) visibility.
-	* data/menus: Moved "View" menu to root.  Also, added "Switch ..."
-	options.
-	* ase/gui/alleg/widget.c (gui_alleg_widget_init): Fixed hide/show
-	hooks.
-	* ase/gui/alleg/tool_bar.c: Done.
-	* ase/gui/accel.c (proc_one_word): Fixed for F1.
-2003-04-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/menu/paste.lua: Done.
-	* plug-ins/action/editor.c (do_get_editor_center_pixel): Added.
-	* data/scripts/menu/select_(all|none|invert).lua: Done.
-2003-04-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/menu/(copy|cut|clear).lua: Done.
-2003-03-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gfx-core/undo.c: Made the core of the new undo engine, and
-	the "dirty" action is supported.
-2003-03-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gui/alleg/slider.c (slider_mousemove_hook): Fixed unuseful
-	redraws.
-2003-03-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gui/alleg/palette_viewer.c: Done.
-2003-03-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gui/status_bar.c: Added.
-	* ase/gui/tool_bar.c: Added.
-	* ase/gui/alleg/color_bar.c: Fixed double-click management.
-2003-03-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* docs/ase-es.texi: Added, I was passing some .txt files to this
-	new Texinfo manual.
-	* ase/gui/alleg/manager.c (redraw_widgets_in): Works better.
-2003-03-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gui/alleg/manager.c, ase/gui/alleg/window.c: Added window
-	movement/resize capabilities (with this the idea of Peter Wang to
-	"make windows bigger in bigger resolutions" isn't necessary).
-2003-03-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* *everything*: After weeks and months of hard works, I made these
-	things (sorry for don't document step-by-step but I was
-	programming other stuff in these days):
-	- ase/script/obj*	- Scripts object related stuff.
-	- ase/script/bind*	- A complete new set of scripts routines.
-	- ase/gfx-core/		- New graphics core to handle in scripts too.
-	- libase/		- Removed, reemplaced with "ase/gfx-core".
-	- ase/gui/		- Largely rewritten.
-	- data/scripts/		- Restructured.
-	- plug-ins/action/*	- Various actions was converted to scripts
-				  (See "data/scripts/menu/*")
-	* docs/todo.txt: I made some important "todo" and "wishlist"
-	things:
-	- Fixed the all problems with app_fixup(), now is not necessary
-	because all code is for ASE application (not more LibASE), so the
-	same routines call "application refreshing stuff".
-	- The set_window_close_hook() problems was solved.
-	- Multiple-editors is done (an old Peter Wang idea).
-2003-02-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/core/list.c: Replaced the old API with a new improved linked
-	list management similar to GList of glib.
-2003-02-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gui/gtk/*.c: Fixed various memory leaks with destroy-hooks.
-	* data/scripts/menu/reload_menus.lua: Added.
-	* data/scripts/menu/new_sprite.lua,
-	data/scripts/menu/sprite_properties.lua,
-	data/scripts/menu/set_sprite_type.lua: Converted to new GUI API.
-	* data/scripts/base/exit.lua: Fixed.
-	* ase/gui/gtk: Done the port of main GUI widgets set to GTK. Also,
-	is supported gtk+-1.2 and gtk+-2.0. Per example, the menus and
-	buttons in gtk+-1.2 use new_with_label, when in gtk+-2.0 use
-	new_with_mnemonic.
-2003-02-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/menu/save_sprite.lua,
-	data/scripts/menu/load_sprite.lua: Done.
-	* ase/plug-in/plug-in.c (plugin_file_load, plugin_file_save): Done.
-	* ase/gui/file_select.c (gui_file_select): Added the `mkdir' button.
-2003-02-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gfx-core/drawable.c (drawable_convert): Added from
-	plug-ins/action/set_sprite_type.c for
-	data/scripts/menu/set_sprite_type.lua.
-	* ase/modules/color.c (color_unindex): Fixed.
-	* ase/script/script.c (lua_register_objtype): After a couple of
-	hours debugging Lua stack management, I made that `methods' works.
-2003-01-31  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gui/*.c: Added some more memory checks in realloc () stuff.
-	* ase/script/objtype.c (find_objtype): Fixed illegal access to
-	objtypes.
-	* ase/script/objtype.h (OBJTYPE): Added `methods' table.
-2003-01-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* data/scripts/menu/new_sprite.lua: After a week of work, I made
-	the first action completelly in script. Sure, for this, I had a
-	lot of work to pass everything to Lua script object (also, I
-	upgrade Lua to 5.0 beta).
-	* ase/script/objtype.[ch], ase/script/object.[ch],
-	ase/gfx-core/blend.[ch], ase/gfx-core/dirty.c,
-	ase/gfx-core/drawable.c, ase/gfx-core/drawable_grayscale.c,
-	ase/gfx-core/drawable_indexed.c, ase/gfx-core/drawable_rgb.c,
-	ase/gfx-core/gfx-core.h, ase/gfx-core/keyframe.c,
-	ase/gfx-core/layer.c ase/gfx-core/path.c ase/gfx-core/property.c
-	ase/gfx-core/sprite.c: Added (mainly from the old ASE library).
-2003-01-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/app.c (app_fixup): Fixup in the recent file list the `\'
-	problem.
-	* ase/modules/sprite.c (lua_pushsprite, lua_tosprite): Added these
-	routines to handle sprites in scripts in a more easy way. Added
-	the sprite metatable to handle sprite objects in Lua scripts. 
-	* ase/plug-in/plug-in.h (PLUGIN_ACTION): Changed "void
-	(*perform)(void)" to "lua_CFunction func". From now, every plug-in
-	will have a more close contact with Lua.
-2003-01-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/plug-in/plug-in.h: Removed the `flags' from PLUGIN
-	structure. The plug-ins will be installed `always' (no more
-	interactive or non-interactive). Added only the `installed' bit.
-	* ase/plug-in/plug-in.c (plugin_progress): Replaced the old
-	plugin_set_steps/next_step progress bar interface with a new one:
-	plugin_progress(double progress=0...1.0).
-	* ase/gui/progress_bar.c (gui_add/remove_progress_bar): Added
-	multiply progress bar support.
-	* libase/bitmap_*.c (*_to_allegro): Fixed a `no-updated preview'
-	bug in windowed modes. I forget the `bmp_unwrite_line' at the end
-	of these routines.
-	* plug-ins/action/gauss_rle.c: Added. The RLE gaussian blur
-	routine was taken from the GIMP.
-	* ase/gui/edit.c (gui_create_edit_f, gui_edit_getstr)
-	(gui_edit_strtol, gui_edit_strtod): Added to facilitate the work
-	with GUI_EDIT widgets.
-2003-01-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/modules/tools.c (control_tool): Support selection tool
-	without bitmaps.
-	* ase/editor/editor.c (handle_editor): When moving layers, the
-	status bar shows more important information (Mateusz Czaplinski
-	idea).
-2003-01-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/merge_visibles.c (perform_merge_visibles): Fixed
-	for empty layer bitmaps.
-	* plug-ins/action/merge_down.c (perform_merge_down): Fixed for
-	empty layer bitmaps.
-	* libase/blend.c (_ase_rgba_blend_darken, _ase_rgba_blend_lighten)
-	(_ase_rgba_blend_luminosity, _ase_rgba_blend_multiply)
-	(_ase_rgba_blend_screen, _ase_rgba_blend_exclusion)
-	(_ase_rgba_blend_overlay, _ase_rgba_blend_difference)
-	(_ase_rgba_blend_addition, _ase_rgba_blend_hard_light): Added.
-	* ase/modules/gfx.c (render_image): Modified to support the
-	differents blenders modes in a best way.
-2003-01-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/blend.c: Added the `blend_mode' variable to
-	ASE_LAYER_BITMAP. ASE will support blender modes (yeah, again).
-	(_ase_rgba_blend_normal, _ase_graya_blend_normal): From the
-	existent code.
-	(_ase_rgba_blend_saturation, _ase_rgba_blend_hue)
-	(_ase_rgba_blend_color): Added.
-2003-01-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/gui/menu.c (gui_popup_menu): Now works.
-	* ase/modules/rootmenu.c (ase_rebuild_rootmenu): Added new menu
-	`layer_popup_menu'. Also, renamed `list_menu' to
-	`sprite_list_menu', and renamed `file_list_menu' to
-	`recent_files_menu'.
-	* ase/editor/layerbar.c (handle_layerbar): Added pop-up menu
-	capability (Jorge Ramirez Flores idea).
-	* ase/gui/gui.c (ase_draw_guibox): Modified for a better look of
-	the GUI, also, some stuff in menu.c was modified.
-	* ase/gui/gfxmode_select.c (gui_gfxmode_select): New dialog to
-	select graphics modes.
-	* ase/editor/editor.c (get/set_movement_mode): Added two layer
-	movement modes: drag-and-drop, and catch-and-drop (Mateusz
-	Czaplinski idea).
-	(handle_editor): Also, optimized the layer movement (now the
-	editor scroll changes when we touch the screen-corners).
-	* ase/gui/target_button.c (gui_create_target_button): New widget
-	to control the filter's targets.
-	* ase/gui/dialog.h (gui_add_widget): Added a wrapper for
-	gui_insert_widget.
-2003-01-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/script/script.c (prepare): Fixed a stupid ilegal access to
-	current_sprite variable.
-	* misc/ New script to make new distributions (this is for
-	very personal usage, but maybe someone could found a bug).
-	* ase/modules/share.c: Removed, now DIRS is used by everybody.
-	* misc/ New script to generate all the makefiles
-	in the "old ASE way". Now will be easy to compile for almost every
-	Allegro user.
-	* Removed everything related with the GNU "autotools" stuff.
-2003-01-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/action_trim.c (trim_layer_bitmap): Fixed a bug
-	with clean layers.
-2003-01-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/modules/sprite.c (raster_sprite): Added the `targets'
-	parameter. Also, this is supported by: convolution-matrix,
-	replace-color, and color-curve actions.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_font.c (sprite_to_font, font_to_sprite):
-	New actions (Elias Pschernig wanted something to modify Allegro
-	FONTs, maybe this could help).
-	* libase/layer_bitmap.c (ase_layer_bitmap_set_type/size): Fixed a
-	stupid restriction.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_set_sprite_type.c (convert_bitmap): Fixed
-	the convertion of mask color.
-	* ase/modules/rootmenu.c (read_tok): Fixed a bug reading last
-	lines of the `menus' file.
-	* data/menus: Moved `Layer' menu to root-menu-bar (Jorge Ramirez
-	Flores idea).
-2003-01-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/modules/recent.c: Added the routines to handle recent files
-	(an old Christer Sandberg idea).
-2002-12-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase-logo.lua: Done, I don't know where put this file yet.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_selection.c (perform_selection): Added
-	`shrink' method.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_trim.c (perform_trim_sprite): Added.
-2002-12-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/action_clipboard.c (perform_clear): Added
-	`color' parameter.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_add_layer.c (perform_add_layer_bitmap):
-	Fixed arguments for non-interactive use.
-2002-12-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/editor/colorbar.c (handle_colorbar): Added support to
-	load/save the colors configuration.
-	* ase/modules/color.c (string_to_color, string_to_colors)
-	(color_to_string): New routines to handle colors with strings.
-	* ase/util/path.c: Added new routines to handle paths with libart.
-	* plug-ins/action/*.c: Modified a lot of files to use the
-	find_sprite(). Because now, the sprites in the scripts will be
-	handle with the IDs, not with the memory addresses. This is much
-	more safe.
-	* ase/plug-in/plug-in.c: Removed the old `pops' and `push'
-	routines to a new set of plugin_pushnumber/string, and
-	plugin_tonumber/string.
-	* ase/script/built-ins.c: Passed `undo' and `redo' to built-ins
-	routines.
-2002-12-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/action_text.c (perform_add_text_layer): Added
-	with very poor options.
-	* ase/modules/tools.c (control_tool): Fixed the
-2002-12-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/editor/layerbar.c (handle_layerbar): Fixed a stupid bug with
-	clicked_layer.
-2002-12-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Version 0.1.0 Alpha released.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_set_sprite_type.c (convert_layer_type):
-	Fixed a bug in the keyframes' list iteration.
-2002-12-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* docs/full-screen-es.txt: Done the Spanish version of this new
-	document. I translate a couple of paragraphs to the English, but
-	this will take me more time.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_color_curve.c: Fixed the point deletion.
-	* ase/modules/gfx.c (same_bitmaps): Fixed a bug with the `size' of
-	comparations (how much bytes to compare).
-2002-12-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* libase/file.c (ase_file_save, ase_file_load): Done these
-	routines to load/save .ase files from the ASE Library.
-	* libase/group.c: Added the ASE_GROUP structure to control the
-	layer's lists. This facilitate me a lot of work with the layers in
-	`images' and `layer-group' (mainly the undo work).
-2002-12-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/app.c: Replaced the FILE_TO_LOAD structure to ASE_LIST.
-	* libase/item.c, libase/iter.c, libase/list.c: New routines to
-	handle linked lists. With this, I change a lot of other things
-	(iterations, allocations, etc.) in various other parts of code
-	which use the old list system.
-2002-12-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/file/file_ase.c (load_ase): Added a precarious
-	progress-bar.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_select_layer.c: New action.
-	* ase/script/built-ins.c (enable_undo, disable_undo): New build-in
-	routines.
-	* plug-ins/file/file_ase.c: Optimized the speed of the load/save
-	process for all image types (with fwrite() and fread() routines).
-2002-12-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/file/file_ase.c (process_chunk): Fixed the
-	set-palette-entry call.
-	(save_ase): Fixed the palette chunk (I forget the owner ID).
-	* plug-ins/file/file_tga.c (save_tga): Fixed the grayscale support
-	(it doesn't save the palette anymore).
-	* misc/ Fixed various things to support the
-	plug-in compilation with external libraries (per example
-	libjpeg.a)
-2002-11-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/modules/tools.c: Removed the `move' tool.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_merge_visibles.c
-	(perform_merge_visibles): Fixed.
-	* plug-ins/file/file_ase.c (process_chunk): Fixed the loading
-	process of layer-flags.
-2002-11-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/file/file_bmp.c (save_bmp): Fixed grayscale support.
-	* plug-ins/file/file_pcx.c (save_pcx): Fixed the grayscale
-	support.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_merge_visibles.c
-	(perform_merge_visibles): Done, right now, ASE have the same
-	actions (and more) of the last release.
-	* ase/modules/sprite.c (enable_undo, disable_undo, undoable):
-	Added. Also, modified a lot of files to support the optional undo.
-	* ase/util/path.c (path_new, path_delete, path_add_node) 
-	(path_remove_node, path_close): Added.
-2002-11-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/action_options.c: Done the
-	switch_view_previous_frame action.
-2002-11-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/file/file_tga.c: Fixed the grayscale images support.
-	* ase/modules/gfx.c (render_image): Added the
-	draw-previous-layer-frame capability.
-2002-11-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/file/file_ase.c (load_ase): Done (need be tested too).
-	(save_ase): Added progression-bar.
-2002-11-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/file/file_ase.c (save_ase): Done this routine (isn't
-	right tested).
-2002-11-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/action_clipboard.c (perform_paste): Done.
-	(perform_cut): Added.
-	* ase/util/dirty.c: Removed the SAVED stuff. Now all is allocated
-	in the DIRTY structure. Optimized all the dirty routines, now
-	isn't necessary save/restore the entire dirty region, rather only
-	is updated the modified rows-columns. With this, I fix the
-	slowness of the accumulative-dirty tools (mainly the spray).
-	(insert_dirty_hline): It doesn't use anymore the
-	insert_dirty_pixel.
-2002-11-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* docs/asefile.txt: Added this file which will explain all the
-	.ase format structure.
-	* libase/bitmap_*.c (*_to_allegro): Added 24 bpp Allegro BITMAP
-	support.
-	* ase/editor/editor.c (handle_editor): Added the move-frame
-	capability.
-2002-11-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/modules/gfx.c (count_layer_frames): Removed.
-	(count_image_frames): It uses new ase_layer_get_frmin/max
-	functions.
-	* ase/modules/tools.c (control_tool): Fixed a problem in the
-	clipping output region when the layer was in negative positions.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_layer_properties.c: Removed the
-	ASE_LAYER_BITMAP code. Now it dialog shows us the general
-	properties for any type of layer (name and flags).
-	* ase/modules/rootmenu.c (read_tok): Fixed and error reading tabs.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_trim_layer_bitmap.c: Added this new
-	action to trim layers, removed the entry from the to-do list.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_new_sprite.c (perform_new_sprite):
-	Doesn't select anymore the new sprite.
-	* libase/bitmap_grayscale.c (grayscale_merge): Fixed here too the
-	alpha blending.
-	* libase/bitmap_rgb.c (rgb_merge): Fixed the alpha blending. With
-	the help of Billy Biggs. Removed the entry of the to-do list.
-2002-11-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/action_layer_properties.c: New action (removed
-	from the to-do list).
-	* plug-ins/action/action_set_sprite_type.c: Done, it works
-	excelent, also it supports undo.
-	* libase/ase.h: Renamed ase_container_find_property to
-	ase_container_get_property.
-	* ase/util/quantize.c (quantize_bitmaps): Done, it works with
-	* ase/modules/sprite.c (request_bitmaps): Finally updated this
-	routine to use the new ASE_BITMAPs.
-	* ase/editor/layerbar.c: Added gui_layerbar_open_layer and
-	gui_layerbar_close_layer routines.
-	(handle_layerbar): Added the close/open childs/properties
-	functionality with the left/right keys.
-2002-11-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* plug-ins/action/action_merge_down.c (perform_merge_down): The
-	`extend' and `image' method, are done. Also added the interactive
-	dialog.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_remove_layer.c (perform_remove_layer):
-	Fixed an error in removing process (I was removing from the image
-	layers list, and not from the true layer owner).
-	* libase/layer_group.c: Added ase_layer_group_get_size,
-	ase_layer_group_get_extension, ase_layer_group_all_extension,
-	ase_layer_group_get_frmin, ase_layer_group_get_frmax.
-	* libase/layer_bitmap.c: Added ase_layer_bitmap_set_size,
-	ase_layer_bitmap_get_extension, ase_layer_bitmap_all_extension,
-	ase_layer_bitmap_break_bitmap, ase_layer_bitmap_break_position,
-	ase_layer_bitmap_break_opacity, ase_layer_bitmap_get_frmin,
-	ase_layer_bitmap_get_frmax.
-	* libase/ase.h: Also, added `w' and `h' variables to
-	ASE_LAYER_BITMAP structure.
-	* libase/layer.c: Added ase_layer_get_size,
-	ase_layer_get_extension, ase_layer_all_extension,
-	ase_layer_get_frmin, ase_layer_get_frmax.
-2002-11-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/editor/layerbar.c (handle_layerbar): Fixed the layer up/down
-	movement selection (for nested groups layers).
-	* plug-ins/action/action_move_layer.c (perform_move_layer): Added
-	the `leave' functionality.
-	* ase/plug-in/plug-in.c (handle_action_for_lua): Fixed the in/out
-	stack restoration. This was producing an error when we were call
-	two nested actions (mainly with the screen_shot).
-	* ase/util/layer.c (find_layer_group_with_this_list): Added this
-	routine from plug-ins/action/action_remove_layer.c file (because
-	layerbar.c must use it).
-2002-11-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* ase/editor/layerbar.c (draw_layer): Fixed the layer-group
-	drawing (it start from the first layer to draw, and it must start
-	from the last to the first).
-	(handle_layerbar): Added `up' and `down' functionality to move by
-	differents layers.
-	* ase/modules/keyboard.c: Added `up', `down', `left' and `right'
-	keys.
-	* plug-ins/action/action_move_layer.c (perform_move_layer): New
-	action to move the current layer (it uses the new undo_move_layer).
-	* ase/util/undo.c (undo_move_layer): Added this routine to undo
-	layer movements.
-	* ase/script/script.c (init_module_script): Added builtin_value,
-	to register constant values also.
-	* ase/script/built-ins.h: Renamed the luafuncs.[ch] to built-ins.[ch]
-2002-11-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* docs/install.txt: Added this document to compile & install ASE.
-2002-11-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* change.txt -> ChangeLog
-	* DLL Plug-Ins work in Win32: compiling with the makefile.mingw.
-	* Two Plug-Ins modes: static and dynamic loading.
-2002-11-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Now, configuration file is searched in the best directory.
-	* Fixed Plug-Ins loaded process: Now we found the plugins in
-	  all posible locations (using the new DIRS structure).
-	* Added DIRS and ase/core/dirs.[ch] files.
-2002-11-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* All these days I was passing all to GNU Autotools interface
-	  (,, etc).
-2002-10-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed `find_entry' in `config.c': Added type-convertion.
-2002-10-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Removed `font.[ch]': All graphics to gfx.[ch].
-	* New action `remove_layer'.
-	* Added `Clean All' to undo_history.
-	* Fixed various `current_sprite' to `sprite': in some actions.
-2002-10-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Renamed ase_install->init_module and ase_remove->shutdown_module.
-	* New copy and paste actions.
-	* Renamed clear_selection->clear.
-2002-10-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `sprite_properties' action.
-	* Added sequence interface for save process.
-	* Added the plugin to load and save FLI/FLC files.
-	* Added `area' selection type in action_selection.c plugin.
-2002-10-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `targets' to `color_curve'.
-	* Modified the `color_curve' action: With this, removed the
-	  routines:
-	  - apply_color_curve;
-	  - clean_color_curve;
-	  - add_color_curve_point;
-	  - del_color_curve_point;
-	* Replaced `app_redir' with `find_shared()'.
-2002-10-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed the HSV filters: an initialization of h=s=v=0.
-	* Done load sequences files (spr00.pcx, spr01.pcx, etc.).
-2002-10-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `news-es.txt'.
-	* `ase_layer_duplicate' duplicates custom properties in bitmap-layers.
-2002-10-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New action_duplicate_layer.
-	* Made action_duplicate_sprite, and the routines for the ASE library:
-	  `ase_image_duplicate' and `ase_layer_duplicate'.
-	* Fixed the `to_allegro' method for RGB/Indexed/Grayscale images
-	  for Mode-X bitmaps.
-2002-09-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done:
-	  - action_merge_down;
-2002-09-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Now raster_sprite() uses plugin_* interface.
-2002-09-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed an ugly error in save_bmp().
-	* Added file_tga.
-	* Fixed `ase_get_mouse_cursor()': the m_cursor wasn't changing.
-	* Done:
-	  - action_insert_layer_bitmap/group.
-2002-09-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Now keyframe_operation() supports: copy and remove.
-2002-09-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed an error in plugin_printf(): Now the dialog is completelly
-	  redrawn with the GUI_DIALOG_DIRTY flag.
-	* Fixed text-selection in GUI_EDIT widget: More flexible.
-	* Added the keyframe_operation(): To modify the properties of
-	  one keyframe.
-	* Working on layer-bar: Now we can drag-and-drop the keyframes!
-2002-09-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Changed gui_alert() routine format.
-	* Done:
-	  - action_make_undo_animation;
-	* Added more undo operations for changes in the selection.
-	* Completelly removed `devel.txt': It doesn't have anything useful.
-2002-09-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Optimized the flip() action: Now doesn't use anymore an area
-	  for the undo, now it uses a special undo function (for back to
-	  the old state).
-	* Done:
-	  - action_flip;
-	  - action_switch_full_screen;
-2002-09-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added shortcuts for the drawing-tools (Nathan "whitedoor" Smith
-	  idea).
-	* Done:
-	    - action_set_tool;
-	    - action_view_tiled;
-	    - action_selection;
-	* Restructure the menu `checking' system.
-	* Done the non-interactive scripting API for color-curve.
-	* New 15/16/32 bpp convertion routines from ASE_BITMAP to BITMAP
-	  for Indexed and Grayscales images.
-	* Done the load BMP plug-in.
-2002-09-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Finished the new configuration system (config.c).
-2002-09-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed `read_tok' in rootmenu.c: In string like "hi(\"aaa\")";
-	* Done:
-	  - action_clear_selection;
-	  - action_set_gfx_mode;
-	  - action_session;
-	  - action_set_gfx_mode;
-	  - action_color_curve;
-2002-09-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Removed convmatr.c: Because just `action_convolution_matrix'
-	  use CONVMATRices.
-	* Done:
-	  - action_convolution_matrix;
-	  - action_replace_color;
-	  - action_undo_history;
-	  - action_show_options;
-	  - action_show_tips;
-	  - action_screen_shot;
-	  - action_screen_saver;
-	  - action_select_sprite;
-	  - action_load_sprite;
-	  - action_save_sprite;
-	  - action_refresh;
-	  - action_reload_menus;
-2002-09-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done:
-	  - action_about;
-	  - action_quit;
-	  - action_new_sprite;
-	  - action_close_sprite;
-	* Done the ACTION pop/push API.
-	* New ACTION plugins: Replaced the COMMAND interface with this
-	  (it's the 3rd time which I change the commands API,
-	  menus procedures -> commands -> actions).
-	* Fixed an error in the install/remove modules process.
-2002-09-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `title' to GUI_DIALOG: Removed with this, a lot of
-	  GUI_LABEL/GUI_BOX wich was only for simule the titles.
-	* Done a little best interface for plug-ins errors:
-	  with a console and a progress bar in the same dialog.
-	* Done the load/save plugin for JPEG: Yes!, now the program can
-	  save jpeg files and load more types of JPEG files.
-	* Done `replace_color'.
-	* Replaced the old JPEGalleg to the new IJG JPEG Library plugin.
-2002-09-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done the PCX saver plugin.
-	* Fixed the `pcx' loader for 24 bpp bitmaps.
-2002-09-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done the PCX loader plugin.
-	* Ready the `file' plugin API.
-	* Finished the GUI_PREVIEW widget: Now uses the new ase_bitmaps.
-2002-09-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Removed the process to convert the RGB to RBG bitmaps in the
-	  `set_gfx_mode' command: Because now, the bitmaps aren't any more
-	  Allegro type.
-	* `filters' to `convolution-matrix'.
-	* Fixed a bug in the menus: A little problem when I release the
-	  mouse click above a child and a parent (the parent was called).
-	* Optimized the filters: Now they use integers.
-	* Now RGB filters works in RGB images.
-	* Changed RASTER stuff to the new API.
-	* Fixed `progress_bar' things (some cosmetics changes).
-2002-09-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Eliminated various stupid ASSERT() uses.
-	* Made changes to all EDITOR/DIRTY/SAVED/TOOLS/COLOR stuff to the
-	  new ASE API library: Now we can draw with the new images types
-	  (rgb/grayscale/indexed).
-	* Added fixup_sprite(), and the `editing' structure inside `SPRITE'.
-	* Removed tstgui and tstdirty: That was the more useless stuff
-	  in the program.
-2002-09-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Merged the `ASE NextGen' library to the main trunk:
-	  needs a lot of work to pass from the old API.
-	* Renamed all the GUI stuff from `ase_*' to `gui_*'.
-	* Moved the `selection' to the `SPRITE' structure: now, each
-	  sprite has is own selection.
-	* New draw_selection_rectangle().
-	* Added ase_set_default_palette(): now `--palette' works.
-2002-08-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Removed the old filter-stock code.
-	* Finished the `modules.[c]'.
-2002-08-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `modules.[ch]' to handle install/remove the modules
-	  process.
-2002-08-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Changed configuration files from `ase/bin/' to `ase/share'.
-2002-08-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed memory leaks in:
-	    ase_remove_listitem (src/gui/list.c),
-	    ase_command_color_curve (src/cmd/colorcur.c).
-	* Added `stock.[ch]', to manage all the stock stuff.
-	* Updated `alfont.[ch]' to the AllegroFont 1.6 version.
-	* New `config.txt'.
-	* New `merge_down' command, and renamed `merge_layers'
-	  to `merge_visibles'.
-	* New `insert_text_layer' command (need more work to do).
-2002-08-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Removed the GNU header from all files.
-2002-08-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done the new `color_curve' command.
-2002-08-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `gui/preview.[ch]': now `replace_color' and `apply_filter'
-	  share the same ASE_PREVIEW widget.
-	* Added `tolerance' to `replace_color'.
-	* New `ASE_BOX' widget (just for best look & feel).
-	* Modified the old `refs/check_sum' commands system,
-	  to a new hash table system.
-	* Added the hash routines.
-	* Removed ASE_*_PRIORITY macros: now, the priority is a percent
-	  (0=lower priority, 100=high priority). I write a little rules
-	  about this in `hack-es.txt'.
-2002-08-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* A new `undo_history' command.
-	* Modified the `to_xbpp' to `set_bpp' command (with a dialog
-	  interface).
-	* select_language -> options.
-	* Merged h_flip/v_flip -> flip.
-	* Changed some details in the cut/copy/clear behavior.
-2002-08-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Passed all the commands to the new form.
-	* Merged some changes from the `ase-next/' bifurcation:
-2002-07-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Removed `state' variable from the UNDO structure (src/undo.c)
-	  (Jorge Ram�rez Flores idea).
-2002-07-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Reconstructed the entire command infrastructure: Now, the
-	  commands/menus are used in other (more fexible) completely
-	  new form: the commands accept arguments (an old idea posted
-	  in ase-help mailing list by Elias Pschernig).
-2002-04-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed a little error with the palette change in the initialization:
-	  I was using
-	    ase_set_palette(default_palette);
-	  instead of
-	    ase_set_palette(NULL);
-2002-04-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New release 0.0.7.
-	* Fixed an error with the calc_spline() in the MinGW32 compiler.
-2002-04-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed a stupid error in paste command.
-	* Improved the ase-logo with filters and shadow effects.
-	* Optimized the token reading of `request': Now support things like:
-	  [[ [LABEL:"width:"] [EDIT:width] ]]
-	* Added the `apply_filter()' routine in the scripts.
-	* In `request()' function: done the CHECK, SLIDER and LIST objects.
-2002-04-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Optimized the request() routine: now all fields can be represented
-	  with a string ("..."), number (0...) or a variable.
-	* Added the directories djgpp, mingw32 and unix to lib/ and obj/:
-	  I want to cross-compile ASE.
-2002-04-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done the dialog to select the language (and finished the spanish
-	  menu).
-	* Fixed the `read_tok' in rootmenu.c: Now use `pack_fgets()' to
-	  convert the ASCII (ISO really) text to the current Unicode format.
-	* Finally the file-selector works under DOS/Win32 and Unix.
-2002-04-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed the file-selector.
-	* Fixed an error with paste command: the origin point in
-	  create_sub_bitmap can't be outside of the bitmap.
-	* Added the h/v_flip commands.
-2002-04-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed the paste command.
-2002-03-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Renamed load/save_image to load/save_sprite: And these routines
-	  now do some old-repeated work.
-	* Removed the `palette' from ASE_IMAGE: Now it's in SPRITE. With
-	  this various routines for load/save images need the `pal' parameter.
-	* Done the `paste.c' command!
-2002-03-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added load_sprite and save_sprite routines for scripts
-	  (Elias Pschernig idea);
-	* Optimized the compile-speed in various files.
-	* In these days I was modifying some minors things.
-2002-03-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the lineal-gamma support for the `color-selection' dialog.
-	* Added the posibility to load sequences of bitmaps in load_image.
-	  And optimized the save_image routine to save these sequences.
-	* Fixed an error when saving bmp/pcx/tga/flc with masked-background.
-	* Done! The FLC files use the `line-compression' chunk also.
-	* Support to save uncompressed FLC files: All frames are saved with
-	  the `copy' chunk.
-2002-03-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the routines to undo palette modifications.
-	* Added support to load FLI files: see `ase/src/fli.[ch]'.
-2002-03-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done the cut/copy/clear commands: With this, some modifications
-	  in `sprite.c' to handle the clipboard.
-	* I was working on ASE_TILE_ENGINE: To optimize the speed in high
-	  resolutions and slow graphics-cards (like my one :-).
-2002-03-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Seemingly the `undo_junk' is not necessary anymore (because the
-	  undo-states TO_UNDO and TO_REDO).
-	* Added select/insert/remove/move operations for the new undo system.
-	* Improved the ASE_EDITOR: Now has states: EDIT_STANDBY,
-	* Added operation to undo the frame-movement.
-	* Added the first undo operations for the new undo system:
-	  `dirty' and `area'.
-	* I rewrite the entire UNDO system: Now this is more understandable
-	  and much more easy to make operations (and operation's groups).
-	  With this change, I remove all the TASK stuff.
-	* Updated JPGalleg to the new 1.2 release.
-2002-03-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Removed all the stupid interface of the NULL=current_sprite
-	  in the sprite's handle routines.
-	* Done the `replace_color' command.
-	* Added the `raster_sprite' routine: This simplify a lot the
-	  aplication of raster-effects in some sprite.
-	* Removed `ase_get_colorbut_color': Per now, is much easy to use
-	  `my_colorbut->color' and `&my_colorbut->color'.
-	* Removed the `ASE_SPRITES_LIMIT': Now, the list-menu is generated
-	  with sub-menus like "more >", with this, the program now support
-	  a pseudo-infinite number of opened sprites :-)
-	  - With this, the routine `count_sprites' is removed too.
-	* Renamed `unfocus-*' to `drunk-*': It's more proper :-)
-	* Fixed `unfocus-med' filter.
-	* Removed `memory.[ch]' and added the `mtrace' routine (It's much
-	  better): Now, all use directly malloc/realloc/free routines.
-2002-03-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added ase_install/remove_sprite() in `sprite.[ch]': And removed
-	  the shutdown_sprites() from `src/ase.c'.
-	* Optimized the Lua compiler error messages: With the
-	  LUA_ERRORMESSAGE function.
-	* Added RLE compression to the 8 bpp .ase files: Code from my old
-	  2D SPRITEStudio.
-	* Added support to load .ase files from 0.0.6 and the old 0.0.7.
-	* Removed the x-y from ASE_SPRITE and ASE_LAYER. With this, the
-	  .ase format changes again.
-2002-03-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the `move' tool.
-	* Improved the ASE_PREVIEW: now this shows the exactly portion of
-	  the sprite which will be filtered (depending of the `selection').
-	* Now `handle_palette' in `src/gui/colorsel.c' uses a temporary
-	  bitmap for the draw event (I think which this will be enough for
-	  some DirectX speed problems).
-	* Fixed the get-color operation in the editor athwart the <K> and <L>
-	  keys: Now, it tries to get the color from:
-	  - in all layers;
-	  - in the current frame position;
-	  - and in the visible keyframe's bitmap.
-	* Fixed the filters: Now work in normal and tiled mode (the selection
-	  is emulated with `create_sub_bitmap()').
-	  (because the scroll is in the view, not in a list widget).
-	* Renamed ASE_FILTER* to FILTER*.
-	* Now the FILTERs use the RASTER routines.
-2002-03-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added RASTER and RASTER_FX.
-	* I write some HISTOGRAM stuff and a new command to show
-	  the histogram for the current sprite, but, this is useless
-	  per now. I will added this only if I need some histogram
-	  thing in the future.
-2002-03-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Removed the `ase_*' prefix from the undo and task stuff.
-2002-02-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added more routines to handle SPRITEs and renamed a lot of things.
-	* Removed the `ase_' and `ASE_' prefix in the sprite.[ch]: From now,
-	  the ASE_SPRITE is just SPRITE.
-	* Restructure the files: Now the ASE-library is independent of the
-	  program.
-	* Removed info.[ch] and the ase_fopen() routine.
-	* Fixed some messy things related with the undo of layer-operations
-	  (move/insert and remove).
-	* Renamed `ase_clean_sprite_undo_stack' to `clean_undo_stack'.
-	* Added some routines: select_layer, move_layer, insert_layer,
-	  and remove_layer. Yes the names are right, without the `ase_'
-	  prefix.
-2002-02-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the new command `show_tips'.
-	* Optimized the `filter/select' config branch: Now it is the `name'
-	  of the selected filter (not the `index').
-	* Added `ase/src/tips.[ch]': The tips management is done, with this
-	  `ase/doc/keys*.txt' documents are removed. Also, new widget added:
-	  the ASE_TEXTBOX.
-2002-02-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the `insert_frame_to_all': to add frames to all layers
-	  at once (Peter Want idea).
-2002-02-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Renamed `command/filter.c' to `command/applyflt.c':
-	  - Added the support to apply the filter in the selection:
-	  - Added the config management;
-	* Added the selection-tool.
-2002-02-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* .ase files save the new key-frame data.
-2002-02-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New command: frame_properties.
-	* Added `pivot' in layer-properties.
-	* Big change!: Added the x, y and alpha to ASE_LAYER, and new
-	  ase_interpolate_frames() to calculate the position of all the
-	  frames between keyframes.
-2002-02-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `filename' to ase_create_sprite(): this simplify somethings.
-	* Changed structure's format:
-	  - old style:
-	      typedef struct _STRUCT STRUCT; struct _STRUCT { };
-	  - new style:
-	      typedef struct STRUCT { } STRUCT;
-	* Rewrited `check_args' (the old name was `ase_process_arguments'):
-	  Also, now the program can load sprites from the command line.
-	* New hack-es.txt.
-2002-02-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added a selectable cursor color (Christer Sandberg idea);
-	* Now the ase_file_select() save and load the last used directory
-	  (Christer Sandberg and Elias Pschernig idea);
-	* Added a temporary configuration support: through the ugly Allegro
-	  config system (push/pop_config_state).
-	* More friendly screen-saver: I fetch it from 2D SPRITEStudio.
-	* Added `ase_bezier_points'.
-	* Merged the real-pencil tool with the others in ase_control_tool().
-	* Added the draw-tiled mode for tools.
-2002-02-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Split the #defines of `commands.h' to `commdefs.h': now, if I add
-	  a new command, I don't need recompile all the `src/commands/*.c'
-	  files.
-2002-02-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New keys: PLUS and MINUS to change the thickness size.
-	* Elimimated the scroll-position lose of the editor in `ase_fixup()'
-	  routine.
-	* Now the layer-bar is resizable.
-	* Moved to gui/ some common dialogs: alert, colorsel, filesel. Also,
-	  ASE_COLORBUT widget.
-	* Modularized a lot of code in gui.h: Now each widget has an own
-	  file (button.c, check.c, widget.c, etc.).
-2002-02-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Improved: `color-selection', `sprite-properties' and
-	  `layer-properties' dialogs.
-	* Removed `mask' from `ase_draw_color()' and ASE_COLORBUT.
-	* Added ASE_DIALOG_DIRTY: to redraw the main dialog frame.
-2002-02-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed a dark error in ase_fixup_dialog().
-	* Moved menu.[ch] to gui/menu.
-	* Splited gui.[ch] in: gui/view, gui/list.
-	* Added the ASE_TASK_LAYER_MOVE undo-task: to undo layer-moves.
-	* Merge-visible layers now merge all frames.
-2002-02-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `stretch_trans_sprite_8bpp' in `image.c': Need test.
-	* Fixed the putpixel and getpixel (keys o/p and k/l): before this,
-	  keys got the color of the first frame (really bad).
-2002-02-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed a fatal error in `ase_destroy_sprite': now, the undo-stack
-	  is removed before the sprite (this is because some tasks of the
-	  undo-stack look in the sprite structure);
-	* Added `ase_destroy_task_junk' to fix multiple ase_destroy_layer()
-	  calls.
-	* Added undo/redo for: insert-layer, remove-layer, duplicate-layer.
-	* Optimized the layer-bar: less ASE_REDRAW usage and more
-2002-02-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added descriptions for the buttons in the layer-bar: because this
-	  was very confused (the icons are very small :-)
-	* New `switch_layerbar' command.
-	* New macros: ase_is_*_widget.
-	  Also, new routines ase_show/hide_widget.
-	* Improved the ASE_MENU object: best handle of LEFT and RIGHT keys
-	* Fixed the `refresh()' script routine: it didn't scare/unscare
-	  the mouse and didn't acquire/release the screen.
-	* Added the full-screen editing mode (Peter Wang idea): with this,
-	  enough code was fixed (mainly related with the ASE_FLAG_HIDDEN).
-	* Fixed a little error in the dirty-test.
-	* Local `get_mask' to global `ase_get_mask_for_bitmap': in color.c.
-	* Removed the `color' of ASE_LAYER: always a layer will be masked.
-	  With this, the ASE_FILTER_FLAG_MASK is not needed anymore.
-	* Removed the clipping of ase_blit_image(): only necessary in
-	  ase_draw_editor_sprite().
-	* New ASE_BLIT_WANTALPHA: in ase_blit_image(), now is:
-	  ase_blender_mode(..., (flags & ASE_BLIT_WANTALPHA)).
-	* Added a preview-frame in transparent mode (Peter Wang idea too):
-	  This need work for 8, 15, 16, and 24 bpp with zoom.
-2002-02-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed the `ellipse' tool: now update only the necessary region.
-2002-02-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done the `reload_menus' command: Elias Pschernig idea.
-	* Fixed a little confusing problem in `baw.lua' (in `sprite.lua' too):
-	  about the second paramenter to `for' statements. Reported by Elias
-	  Pschernig.
-2002-02-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the state-bar updater in tools-loop: Now, when we draw in
-	  the sprite, we can see the position where we are clicking.
-	* Released the 0.0.6 version.
-2002-02-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the `burn' blender.
-	* Done the `ase/doc/script*.txt' files.
-	* Added a lot of mathematical functions in `luafuncs.c'.
-	* Updated the `todo.txt': removed some old things and some stuff
-	  which I made in these days.
-	* From todo.txt: Optimized `preview_handler': Now displays the
-	  changes of the active layer, and nothing more.
-	* Optimized `blender_normal_alpha': Now we can merge RGBA layers
-	  with less error.
-2002-02-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Improved the `ase_blender_mode' utilization.
-	* Complete rewrited `stretch_trans_sprite': the old one was very
-	  buggy, and the new one, now support different blender modes.
-2002-02-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* `dist.mak' is done for the new release (it is comming).
-	* Renamed remove_garbage() to clean_garbage(): and fixed some
-	  little error with the `count'er.
-	* The menu.[ch] is all done: now supports UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and
-	  ENTER keys, with this code, I finish with this damned work.
-	* Fixed an error with the gui-focus: was pased to HIDDEN widgets.
-	* Added quantize.c: Thanks to Ben "entheh" Davis. With this,
-	  added the `optimize' button in the `color-selection'.
-	* Added ase_request_bitmaps(): to get a list of the bitmaps used
-	  in the program.
-2002-02-01  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added ase_count_frames().
-	* Fixed various things.
-	* Script: New functions: cos(), sin(), tan() and new constant `pi'.
-2002-01-31  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Improved the menu system.
-	* Renamed the `ase/src/commands/' and `ase/script/' files:
-	  to short names.
-	* Optimized some scripting functions: in versatility.
-	* Script: Added current_depth(), sprite_width(), sprite_height()
-	  and sprite_color_depth().
-2002-01-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added `remove_garbage()': to clean the `ase_root_menu'.
-	* Optimized the menus: now have retrace-time and a better menu
-	  position selection.
-	* Script: Done line(), hline(), vline(), draw_bitmap() and
-	          bitmap_mask_color().
-	* More documentation: script-es.txt, faq-es.txt.
-	* Script: New triangle() function.
-	* Script: New clear_bitmap.
-	* Script: Finished circle(), circlefill(), ellipse(), and
-	          rotate_bitmap() functions.
-	* Script: Optimized the makecol() function: now, this accept
-	  makecol(r,g,b) or makecol(r,g,b,a), with this, makeacol() is
-	  eliminated.
-2002-01-29  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New script.txt.
-	* Added a lot of functionality for scripts.
-	  - functions like: create_sprite, destroy_sprite, current_sprite,
-	    create_bitmap, destroy_bitmap, makecol, makeacol, getr, getg,
-	    getb, geta, putpixel, getpixel, ellipsefill.
-	* Added `script.[ch]': ase_install_script, ase_remove_script,
-	  ase_new_script, and ase_call_script. Also, the command `call_script'
-	  in ase/src/commands/.
-2002-01-28  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Updated `files.txt' to the actual directory structure.
-	* Added `blender.c', not ready yet (and I think that never will be
-	  finished).
-	* New way to create dependencies.
-	* Added to the layer_properties: the `alpha' modificator.
-	* Added the PLAY behavior.
-	* Finished ASE_LAYERBAR: a lot of work done for this widget.
-	* Elimated all the checkers: now the same commands have to
-	  determinate if are or not available.
-2002-01-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Updated the fix.* scripts.
-	* New interface for the menu's procedures: see `commands.h'.
-	* Added new ASE_KEYFRAME in ASE_FRAME.
-	* Restructured the directories.
-2002-01-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the `eyes' and `padlock' icons for the layer-bar.
-	* Added two new menus in root/edit: &layer and &frame.
-2002-01-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Work on ASE_LAYERBAR: now it shows the layers and all the frames
-	  information.
-2002-01-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added new `unfocus-*' filters and fixed the `blur' filter.
-	* Added resizable cursor in `editor.c': also added
-	  ase_get_thickness_for_cursor() in `tools.[ch]'.
-	* Removes some items from the `todo.txt': are done.
-2002-01-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Remove the `n?' and `o?' variables from ASE_DIALOG: now, all
-	  the mouse stuff come from mouse.[ch] (see `ase_mouse_?' functions).
-	* Eliminated the stupid `table' variable in the ASE_DIALOG:
-	  With this ASE_CELL and ASE_TABLE will be just in `gui.c'.
-	* Added ase_tool_configuration: now the thickess, fill and all
-	  that variables are just in `tools.c'.
-	* Added the digital-clock in the root-menu-bar.
-2002-01-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Finally added the keyboard shortcut support for the menus.
-	* Finish the load-menu routine: with configurable keys also
-	  (Peter Wang's idea).
-2002-01-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the new real-pencil tool.
-	* Fixed two little errors in ase_edit_handler(): With the CTRL
-	  key.
-	* Added the `mask' parameter in ase_draw_color().
-2002-01-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done the ASE_COLORBAR widget.
-	* New flag for ASE_SPRITEs: ASE_SPRITE_FLAG_UNSEEN, to set the
-	  editor's scroll when the sprite is showed for first time.
-	* Added the 1-6 keys for ASE_EDITOR: Now we can change the zoom.
-	* Removes the `zoom' and `scroll' from ASE_SPRITE: this two
-	  parameters depend of the editor (ASE_EDITOR).
-2002-01-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added ase_get_editor() in ase.c: For some procedures that need
-	  the information of the editor (like view-tile).
-	* Finally: The menus (ASE_MENU) are done, see menu.c for details
-	  (I must finish the key management).
-2002-01-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* The ASE_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE is sent to two widgets (if their exists):
-	  captured and the focused widgets. This fix the error with the
-	  menu and editor in the main screen.
-2002-01-06  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed the pictures in some GUI objects with the DISABLED flag.
-2002-01-05  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed some bug with the event DCLICK for ASE_LIST in ASE_VIEW.
-	* New graphics for the GUI: Now, ASE has an original layout
-	  for all the GUI.
-2002-01-02  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added the year 2002 to all files in the header section.
-2001-12-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed various things with ASE_EDITOR and ASE_MENU.
-	* Fixed some things with the got/lost-mouse events for the child
-	  in the ASE_VIEW widget.
-2001-12-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Now we can draw in the editor and move the scroll with <shift>.
-	* ASE_EDITOR and ase_create_editor: this is a child of ASE_VIEW
-	  widget, so now, the editor have scroll bars (I don't know
-	  if this will be a good idea).
-	* Welcome again problems! :-) I am making the ASE_MENUBOX widget,
-	  is almost finished but I need more time (and later, I need
-	  to work in the editor and all the bars).
-2001-12-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Finally the main dialog (and all the GUI!) is in the new gui
-	  system: And now, we can dismiss to Allegro GUI: bye problems! :o)
-	* Fixed ase_fix_dialog: Now looks for the *really best* size
-	  for the table to accommodate the widgets;
-	* Added mode and alpha values in ASE_LAYER struct.
-2001-12-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added a option to mergind layers.
-2001-12-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added new two options to load and save the palette in the
-	  color-selection dialog.
-2001-12-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Double-click support for the gui finished.
-2001-12-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added ase_draw_color and the `alpha' property in the
-	  color-selection dialog: now all colors in the color-bar have
-	  differents alpha values.
-	* Eliminated all the code of the old gui graphics based in gradients.
-	* Convert ASE_COLOR from `int' type to a `struct': Now has the alpha
-	  value in the same struct.
-	* Added ase_menu_file_properties.
-2001-12-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Optimized the default-focus movement: New flag
-	* Speed improved in tooltile.c: with a temporary bitmap.
-2001-12-10  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Partially completed ase_file_select(): It's usable.
-	* New `alert.h', `progbar.h' and `asegro.h' to replace the direct
-	  call to #include <allegro.h>: Now, all files don't need anymore
-	  include `ase.h'.
-2001-12-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* I start `fsel.[ch]'.
-	* Added error alert when the user try draw in hidden layers.
-	* The buttons in the state-bar (first, prev, play, next and last)
-	  are done.
-	* Added ase_palcmp: to compare palettes (used by the color-selection
-	  dialog).
-	* Added the option for make gammas in the color-selection dialog.
-	* Added ase_palette_gamma/_rect_gamma: It come from my old
-	  2D SPRITEStudio code (with modifications).
-	* Removed the ase_tiny_font.
-	* Done HSV filters.
-	* Fixed some errors with the dependency generation: added the new
-	  makefile.gcc that contains all the related stuff with GCC.
-2001-12-08  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Passed to the new gui-system:
-	  - Create-sprite dialog (in file/create).
-	  - Color selection.
-	  - Filter dialog (optimized the `preview' widget).
-	* Changed the way to use filters: With this the `callback' routine
-	  in `ase_apply_filter' is deleted.
-2001-12-07  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Done the LIST widget: very easy with VIEW as parent.
-	* Finished the VIEW widget: That was `die-hard' :-)
-2001-12-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New slider widget: and a new tiny-font for this (I need test with
-	  this tiny-fonts and with the allegro default font).
-2001-11-30  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed various errors in the loading filter stock process
-	  (in `ase_reload_filter_stock' routine).
-	* I found the old 2DSS filters!!!: I remember that, I spend a lot
-	  of time "cloning" the filters of SEA Graphics Viewer of MS-DOS.
-	* New ASE_EDIT widget: with selection support and flicker cursor.
-2001-11-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* The new gui-system support focus movement with the arrows:
-	  This steal me a lot of time and a lot of paper :-)
-	* Created a new gui-system in gui.[ch]: The Allegro one is very
-	  intricate. Now, the next step is pass all dialogs to this new
-	  gui system.
-2001-11-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New `preview' object in the apply-filter dialog.
-	* Fixed various stupid errors in the filter application and the
-	  progress bar: like divisions by zero, and a `return 0' if the
-	  callback function return FALSE, with this, the temporary bitmap
-	  was not deleted.
-	* Added a new button for refresh the filters: an idea from Elias
-	  Pschernig.
-	* Optimized the ase_reload_filter_stock: Eliminated the stupid `\'
-	  syntax from the ase.flt, an idea of Peter Wang.
-2001-11-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New makefile for MinGW32: by Elias Pschernig.
-2001-11-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added ASE_FILTER_FLAG_TILE: for apply filters in the sprites like
-	  tiles (the top side get pixels from the bottom side).
-	* Added ase_tool_viewtile.
-2001-11-19  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added a temporary `ase_edit_configuration'.
-	* Fixed a stupid error in `atk_widget_selected': I was using
-	  `D_DISABLED' in the return value instead of the right `D_SELECTED'.
-	* Optimized the filters for 32 bpp: Before, the filters "eat" the
-	  RGBA values of all colors, also those totally transparents!
-	  Now, the filters detract the `div' factor in case which the color
-	  has `alpha=0'.
-	* New font.[ch] for `ase_font': all the mini 8x8 images are in this
-	  file. With this, I fix an error with the MinGW32 compiler because
-	  `_font_vtable_mono' was not constant (bug reported by Elias
-	  Pschernig).
-2001-11-18  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New icon for the layer visibility property: in the layer-bar.
-	* Fixed a memory-leak: when we cancel the tool drawing pressing the
-	  other button, the `dirty' and `saved' buffer don't were deleted.
-	* New filler.c with `ase_do_filler': for the `fill' tool.
-	* Added `ase_extend_dirty': to make filled ellipses and boxes.
-	* New ellipse tool.
-	* Added `ase_fill' and `ase_thickness'.
-	* And is true: with ASE_DIRTY I can make pixel, pencil, line and
-	  a new rectangle tool (this last in less than 3 minutes) with
-	  full undo support and *thickness* property IN JUST ONE ROUTINE!
-2001-11-17  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New dirty.[ch]: now, with ASE_DIRTY, the undo and tools control
-	  will be much easier!
-	* Optimized ase_layerbar_proc: now we can handle various layers and
-	  select they with the keys.
-	* Merged the layer modify dialog (from the status bar) within the
-	  main dialog (removed this item from the ToDo list):
-	  see for `ase_layerbar_proc' in layerbar.[ch].
-	* Procedures: ase_colorbar_proc (colorbar.[ch]),
-		      ase_toolsbar_proc (toolsbar.[ch]),
-		      ase_statebar_proc (statebar.[ch]).
-	  With this, ase.c don't has all the procedures of the main dialog.
-	* Optimized the ase_status_proc: now this function don't call anymore
-	  the do_dialog() routine, because all the code for control the
-	  buttons are in the same procedure.
-	* New flag in session files: the current sprite.
-2001-11-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* The patch for gui.c of yesterday for Allegro was commited (by
-	  Peter Wang).
-	* New tools management (tools.[ch]).
-	* Fixed some errors using the ase_clean_image_undo_stack.
-	* Big change: now, ASE_SPRITE is ASE_IMAGE and is in the image.[ch],
-	  while ASE_INTERNAL_SPRITE now is ASE_SPRITE and is in sprite.[ch].
-	* Now the session is saved if the program crashes.
-2001-11-15  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Fixed the RGB/BGR error: now, when the user changes the resolution,
-	  all bitmaps of all sprites (which not are 8 bpp), will be converted
-	  from the old format to the new one.
-	* New session manager: see the save-session and load-session options
-	  in the system-menu.
-	* Added ase_load_raw_sprite_data and ase_save_raw_sprite_data: for
-	  the session manager.
-	* New patch for Allegro: to fix the problem with the overlapped
-	  parent menus. Per now I am using a custom gui.c.
-	* Added and optimized: some ASE_TRACE usage in various functions.
-2001-11-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* More work in ASE_TASKs.
-2001-11-13  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Optimized task.c: with differents types of tasks (dirty areas,
-	  layer control, etc.).
-2001-11-04  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New file-ase.c: we now can save and load .ase files, a special
-	  format for keep all things of the sprites.
-	* Added the ase_editor: for the redraw editor capability in the layer
-	  modify dialog.
-	* Added more layer control: now we can move layers, insert, remove
-	  and modify the name of they.
-2001-11-03  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New ase_stretch_trans_sprite in sprite.c for draw scaled RGBA.
-	* Added from my old 2DSS: the progress bar (per now, only the
-	  filters use it).
-	* Added <O> and <P> keys: for put the first or second color, and
-	  with this, I added the new TASK PIXEL for do and undo just a pixel.
-	* Added keyboard shortcut: the arrown keys move the cursor.
-2001-10-31  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Eliminated the ATK_LISTPROC: because now, ATK_LISTPROC is ATK_LIST,
-	  and really, the old ATK_LIST format is removed.
-	* The RGBA support work right: Need more improvements.
-	* After a chat with Ben "entheh" Davis in the #allegro channel,
-	  and after I see your patches for the filter routines, I deside to
-	  make the filters to support the alpha channel.
-2001-10-27  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New ASE_FILTER_STOCK: and the ase_tool_filter now display a dialog
-	  for select some filter of the `ase.flt' file.
-2001-10-26  David A. Capello  <>
-	* More ase.c modularity: new `internal.h' (for the
-	  ASE_INTERNAL_SPRITE structure and the DIALOG *ase_dialog variable)
-	  and `status.[ch]' for the status bar control routines.
-	* New `ase_status_dialog' and all the procedures for control the
-	  special status bar for control the layers and the animation.
-2001-10-25  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added keys: <k> and <l> for get colors from the bitmap.
-	* New:, images.s and images.h with some graphics in the
-	  Allegro FONT format (from my old 2DSS code :-)
-2001-10-24  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Renamed text files to more `Windows like' format (*.txt).
-	* ase_file_quit: new alert if there are some unsaved bitmaps.
-	* Added ase_swap_bitmap: for the undo filter control, with this
-	  function, we need apply the filter only one time, and the others
-	  times, we swap a `temporary undo' bitmap for restore and reapply
-	  the filter.
-	* Optimized the Undo control: added the new ASE_TASK (task.c) for
-	  control the actions to apply to bitmaps.
-	* A lot of minor changes.
-2001-10-23  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Passed the old filters code of my 2DSS (2D SPRITEStudio) to ASE:
-	  ase_apply_rgb_filter and ase_apply_hsv_filter.
-	* New functions: ase_create_filter, ase_destroy_filter.
-2001-10-22  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Added some more functionallity to the status proc: with the
-	  clock and the mini-palette of the left side.
-2001-10-21  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Eliminated the text flicker of the ase_status_proc.
-2001-10-20  David A. Capello  <>
-	* All gui.c to toolkit.c: now with a optimized interface, and
-	  all the functions of the ASE Toolkit, start with `atk_*'.
-	* New ase_screenshot: used in ase_system_screenshot and in
-	  ase_widget_box, now, we can make a screenshot anywhere.
-2001-10-16  David A. Capello  <>
-	* New TODO: In English, I need to accustom to this language.
-	* From now: This ChangeLog will make in english, bad english.
-2001-10-14  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Mejorado el control de tablas: en gui.c para poder colocar
-	  los objetos en los di�logos de la forma m�s comprimida y �ptima
-	  posible.
-2001-10-12  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Nuevo ASE_RADIO: adem�s, agregu� bastante soporte en las funciones
-	  ase_dialog_*selected y ase_dialog_*disabled para los c�digos
-	  identificadores (IDs) de los grupos.
-	* Ya est� ase_file_create() con el nuevo formato GUI, ya van
-	  tres veces que hago esta funci�n, pero creo que esta es la �ltima.
-	* Nueva ase_dialog_getindex: para obtener el elemento seleccionado
-	  de ASE_LIST.
-	* Cambios en los gr�ficos, nombres de funciones, y se sacaron
-	  varias cosas globales (estructuras ASE_DATA y ASE_TABLE y sus
-	  respectivas funciones para la creaci�n y eliminaci�n) en gui.c,
-	  que deb�an ser locales (static).
-	* Ya se aceptan en el GUI: ASE_LIST y ASE_EDIT.
-	* Nuevo ase_tool_testgui: para probar los objetos de la GUI.
-	* Ya est� ensamblado el m�dulo `newdlg' al programa: con el nombre
-	  de `gui.c'.
-2001-10-11  David A. Capello  <>
-	* El sistema es tan sencillo que pude fabricar un `ase_alert'
-	  en menos de 5 minutos.
-	* WOW!!! El sistema GUI qued� PERFECTO: la siguiente lista de
-	  funciones est�n listas:
-	  - ase_active_dialog;
-	  - ase_create_dialog;
-	  - ase_insert_dialog (falta trabajo, por ahora s�lo acepta
-	                       ASE_*TEXT, ASE_BUTTON, y ASE_CHECK);
-	  - ase_destroy_dialog;
-	  - ase_do_dialog;
-	  - ase_dialog_gettext;
-	  - ase_dialog_getselected;
-	  - ase_dialog_setselected;
-	  - ase_dialog_getdisabled;
-	  - ase_dialog_setdisabled;
-2001-10-10  David A. Capello  <>
-2001-10-09  David A. Capello  <>
-	* Trabajando en el nuevo sistema para crear cuadros de di�logos GUI:
-	  por ahora lo fabriqu� en un m�dulo aparte: `newdlg'. Adem�s, estoy
-	  haciendo un nuevo aspecto para el GUI que quedar� excelente.
-2001-10-01  David A. Capello
-	* ase_info: ya funciona bastante bien con �ndices y men�s, hice
-	  varias pruebas tanto en el InfView de SET (Salvador Eduardo Tropea)
-	  como en el que hice yo, y los resultados son muy parecidos.
-2001-09-30  David A. Capello
-	* Nueva ase_fopen: para cargar ficheros desde diferentes ubicaciones.
-	* Agregado ase_unload_info: para borrar todos los datos y nodos de
-	  una estructura ASE_INFO.
-	* Program� por aparte las funciones ase_load_info y ase_load_node:
-	  para manejar los ficheros .info, funcionan a la perfecci�n.
-	* Agregado ase_info: ya no ser� m�s ase_browser, ya que ahora tengo
-	  en mente hacer un visor de ficheros .info.
-	* Listo: ase_file_save, ase_file_destroy, y parcialmente
-	  ase_save_sprite (en esta �ltima faltar�a un soporte para
-	  animaciones y capas).
-	* Modificado ase_file_create: el cuadro de di�logo se cambi�n
-	  al nuevo formato y ya se eliminaron las capas de prueba que
-	  se agregaban.
-	* Nuevas funciones para di�logos: ase_dialog_edit* y ase_dialog_list*
-	  para controlar las entradas a estos objetos.
-	* Nuevo dialog.[ch]: entre el trabajo de ayer y hoy, ya hice
-	  la nueva forma de crear di�logos (ase_create_dialog).
-2001-09-29  David A. Capello
-	* Estuve trabajando en un nuevo modelo de GUI: atrav�s de cadenas
-	  de caracteres se pueden crear poderosos cuadros de di�logos.
-	* Undo y redo: ya funciona a la perfecci�n y con la menor cantidad de
-	  memoria posible, y por ahora, las operaciones que se pueden
-	  deshacer son (te�ricamente) infinitas ;-)
-	* Agregado ASE_UNDO: y varias funciones en `undo.c' para controlar
-	  esta complicada tarea para "deshacer" y "rehacer" cosas.
-	* Arreglado un error en ase_trace: utilizaba la funci�n uvszprintf
-	  de Allegro antes de iniciar la librer�a.
-	* Renombradas las estructuras ASE_SPRITE_* a ASE_*: junto con los
-	  nombres de las funciones.
-2001-09-27  David A. Capello
-	* Arreglado makefile.pak: ahora funciona mucho mejor que antes,
-	  ya que no utiliza m�s el `cd ..', ahora se crea un nuevo
-	  subdirectorio con el nombre de la distribuci�n y se copian
-	  los archivos necesarios, se comprime ese directorio y luego
-	  se elimina.
-2001-09-26  David A. Capello
-	* Funciones en ase.c y sprite.c: m�s y m�s funciones con el
-	  prefijo ase_* y ASE_*.
-	* TRACE y ASSERT: todav�a quedaban restos de estas funciones
-	  de Allegro.
-2001-08-31  David A. Capello
-	* Agregado main.c: la funci�n main() qued� totalmente aislada con
-	  cualquier otro archivo, y ahora, se cre� ate_main().
-2001-08-08  David A. Capello
-	* Nueva rutina para capturar la pantalla con F12: ver
-	  `ase_system_screenshot'.
-	* Se agreg�: makefile.pak para hacer paquetes.
-	* Arreglados: fix.bat y
-2001-08-05  David A. Capello
-	* Se agreg� makefile.all, makefile.uni y
-	* Nuevos, fix.bat: id�nticos a los de Allegro.
-2001-08-04  David A. Capello
-	* La introducci�n de fue temporalmente eliminada.
-	* Nuevas ASE_TRACE(ase_trace) y ASE_ASSERT(ase_assert): ya no
-	  utilizan TRACE y ASSERT.
-	* Ficheros nuevos: keyboard.c, mouse.c, timer.c;
-	* Nuevo `browser.c': por ahora no tiene mucho, pero se convertir�
-	  en un verdadero navegador de c�digo HTML.
-	* Se optimiz�:
-	  - forma de definir funciones (ASE_FUNC);
-	  - AL_CONST, TRACE y ASSERT, todas pasaron a ASE_CONST, ASE_TRACE
-	    y ASE_ASSERT;
-	  - nuevo memory.[ch] para controlar la memoria mediante ase_malloc,
-	    ase_realloc y ase_free.
-	  - nuevo palette.[ch] para controlar la paleta, tambi�n se agreg�
-	    unas funciones `hook' (de gancho) para interceptar
-	    `ase_set_palette'.
-	* config.h es ahora ase.h
-	* Se normalizaron los nombres de las funciones de los men�s
-	  (ej: loader -> ase_file_load).
-	* Nueva estructura de directorios:
-	  ase/include, ase/src, ase/misc, ase/objs, ase/docs, ase/www
-2001-08-02  David A. Capello
-	* El cursor gr�fico: se dibuja con blanco y negro dependiendo del
-	  color al que est� pisando.
-	* Se agreg�: una introducci�n, no se si ser� la definitiva.
-	* Listo: ya anda a la perfecci�n el editor y la l�nea, junto con
-	  el cursor gr�fico.
-	* Arreglado: un error con keyboard_proc y editor_proc (ahora
-	  keyboard_proc manda mensajes GOTMOUSE y LOSTMOUSE).
-	* Se optimiz�: la actualizaci�n del �rea que es modificada al usar
-	  la herramienta de dibujo (que por ahora es la l�nea).
-2001-07-27  David A. Capello
-	* Arreglado el control del cursor del editor: antes ten�a algunos
-	  peque�os errores de redibujado.
-2001-07-16  David A. Capello
-	* Arreglado editor_proc y blit_sprite: ahora ya se permite utilizar
-	  zoom; adem�s que se cambi� el formato pixel_size (pos*pixel_size)
-	  por zoom (pos<<zoom); tambi�n se eliminaron y mejoraron varios
-	  c�lculos.
-2001-07-15  David A. Capello
-	* Agregado `': ahora cambiar el n�mero de versi�n es mucho
-	  m�s sencillo y autom�tico.
-	* Arreglado ASEMSG_GETCOLOR: `left_proc' debe ser llamado
-	  directamente, ya que SEND_MESSAGE(...) cambia el valor de retorno
-	  (y por consiguiente, el `color' que retorna left_proc en respuesta
-	  al mensaje en cuesti�n).
-	* Entre hoy y ayer: agregada las barras de scroll RGB para modificar
-	  los colores de la paleta; y arregladas varias cosas en color.h y
-	  colorsel.h. (`colorsel.h' pas� directamente a `color.h')
-2001-07-09  David A. Capello
-	* Agregado colorsel.c: el seleccionador de colores ya est� listo,
-	  tiene para elegir RGB, HSV y desde la paleta de colores.
-	* Mejorada create_dialog: acomodado un poco los objetos del cuadro
-	  de di�logo para crear sprites.
-2001-07-08  David A. Capello
-	* Agregada la mini-paleta: el panel izquierdo ya tiene una
-	  mini-paleta de colores que mostrar� s�lo los colores m�s
-	  importantes que nosotros seleccionemos.
-	* Arreglado la herramienta de dibujo: antes, cuando se dibuja una
-	  l�nea que pasaba la parte inferior o derecha del editor, se
-	  restauraban zonas fuera del �rea del editor.
-2001-06-27  David A. Capello
-	* Versi�n:
-	* Soporte para JPEG: utilizando unas rutinas de Angelo Mottola de su
-	  librer�a JPGalleg, aunque no puede cargar un determinado tipo de
-	  estos ficheros, por ahora est� bien.
-	* Agregado load_sprite: por ahora solamente carga los ficheros que
-	  soporta Allegro (bmp, pcx, lbm, y tga).
-	* Optimizado editor_proc: eliminado un blit_sprite(), ahora es un
-	  poco m�s r�pido aunque todav�a le falta arreglar algunas fallas con
-	  el recorte (fallas visibles por suerte).
-	* Optimizado blit_sprite: ahora tiene recorte que minimiza el tama�o
-	  del bitmap temporario.
-2001-06-21  David A. Capello
-	* Mejorada la forma de dibujar capas: convertido sprite_drawer a
-	  blit_sprite, faltar�a hacer la posibilidad de zoom;
-2001-06-15  David A. Capello
-	* Fusionado y AUTHORS.en a AUTHORS: ya que este
-	  fichero ahora s�lo contiene nombres.
-	* Cambiada la estructura de directorio: bin/, art/ no exiten m�s,
-	  y obj/ pas� a src/obj.
-2001-06-14  David A. Capello
-	* Arreglado un error de los colores del GUI: cuando se cambia la
-	  paleta ahora siempre se utiliza set_dialog_color para actualizar
-	  los colores del di�logo.
-	* Eliminado generate_system_palette, generate_mouse_sprite y
-	  make_list_menu: ahora todo est� en la funci�n `refresher()'.
-2001-06-04  David A. Capello
-	* El editor ya dibuja l�neas: aunque est� hecho de un modo muy
-	  "precario".
-	* Agregada la funci�n para dibujar una l�nea en el sprite: por
-	  ahora parece ser que est� pero tal vez le falte un poco de
-	  trabajo (especialmente manejando el color (SPRITE_COLOR)).
-	* Mayor independencia entre SPRITE y el programa: ahora esta
-	  estructura ya no tiene `next' y `filename', sino que estos
-	  son controlados por INTERNAL_SPRITE.
-2001-06-01  David A. Capello
-	* creater(): acepta colocar la profundidad mediante un d_list_proc;
-2001-05-27  David A. Capello
-	* Agregado: END_OF_MAIN();
-2001-05-23  David A. Capello
-	* M�s comentarios y cambi� la secuencia de inicializaci�n:
-	  gr�ficos y luego todo lo otro.
-	* Cambi� `M-x' por `A-x': tampoco tiene que ser igual a Emacs :-)
-	* Agregu� el funcionamiento de los argumentos: algunas opciones
-	  entre la que se destaca la posibilidad de elegir la resoluci�n.
-	* Nuevas funciones make_list_menu() y selecter(): la primera
-	  utilizada por las macros *_SPRITE para contruir el men� de
-	  la lista de sprites (list_menu) desde cero, y la segunda
-	  como proceso de los items del mismo men� para poder seleccionar
-	  otros sprites, el portapapeles (a�n no creado) o simplemente
-	  nada (NULL).
-	  modifican la lista de sprites global del programa.
-2001-05-21  David A. Capello
-	* Listos los atajos del teclado: para creater y destroyer.
-	* Varios comentarios m�s: en la funci�n creater y destroyer.
-	* La funci�n destroyer(): ahora funciona.
-2001-05-20  David A. Capello
-	* La funci�n creater(): est� casi lista, ya se puede modificar
-	  el tama�o (width y height) del sprite a crear (con detecci�n
-	  de valores fuera de l�mites), aunque todav�a faltar�a poder
-	  elegir la profundidad, y mostrar cuanta memoria va a ocupar
-	  el sprite una vez creado.
-	* Listas las cientas de funciones [create-destroy]_sprite*,
-	  el manejo de memoria (por ahora) no tiene errores y adem�s
-	  agregu� varios ASSERTs y TRACEs por si la dudas.
-	* Agregado sprite.[ch]: las estructuras de los sprites ya va
-	  tomando forma.
-	* Ahora est�n left/right/bottom_proc: con lo que sale status_proc,
-	  todav�a falta escribirlas.
-2001-05-18  David A. Capello
-	* Agregado "status_proc": una peque�a barra que ira cambiando
-	  dependiendo del estado actual.
-2001-05-16  David A. Capello
-	* Optimizada la posici�n algunos objetos: tool_proc todav�a tengo
-	  que ir viendo.
-2001-05-14  David A. Capello
-	* El protector de pantalla: por ahora es bastante malo (borra la
-	  pantalla con diferentes colores).
-	* Listo update_menus y is_enabled_menu: ahora kerboard_proc
-	  utiliza esta �ltima para saber si puede o no llamar el proceso
-	  al presionar tal tecla.
-	* Agregado screensaver: y las funciones para undo, redo, cut, copy
-	  y paste, falta escribirlas todav�a.
-	* Los atajos ser�n como en Emacs: C-q significa que se presione
-	  la tecla Ctrl y mientras se tienen presionada se debe pulsar
-	  la tecla Q, lo mismo con M-q, solamente que en este caso se
-	  reemplaza el Ctrl con la tecla Alt.
-2001-05-13  David A. Capello
-	* Versi�n: 0.0.1
-	* Listos algunos atajos del teclado: ^Q, ^A, ^H y F5.
-	* Bueno, aunque no tiene mucha importancia, agregu� un reloj
-	  (clock_proc) al di�logo principal.
-	* Listas las funciones: shutdowner, abouter y refresher,
-	  faltar�an los atajos de teclado y est�n completas.
-	* Agregado el tipo SPRITE: aunque muy simple, solamente tiene
-	  un BITMAP.
-	* Listo el objeto para el editor: todav�a falta programarlo.
-	* Ya est� tool_proc: se encargar� de mostrar diferentes
-	  herramientas del programa (todo un solo objeto DIALOG).
-	* Listos los primeros men�s: luego le pongo los submen�s.
-	* Por ahora todo el c�digo est� en un solo fichero: ase.c.
-	* Modificada la documentaci�n que qued� de la anterior versi�n.
-	* Iniciado el proyecto: borr� el viejo c�digo, bueno, en
-	  realidad lo tengo guardado por dudas.