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2007-09-18 23:57:02 +00:00
/* jinete - a GUI library
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David A. Capello
* Jinete is gift-ware.
#include <allegro.h>
#include "jinete.h"
void set_my_palette (void);
JTheme my_theme_new (void);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
JWidget manager, window1, window2, window3;
JWidget box2, box3, button1, button2a, button2b, button3a, button3b;
JTheme my_theme;
/* Allegro stuff */
allegro_init ();
if (set_gfx_mode (GFX_AUTODETECT, 320, 200, 0, 0) < 0) {
allegro_message ("%s\n", allegro_error);
return 1;
install_timer ();
install_keyboard ();
install_mouse ();
set_my_palette ();
/* Jinete initialization */
manager = jmanager_new ();
/* change to custom theme */
my_theme = my_theme_new ();
ji_set_theme (my_theme);
window1 = jwindow_new ("Window1");
window2 = jwindow_new ("Window2");
button1 = jbutton_new ("Button1");
button2a = jbutton_new ("Button2a");
button2b = jbutton_new ("Button2b");
/* change to default theme */
ji_set_standard_theme ();
window3 = jwindow_new ("Window3");
button3a = jbutton_new ("Button3a");
button3b = jbutton_new ("Button3b");
/* setup widgets */
jwidget_disable (button2b);
jwidget_disable (button3b);
jwidget_add_child (window1, button1);
jwidget_add_child (window2, box2);
jwidget_add_child (box2, button2a);
jwidget_add_child (box2, button2b);
jwidget_add_child (window3, box3);
jwidget_add_child (box3, button3a);
jwidget_add_child (box3, button3b);
jwindow_open (window1);
jwindow_open (window2);
jwindow_open (window3);
jmanager_run (manager);
/* back to the custom theme */
ji_set_theme (my_theme);
jalert ("Warning<<This is a test alert||&Yes||&No||&Cancel");
#if 0
/* back to the custom theme */
ji_set_theme (my_theme);
Alert alert ("Warning");
alert.add_label ("This is a test alert");
alert.add_button ("&Yes");
alert.add_button ("&No");
alert.add_button ("&Cancel");
alert.run ();
jtheme_free (my_theme);
jmanager_free (manager);
return 0;
void set_my_palette (void)
int i, c = 0;
for (i=0; i<32; i++, c++) pal[c].r = pal[c].g = pal[c].b = 63 * i / 31;
for (i=0; i<32; i++, c++) pal[c].r = 63 * i / 31, pal[c].g = pal[c].b = 0;
for (i=0; i<32; i++, c++) pal[c].r = 0, pal[c].g = 63 * i / 31, pal[c].b = 0;
for (i=0; i<32; i++, c++) pal[c].r = pal[c].g = 0, pal[c].b = 63 * i / 31;
for (i=0; i<32; i++, c++) pal[c].r = pal[c].g = 63 * i / 31, pal[c].b = 0;
for (i=0; i<32; i++, c++) {
pal[c].r = 0;
pal[c].b = 63 * i / 31;
pal[c].g = i;
for (; c<256; c++)
pal[c].r = pal[c].b = pal[c].g = 0;
set_palette (pal);
rgb_map = malloc (sizeof (RGB_MAP));
create_rgb_table (rgb_map, pal, NULL);
/* Theme */
static void theme_regen (void);
static void theme_set_cursor (int type);
static void theme_init_widget (JWidget widget);
static JRegion theme_get_window_mask (JWidget widget);
static void theme_draw_box (JWidget widget);
static void theme_draw_button (JWidget widget);
static void theme_draw_label (JWidget widget);
static void theme_draw_window (JWidget widget);
JTheme my_theme_new (void)
JTheme theme;
theme = jtheme_new ();
if (!theme)
return NULL;
theme->name = "My Theme";
theme->check_icon_size = 8;
theme->radio_icon_size = 8;
theme->regen = theme_regen;
theme->set_cursor = theme_set_cursor;
theme->init_widget = theme_init_widget;
theme->get_window_mask = theme_get_window_mask;
jtheme_set_method (theme, JI_BOX, theme_draw_box);
jtheme_set_method (theme, JI_BUTTON, theme_draw_button);
jtheme_set_method (theme, JI_LABEL, theme_draw_label);
jtheme_set_method (theme, JI_WINDOW, theme_draw_window);
return theme;
static void theme_regen (void)
ji_get_theme ()->desktop_color = makecol (64, 100, 128);
static void theme_set_cursor (int type)
set_mouse_sprite (NULL); /* use default Allegro cursor */
static void theme_init_widget (JWidget widget)
#define BORDER(n) \
widget->border_width.l = n; \
widget->border_width.t = n; \
widget->border_width.r = n; \
widget->border_width.b = n;
#define BORDER4(L,T,R,B) \
widget->border_width.l = L; \
widget->border_width.t = T; \
widget->border_width.r = R; \
widget->border_width.b = B;
switch (widget->draw_type) {
case JI_BOX:
widget->child_spacing = 8;
widget->child_spacing = 0;
BORDER4 (8, 12+jwidget_get_text_height (widget)+12, 8, 8);
widget->child_spacing = 1;
static JRegion theme_get_window_mask (JWidget widget)
JRegion reg1 = jregion_new (NULL, 0);
JRegion reg2 = jregion_new (NULL, 0);
int table[6] = { 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1 };
JRect rect = jrect_new (0, 0, 0, 0);
JRect pos = jwidget_get_rect (widget);
bool overlap;
int c;
for (c=0; c<6; c++) {
jrect_replace (rect,
pos->x1+table[c], pos->y1+c,
pos->x2-table[c], pos->y1+c+1);
jregion_reset (reg2, rect);
jregion_append (reg1, reg2);
jrect_replace (rect,
pos->x1+table[c], pos->y2-c-1,
pos->x2-table[c], pos->y2-c);
jregion_reset (reg2, rect);
jregion_append (reg1, reg2);
jrect_replace (rect, pos->x1, pos->y1+c, pos->x2, pos->y2-c);
jregion_reset (reg2, rect);
jregion_append (reg1, reg2);
jrect_free (pos);
jrect_free (rect);
jregion_free (reg2);
jregion_validate (reg1, &overlap);
return reg1;
static void theme_draw_box (JWidget widget)
JWidget window = jwidget_get_window (widget);
if (window) {
JRect pos = jwidget_get_child_rect (window);
jdraw_rectshade (pos, makecol (128, 128, 128), makecol (196, 196, 196),
jrect_free (pos);
static void theme_draw_button (JWidget widget)
JRect pos = jwidget_get_rect (widget);
int c1, c2, fg, bg;
if (jwidget_is_disabled (widget)) {
if (jwidget_is_selected (widget)) {
bg = makecol (64, 64, 64);
fg = makecol (128, 128, 128);
c1 = makecol (0, 0, 0);
c2 = makecol (255, 255, 255);
else {
bg = makecol (128, 128, 128);
fg = makecol (64, 64, 64);
c1 = makecol (255, 255, 255);
c2 = makecol (0, 0, 0);
else {
if (jwidget_is_selected (widget)) {
bg = makecol (255, 255, 255);
fg = makecol (128, 128, 128);
c1 = makecol (0, 0, 0);
c2 = makecol (255, 255, 255);
else {
bg = makecol (128, 128, 128);
fg = makecol (255, 255, 255);
c1 = makecol (255, 255, 255);
c2 = makecol (0, 0, 0);
jdraw_rectedge (pos, c1, c2);
jrect_shrink (pos, 1);
jdraw_rectedge (pos, makecol (128, 128, 128), makecol (64, 64, 64));
jrect_shrink (pos, 1);
jdraw_rectshade (pos, fg, bg, JI_VERTICAL);
if (jwidget_get_text (widget)) {
struct jrect text;
int s = jwidget_is_selected (widget) ? 1: 0;
jwidget_get_texticon_info (widget, NULL, &text, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
jdraw_text (widget->text_font, widget->text,
text.x1+s+1, text.y1+s+1, makecol (0, 0, 0), bg, FALSE);
jdraw_text (widget->text_font, widget->text,
text.x1+s, text.y1+s, fg, bg, FALSE);
jrect_free (pos);
static void theme_draw_label (JWidget widget)
/* draw background as Box */
theme_draw_box (widget);
jdraw_widget_text (widget, makecol (0, 0, 0), makecol (196, 196, 196), FALSE);
static void theme_draw_window (JWidget widget)
JRect pos;
pos = jwidget_get_rect (widget);
jdraw_rectfill (pos, makecol (196, 196, 0));
jrect_shrink (pos, 8);
/* title bar */
pos->y2 = pos->y1+4+jwidget_get_text_height (widget)+4;
jdraw_rectshade (pos, makecol (0, 0, 0), makecol (128, 128, 128), JI_VERTICAL);
pos->x1 += 1;
jdraw_text (widget->text_font, widget->text, pos->x1, pos->y1+4,
makecol (255, 255, 255), makecol (196, 196, 0), FALSE);
jrect_free (pos);