mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 10:43:40 +00:00
Integrates the modding functionality in N64ModernRuntime and adds several exported functions for mods to use. Also adds a ROM decompressor so that the runtime has access to the uncompressed code in the ROM for hooking purposes.
2174 lines
86 KiB
2174 lines
86 KiB
#include "patches.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "z64quake.h"
#include "play_patches.h"
#include "camera_patches.h"
#include "overlays/kaleido_scope/ovl_kaleido_scope/z_kaleido_scope.h"
#include "overlays/actors/ovl_Boss_04/z_boss_04.h"
#include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Clear_Tag/z_en_clear_tag.h"
#include "z64shrink_window.h"
#include "z64player.h"
static bool camera_fixes = false;
static bool prev_analog_cam_active = false;
static bool can_use_analog_cam = false;
static bool analog_cam_active = false;
static bool analog_cam_skip_once = false;
VecGeo analog_camera_pos = { .r = 66.0f, .pitch = 0, .yaw = 0 };
float analog_camera_yaw_vel = 0.0f;
float analog_camera_pitch_vel = 0.0f;
float analog_deadzone = 0.2f;
float analog_camera_x_sensitivity = 1500.0f;
float analog_camera_y_sensitivity = 500.0f;
// float analog_camera_acceleration = 500.0f;
static const float analog_cam_threshold = 0.1f;
RECOMP_EXPORT void recomp_set_camera_fixes(bool new_val) {
camera_fixes = new_val;
void update_analog_camera_params(Camera* camera) {
// recomp_printf("Camera at: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n"
// " eye: %.2f %.2f %.2f\n"
// " yaw: %d",
// camera->at.x, camera->at.y, camera->at.z,
// camera->eye.x, camera->eye.y, camera->eye.z,
// analog_camera_pos.yaw);
// Check if the analog camera was usable in this frame.
if (!can_use_analog_cam) {
// It wasn't, so mark the analog cam as being off for this frame.
analog_cam_active = false;
prev_analog_cam_active = analog_cam_active;
if (!analog_cam_active) {
// recomp_printf("Analog cam not active\n");
analog_camera_pos.yaw = Math_Atan2S(camera->eye.x - camera->at.x, camera->eye.z - camera->at.z);
analog_camera_pos.pitch = Math_Vec3f_Pitch(&camera->eye, &camera->at);
void update_analog_cam(Camera* c) {
can_use_analog_cam = true;
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(c->play);
// recomp_printf(" val: %d\n", func_80123434(player));
// Check if the player just started Z targeting and reset to auto cam if so.
static bool prev_targeting_held = false;
bool targeting_held = func_80123434(player) || player->lockOnActor != NULL;
if (targeting_held && !prev_targeting_held) {
analog_cam_active = false;
// Enable analog cam if the right stick is held.
float input_x, input_y;
recomp_get_camera_inputs(&input_x, &input_y);
if (fabsf(input_x) >= analog_cam_threshold || fabsf(input_y) >= analog_cam_threshold) {
analog_cam_active = true;
if (analog_cam_skip_once) {
analog_cam_active = false;
analog_cam_skip_once = false;
// Record the Z targeting state.
prev_targeting_held = targeting_held;
if (analog_cam_active) {
s32 inverted_x, inverted_y;
recomp_get_analog_inverted_axes(&inverted_x, &inverted_y);
if (inverted_x) {
input_x = -input_x;
if (inverted_y) {
input_y = -input_y;
analog_camera_yaw_vel = -input_x * analog_camera_x_sensitivity;
analog_camera_pitch_vel = input_y * analog_camera_y_sensitivity;
analog_camera_pos.pitch += analog_camera_pitch_vel;
analog_camera_pos.yaw += analog_camera_yaw_vel;
if (analog_camera_pos.pitch > 0x36B0) {
analog_camera_pos.pitch = 0x36B0;
if (analog_camera_pos.pitch < -0x16D0) {
analog_camera_pos.pitch = -0x16D0;
// recomp_printf("analog cam pitch: %05X\n", analog_camera_pos.pitch);
extern s32 sUpdateCameraDirection;
extern s32 sCameraInterfaceFlags;
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ s16 val;
/* 0x2 */ s16 param;
} CameraModeValue; // size = 0x4
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ s16 funcId;
/* 0x2 */ s16 numValues;
/* 0x4 */ CameraModeValue* values;
} CameraMode; // size = 0x8
typedef struct {
/* 0x0 */ u32 validModes;
/* 0x4 */ u32 flags;
/* 0x8 */ CameraMode* cameraModes;
} CameraSetting;
extern CameraSetting sCameraSettings[];
s32 Camera_GetFocalActorPos(Vec3f* dst, Camera* camera);
f32 Camera_GetFocalActorHeight(Camera* camera);
f32 Camera_Vec3fMagnitude(Vec3f* vec);
f32 Camera_GetFloorY(Camera* camera, Vec3f* pos);
f32 Camera_GetFloorYNorm(Camera* camera, Vec3f* floorNorm, Vec3f* chkPos, s32* bgId);
s16 Camera_ScaledStepToFloorS(s16 target, s16 cur, f32 stepScale, s16 minDiff);
s32 func_800CBC84(Camera* camera, Vec3f* from, CameraCollision* to, s32 arg3);
void func_800CBFA4(Camera* camera, Vec3f* arg1, Vec3f* arg2, s32 arg3);
s32 Camera_CalcAtForParallel(Camera* camera, VecGeo* arg1, f32 yOffset, f32 xzOffsetMax, f32* focalActorPosY,
s16 flags);
Vec3s* Camera_GetBgCamOrActorCsCamFuncData(Camera* camera, u32 camDataId);
s32 Camera_IsClimbingLedge(Camera* camera);
void Camera_ScaledStepToCeilVec3f(Vec3f* target, Vec3f* cur, f32 xzStepScale, f32 yStepScale, f32 minDiff);
void Camera_SetFocalActorAtOffset(Camera* camera, Vec3f* focalActorPos);
s32 Camera_CalcAtForHorse(Camera* camera, VecGeo* eyeAtDir, f32 yOffset, f32* yPosOffset, s16 calcSlope);
f32 Camera_fabsf(f32 f);
f32 Camera_GetRunSpeedLimit(Camera* camera);
#define CAM_CHANGE_SETTING_0 (1 << 0)
#define CAM_CHANGE_SETTING_1 (1 << 1)
#define CAM_CHANGE_SETTING_2 (1 << 2)
#define CAM_CHANGE_SETTING_3 (1 << 3)
#if 0
static s32 sIsFalse = false;
extern s32 sCameraInitSceneTimer;
extern s16 sCameraNextUID;
extern s32 sCameraHudVisibility;
extern s32 sCameraLetterboxSize;
extern s32 sCameraNegOne1;
#define CAM_DATA_IS_BG (1 << 12) // if not set, then cam data is for actor cutscenes
typedef s32 (*CameraUpdateFunc)(Camera*);
extern CameraUpdateFunc sCameraUpdateHandlers[];
Vec3f Camera_CalcUpVec(s16 pitch, s16 yaw, s16 roll);
f32 Camera_fabsf(f32 f);
s32 Camera_GetBgCamIndex(Camera* camera, s32* bgId, CollisionPoly* poly);
f32 Camera_GetRunSpeedLimit(Camera* camera);
s32 Camera_IsDekuHovering(Camera* camera);
s32 Camera_IsMountedOnHorse(Camera* camera);
s32 Camera_IsUnderwaterAsZora(Camera* camera);
s32 Camera_IsUsingZoraFins(Camera* camera);
void Camera_UpdateInterface(s32 interfaceFlags);
s32 func_800CB7CC(Camera* camera);
s32 func_800CB854(Camera* camera);
RECOMP_PATCH Vec3s Camera_Update(Camera* camera) {
Vec3f viewAt;
Vec3f viewEye;
Vec3f viewUp;
Vec3f focalActorPos;
s32 bgId;
s32 sp98;
s32 changeCamSceneDataType;
CollisionPoly* sp90;
CollisionPoly* sp8C;
f32 runSpeedLimit;
f32 speed;
f32 viewFov;
DynaPolyActor* meshActor;
PosRot focalActorPosRot;
ShakeInfo camShake;
Actor* focalActor = camera->focalActor;
VecGeo sp3C;
s16 bgCamIndex;
s16 numQuakesApplied;
f32 focalActorFloorHeight;
// Camera of status CUT only updates to this point
if (camera->status == CAM_STATUS_CUT) {
return camera->inputDir;
sUpdateCameraDirection = false;
sIsFalse = false;
if (camera->play->view.unk164 == 0) {
if (camera->focalActor != NULL) {
// Updates camera info on the actor it's tracking
if (camera->focalActor == &GET_PLAYER(camera->play)->actor) {
focalActorPosRot = Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(camera->focalActor);
} else {
focalActorPosRot = Actor_GetWorld(camera->focalActor);
camera->unk_0F0.x = focalActorPosRot.pos.x - camera->focalActorPosRot.pos.x;
camera->unk_0F0.y = focalActorPosRot.pos.y - camera->focalActorPosRot.pos.y;
camera->unk_0F0.z = focalActorPosRot.pos.z - camera->focalActorPosRot.pos.z;
// bg related to tracked actor
sp98 = 0;
if (Camera_IsMountedOnHorse(camera)) {
if (((Player*)focalActor)->rideActor->floorPoly != NULL) {
sp90 = ((Player*)focalActor)->rideActor->floorPoly;
camera->bgId = ((Player*)focalActor)->rideActor->floorBgId;
camera->focalActorFloorHeight = ((Player*)focalActor)->rideActor->floorHeight;
sp98 = 3;
} else if (func_800CB7CC(camera)) {
if (camera->focalActor->floorPoly != NULL) {
sp90 = camera->focalActor->floorPoly;
camera->bgId = camera->focalActor->floorBgId;
camera->focalActorFloorHeight = camera->focalActor->floorHeight;
sp98 = 1;
} else {
focalActorPos = focalActorPosRot.pos;
focalActorPos.y += Camera_GetFocalActorHeight(camera);
focalActorFloorHeight = BgCheck_EntityRaycastFloor5_3(camera->play, &camera->play->colCtx, &sp90, &bgId,
camera->focalActor, &focalActorPos);
if (focalActorFloorHeight != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
camera->bgId = bgId;
camera->focalActorFloorHeight = focalActorFloorHeight;
sp98 = 2;
if ((sp98 != 0) && (Camera_fabsf(camera->focalActorPosRot.pos.y - camera->focalActorFloorHeight) < 11.0f)) {
meshActor = DynaPoly_GetActor(&camera->play->colCtx, camera->bgId);
if (meshActor != NULL) {
camera->floorNorm.x = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(sp90->normal.x);
camera->floorNorm.y = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(sp90->normal.y);
camera->floorNorm.z = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(sp90->normal.z);
camera->unk_0F0.x -= meshActor->actor.world.pos.x - camera->meshActorPos.x;
camera->unk_0F0.y -= meshActor->actor.world.pos.y - camera->meshActorPos.y;
camera->unk_0F0.z -= meshActor->actor.world.pos.z - camera->meshActorPos.z;
camera->meshActorPos = meshActor->actor.world.pos;
// Set camera speed
runSpeedLimit = Camera_GetRunSpeedLimit(camera) * 1.5f;
speed = Camera_Vec3fMagnitude(&camera->unk_0F0);
camera->xzSpeed = OLib_ClampMaxDist(speed, runSpeedLimit);
camera->speedRatio = OLib_ClampMaxDist(speed / runSpeedLimit, 1.8f);
camera->focalActorPosRot = focalActorPosRot;
if (camera->camId == CAM_ID_MAIN) {
* This section is about updating the camera setting based on the camera scene data
// If doorTimer1 is active, set CAM_STATE_10 which suppresses bg camera scene data from being read
if (camera->doorTimer1 != 0) {
Camera_SetStateFlag(camera, CAM_STATE_10);
} else if (!(camera->stateFlags & CAM_STATE_2)) {
camera->nextCamSceneDataId = -1;
changeCamSceneDataType = 0; // default to no change in the cam scene data
bgId = camera->bgId;
// Sets the next cam scene data Index based on the bg surface
if ((camera->stateFlags & CAM_STATE_0) && (camera->stateFlags & CAM_STATE_2) &&
!(camera->stateFlags & CAM_STATE_10) &&
(!(camera->stateFlags & CAM_STATE_9) || Camera_IsUnderwaterAsZora(camera)) &&
!(camera->stateFlags & CAM_STATE_15) && !Camera_IsMountedOnHorse(camera) &&
!Camera_RequestGiantsMaskSetting(camera) && !Camera_IsDekuHovering(camera) && (sp98 != 0)) {
bgCamIndex = Camera_GetBgCamIndex(camera, &bgId, sp90);
if ((bgCamIndex != -1) && (camera->bgId == BGCHECK_SCENE)) {
if (Camera_IsUsingZoraFins(camera) == 0) {
camera->nextCamSceneDataId = bgCamIndex | CAM_DATA_IS_BG;
focalActorPos = focalActorPosRot.pos;
focalActorPos.y += Camera_GetFocalActorHeight(camera);
focalActorFloorHeight =
BgCheck_CameraRaycastFloor2(&camera->play->colCtx, &sp8C, &bgId, &focalActorPos);
if ((focalActorFloorHeight != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) && (sp8C != sp90) && (bgId == BGCHECK_SCENE) &&
((camera->focalActorFloorHeight - 2.0f) < focalActorFloorHeight)) {
bgCamIndex = Camera_GetBgCamIndex(camera, &bgId, sp8C);
if ((bgCamIndex != -1) && (bgId == BGCHECK_SCENE)) {
camera->nextCamSceneDataId = bgCamIndex | CAM_DATA_IS_BG;
changeCamSceneDataType = 1; // change cam scene data based on the bg cam data
if (camera->doorTimer1 != 0) {
if (camera->doorTimer1 == 0) {
Camera_UnsetStateFlag(camera, CAM_STATE_10);
changeCamSceneDataType = 5; // change cam scene data based on the cutscene cam data
if (((camera->camId == CAM_ID_MAIN) || (camera->stateFlags & CAM_STATE_6)) &&
((camera->bgId == BGCHECK_SCENE) || ((bgId == BGCHECK_SCENE) && (changeCamSceneDataType != 0))) &&
(camera->nextCamSceneDataId != -1) && (camera->doorTimer1 == 0) &&
((Camera_fabsf(camera->focalActorPosRot.pos.y - camera->focalActorFloorHeight) < 11.0f) ||
(changeCamSceneDataType != 0)) &&
(!(camera->stateFlags & CAM_STATE_9) || Camera_IsUnderwaterAsZora(camera))) {
Camera_ChangeActorCsCamIndex(camera, camera->nextCamSceneDataId);
camera->nextCamSceneDataId = -1;
if (camera->doorTimer2 != 0) {
camera->doorTimer1 = camera->doorTimer2;
camera->doorTimer2 = 0;
// Camera of status WAIT only updates to this point
if (camera->status == CAM_STATUS_WAIT) {
return camera->inputDir;
camera->behaviorFlags = 0;
Camera_UnsetStateFlag(camera, CAM_STATE_10 | CAM_STATE_DISABLE_MODE_CHANGE);
Camera_SetStateFlag(camera, CAM_STATE_4);
// Call the camera update function
// Update the interface
if (sCameraInitSceneTimer != 0) {
if (camera->status == CAM_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
if (((sCameraInitSceneTimer != 0) || func_800CB854(camera)) && (camera->camId == CAM_ID_MAIN)) {
// Surpresses the interface for the first few frames of a scene
} else if ((camera->play->transitionMode != TRANS_MODE_OFF) && (camera->camId != CAM_ID_MAIN)) {
} else {
// Camera of status UNK3 only updates to this point
if (camera->status == CAM_STATUS_UNK3) {
return camera->inputDir;
* This section is about updating view structs from the active camera,
* which view uses to calculate the viewing/projection matrices
numQuakesApplied = Quake_Update(camera, &camShake);
bgId = numQuakesApplied; // required to match
if (numQuakesApplied != 0) {
viewAt.x = camera->at.x + camShake.atOffset.x;
viewAt.y = camera->at.y + camShake.atOffset.y;
viewAt.z = camera->at.z + camShake.atOffset.z;
viewEye.x = camera->eye.x + camShake.eyeOffset.x;
viewEye.y = camera->eye.y + camShake.eyeOffset.y;
viewEye.z = camera->eye.z + camShake.eyeOffset.z;
sp3C = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(&viewEye, &viewAt);
viewUp = Camera_CalcUpVec(sp3C.pitch, sp3C.yaw, camera->roll + camShake.upRollOffset);
viewFov = camera->fov + CAM_BINANG_TO_DEG(camShake.fovOffset);
} else if (sIsFalse) {
//! condition is impossible to achieve
viewAt = camera->at;
viewEye = camera->eye;
sp3C = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(&viewEye, &viewAt);
viewUp = camera->up;
viewFov = camera->fov;
} else {
viewAt = camera->at;
viewEye = camera->eye;
sp3C = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(&viewEye, &viewAt);
viewUp = Camera_CalcUpVec(sp3C.pitch, sp3C.yaw, camera->roll);
viewFov = camera->fov;
// set view up
if (camera->viewFlags & CAM_VIEW_UP) {
camera->viewFlags &= ~CAM_VIEW_UP;
viewUp = camera->up;
} else {
camera->up = viewUp;
camera->quakeOffset = camShake.eyeOffset;
View_SetScale(&camera->play->view, (OREG(67) * 0.01f) + 1.0f);
camera->play->view.fovy = viewFov;
View_LookAt(&camera->play->view, &viewEye, &viewAt, &viewUp);
camera->camDir.x = sp3C.pitch;
camera->camDir.y = sp3C.yaw;
camera->camDir.z = 0;
if (!sUpdateCameraDirection) {
camera->inputDir.x = sp3C.pitch;
camera->inputDir.y = sp3C.yaw;
camera->inputDir.z = 0;
return camera->inputDir;
extern SwingAnimation D_801EDC30[4];
s32 Camera_CalcAtDefault(Camera* camera, VecGeo* eyeAtDir, f32 yOffset, s16 calcSlope);
s32 Camera_CalcAtForNormal1(Camera* camera, VecGeo* arg1, f32 yOffset, f32 forwardDist);
s32 Camera_CalcAtForScreen(Camera* camera, VecGeo* eyeAtDir, f32 yOffset, f32* focalActorPosY, f32 deltaYMax);
s16 Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(Camera* camera, s16 pitch, s16 flatSurfacePitchTarget, s16 slopePitchAdj);
void Camera_CalcDefaultSwing(Camera* camera, VecGeo* arg1, VecGeo* arg2, f32 arg3, f32 arg4, SwingAnimation* swing2,
s16* flags);
s16 Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(Camera* camera, s16 yaw, s16 target, f32 attenuationYawDiffRange,
f32 attenuationYawDiffInterpParam);
f32 Camera_ClampDist1(Camera* camera, f32 dist, f32 minDist, f32 maxDist, s16 timer);
f32 Camera_ClampDist2(Camera* camera, f32 dist, f32 minDist, f32 maxDist, s16 timer);
f32 Camera_ClampLerpScale(Camera* camera, f32 maxLerpScale);
s16 Camera_GetPitchAdjFromFloorHeightDiffs(Camera* camera, s16 viewYaw, s16 shouldInit);
f32 Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(f32 target, f32 cur, f32 stepScale, f32 minDiff);
s16 Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(s16 target, s16 cur, f32 stepScale, s16 minDiff);
void Camera_SetUpdateRatesFastYaw(Camera* camera);
s32 func_800CB924(Camera* camera);
s32 func_800CB950(Camera* camera);
s32 func_800CBA7C(Camera* camera);
#define GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) ((values++)->val)
#define RELOAD_PARAMS(camera) ((camera->animState == 0) || (camera->animState == 10) || (camera->animState == 20))
// @recomp Patched for analog cam.
RECOMP_PATCH s32 Camera_Normal1(Camera* camera) {
Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye;
Vec3f* at = &camera->at;
Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext;
Vec3f spD8;
f32 spD4;
f32 spD0;
Vec3f* temp;
f32 spC8;
f32 spC4;
f32 spC0;
f32 phi_f0_4;
VecGeo spB4;
VecGeo spAC;
VecGeo spA4;
VecGeo sp9C;
PosRot* sp40 = &camera->focalActorPosRot;
Normal1ReadOnlyData* roData = &camera->paramData.norm1.roData;
Normal1ReadWriteData* rwData = &camera->paramData.norm1.rwData;
s16 phi_v1_2;
s16 temp_a0_3;
f32 sp88 = Camera_GetFocalActorHeight(camera);
CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values;
f32 phi_f2;
f32 rand;
roData->unk_00 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * (sp88 * 0.01f * (0.8f - ((68.0f / sp88) * -0.2f)));
roData->unk_04 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * (sp88 * 0.01f * (0.8f - ((68.0f / sp88) * -0.2f)));
roData->unk_08 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * (sp88 * 0.01f * (0.8f - ((68.0f / sp88) * -0.2f)));
roData->unk_04 = roData->unk_08 - (roData->unk_08 - roData->unk_04);
if (RELOAD_PARAMS(camera)) {
roData->unk_20 = CAM_DEG_TO_BINANG(GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values));
roData->unk_0C = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_0C = 40.0f - (40.0f - roData->unk_0C);
roData->unk_10 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_14 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * 0.01f;
roData->unk_14 = 1.0f - (1.0f - roData->unk_14);
roData->unk_18 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_1C = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * 0.01f;
roData->interfaceFlags = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
sCameraInterfaceFlags = roData->interfaceFlags;
spA4 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eye);
sp9C = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eyeNext);
switch (camera->animState) {
case 20:
// fallthrough
case 0:
rwData->unk_0C = 1;
if (!(roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) && (camera->animState != 20)) {
rwData->unk_0C |= 0x1000;
// fallthrough
case 10:
if (camera->animState == 10) {
rwData->unk_0C = 0;
rwData->unk_08 = 0;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].yaw = D_801EDC30[camera->camId].pitch = D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 = 0;
rwData->unk_0A = 0x514;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate = roData->unk_0C;
rwData->unk_00 = sp40->pos.y;
rwData->unk_04 = camera->xzSpeed;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer = 0;
sUpdateCameraDirection = false;
rwData->unk_10 = 120.0f;
camera->animState = 1;
sUpdateCameraDirection = true;
if ((camera->speedRatio < 0.01f) || (rwData->unk_0A > 0x4B0)) {
if (rwData->unk_0A > -0x4B0) {
} else {
rwData->unk_0A = 0x4B0;
if (func_800CB950(camera)) {
rwData->unk_00 = sp40->pos.y;
if (rwData->unk_0C & 0x1000) {
spC8 = camera->speedRatio;
} else {
spC8 = ((camera->speedRatio * 3.0f) + 1.0f) * 0.25f;
spD8 = camera->focalActorAtOffset;
spD8.y -= sp88 + roData->unk_00;
spC4 = Camera_Vec3fMagnitude(&spD8);
if ((roData->unk_04 + roData->unk_08) < spC4) {
spC4 = 1.0f;
} else {
spC4 = spC4 / (roData->unk_04 + roData->unk_08);
spD0 = 0.2f;
phi_f0_4 = (camera->xzSpeed - rwData->unk_04) * (0.2f * 1.0f);
if (phi_f0_4 < 0.0f) {
phi_f0_4 = 0.0f;
spC0 = OLib_ClampMaxDist(SQ(phi_f0_4), 1.0f);
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, (0.5f * spC8) + (0.5f * spC4), 0.0001f);
camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, (0.5f * spC8) + (0.5f * spC4), 0.0001f);
camera->fovUpdateRate =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->fovUpdateRate, (0.5f * spC8) + (0.5f * spC4), 0.0001f);
if (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 == 1) {
phi_f2 = 0.5f;
} else {
phi_f2 = (0.5f * spC8) + (0.5f * spC4);
rwData->unk_04 = camera->xzSpeed;
if (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer != 0) {
camera->yawUpdateRateInv =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate + (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer * 2),
camera->yawUpdateRateInv, phi_f2, 0.1f);
if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(100.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.5f, 0.1f);
} else {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF((D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer * 2) + 16.0f,
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.2f, 0.1f);
} else {
camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate - (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate * 0.7f * spC0),
camera->yawUpdateRateInv, phi_f2, 0.1f);
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) && (camera->speedRatio > 0.01f)) {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(100.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.5f, 0.1f);
} else if (D_801ED920 != NULL) {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(32.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.5f, 0.1f);
} else {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(16.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.2f, 0.1f);
if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_0) {
//! FAKE:
if (spC8) {}
temp_a0_3 = Camera_GetPitchAdjFromFloorHeightDiffs(camera, spA4.yaw + 0x8000, rwData->unk_0C & 1);
phi_f2 = (1.0f / roData->unk_10) * 0.7f;
spD0 = (1.0f / roData->unk_10) * 0.3f * (1.0f - camera->speedRatio);
rwData->unk_08 = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(temp_a0_3, rwData->unk_08, phi_f2 + spD0, 5);
} else {
rwData->unk_08 = 0;
if ((D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 == 1) && (roData->unk_00 > -40.0f)) {
spD0 = Math_SinS(D_801EDC30[camera->camId].pitch);
phi_f2 = (-40.0f * spD0) + roData->unk_00 * (1.0f - spD0);
camera->yawUpdateRateInv = 80.0f;
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = 80.0f;
} else {
phi_f2 = roData->unk_00;
if (roData->interfaceFlags & (NORMAL1_FLAG_6 | NORMAL1_FLAG_5)) {
if (camera->dist < roData->unk_04) {
spD0 = 0.0f;
} else if (roData->unk_08 < camera->dist) {
spD0 = 1.0f;
} else if (roData->unk_08 == roData->unk_04) {
spD0 = 1.0f;
} else {
spD0 = (camera->dist - roData->unk_04) / (roData->unk_08 - roData->unk_04);
Camera_CalcAtForNormal1(camera, &sp9C, phi_f2, 25.0f * spD0 * camera->speedRatio);
rwData->unk_10 = 120.0f;
} else if ((roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_7) && (rwData->unk_0A < 0)) {
phi_f0_4 = rwData->unk_0A / -1200.0f;
camera, &sp9C, phi_f2 - ((phi_f2 - ((0.8f - ((68.0f / sp88) * -0.2f)) * sp88 * -0.45f)) * phi_f0_4 * 0.75f),
10.0f * phi_f0_4);
rwData->unk_10 = 120.0f;
} else if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) {
Camera_CalcAtForScreen(camera, &sp9C, roData->unk_00, &rwData->unk_00, rwData->unk_10);
if (rwData->unk_10 > 20.0f) {
rwData->unk_10 -= 0.2f;
} else {
Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &sp9C, phi_f2, roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_0);
rwData->unk_10 = 120.0f;
spB4 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eyeNext);
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_7) && (rwData->unk_0A < 0)) {
if (camera->focalActor == &GET_PLAYER(camera->play)->actor) {
switch (((Player*)camera->focalActor)->transformation) {
spD0 = 66.0f;
spD0 = 66.0f;
spD0 = 115.0f;
spD0 = 115.0f;
spD0 = roData->unk_04;
spD0 = roData->unk_04;
phi_f0_4 = Camera_ClampDist2(camera, spB4.r, spD0, spD0, 0);
} else if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_7) {
phi_f0_4 = Camera_ClampDist2(camera, spB4.r, roData->unk_04, roData->unk_08, 1);
} else {
phi_f0_4 = Camera_ClampDist1(camera, spB4.r, roData->unk_04, roData->unk_08, rwData->unk_0A > 0);
camera->dist = spB4.r = phi_f0_4;
if (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 != 0) {
spB4.pitch =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(D_801EDC30[camera->camId].pitch, sp9C.pitch, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 5);
spB4.yaw =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(D_801EDC30[camera->camId].yaw, sp9C.yaw, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 5);
} else if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_5) {
spB4.yaw = sp9C.yaw;
spB4.pitch = sp9C.pitch;
camera->animState = 20;
} else if (D_801ED920 != NULL) {
VecGeo sp74;
s16 sp72;
f32 sp6C;
//! FAKE:
if (1) {}
temp = &D_801ED920->world.pos;
sp74 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(&sp40->pos, temp);
sp72 = sp40->rot.y - sp74.yaw;
// Interface and shrink-window flags
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & 0xFF00) == 0xFF00) {
sp6C = 1.0f;
} else {
sp6C = 1.0f - (ABS(sp72) / 10922.0f);
if (ABS((s16)(sp9C.yaw - sp74.yaw)) < 0x4000) {
sp74.yaw += 0x8000;
if (!(roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) || !func_800CB924(camera)) {
spB4.yaw =
Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(camera, sp9C.yaw, (s16)(sp40->rot.y - (s16)(sp72 * sp6C)), roData->unk_14, spC0);
if (!(roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) || (camera->speedRatio < 0.01f)) {
spB4.pitch = Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(camera, sp9C.pitch,
roData->unk_20 + (s16)((roData->unk_20 - sp74.pitch) * sp6C * 0.75f),
} else if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_1) {
VecGeo sp64;
if ((camera->speedRatio > 0.1f) || (rwData->unk_0A > 0x4B0)) {
sp64 = OLib_Vec3fToVecGeo(&camera->unk_0F0);
if (!(roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) || !func_800CB924(camera)) {
spB4.yaw = Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(camera, sp9C.yaw, sp64.yaw, roData->unk_14, spC0);
if (!(roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3)) {
spB4.pitch = Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(camera, sp9C.pitch, roData->unk_20, rwData->unk_08);
} else if ((camera->unk_0F0.y > 0.0f) && func_800CB924(camera)) {
spB4.pitch = Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(camera, sp9C.pitch, roData->unk_20, rwData->unk_08);
} else {
spB4.yaw = sp9C.yaw;
spB4.pitch = sp9C.pitch;
} else {
spB4.yaw = Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(camera, sp9C.yaw, sp40->rot.y, roData->unk_14, spC0);
if (!(roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) || (camera->speedRatio < 0.1f)) {
spB4.pitch = Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(camera, sp9C.pitch, roData->unk_20, rwData->unk_08);
// 76.9 degrees
if (spB4.pitch > 0x36B0) {
spB4.pitch = 0x36B0;
// -76.9 degrees
if (spB4.pitch < -0x36B0) {
spB4.pitch = -0x36B0;
// @recomp Update the analog camera.
if (recomp_get_analog_cam_enabled()) {
if (analog_cam_active) {
spB4.pitch = analog_camera_pos.pitch;
// spB4.r = analog_camera_pos.r;
spB4.yaw = analog_camera_pos.yaw;
*eyeNext = OLib_AddVecGeoToVec3f(at, &spB4);
if ((camera->status == CAM_STATUS_ACTIVE) && !(roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_4) && (spC4 <= 0.9f)) {
if (!func_800CBA7C(camera)) {
CollisionPoly* sp60;
s32 sp5C; // bgId
f32 sp58;
Camera_CalcDefaultSwing(camera, &spB4, &sp9C, roData->unk_04, roData->unk_0C, &D_801EDC30[camera->camId],
sp58 = BgCheck_CameraRaycastFloor2(&camera->play->colCtx, &sp60, &sp5C, eye);
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_3) && func_800CB924(camera)) {
spD0 = 25.0f;
} else {
spD0 = 5.0f;
phi_f2 = eye->y - sp58;
if ((sp58 != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) && (phi_f2 < spD0)) {
eye->y = sp58 + spD0;
} else if ((camera->waterYPos != camera->focalActorFloorHeight) && ((eye->y - camera->waterYPos) < 5.0f) &&
((eye->y - camera->waterYPos) > -5.0f)) {
eye->y = camera->waterYPos + 5.0f;
spAC = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(eye, at);
camera->inputDir.x = spAC.pitch;
camera->inputDir.y = spAC.yaw;
camera->inputDir.z = 0;
// crit wiggle
if (gSaveContext.save.saveInfo.playerData.health <= 0x10) {
phi_v1_2 = ((s32)(camera->play->state.frames << 0x18) >> 0x15) & 0xFD68;
camera->inputDir.y += phi_v1_2;
} else {
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate = roData->unk_0C;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 = 0;
sUpdateCameraDirection = false;
*eye = *eyeNext;
phi_f2 = (gSaveContext.save.saveInfo.playerData.health <= 0x10) ? 0.8f : 1.0f;
// @recomp Don't zoom in on low health when dual analog is used
if (recomp_get_analog_cam_enabled()) {
phi_f2 = 1.0f;
camera->fov = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->unk_18 * phi_f2, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 0.1f);
if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL1_FLAG_2) {
spD4 = Math_SinS((s16)(spA4.yaw - spB4.yaw));
rand = Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f;
camera->roll = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS((rand * 500.0f * camera->speedRatio) + (spD4 * spD4 * spD4 * 10000.0f),
camera->roll, 0.1f, 5);
} else {
if (gSaveContext.save.saveInfo.playerData.health <= 0x10) {
rand = Rand_ZeroOne() - 0.5f;
phi_v1_2 = rand * 100.0f * camera->speedRatio;
} else {
phi_v1_2 = 0.0f;
camera->roll = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(phi_v1_2, camera->roll, 0.2f, 5);
camera->atLerpStepScale = Camera_ClampLerpScale(camera, roData->unk_1C);
rwData->unk_0C &= ~1;
return true;
* Camera for climbing structures
// @recomp Patched for analog cam.
RECOMP_PATCH s32 Camera_Jump2(Camera* camera) {
Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye;
Vec3f* at = &camera->at;
Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext;
Vec3f spC8;
Vec3f spBC;
VecGeo spB4;
VecGeo spAC;
VecGeo spA4;
VecGeo sp9C;
s16 temp_t2;
s16 yawDiff;
s32 pad;
f32 sp90;
f32 sp8C;
s32 sp88;
CameraCollision sp60;
PosRot* focalActorPosRot = &camera->focalActorPosRot;
Jump2ReadOnlyData* roData = &camera->paramData.jump2.roData;
Jump2ReadWriteData* rwData = &camera->paramData.jump2.rwData;
f32 phi_f2;
f32 yNormal; // used twice
f32 focalActorHeight = Camera_GetFocalActorHeight(camera);
f32 temp_f16;
if (RELOAD_PARAMS(camera)) {
CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values;
yNormal = 0.8f - (-0.2f * (68.0f / focalActorHeight));
if (camera->unk_0F0.y > 0.0f) {
phi_f2 = -10.0f;
} else {
phi_f2 = 10.0f;
roData->unk_00 = CAM_RODATA_UNSCALE(phi_f2 + GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values)) * focalActorHeight * yNormal;
roData->unk_04 = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values) * focalActorHeight * yNormal;
roData->unk_08 = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values) * focalActorHeight * yNormal;
roData->unk_0C = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_10 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_14 = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_18 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_1C = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values);
roData->interfaceFlags = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
sp9C = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eye);
spA4 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eyeNext);
sCameraInterfaceFlags = roData->interfaceFlags;
if (RELOAD_PARAMS(camera)) {
spC8 = focalActorPosRot->pos;
rwData->unk_00 = Camera_GetFloorY(camera, &spC8);
rwData->unk_04 = spA4.yaw;
rwData->unk_06 = 0;
if (rwData->unk_00 == BGCHECK_Y_MIN) {
rwData->unk_0A = -1;
rwData->unk_00 = focalActorPosRot->pos.y - 1000.0f;
} else if ((focalActorPosRot->pos.y - rwData->unk_00) < focalActorHeight) {
rwData->unk_0A = 1;
} else {
rwData->unk_0A = -1;
yawDiff = BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(focalActorPosRot->rot.y), spA4.yaw);
rwData->unk_06 = ((yawDiff / 6) / 4) * 3;
if (roData->interfaceFlags & JUMP2_FLAG_1) {
rwData->unk_08 = 10;
} else {
rwData->unk_08 = 10000;
focalActorPosRot->pos.x -= camera->unk_0F0.x;
focalActorPosRot->pos.y -= camera->unk_0F0.y;
focalActorPosRot->pos.z -= camera->unk_0F0.z;
rwData->timer = 6;
camera->atLerpStepScale = roData->unk_1C;
sp90 = camera->speedRatio * 0.5f;
sp8C = camera->speedRatio * 0.2f;
camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->unk_10, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, sp90, 0.1f);
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->unk_14, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, sp90, 0.0001f);
camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, sp8C, 0.0001f);
camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->fovUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * .05f, 0.0001f);
camera->rUpdateRateInv = 1800.0f;
Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &spA4, roData->unk_00, 0);
spB4 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eye);
//! FAKE: Unused
yNormal = roData->unk_04;
phi_f2 = roData->unk_08 + (roData->unk_08 * roData->unk_0C);
temp_f16 = roData->unk_04 - (roData->unk_04 * roData->unk_0C);
if (spB4.r > phi_f2) {
spB4.r = phi_f2;
} else if (spB4.r < temp_f16) {
spB4.r = temp_f16;
yawDiff = BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(focalActorPosRot->rot.y), spB4.yaw);
if (rwData->timer != 0) {
rwData->unk_04 = BINANG_ROT180(focalActorPosRot->rot.y);
spB4.yaw = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(rwData->unk_04, spA4.yaw, 0.5f, 5);
} else if (rwData->unk_08 < ABS(yawDiff)) {
temp_t2 = BINANG_ROT180(focalActorPosRot->rot.y);
spB4.yaw = Camera_ScaledStepToFloorS((yawDiff < 0) ? (temp_t2 + rwData->unk_08) : (temp_t2 - rwData->unk_08),
spA4.yaw, 0.1f, 1);
} else {
spB4.yaw = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(spB4.yaw, spA4.yaw, 0.25f, 5);
spC8.x = focalActorPosRot->pos.x + (Math_SinS(focalActorPosRot->rot.y) * 25.0f);
spC8.y = focalActorPosRot->pos.y + (focalActorHeight * 2.2f);
spC8.z = focalActorPosRot->pos.z + (Math_CosS(focalActorPosRot->rot.y) * 25.0f);
yNormal = Camera_GetFloorYNorm(camera, &spBC, &spC8, &sp88);
if (camera->focalActor->bgCheckFlags & 0x10) {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.2f, 0.1f);
camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.2f, 0.1f);
spB4.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(-DEG_TO_BINANG(27.47f), spA4.pitch, 0.2f, 5);
} else if ((yNormal != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) && (focalActorPosRot->pos.y < yNormal)) {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.2f, 0.1f);
camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.2f, 0.1f);
if (camera->unk_0F0.y > 1.0f) {
spB4.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(0x1F4, spA4.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 5);
} else if ((focalActorPosRot->pos.y - rwData->unk_00) < focalActorHeight) {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.2f, 0.1f);
camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.2f, 0.1f);
if (camera->unk_0F0.y > 1.0f) {
spB4.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(0x1F4, spA4.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 5);
} else {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = 100.0f;
camera->rUpdateRateInv = 100.0f;
spB4.pitch = CLAMP_MAX(spB4.pitch, DEG_TO_BINANG(60.43f));
spB4.pitch = CLAMP_MIN(spB4.pitch, -DEG_TO_BINANG(60.43f));
// @recomp Update the analog camera.
if (recomp_get_analog_cam_enabled()) {
if (analog_cam_active) {
spB4.pitch = analog_camera_pos.pitch;
// spB4.r = analog_camera_pos.r;
spB4.yaw = analog_camera_pos.yaw;
*eyeNext = OLib_AddVecGeoToVec3f(at, &spB4);
sp60.pos = *eyeNext;
if (func_800CBC84(camera, at, &sp60, 0) != 0) {
spC8 = sp60.pos;
spAC.pitch = 0;
spAC.r = spB4.r;
spAC.yaw = spB4.yaw;
sp60.pos = OLib_AddVecGeoToVec3f(at, &spAC);
if (func_800CBC84(camera, at, &sp60, 0) != 0) {
*eye = spC8;
} else {
spB4.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(0, spB4.pitch, 0.2f, 5);
*eye = OLib_AddVecGeoToVec3f(at, &spB4);
func_800CBFA4(camera, at, eye, 0);
} else {
*eye = *eyeNext;
camera->dist = spB4.r;
camera->fov = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->unk_18, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 0.1f);
camera->roll = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 5);
return true;
* Used for targeting
// @recomp Patched for analog cam.
RECOMP_PATCH s32 Camera_Parallel1(Camera* camera) {
// @recomp
static bool prev_targeting_held = false;
bool isChargingDekuFlowerDive = !!(((Player*)camera->focalActor)->stateFlags3 & PLAYER_STATE3_100);
Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye;
Vec3f* at = &camera->at;
Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext;
Vec3f spB0;
Vec3f spA4;
f32 spA0;
f32 sp9C;
PosRot* focalActorPosRot = &camera->focalActorPosRot;
VecGeo sp90;
VecGeo sp88;
VecGeo sp80;
VecGeo sp78;
BgCamFuncData* bgCamFuncData;
s16 sp72;
s16 tangle;
Parallel1ReadOnlyData* roData = &camera->paramData.para1.roData;
Parallel1ReadWriteData* rwData = &camera->paramData.para1.rwData;
s32 parallelFlagCond;
f32 focalActorHeight = Camera_GetFocalActorHeight(camera);
s16 new_var2;
s16 phi_a0;
s32 phi_a0_2;
CameraModeValue* values;
f32 yNormal;
// @recomp Read timer4 from timer2.
s16 timer4 = rwData->timer2 >> 5; // @recomp Used to check if z-target can be quit. Mirrors timer2 values during z-target in unmodified function.
rwData->timer2 &= 0x001F;
if (!RELOAD_PARAMS(camera)) {
} else {
values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values;
roData->unk_00 =
GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values) * focalActorHeight * (0.8f - ((68.0f / focalActorHeight) * -0.2f));
roData->unk_04 =
GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values) * focalActorHeight * (0.8f - ((68.0f / focalActorHeight) * -0.2f));
roData->unk_08 =
GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values) * focalActorHeight * (0.8f - ((68.0f / focalActorHeight) * -0.2f));
roData->unk_20 = CAM_DEG_TO_BINANG(GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values));
roData->unk_22 = CAM_DEG_TO_BINANG(GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values));
roData->unk_0C = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_10 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_14 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_18 = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values);
roData->interfaceFlags = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_1C = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_24 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
rwData->unk_00 = roData->unk_04;
sp80 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eye);
sp78 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eyeNext);
Camera_GetFocalActorPos(&spA4, camera);
switch (camera->animState) {
case 20:
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) == 0) {
// fallthrough
case 0:
case 10:
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) ==
rwData->unk_10 = focalActorPosRot->pos;
} else {
camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = 0.5f;
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = 0.5f;
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) ==
rwData->unk_10 = camera->focalActorPosRot.pos;
rwData->timer1 = 200.0f;
if ((2.0f * roData->unk_04) < camera->dist) {
camera->dist = 2.0f * roData->unk_04;
sp78.r = camera->dist;
sp80.r = sp78.r;
*eye = OLib_AddVecGeoToVec3f(at, &sp80);
*eyeNext = *eye;
rwData->unk_1C = 0;
if (roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_2) {
rwData->timer2 = 20;
} else {
rwData->timer2 = 6;
// @recomp Initiate timer4 for z-target.
timer4 = 6;
if ((camera->focalActor == &GET_PLAYER(camera->play)->actor) && (camera->mode == CAM_MODE_CHARGE)) {
rwData->timer2 = 30;
if (((Player*)camera->focalActor)->transformation == PLAYER_FORM_DEKU) {
roData->unk_24 = -1;
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) ==
rwData->timer2 = 1;
yNormal = 0.8f - ((68.0f / focalActorHeight) * -0.2f);
bgCamFuncData = (BgCamFuncData*)Camera_GetBgCamOrActorCsCamFuncData(camera, camera->bgCamIndex);
rwData->unk_20 = bgCamFuncData->rot.x;
rwData->unk_1E = bgCamFuncData->rot.y;
rwData->unk_08 = (bgCamFuncData->fov == -1) ? roData->unk_14
: (bgCamFuncData->fov > 360) ? CAM_RODATA_UNSCALE(bgCamFuncData->fov)
: bgCamFuncData->fov;
rwData->unk_00 = (bgCamFuncData->unk_0E == -1)
? roData->unk_04
: CAM_RODATA_UNSCALE(bgCamFuncData->unk_0E) * focalActorHeight * yNormal;
//! FAKE
} else {
rwData->unk_08 = roData->unk_14;
rwData->unk_00 = roData->unk_04;
rwData->timer3 = roData->unk_24;
rwData->unk_04 = focalActorPosRot->pos.y - camera->unk_0F0.y;
rwData->unk_26 = 1;
camera->animState = 1;
sCameraInterfaceFlags = roData->interfaceFlags;
// @recomp Reset prev_targeting_held after transition.
prev_targeting_held = false;
// @recomp Change behavior for z-target only.
if (camera_fixes) {
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) == PARALLEL1_FLAG_1) {
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(camera->play);
bool targeting_held = func_80123434(player) || player->lockOnActor != NULL;
// @recomp Fix camera rotating with player if z-target gets released too fast after transition.
if ((targeting_held) && (!prev_targeting_held)) {
// @recomp Reset timer2 to avoid immediate rotation, if player presses, releases and presses z-target in a very short time-window.
rwData->timer2 = 6;
rwData->unk_1E = BINANG_ROT180(camera->focalActorPosRot.rot.y) + roData->unk_22;
// @recomp Maintain vanilla behavior for quitting z-target.
if ((timer4 == 0) && (!targeting_held)) {
rwData->timer2 = 0;
// @recomp Decrease timer4 only in cases where timer2 would be decreased.
if ((timer4 > 0)
&& (rwData->timer3 <= 0)) {
prev_targeting_held = targeting_held;
if (rwData->timer2 != 0) {
switch (roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) {
if (camera_fixes) {
// @recomp Fix camera rotating with player if z-target gets released too fast after transition.
if (isChargingDekuFlowerDive) {
// @recomp Fix camera wiggle during dive into deku flower.
rwData->unk_1E = BINANG_ROT180(camera->focalActorPosRot.rot.y) + roData->unk_22;
rwData->unk_20 = roData->unk_20;
// @recomp fallthrough
rwData->unk_1E = BINANG_ROT180(camera->focalActorPosRot.rot.y) + roData->unk_22;
rwData->unk_20 = roData->unk_20;
rwData->unk_1E = roData->unk_22;
rwData->unk_20 = roData->unk_20;
if (rwData->timer3 == 1) {
sp88 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(&rwData->unk_10, &spA4);
rwData->unk_1E = ((ABS(BINANG_SUB(sp88.yaw, sp80.yaw)) < 0x3A98) || Camera_IsClimbingLedge(camera))
? sp80.yaw
: sp80.yaw + (s16)((BINANG_SUB(sp88.yaw, sp80.yaw) >> 2) * 3);
rwData->unk_20 = roData->unk_20;
rwData->unk_1E = sp80.yaw;
rwData->unk_20 = roData->unk_20;
rwData->unk_1E = sp78.yaw + roData->unk_22;
rwData->unk_20 = roData->unk_20;
} else if (roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_5) {
rwData->unk_1E = BINANG_ROT180(camera->focalActorPosRot.rot.y) + roData->unk_22;
if (camera->animState == 21) {
camera->animState = 1;
} else if (camera->animState == 11) {
camera->animState = 1;
spA0 = camera->speedRatio * 0.5f;
sp9C = camera->speedRatio * 0.2f;
if (((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) ==
((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) == PARALLEL1_FLAG_3) ||
(roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_5)) {
camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.5f, 0.1f);
camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->unk_0C, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0.5f, 0.1f);
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0.5f, 0.1f);
} else {
camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(20.0f, camera->rUpdateRateInv, spA0, 0.1f);
camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->unk_0C, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, spA0, 0.1f);
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(2.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, sp9C, 0.1f);
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) ==
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.1f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, spA0, 0.0001f);
camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.1f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, sp9C, 0.0001f);
} else if (roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_7) {
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.5f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, spA0, 0.0001f);
camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.5f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, sp9C, 0.0001f);
} else {
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, spA0, 0.0001f);
camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, sp9C, 0.0001f);
// TODO: Extra trailing 0 in 0.050f needed?
camera->fovUpdateRate =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.050f, camera->fovUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, 0.0001f);
if (roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_0) {
tangle = Camera_GetPitchAdjFromFloorHeightDiffs(camera, BINANG_ROT180(sp80.yaw), rwData->unk_26 = 1);
spA0 = ((1.0f / roData->unk_10));
spA0 *= 0.6f;
sp9C = ((1.0f / roData->unk_10) * 0.4f) * (1.0f - camera->speedRatio);
rwData->unk_1C = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(tangle, rwData->unk_1C, spA0 + sp9C, 5);
} else {
rwData->unk_1C = 0;
if (func_800CB950(camera) || (((Player*)camera->focalActor)->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_1000) ||
(((Player*)camera->focalActor)->stateFlags3 & PLAYER_STATE3_100)) {
rwData->unk_04 = camera->focalActorPosRot.pos.y;
sp72 = false;
} else {
sp72 = true;
if ((((Player*)camera->focalActor)->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_4000) ||
(((Player*)camera->focalActor)->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_4) ||
((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) ==
spB0 = spA4;
spB0.y += ((focalActorHeight * 0.6f) + roData->unk_00);
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilVec3f(&spB0, at, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, 0.0001f);
Camera_SetFocalActorAtOffset(camera, &focalActorPosRot->pos);
} else if ((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) ==
spB0 = focalActorPosRot->pos;
spB0.y += focalActorHeight + roData->unk_00;
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilVec3f(&spB0, at, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, 0.0001f);
Camera_SetFocalActorAtOffset(camera, &focalActorPosRot->pos);
} else if (rwData->timer2 != 0) {
Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &sp78, roData->unk_00, 0);
rwData->timer1 = 200.0f;
} else if (!(roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_7) && !sp72) {
Camera_CalcAtForParallel(camera, &sp78, roData->unk_00, roData->unk_08, &rwData->unk_04,
roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_6 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_0));
rwData->timer1 = 200.0f;
} else {
Camera_CalcAtForScreen(camera, &sp78, roData->unk_00, &rwData->unk_04, rwData->timer1);
if (rwData->timer1 > 10.0f) {
camera->dist = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(rwData->unk_00, camera->dist, 1.0f / camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.1f);
if (rwData->timer2 != 0) {
if (rwData->timer3 <= 0) {
if (rwData->timer3 == 0) {
Camera_SetStateFlag(camera, CAM_STATE_DISABLE_MODE_CHANGE);
tangle = ((rwData->timer2 + 1) * rwData->timer2) >> 1;
sp90.yaw = sp80.yaw + ((BINANG_SUB(rwData->unk_1E, sp80.yaw) / tangle) * rwData->timer2);
phi_a0 = ((roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_0) ? BINANG_SUB(rwData->unk_20, rwData->unk_1C)
: rwData->unk_20);
new_var2 = BINANG_SUB(phi_a0, sp80.pitch);
sp90.pitch = sp80.pitch + ((new_var2 / tangle) * rwData->timer2);
sp90.r = camera->dist;
} else {
sp90 = sp80;
sp90.r = camera->dist;
} else {
sp90 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eyeNext);
sp90.r = camera->dist;
if (roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_1) {
sp90.yaw = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(rwData->unk_1E, sp78.yaw, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0xC8);
parallelFlagCond = (roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1));
if (roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_0) {
phi_a0 = (rwData->unk_20 - rwData->unk_1C);
} else {
phi_a0 = rwData->unk_20;
if (parallelFlagCond == (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) {
spA0 = CLAMP_MAX(camera->speedRatio, 1.0f);
phi_a0 = (sp90.pitch * spA0) + (phi_a0 * (1.0f - spA0));
sp90.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(phi_a0, sp78.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 5);
} else if (parallelFlagCond != PARALLEL1_FLAG_3) {
sp90.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(phi_a0, sp78.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 5);
if (sp90.pitch > DEG_TO_BINANG(79.655f)) {
sp90.pitch = DEG_TO_BINANG(79.655f);
if (sp90.pitch < -DEG_TO_BINANG(29.995f)) {
sp90.pitch = -DEG_TO_BINANG(29.995f);
if (rwData->timer3 > 0) {
// @recomp Update the analog camera.
if (recomp_get_analog_cam_enabled()) {
if (analog_cam_active) {
sp90.pitch = analog_camera_pos.pitch;
// sp90.r = analog_camera_pos.r;
sp90.yaw = analog_camera_pos.yaw;
*eyeNext = OLib_AddVecGeoToVec3f(at, &sp90);
if (camera->status == CAM_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
if ((camera->play->envCtx.skyboxDisabled == 0) || (roData->interfaceFlags & PARALLEL1_FLAG_4)) {
spB0 = *at;
if ((((Player*)camera->focalActor)->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_4000) ||
(((Player*)camera->focalActor)->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_4) ||
((roData->interfaceFlags & (PARALLEL1_FLAG_3 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_2 | PARALLEL1_FLAG_1)) ==
spB0.y += focalActorHeight;
*eye = *eyeNext;
func_800CBFA4(camera, &spB0, eye, 0);
} else {
*eye = *eyeNext;
func_800CBFA4(camera, at, eye, 3);
if (camera_fixes) {
// @recomp Fix camera not updating input dir for the first few frames after transition.
if ((isChargingDekuFlowerDive) && (rwData->timer2 != 0)) {
// @recomp Fix camera wiggle during dive into deku flower.
sUpdateCameraDirection = true;
} else {
sUpdateCameraDirection = false;
} else {
if (rwData->timer2 != 0) {
sUpdateCameraDirection = true;
} else {
sUpdateCameraDirection = false;
camera->fov = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(rwData->unk_08, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 0.1f);
camera->roll = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 5);
camera->atLerpStepScale = Camera_ClampLerpScale(camera, sp72 ? roData->unk_1C : roData->unk_18);
rwData->unk_26 &= ~1;
// @recomp Save timer4 in unused bits of timer2.
rwData->timer2 |= timer4 << 5;
return 1;
#define NORMAL3_RW_FLAG (1 << 0)
* Riding Epona and Zora
// @recomp Patched for analog cam.
RECOMP_PATCH s32 Camera_Normal3(Camera* camera) {
Normal3ReadOnlyData* roData = &camera->paramData.norm3.roData;
Normal3ReadWriteData* rwData = &camera->paramData.norm3.rwData;
f32 sp8C;
f32 sp90;
f32 temp_f2; // multi-use temp
f32 sp88;
VecGeo sp80;
VecGeo sp78;
VecGeo sp70;
VecGeo sp68;
f32 phi_f2;
s16 sp62;
s16 phi_v1_2;
Player* player = (Player*)camera->focalActor;
Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye;
Vec3f* at = &camera->at;
Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext;
PosRot* focalActorPosRot = &camera->focalActorPosRot;
temp_f2 = Camera_GetFocalActorHeight(camera);
if ((camera->setting == CAM_SET_HORSE) && (player->rideActor == NULL)) {
Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, camera->prevSetting, CAM_CHANGE_SETTING_1);
return 1;
if (RELOAD_PARAMS(camera)) {
CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values;
temp_f2 = CAM_RODATA_UNSCALE(temp_f2);
roData->yOffset = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * temp_f2;
roData->distMin = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * temp_f2;
roData->distMax = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * temp_f2;
roData->pitchTarget = CAM_DEG_TO_BINANG(GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values));
roData->yawUpdateRateInv = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->pitchUpdateRateInv = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->fovTarget = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->maxAtLERPScale = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values);
roData->interfaceFlags = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
sp70 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eye);
sp68 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eyeNext);
sUpdateCameraDirection = true;
sCameraInterfaceFlags = roData->interfaceFlags;
//! FAKE: fake temp
phi_v1_2 = camera->animState;
if (!(((phi_v1_2 == 0) || (phi_v1_2 == 10)) || (phi_v1_2 == 20))) {
} else {
rwData->isZero = 0;
rwData->curPitch = 0;
rwData->yPosOffset = camera->focalActorFloorHeight;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].yaw = D_801EDC30[camera->camId].pitch = D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 = 0;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate = roData->yawUpdateRateInv;
rwData->yawUpdateRate = BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(camera->focalActorPosRot.rot.y), sp70.yaw) * (1.0f / 6.0f);
rwData->distTimer = 0;
rwData->is1200 = 1200;
if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL3_FLAG_1) {
rwData->yawTimer = 6;
Camera_SetStateFlag(camera, CAM_STATE_DISABLE_MODE_CHANGE);
} else {
rwData->yawTimer = 0;
camera->animState = 1;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer = 0;
rwData->flag = NORMAL3_RW_FLAG;
if (rwData->distTimer != 0) {
sp90 = ((camera->speedRatio * 3.0f) + 1.0f) * 0.25f * 0.5f;
sp8C = temp_f2 = camera->speedRatio * 0.2f;
if (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer != 0) {
camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(
(D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer * 2) + roData->yawUpdateRateInv, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, sp90, 0.1f);
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF((D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer * 2) + 16.0f,
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, sp8C, 0.1f);
} else {
camera->yawUpdateRateInv =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->yawUpdateRateInv, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, sp90, 0.1f);
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(16.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, sp8C, 0.1f);
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, sp90, 0.001f);
camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, sp8C, 0.0001f);
camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->fovUpdateRate, sp8C, 0.0001f);
phi_v1_2 = Camera_GetPitchAdjFromFloorHeightDiffs(camera, BINANG_ROT180(sp70.yaw), rwData->flag & NORMAL3_RW_FLAG);
temp_f2 = ((1.0f / roData->pitchUpdateRateInv) * 0.5f) * (1.0f - camera->speedRatio);
rwData->curPitch =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(phi_v1_2, rwData->curPitch, ((1.0f / roData->pitchUpdateRateInv) * 0.5f) + temp_f2, 5);
if ((roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL3_FLAG_6) || (player->rideActor == NULL)) {
Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &sp68, roData->yOffset, 1);
} else {
Camera_CalcAtForHorse(camera, &sp68, roData->yOffset, &rwData->yPosOffset, 1);
sp88 = (roData->distMax + roData->distMin) * 0.5f;
sp80 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(at, eyeNext);
temp_f2 = Camera_ClampDist1(camera, sp80.r, roData->distMin, roData->distMax, rwData->distTimer);
phi_f2 = sp88 - temp_f2;
phi_f2 *= 0.002f;
camera->dist = sp80.r = temp_f2 + phi_f2;
if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL3_FLAG_7) {
sp80.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(camera->focalActor->focus.rot.x - rwData->curPitch, sp68.pitch, 0.25f, 5);
} else {
sp62 = roData->pitchTarget - rwData->curPitch;
sp80.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(sp62, sp68.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 5);
sp80.pitch = CLAMP_MAX(sp80.pitch, DEG_TO_BINANG(79.655f));
if (sp80.pitch < -DEG_TO_BINANG(29.995f)) {
sp80.pitch = -DEG_TO_BINANG(29.995f);
if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL3_FLAG_7) {
sp62 = BINANG_SUB(camera->focalActor->focus.rot.y, BINANG_ROT180(sp68.yaw));
temp_f2 = 1.0f;
} else {
sp62 = BINANG_SUB(focalActorPosRot->rot.y, BINANG_ROT180(sp68.yaw));
sp78 = OLib_Vec3fToVecGeo(&camera->unk_0F0);
phi_v1_2 = focalActorPosRot->rot.y - sp78.yaw;
if (phi_v1_2 < 0) {
phi_v1_2 *= -1;
if (phi_v1_2 < 0x555A) {
temp_f2 = 1.0f;
} else {
temp_f2 = ((f32)0x8000 - phi_v1_2) / (f32)0x2AA6;
sp90 = (sp62 * ((SQ(camera->speedRatio) * 0.8f) + 0.2f) * temp_f2) / camera->yawUpdateRateInv;
if ((Camera_fabsf(sp90) > 150.0f) && (camera->speedRatio > 0.05f)) {
sp80.yaw = sp68.yaw + sp90;
if (rwData->yawTimer > 0) {
sp80.yaw += rwData->yawUpdateRate;
if (rwData->yawTimer == 0) {
Camera_UnsetStateFlag(camera, CAM_STATE_DISABLE_MODE_CHANGE);
// @recomp Update the analog camera.
if (recomp_get_analog_cam_enabled()) {
if (analog_cam_active) {
sp80.pitch = analog_camera_pos.pitch;
// sp80.r = analog_camera_pos.r;
sp80.yaw = analog_camera_pos.yaw;
*eyeNext = OLib_AddVecGeoToVec3f(at, &sp80);
if (camera->status == CAM_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
*eye = *eyeNext;
func_800CBFA4(camera, at, eye, 0);
} else {
*eye = *eyeNext;
camera->fov = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->fovTarget, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 0.1f);
if (roData->interfaceFlags & NORMAL3_FLAG_5) {
camera->roll = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.05f, 5);
} else {
camera->roll = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.1f, 5);
camera->atLerpStepScale = Camera_ClampLerpScale(camera, roData->maxAtLERPScale);
rwData->flag &= ~NORMAL3_RW_FLAG;
return 1;
* Used for water-based camera settings
* e.g. Gyorg, Pinnacle Rock, whirlpool, water
// @recomp Patched for analog cam.
RECOMP_PATCH s32 Camera_Jump3(Camera* camera) {
Vec3f* sp48 = &camera->eye;
Vec3f* sp44 = &camera->at;
Vec3f* sp40 = &camera->eyeNext;
f32 spD0;
f32 spCC;
PosRot* focalActorPosRot = &camera->focalActorPosRot;
f32 phi_f0;
f32 spC0;
Vec3f spB4;
VecGeo spAC;
CameraModeValue* values;
f32 phi_f14;
VecGeo sp9C;
VecGeo sp94;
f32 phi_f2_2;
f32 temp_f0;
f32 temp1;
f32 pad;
Jump3ReadOnlyData* roData = &camera->paramData.jump3.roData;
Jump3ReadWriteData* rwData = &camera->paramData.jump3.rwData;
f32 focalActorHeight;
PosRot focalActorFocus;
f32 sp60;
f32 sp5C;
s32 sp58;
focalActorHeight = Camera_GetFocalActorHeight(camera);
focalActorFocus = Actor_GetFocus(camera->focalActor);
sp60 = camera->waterYPos - sp48->y;
sp58 = false;
if (RELOAD_PARAMS(camera)) {
rwData->unk_0A = camera->mode;
rwData->timer2 = 0;
if (camera->mode == CAM_MODE_NORMAL) {
if ((camera->focalActor->bgCheckFlags & 0x10) || (rwData->timer2 != 0)) {
if (rwData->unk_0A != 0xF) {
rwData->unk_0A = 0xF;
sp58 = true;
rwData->timer2 = 10;
} else if (sp60 < 50.0f) {
if (rwData->unk_0A != 0) {
rwData->unk_0A = 0;
sp58 = true;
} else if (Camera_fabsf(camera->focalActorPosRot.pos.y - camera->focalActorFloorHeight) < 11.0f) {
if (rwData->unk_0A != 5) {
rwData->unk_0A = 5;
sp58 = true;
} else if ((sp60 > 250.0f) && (rwData->unk_0A != 0x1A)) {
rwData->unk_0A = 0x1A;
sp58 = true;
if (rwData->timer2 != 0) {
sp9C = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(sp44, sp48);
sp94 = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(sp44, sp40);
if (!RELOAD_PARAMS(camera) && !sp58) {
} else {
values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[rwData->unk_0A].values;
sp5C = 0.8f - (-0.2f * (68.0f / focalActorHeight));
spD0 = focalActorHeight * 0.01f * sp5C;
roData->unk_00 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * spD0;
roData->unk_04 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * spD0;
roData->unk_08 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values) * spD0;
roData->unk_20 = CAM_DEG_TO_BINANG(GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values));
roData->unk_0C = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_10 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_14 = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_18 = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
roData->unk_1C = GET_NEXT_SCALED_RO_DATA(values);
roData->interfaceFlags = GET_NEXT_RO_DATA(values);
sCameraInterfaceFlags = roData->interfaceFlags;
switch (camera->animState) {
case 0:
rwData->unk_10 = 0x1000;
// fallthrough
case 10:
case 20:
rwData->unk_00 = camera->focalActorFloorHeight;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].yaw = D_801EDC30[camera->camId].pitch = D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 = 0;
rwData->timer1 = 10;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate = roData->unk_0C;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer = 0;
if (rwData->timer1 != 0) {
spC0 = focalActorFocus.pos.y - focalActorPosRot->pos.y;
spB4 = *sp48;
spD0 = camera->speedRatio * 0.5f;
spCC = camera->speedRatio * 0.2f;
temp_f0 = (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 == 1) ? 0.5f : spD0;
if (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer != 0) {
camera->yawUpdateRateInv =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF((D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate + D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer * 2),
camera->yawUpdateRateInv, spD0, 0.1f);
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF((40.0f + D_801EDC30[camera->camId].timer * 2),
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, spCC, 0.1f);
} else {
camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate,
camera->yawUpdateRateInv, temp_f0, 0.1f);
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(40.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, spCC, 0.1f);
if (roData->interfaceFlags & JUMP3_FLAG_7) {
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.01f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, spD0, 0.0001f);
sp5C = sqrtf((camera->unk_0F0.x * camera->unk_0F0.x) + (camera->unk_0F0.z * camera->unk_0F0.z)) /
camera->speedRatio = OLib_ClampMaxDist(sp5C / Camera_GetRunSpeedLimit(camera), 1.8f);
spCC = camera->speedRatio * 0.2f;
} else {
camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, spD0, 0.0001f);
camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.05f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, spCC, 0.0001f);
camera->fovUpdateRate =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(0.050f, camera->fovUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, 0.0001f);
if (sp60 < 50.0f) {
sp5C = camera->waterYPos - spC0;
Camera_CalcAtForScreen(camera, &sp94, roData->unk_00, &sp5C,
((sp60 < 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 1.0f - (sp60 / 50.0f)) * 50.0f);
} else {
Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &sp94, roData->unk_00, roData->interfaceFlags);
spAC = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(sp44, sp40);
spAC.r = Camera_ClampDist1(camera, spAC.r, roData->unk_04, roData->unk_08, rwData->timer1);
camera->dist = spAC.r;
if (!(Camera_fabsf(focalActorPosRot->pos.y - camera->focalActorFloorHeight) < 10.0f) &&
!(Camera_fabsf(focalActorFocus.pos.y - camera->waterYPos) < 50.f)) {
camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = 100.0f;
if (roData->interfaceFlags & JUMP3_FLAG_5) {
spD0 = CLAMP_MAX(camera->speedRatio * 1.3f, 0.6f);
//! FAKE: spCC =
spAC.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(
(spAC.pitch * spD0) + (roData->unk_20 * (1.0f - spD0)), sp94.pitch,
1.0f / (spCC = ((camera->pitchUpdateRateInv + 1.0f) - (camera->pitchUpdateRateInv * spD0))), 5);
} else if (D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 == 1) {
spAC.yaw =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(D_801EDC30[camera->camId].yaw, sp94.yaw, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 5);
// Bug? Should be pitchUpdateRateInv
spAC.pitch =
Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(D_801EDC30[camera->camId].pitch, sp94.pitch, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 5);
} else if (roData->interfaceFlags & (JUMP3_FLAG_7 | JUMP3_FLAG_3)) {
spAC.yaw = Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(camera, sp94.yaw, focalActorPosRot->rot.y, roData->unk_14, 0.0f);
spD0 = CLAMP_MAX(camera->speedRatio * 1.3f, 1.0f);
//! FAKE: spCC =
spAC.pitch = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(
(spAC.pitch * spD0) + (roData->unk_20 * (1.0f - spD0)), sp94.pitch,
1.0f / (spCC = (camera->pitchUpdateRateInv + 1.0f) - (camera->pitchUpdateRateInv * spD0)), 5);
} else {
spAC.yaw = Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(camera, sp94.yaw, focalActorPosRot->rot.y, roData->unk_14, 0.0f);
spAC.pitch = Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(camera, sp94.pitch, roData->unk_20, 0);
if (spAC.pitch > DEG_TO_BINANG(79.655f)) {
spAC.pitch = DEG_TO_BINANG(79.655f);
if (spAC.pitch < -DEG_TO_BINANG(29.995f)) {
spAC.pitch = -DEG_TO_BINANG(29.995f);
// @recomp Update the analog camera.
if (recomp_get_analog_cam_enabled()) {
if (analog_cam_active) {
spAC.pitch = analog_camera_pos.pitch;
// spAC.r = analog_camera_pos.r;
spAC.yaw = analog_camera_pos.yaw;
*sp40 = OLib_AddVecGeoToVec3f(sp44, &spAC);
if ((camera->status == CAM_STATUS_ACTIVE) && !(roData->interfaceFlags & JUMP3_FLAG_6)) {
if (func_800CBA7C(camera) == 0) {
Camera_CalcDefaultSwing(camera, &spAC, &sp9C, roData->unk_04, roData->unk_0C, &D_801EDC30[camera->camId],
if (roData->interfaceFlags & JUMP3_FLAG_2) {
camera->inputDir.x = -sp9C.pitch;
camera->inputDir.y = sp9C.yaw + 0x8000;
camera->inputDir.z = 0;
} else {
spAC = OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecGeo(sp48, sp44);
camera->inputDir.x = spAC.pitch;
camera->inputDir.y = spAC.yaw;
camera->inputDir.z = 0;
} else {
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].swingUpdateRate = roData->unk_0C;
D_801EDC30[camera->camId].unk_64 = 0;
sUpdateCameraDirection = false;
*sp48 = *sp40;
camera->fov = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilF(roData->unk_18, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 0.1f);
camera->roll = Camera_ScaledStepToCeilS(0, camera->roll, .5f, 5);
camera->atLerpStepScale = Camera_ClampLerpScale(camera, roData->unk_1C);
return 1;
void analog_cam_pre_play_update(PlayState* play) {
void analog_cam_post_play_update(PlayState* play) {
Camera *active_cam = play->cameraPtrs[play->activeCamId];
// recomp_printf("prev_analog_cam_active: %d can_use_analog_cam: %d\n", prev_analog_cam_active, can_use_analog_cam);
// recomp_printf("setting: %d mode: %d func: %d\n", active_cam->setting, active_cam->mode, sCameraSettings[active_cam->setting].cameraModes[active_cam->mode].funcId);
// recomp_printf("active cam yaw %d\n", Camera_GetInputDirYaw(GET_ACTIVE_CAM(play)));
// Update parameters for the analog cam if the game is unpaused.
can_use_analog_cam = false;
if (analog_cam_active) {
active_cam->inputDir.x = analog_camera_pos.pitch;
active_cam->inputDir.y = analog_camera_pos.yaw + DEG_TO_BINANG(180);
bool get_analog_cam_active() {
return analog_cam_active;
void set_analog_cam_active(bool isActive) {
analog_cam_active = isActive;
// Calling this will avoid analog cam taking over for the following game loop.
// E.g. using left stick inputs while in a deku flower taking priority over right stick.
void skip_analog_cam_once() {
analog_cam_skip_once = true;
analog_cam_active = false;
extern void func_809ECD00(Boss04* this, PlayState* play);
extern s32 func_800B7298(struct PlayState* play, Actor* csActor, u8 csAction);
extern u8 D_809EE4D0;
// @recomp Patch the Wart boss fight in the Great Bay temple so that the fight starts if you look at it with the right stick analog camera,
// instead of requiring entering first person mode mode.
RECOMP_PATCH void func_809EC568(Boss04* this, PlayState* play) {
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play);
f32 x;
f32 y;
f32 z;
s32 pad;
u16 maxProjectedPosToStartFight;
// @recomp Change the maximun projected position to start the fight depending on whether analog camera is enabled or not.
// The default vanilla value makes it so that you have to pretty much start in the corner in order to be able to get the angle it wants.
if (analog_cam_active) {
maxProjectedPosToStartFight = 600.0f;
} else {
maxProjectedPosToStartFight = 300.0f; // vanilla value
this->unk_1FE = 15;
if ((this->unk_708 != 0) && (this->unk_708 < 10)) {
this->actor.world.pos.y = (Math_SinS(this->unk_1F4 * 512) * 10.0f) + (this->actor.floorHeight + 160.0f);
Matrix_RotateYS(this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer, MTXMODE_NEW);
switch (this->unk_708) {
case 0:
this->unk_2C8 = 50;
this->unk_2D0 = 2000.0f;
// @recomp do not require being in c-up mode if analog cam is enabled
// also, use the new variable instead of the vanilla value to check if the player is looking at the boss.
if (((player->stateFlags1 & PLAYER_STATE1_100000) || (recomp_get_analog_cam_enabled())) && (this->actor.projectedPos.z > 0.0f) &&
(fabsf(this->actor.projectedPos.x) < maxProjectedPosToStartFight) && (fabsf(this->actor.projectedPos.y) < maxProjectedPosToStartFight)) {
if ((this->unk_704 >= 15) && (CutsceneManager_GetCurrentCsId() == CS_ID_NONE)) {
Actor* boss;
this->unk_708 = 10;
this->unk_704 = 0;
Cutscene_StartManual(play, &play->csCtx);
this->subCamId = Play_CreateSubCamera(play);
Play_ChangeCameraStatus(play, CAM_ID_MAIN, CAM_STATUS_WAIT);
Play_ChangeCameraStatus(play, this->subCamId, CAM_STATUS_ACTIVE);
func_800B7298(play, &this->actor, PLAYER_CSACTION_WAIT);
player->actor.world.pos.x = this->unk_6E8;
player->actor.world.pos.z = this->unk_6F0 + 410.0f;
player->actor.shape.rot.y = 0x7FFF;
player->actor.world.rot.y = player->actor.shape.rot.y;
Math_Vec3f_Copy(&this->subCamEye, &player->actor.world.pos);
this->subCamEye.y += 100.0f;
Math_Vec3f_Copy(&this->subCamAt, &this->actor.world.pos);
this->subCamFov = 60.0f;
boss = play->actorCtx.actorLists[ACTORCAT_BOSS].first;
while (boss != NULL) {
if (boss->id == ACTOR_EN_WATER_EFFECT) {
boss = boss->next;
} else {
this->unk_704 = 0;
case 10:
if (this->unk_704 == 3) {
Actor_PlaySfx(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_EYEGOLE_DEMO_EYE);
this->unk_74A = 1;
this->unk_2D0 = 10000.0f;
this->unk_2C8 = 300;
Math_ApproachF(&this->subCamFov, 20.0f, 0.3f, 11.0f);
if (this->unk_704 == 40) {
this->unk_708 = 11;
this->unk_704 = 0;
case 11:
if (this->unk_704 > 50) {
this->unk_708 = 12;
this->unk_704 = 0;
this->actor.gravity = -3.0f;
case 13:
if (this->unk_704 == 45) {
this->unk_708 = 1;
this->unk_704 = 0;
func_800B7298(play, &this->actor, PLAYER_CSACTION_21);
this->actor.gravity = 0.0f;
case 12:
Actor_PlaySfx(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_ME_ATTACK - SFX_FLAG);
Math_ApproachF(&this->subCamAt.x, this->actor.world.pos.x, 0.5f, 1000.0f);
Math_ApproachF(&this->subCamAt.y, this->actor.world.pos.y, 0.5f, 1000.0f);
Math_ApproachF(&this->subCamAt.z, this->actor.world.pos.z, 0.5f, 1000.0f);
if (this->actor.bgCheckFlags & BGCHECKFLAG_GROUND_TOUCH) {
this->unk_6F4 = 15;
this->unk_708 = 13;
this->unk_704 = 0;
this->unk_2DA = 10;
Actor_Spawn(&play->actorCtx, play, ACTOR_EN_CLEAR_TAG, this->actor.world.pos.x, this->actor.world.pos.y,
this->actor.world.pos.z, 0, 0, 0, CLEAR_TAG_PARAMS(CLEAR_TAG_SPLASH));
Actor_PlaySfx(&this->actor, NA_SE_EN_KONB_JUMP_LEV_OLD - SFX_FLAG);
this->subCamAtOscillator = 20;
case 1:
player->actor.shape.rot.y = 0x7FFF;
player->actor.world.rot.y = player->actor.shape.rot.y;
Matrix_MultVecZ(-100.0f, &this->subCamEye);
this->subCamEye.x += player->actor.world.pos.x;
this->subCamEye.y = Player_GetHeight(player) + player->actor.world.pos.y + 36.0f;
this->subCamEye.z += player->actor.world.pos.z;
this->subCamAt.x = player->actor.world.pos.x;
this->subCamAt.y = (Player_GetHeight(player) + player->actor.world.pos.y) - 4.0f;
this->subCamAt.z = player->actor.world.pos.z;
if (this->unk_704 >= 35) {
this->unk_704 = 0;
this->unk_708 = 2;
this->unk_728 = -200.0f;
case 2:
case 3:
Matrix_MultVecZ(500.0f, &this->subCamEye);
this->subCamEye.x += this->actor.world.pos.x;
this->subCamEye.y += this->actor.world.pos.y - 50.0f;
this->subCamEye.z += this->actor.world.pos.z;
this->subCamAt.x = this->actor.world.pos.x;
this->subCamAt.z = this->actor.world.pos.z;
this->subCamAt.y = (this->actor.world.pos.y - 70.0f) + this->unk_728;
Math_ApproachZeroF(&this->unk_728, 0.05f, this->unk_73C);
Math_ApproachF(&this->unk_73C, 3.0f, 1.0f, 0.05f);
if (this->unk_704 == 20) {
this->unk_708 = 3;
if (this->unk_704 == 70) {
this->unk_2C8 = 300;
this->unk_2D0 = 0.0f;
D_809EE4D0 = 1;
this->unk_2E2 = 60;
this->unk_2E0 = 93;
if (this->unk_704 > 140) {
Camera* mainCam = Play_GetCamera(play, CAM_ID_MAIN);
this->unk_708 = 0;
func_809ECD00(this, play);
mainCam->eye = this->subCamEye;
mainCam->eyeNext = this->subCamEye;
mainCam->at = this->subCamAt;
func_80169AFC(play, this->subCamId, 0);
this->subCamId = SUB_CAM_ID_DONE;
Cutscene_StopManual(play, &play->csCtx);
func_800B7298(play, &this->actor, PLAYER_CSACTION_END);
if (this->subCamId != SUB_CAM_ID_DONE) {
Vec3f subCamAt;
if (this->subCamAtOscillator != 0) {
Math_Vec3f_Copy(&subCamAt, &this->subCamAt);
subCamAt.y += Math_SinS(this->subCamAtOscillator * 0x4000) * this->subCamAtOscillator * 1.5f;
Play_SetCameraAtEye(play, this->subCamId, &subCamAt, &this->subCamEye);
Play_SetCameraFov(play, this->subCamId, this->subCamFov);
Math_ApproachF(&this->subCamFov, 60.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f);
this->actor.shape.rot.y = this->actor.yawTowardsPlayer;
x = player->actor.world.pos.x - this->actor.world.pos.x;
y = player->actor.world.pos.y - this->actor.world.pos.y;
z = player->actor.world.pos.z - this->actor.world.pos.z;
this->actor.shape.rot.x = Math_Atan2S(-y, sqrtf(SQ(x) + SQ(z)));