#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utility.h" #include "config.h" #define CA_DIR SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR "/demoCA" #define PRIVATE_KEY_FILE CA_DIR "/cakey.pem" #define CERTIFICATE_FILE CA_DIR "/cacert.pem" namespace config { using namespace std::literals; video_t video { 16, // max_b_frames 24, // gop_size 35, // crf 4, // threads "baseline"s, // profile "superfast"s, // preset "zerolatency"s // tune }; stream_t stream { 2s // ping_timeout }; nvhttp_t nvhttp { PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, CERTIFICATE_FILE, "03904e64-51da-4fb3-9afd-a9f7ff70fea4", // unique_id "devices.xml" // file_devices }; bool whitespace(char ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'; } std::string to_string(const char *begin, const char *end) { return { begin, (std::size_t)(end - begin) }; } std::optional> parse_line(std::string_view::const_iterator begin, std::string_view::const_iterator end) { begin = std::find_if(begin, end, std::not_fn(whitespace)); end = std::find(begin, end, '#'); end = std::find_if(std::make_reverse_iterator(end), std::make_reverse_iterator(begin), std::not_fn(whitespace)).base(); auto eq = std::find(begin, end, '='); if(eq == end || eq == begin) { return std::nullopt; } auto end_name = std::find_if(std::make_reverse_iterator(eq - 1), std::make_reverse_iterator(begin), std::not_fn(whitespace)).base(); auto begin_val = std::find_if(eq + 1, end, std::not_fn(whitespace)); return std::pair { to_string(begin, end_name), to_string(begin_val, end) }; } std::unordered_map parse_config(std::string_view file_content) { std::unordered_map vars; auto pos = std::begin(file_content) - 1; auto end = std::end(file_content); while(pos <= end) { auto newline = std::find(pos, end, '\n'); auto var = parse_line(pos, *(newline - 1) == '\r' ? newline - 1 : newline); pos = newline + 1; if(!var) { continue; } vars.emplace(std::move(*var)); } return vars; } void string_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, std::string &input) { auto it = vars.find(name); if(it == std::end(vars)) { return; } input = std::move(it->second); } void int_f(std::unordered_map &vars, const std::string &name, int &input) { auto it = vars.find(name); if(it == std::end(vars)) { return; } auto &val = it->second; input = util::from_chars(&val[0], &val[0] + val.size()); } void parse_file(const char *file) { std::ifstream in(file); auto vars = parse_config(std::string { // Quick and dirty std::istreambuf_iterator(in), std::istreambuf_iterator() }); for(auto &[name, val] : vars) { std::cout << "["sv << name << "] -- ["sv << val << "]"sv << std::endl; } int_f(vars, "max_b_frames", video.max_b_frames); int_f(vars, "gop_size", video.gop_size); int_f(vars, "crf", video.crf); int_f(vars, "threads", video.threads); string_f(vars, "profile", video.profile); string_f(vars, "preset", video.preset); string_f(vars, "tune", video.tune); string_f(vars, "pkey", nvhttp.pkey); string_f(vars, "cert", nvhttp.cert); string_f(vars, "unique_id", nvhttp.unique_id); string_f(vars, "file_devices", nvhttp.file_devices); string_f(vars, "external_ip", nvhttp.external_ip); int to = -1; int_f(vars, "ping_timeout", to); if(to > 0) { stream.ping_timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(to); } } }