// // Created by loki on 12/14/19. // #define BOOST_BIND_GLOBAL_PLACEHOLDERS #include "process.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "main.h" #include "utility.h" namespace proc { using namespace std::literals; namespace bp = boost::process; namespace pt = boost::property_tree; proc_t proc; void process_end(bp::child &proc, bp::group &proc_handle) { if(!proc.running()) { return; } BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Force termination Child-Process"sv; proc_handle.terminate(); // avoid zombie process proc.wait(); } int exe(const std::string &cmd, bp::environment &env, file_t &file, std::error_code &ec) { if(!file) { return bp::system(cmd, env, bp::std_out > bp::null, bp::std_err > bp::null, ec); } return bp::system(cmd, env, bp::std_out > file.get(), bp::std_err > file.get(), ec); } int proc_t::execute(int app_id) { if(!running() && _app_id != -1) { // previous process exited on it's own, reset _process_handle _process_handle = bp::group(); _app_id = -1; } if(app_id < 0 || app_id >= _apps.size()) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't find app with ID ["sv << app_id << ']'; return 404; } // Ensure starting from a clean slate terminate(); _app_id = app_id; auto &proc = _apps[app_id]; _undo_begin = std::begin(proc.prep_cmds); _undo_it = _undo_begin; if(!proc.output.empty() && proc.output != "null"sv) { _pipe.reset(fopen(proc.output.c_str(), "a")); } std::error_code ec; //Executed when returning from function auto fg = util::fail_guard([&]() { terminate(); }); for(; _undo_it != std::end(proc.prep_cmds); ++_undo_it) { auto &cmd = _undo_it->do_cmd; BOOST_LOG(info) << "Executing: ["sv << cmd << ']'; auto ret = exe(cmd, _env, _pipe, ec); if(ec) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't run ["sv << cmd << "]: System: "sv << ec.message(); return -1; } if(ret != 0) { BOOST_LOG(error) << '[' << cmd << "] failed with code ["sv << ret << ']'; return -1; } } for(auto &cmd : proc.detached) { BOOST_LOG(info) << "Spawning ["sv << cmd << ']'; if(proc.output.empty() || proc.output == "null"sv) { bp::spawn(cmd, _env, bp::std_out > bp::null, bp::std_err > bp::null, ec); } else { bp::spawn(cmd, _env, bp::std_out > _pipe.get(), bp::std_err > _pipe.get(), ec); } if(ec) { BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Couldn't spawn ["sv << cmd << "]: System: "sv << ec.message(); } } if(proc.cmd.empty()) { BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Executing [Desktop]"sv; placebo = true; } else { boost::filesystem::path working_dir = proc.working_dir.empty() ? boost::filesystem::path(proc.cmd).parent_path() : boost::filesystem::path(proc.working_dir); if(proc.output.empty() || proc.output == "null"sv) { BOOST_LOG(info) << "Executing: ["sv << proc.cmd << ']'; _process = bp::child(_process_handle, proc.cmd, _env, bp::start_dir(working_dir), bp::std_out > bp::null, bp::std_err > bp::null, ec); } else { BOOST_LOG(info) << "Executing: ["sv << proc.cmd << ']'; _process = bp::child(_process_handle, proc.cmd, _env, bp::start_dir(working_dir), bp::std_out > _pipe.get(), bp::std_err > _pipe.get(), ec); } } if(ec) { BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Couldn't run ["sv << proc.cmd << "]: System: "sv << ec.message(); return -1; } fg.disable(); return 0; } int proc_t::running() { if(placebo || _process.running()) { return _app_id; } return -1; } void proc_t::terminate() { std::error_code ec; // Ensure child process is terminated placebo = false; process_end(_process, _process_handle); _app_id = -1; if(ec) { BOOST_LOG(fatal) << "System: "sv << ec.message(); log_flush(); std::abort(); } for(; _undo_it != _undo_begin; --_undo_it) { auto &cmd = (_undo_it - 1)->undo_cmd; if(cmd.empty()) { continue; } BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Executing: ["sv << cmd << ']'; auto ret = exe(cmd, _env, _pipe, ec); if(ec) { BOOST_LOG(fatal) << "System: "sv << ec.message(); log_flush(); std::abort(); } if(ret != 0) { BOOST_LOG(fatal) << "Return code ["sv << ret << ']'; log_flush(); std::abort(); } } _pipe.reset(); } const std::vector &proc_t::get_apps() const { return _apps; } std::vector &proc_t::get_apps() { return _apps; } /// Gets application image from application list. /// Returns default image if image configuration is not set. /// returns http content-type header compatible image type std::string proc_t::get_app_image(int app_id) { auto app_index = app_id -1; if(app_index < 0 || app_index >= _apps.size()) { BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't find app with ID ["sv << app_id << ']'; return SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR "/box.png"; } auto app_image_path = _apps[app_index].image_path; if (app_image_path.empty()) { return SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR "/box.png"; } auto image_extension = std::filesystem::path(app_image_path).extension().string(); boost::to_lower(image_extension); std::error_code code; if (!std::filesystem::exists(app_image_path, code) || image_extension != ".png") { return SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR "/box.png"; } // return only "content-type" http header compatible image type. return app_image_path; } proc_t::~proc_t() { terminate(); } std::string_view::iterator find_match(std::string_view::iterator begin, std::string_view::iterator end) { int stack = 0; --begin; do { ++begin; switch(*begin) { case '(': ++stack; break; case ')': --stack; } } while(begin != end && stack != 0); if(begin == end) { throw std::out_of_range("Missing closing bracket \')\'"); } return begin; } std::string parse_env_val(bp::native_environment &env, const std::string_view &val_raw) { auto pos = std::begin(val_raw); auto dollar = std::find(pos, std::end(val_raw), '$'); std::stringstream ss; while(dollar != std::end(val_raw)) { auto next = dollar + 1; if(next != std::end(val_raw)) { switch(*next) { case '(': { ss.write(pos, (dollar - pos)); auto var_begin = next + 1; auto var_end = find_match(next, std::end(val_raw)); ss << env[std::string { var_begin, var_end }].to_string(); pos = var_end + 1; next = var_end; break; } case '$': ss.write(pos, (next - pos)); pos = next + 1; ++next; break; } dollar = std::find(next, std::end(val_raw), '$'); } else { dollar = next; } } ss.write(pos, (dollar - pos)); return ss.str(); } std::optional parse(const std::string &file_name) { pt::ptree tree; try { pt::read_json(file_name, tree); auto &apps_node = tree.get_child("apps"s); auto &env_vars = tree.get_child("env"s); auto this_env = boost::this_process::environment(); for(auto &[name, val] : env_vars) { this_env[name] = parse_env_val(this_env, val.get_value()); } std::vector apps; for(auto &[_, app_node] : apps_node) { proc::ctx_t ctx; auto prep_nodes_opt = app_node.get_child_optional("prep-cmd"s); auto detached_nodes_opt = app_node.get_child_optional("detached"s); auto output = app_node.get_optional("output"s); auto name = parse_env_val(this_env, app_node.get("name"s)); auto cmd = app_node.get_optional("cmd"s); auto image_path = app_node.get_optional("image-path"s); auto working_dir = app_node.get_optional("working-dir"s); std::vector prep_cmds; if(prep_nodes_opt) { auto &prep_nodes = *prep_nodes_opt; prep_cmds.reserve(prep_nodes.size()); for(auto &[_, prep_node] : prep_nodes) { auto do_cmd = parse_env_val(this_env, prep_node.get("do"s)); auto undo_cmd = prep_node.get_optional("undo"s); if(undo_cmd) { prep_cmds.emplace_back(std::move(do_cmd), parse_env_val(this_env, *undo_cmd)); } else { prep_cmds.emplace_back(std::move(do_cmd)); } } } std::vector detached; if(detached_nodes_opt) { auto &detached_nodes = *detached_nodes_opt; detached.reserve(detached_nodes.size()); for(auto &[_, detached_val] : detached_nodes) { detached.emplace_back(parse_env_val(this_env, detached_val.get_value())); } } if(output) { ctx.output = parse_env_val(this_env, *output); } if(cmd) { ctx.cmd = parse_env_val(this_env, *cmd); } if(working_dir) { ctx.working_dir = parse_env_val(this_env, *working_dir); } if (image_path) { ctx.image_path = parse_env_val(this_env, *image_path); } ctx.name = std::move(name); ctx.prep_cmds = std::move(prep_cmds); ctx.detached = std::move(detached); apps.emplace_back(std::move(ctx)); } return proc::proc_t { std::move(this_env), std::move(apps) }; } catch(std::exception &e) { BOOST_LOG(error) << e.what(); } return std::nullopt; } void refresh(const std::string &file_name) { auto proc_opt = proc::parse(file_name); if(proc_opt) { { proc::ctx_t ctx; ctx.name = "Desktop"s; proc_opt->get_apps().emplace(std::begin(proc_opt->get_apps()), std::move(ctx)); } proc = std::move(*proc_opt); } } } // namespace proc