--- # This action is centrally managed in https://github.com//.github/ # Don't make changes to this file in this repo as they will be overwritten with changes made to the same file in # the above-mentioned repo. # Ensure PRs are made against `nightly` branch. name: Pull Requests on: pull_request_target: types: [opened, synchronize, edited, reopened] # no concurrency for pull_request_target events jobs: check-pull-request: name: Check Pull Request if: startsWith(github.repository, 'LizardByte/') runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: Vankka/pr-target-branch-action@v2 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: target: master exclude: nightly # Don't prevent going from nightly -> master change-to: nightly comment: | Your PR was set to `master`, PRs should be sent to `nightly`. The base branch of this PR has been automatically changed to `nightly`. Please check that there are no merge conflicts