Added image_fixup_transparent_colors function.

Fixed image_resize.
This commit is contained in:
David Capello 2009-06-14 19:05:43 +00:00
parent b84fa3a8c6
commit 0e2fba2396
3 changed files with 152 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ protected:
int h = scale_y(image->h);
Image* new_image = image_new(image->imgtype, MAX(1, w), MAX(1, h));
image_resize(image, new_image,
@ -108,17 +109,26 @@ protected:
// resize mask
if (m_sprite->mask->bitmap) {
int w = scale_x(m_sprite->mask->bitmap->w);
int h = scale_y(m_sprite->mask->bitmap->h);
Image* old_bitmap = image_crop(m_sprite->mask->bitmap, -1, -1,
m_sprite->mask->bitmap->h+2, 0);
int w = scale_x(old_bitmap->w);
int h = scale_y(old_bitmap->h);
Mask* new_mask = mask_new();
scale_y(m_sprite->mask->y), MAX(1, w), MAX(1, h));
image_resize(m_sprite->mask->bitmap, new_mask->bitmap,
scale_y(m_sprite->mask->y-1), MAX(1, w), MAX(1, h));
image_resize(old_bitmap, new_mask->bitmap,
// reshrink
new_mask->x, new_mask->y,
new_mask->w, new_mask->h);

View File

@ -318,15 +318,106 @@ void image_ellipsefill(Image* image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
/* } */
/* } */
Allegro <-> Image
void image_to_allegro(const Image* image, BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y)
image->to_allegro(bmp, x, y);
* This routine does not modify the image to the human eye, but
* internally tries to fixup all colors that are completelly
* transparent (alpha = 0) with the average of its 4-neighbors.
void image_fixup_transparent_colors(Image* image)
int x, y, u, v;
switch (image->imgtype) {
case IMAGE_RGB: {
ase_uint32 c;
int r, g, b, count;
for (y=0; y<image->h; ++y) {
for (x=0; x<image->w; ++x) {
c = image_getpixel_fast<RgbTraits>(image, x, y);
// if this is a completelly-transparent pixel...
if (_rgba_geta(c) == 0) {
count = 0;
r = g = b = 0;
for (v=y-1; v<=y+1; ++v) {
for (u=x-1; u<=x+1; ++u) {
if ((u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && (u < image->w) && (v < image->h)) {
c = image_getpixel_fast<RgbTraits>(image, u, v);
if (_rgba_geta(c) > 0) {
r += _rgba_getr(c);
g += _rgba_getg(c);
b += _rgba_getb(c);
if (count > 0) {
r /= count;
g /= count;
b /= count;
image_putpixel_fast<RgbTraits>(image, x, y, _rgba(r, g, b, 0));
ase_uint16 c;
int k, count;
for (y=0; y<image->h; ++y) {
for (x=0; x<image->w; ++x) {
c = image_getpixel_fast<GrayscaleTraits>(image, x, y);
// if this is a completelly-transparent pixel...
if (_graya_geta(c) == 0) {
count = 0;
k = 0;
for (v=y-1; v<=y+1; ++v) {
for (u=x-1; u<=x+1; ++u) {
if ((u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && (u < image->w) && (v < image->h)) {
c = image_getpixel_fast<GrayscaleTraits>(image, u, v);
if (_graya_geta(c) > 0) {
k += _graya_getv(c);
if (count > 0) {
k /= count;
image_putpixel_fast<GrayscaleTraits>(image, x, y, _graya(k, 0));
* Resizes the source image @a src to the destination image @a dst.
* @warning If you are using the RESIZE_METHOD_BILINEAR, it is
* recommended to use @ref image_fixup_transparent_colors function
* over the source image @a src before using this routine.
void image_resize(const Image* src, Image* dst, ResizeMethod method, Palette* pal, RGB_MAP* rgb_map)
switch (method) {
@ -357,25 +448,43 @@ void image_resize(const Image* src, Image* dst, ResizeMethod method, Palette* pa
ase_uint32 color[4], dst_color;
double u, v, du, dv;
int u_floor, u_floor2;
int v_floor, v_floor2;
int x, y;
u = v = 0.0;
du = src->w * 1.0 / dst->w;
dv = src->h * 1.0 / dst->h;
du = (src->w-1) * 1.0 / (dst->w-1);
dv = (src->h-1) * 1.0 / (dst->h-1);
for (y=0; y<dst->h; ++y) {
for (x=0; x<dst->w; ++x) {
int u_floor = floor(u);
int v_floor = floor(v);
u_floor = floor(u);
v_floor = floor(v);
color[0] = src->getpixel(MID(0, u_floor, src->w-1),
MID(0, v_floor, src->h-1));
color[1] = src->getpixel(MID(0, u_floor+1, src->w-1),
MID(0, v_floor, src->h-1));
color[2] = src->getpixel(MID(0, u_floor, src->w-1),
MID(0, v_floor+1, src->h-1));
color[3] = src->getpixel(MID(0, u_floor+1, src->w-1),
MID(0, v_floor+1, src->h-1));
if (u_floor > src->w-1) {
u_floor = src->w-1;
u_floor2 = src->w-1;
else if (u_floor == src->w-1)
u_floor2 = u_floor;
u_floor2 = u_floor+1;
if (v_floor > src->h-1) {
v_floor = src->h-1;
v_floor2 = src->h-1;
else if (v_floor == src->h-1)
v_floor2 = v_floor;
v_floor2 = v_floor+1;
// get the four colors
color[0] = src->getpixel(u_floor, v_floor);
color[1] = src->getpixel(u_floor2, v_floor);
color[2] = src->getpixel(u_floor, v_floor2);
color[3] = src->getpixel(u_floor2, v_floor2);
// calculate the interpolated color
double u1 = u - u_floor;
double v1 = v - v_floor;
double u2 = 1 - u1;
@ -409,11 +518,17 @@ void image_resize(const Image* src, Image* dst, ResizeMethod method, Palette* pa
(_rgba_getg(pal->color[color[2]])*u2 + _rgba_getg(pal->color[color[3]])*u1)*v1);
int b = ((_rgba_getb(pal->color[color[0]])*u2 + _rgba_getb(pal->color[color[1]])*u1)*v2 +
(_rgba_getb(pal->color[color[2]])*u2 + _rgba_getb(pal->color[color[3]])*u1)*v1);
int a = ((_rgba_geta(pal->color[color[0]])*u2 + _rgba_geta(pal->color[color[1]])*u1)*v2 +
(_rgba_geta(pal->color[color[2]])*u2 + _rgba_geta(pal->color[color[3]])*u1)*v1);
int a = (((color[0] == 0 ? 0: 255)*u2 + (color[1] == 0 ? 0: 255)*u1)*v2 +
((color[2] == 0 ? 0: 255)*u2 + (color[3] == 0 ? 0: 255)*u1)*v1);
dst_color = a > 127 ? rgb_map->data[r>>3][g>>3][b>>3]: 0;
int g = ((255*color[0]*u2 + 255*color[1]*u1)*v2 +
(255*color[2]*u2 + 255*color[3]*u1)*v1);
dst_color = g > 127 ? 1: 0;
dst->putpixel(x, y, dst_color);

View File

@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ void image_ellipsefill(Image* image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
void image_to_allegro(const Image* image, BITMAP* bmp, int x, int y);
void image_fixup_transparent_colors(Image* image);
void image_resize(const Image* src, Image* dst, ResizeMethod method, Palette* palette, RGB_MAP* rgb_map);
int image_count_diff(const Image* i1, const Image* i2);
bool image_shrink_rect(Image *image, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2, int refpixel);