2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
# Aseprite File Format (.ase/.aseprite) Specifications
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2018-02-14 09:27:09 -03:00
> Copyright (C) 2001-2018 by David Capello
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
1. [References](#references)
2. [Introduction](#introduction)
3. [Header](#header)
4. [Frames](#frames)
5. [Chunk Types](#chunk-types)
6. [File Format Changes](#file-format-changes)
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
## References
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
ASE files use Intel (little-endian) byte order.
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
* `BYTE`: An 8-bit unsigned integer value
* `WORD`: A 16-bit unsigned integer value
* `SHORT`: A 16-bit signed integer value
* `DWORD`: A 32-bit unsigned integer value
2018-02-14 09:27:09 -03:00
* `LONG`: A 32-bit signed integer value
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
* `FIXED`: A 32-bit fixed point (16.16) value
* `BYTE[n]`: "n" bytes.
- `WORD`: string length (number of bytes)
- `BYTE[length]`: characters (in UTF-8)
The `'\0'` character is not included.
* `PIXEL`: One pixel, depending on the image pixel format:
- **RGBA**: `BYTE[4]`, each pixel have 4 bytes in this order Red, Green, Blue, Alpha.
- **Grayscale**: `BYTE[2]`, each pixel have 2 bytes in the order Value, Alpha.
- **Indexed**: `BYTE`, Each pixel uses 1 byte (the index).
## Introduction
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
The format is much like FLI/FLC files, but with different magic number
and differents chunks. Also, the color depth can be 8, 16 or 32 for
2015-02-17 10:21:36 -03:00
Indexed, Grayscale and RGB respectively, and images are compressed
images with zlib. Color palettes are in FLI color chunks (it could be
type=11 or type=4). For color depths more than 8bpp, palettes are
2016-12-06 16:34:24 -03:00
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2015-07-07 12:58:05 -03:00
To read the sprite:
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
* Read the [ASE header](#header)
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
* For each frame do (how many frames? the ASE header has that information):
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
+ Read the [frame header](#frames)
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
+ For each chunk in this frame (how many chunks? the frame header has that information)
- Read the chunk (it should be layer information, a cel or a palette)
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
## Header
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
A 128-byte header (same as FLC/FLI header, but with other magic number):
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
DWORD File size
WORD Magic number (0xA5E0)
WORD Frames
WORD Width in pixels
WORD Height in pixels
WORD Color depth (bits per pixel)
32 bpp = RGBA
16 bpp = Grayscale
8 bpp = Indexed
DWORD Flags:
1 = Layer opacity has valid value
WORD Speed (milliseconds between frame, like in FLC files)
DEPRECATED: You should use the frame duration field
from each frame header
DWORD Set be 0
DWORD Set be 0
BYTE Palette entry (index) which represent transparent color
in all non-background layers (only for Indexed sprites).
BYTE[3] Ignore these bytes
WORD Number of colors (0 means 256 for old sprites)
BYTE Pixel width (pixel ratio is "pixel width/pixel height").
If this or pixel height field is zero, pixel ratio is 1:1
BYTE Pixel height
BYTE[92] For future (set to zero)
## Frames
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
After the header come the "frames" data. Each frame has this little
header of 16 bytes:
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
DWORD Bytes in this frame
WORD Magic number (always 0xF1FA)
WORD Number of "chunks" in this frame
WORD Frame duration (in milliseconds)
BYTE[6] For future (set to zero)
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
Then each chunk format is:
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
DWORD Chunk size
WORD Chunk type
BYTE[] Chunk data
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
## Chunk Types
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Old palette chunk (0x0004)
2015-02-17 10:21:36 -03:00
2015-07-07 12:58:05 -03:00
Ignore this chunk if you find the new palette chunk (0x2019) Aseprite
v1.1 saves both chunks 0x0004 and 0x2019 just for backward
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
WORD Number of packets
+ For each packet
BYTE Number of palette entries to skip from the last packet (start from 0)
BYTE Number of colors in the packet (0 means 256)
+ For each color in the packet
BYTE Red (0-255)
BYTE Green (0-255)
BYTE Blue (0-255)
2015-02-17 10:21:36 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Old palette chunk (0x0011)
2015-02-17 10:21:36 -03:00
2015-07-07 12:58:05 -03:00
Ignore this chunk if you find the new palette chunk (0x2019)
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
WORD Number of packets
+ For each packet
BYTE Number of palette entries to skip from the last packet (start from 0)
BYTE Number of colors in the packet (0 means 256)
+ For each color in the packet
BYTE Red (0-63)
BYTE Green (0-63)
BYTE Blue (0-63)
2015-02-17 10:21:36 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Layer Chunk (0x2004)
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
In the first frame should be a set of layer chunks to determine the
entire layers layout:
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
WORD Flags:
2014-11-16 23:03:30 -03:00
1 = Visible
2 = Editable
4 = Lock movement
8 = Background
2015-01-20 09:33:56 -03:00
16 = Prefer linked cels
2016-06-09 14:31:30 -03:00
32 = The layer group should be displayed collapsed
2016-10-12 12:48:11 -03:00
64 = The layer is a reference layer
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
WORD Layer type
2016-10-04 17:26:30 -03:00
0 = Normal (image) layer
1 = Group
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
WORD Layer child level (see NOTE.1)
WORD Default layer width in pixels (ignored)
WORD Default layer height in pixels (ignored)
WORD Blend mode (always 0 for layer set)
2015-06-13 21:29:16 -03:00
Normal = 0
Multiply = 1
Screen = 2
Overlay = 3
Darken = 4
Lighten = 5
Color Dodge = 6
Color Burn = 7
Hard Light = 8
Soft Light = 9
Difference = 10
Exclusion = 11
Hue = 12
Saturation = 13
Color = 14
Luminosity = 15
2017-07-24 15:13:32 -03:00
Addition = 16
Subtract = 17
Divide = 18
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
BYTE Opacity
2015-12-11 16:23:29 -03:00
Note: valid only if file header flags field has bit 1 set
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
BYTE[3] For future (set to zero)
STRING Layer name
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Cel Chunk (0x2005)
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
This chunk determine where to put a cel in the specified
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
WORD Layer index (see NOTE.2)
SHORT X position
SHORT Y position
BYTE Opacity level
WORD Cel type
BYTE[7] For future (set to zero)
+ For cel type = 0 (Raw Cel)
WORD Width in pixels
WORD Height in pixels
PIXEL[] Raw pixel data: row by row from top to bottom,
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
for each scanline read pixels from left to right.
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
+ For cel type = 1 (Linked Cel)
WORD Frame position to link with
+ For cel type = 2 (Compressed Image)
WORD Width in pixels
WORD Height in pixels
BYTE[] "Raw Cel" data compressed with ZLIB method
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
Details about the ZLIB and DEFLATE compression methods:
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
* https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950
* https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951
* Some extra notes that might help you to decode the data:
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2016-12-07 12:14:28 -03:00
### Cel Extra Chunk (0x2006)
2016-10-12 12:48:11 -03:00
Adds extra information to the latest read cel.
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
DWORD Flags (set to zero)
1 = Precise bounds are set
FIXED Precise X position
FIXED Precise Y position
FIXED Width of the cel in the sprite (scaled in real-time)
FIXED Height of the cel in the sprite
BYTE[16] For future use (set to zero)
2016-10-12 12:48:11 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Mask Chunk (0x2016) DEPRECATED
2016-10-12 12:48:11 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
SHORT X position
SHORT Y position
WORD Width
WORD Height
BYTE[8] For future (set to zero)
STRING Mask name
BYTE[] Bit map data (size = height*((width+7)/8))
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
Each byte contains 8 pixels (the leftmost pixels are
packed into the high order bits)
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Path Chunk (0x2017)
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
Never used.
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Frame Tags Chunk (0x2018)
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
WORD Number of tags
2015-02-19 13:05:39 -03:00
BYTE[8] For future (set to zero)
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
+ For each tag
WORD From frame
WORD To frame
BYTE Loop animation direction
0 = Forward
1 = Reverse
2 = Ping-pong
BYTE[8] For future (set to zero)
BYTE[3] RGB values of the tag color
BYTE Extra byte (zero)
STRING Tag name
2015-02-17 18:05:34 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Palette Chunk (0x2019)
2015-02-17 18:05:34 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
DWORD New palette size (total number of entries)
DWORD First color index to change
DWORD Last color index to change
BYTE[8] For future (set to zero)
+ For each palette entry in [from,to] range (to-from+1 entries)
WORD Entry flags:
2015-06-30 13:34:55 -03:00
1 = Has name
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
BYTE Red (0-255)
BYTE Green (0-255)
BYTE Blue (0-255)
BYTE Alpha (0-255)
+ If has name bit in entry flags
STRING Color name
2015-06-30 13:34:55 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### User Data Chunk (0x2020)
2015-12-11 16:23:29 -03:00
Insert this user data in the last read chunk. E.g. If we've read a
layer, this user data belongs to that layer, if we've read a cel, it
belongs to that cel, etc.
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
1 = Has text
2 = Has color
+ If flags have bit 1
+ If flags have bit 2
BYTE Color Red (0-255)
BYTE Color Green (0-255)
BYTE Color Blue (0-255)
BYTE Color Alpha (0-255)
2017-04-12 08:57:02 -03:00
### Slice Chunk (0x2022)
2017-03-06 19:27:43 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
DWORD Number of "slice keys"
1 = It's a 9-patches slice
2 = Has pivot information
DWORD Reserved
+ For each slice key
DWORD Frame number (this slice is valid from
this frame to the end of the animation)
2018-02-14 09:27:09 -03:00
LONG Slice X origin coordinate in the sprite
LONG Slice Y origin coordinate in the sprite
DWORD Slice width (can be 0 if this slice hidden in the
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
animation from the given frame)
2018-02-14 09:27:09 -03:00
DWORD Slice height
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
+ If flags have bit 1
2018-02-14 09:27:09 -03:00
LONG Center X position (relative to slice bounds)
LONG Center Y position
DWORD Center width
DWORD Center height
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
+ If flags have bit 2
2018-02-14 09:27:09 -03:00
LONG Pivot X position (relative to the slice origin)
LONG Pivot Y position (relative to the slice origin)
2017-03-06 19:27:43 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
### Notes
2015-12-11 16:23:29 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
#### NOTE.1
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
The child level is used to show the relationship of this layer with
the last one read, for example:
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
Layer name and hierarchy Child Level
- Background 0
`- Layer1 1
- Foreground 0
|- My set1 1
| `- Layer2 2
`- Layer3 1
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
#### NOTE.2
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
The layer index is a number to identify any layer in the sprite, for
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2017-07-25 23:46:08 -03:00
Layer name and hierarchy Layer index
- Background 0
`- Layer1 1
- Foreground 2
|- My set1 3
| `- Layer2 4
`- Layer3 5
## File Format Changes
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
1. The first change from the first release of the new .ase format,
is the new frame duration field. This is because now each frame
can have different duration.
2012-01-05 19:45:03 -03:00
2016-12-06 16:32:06 -03:00
How to read both formats (old and new one)? You should set all
frames durations to the "speed" field read from the main ASE
header. Then, if you found a frame with the frame-duration
field > 0, you should update the duration of the frame with
that value.