--- # This action is centrally managed in https://github.com//.github/ # Don't make changes to this file in this repo as they will be overwritten with changes made to the same file in # the above-mentioned repo. # This workflow is intended to work with all our organization Docker projects. A readme named `DOCKER_README.md` # will be used to update the description on Docker hub. # custom comments in dockerfiles: # `# platforms: ` # Comma separated list of platforms, i.e. `# platforms: linux/386,linux/amd64`. Docker platforms can alternatively # be listed in a file named `.docker_platforms`. # `# platforms_pr: ` # Comma separated list of platforms to run for PR events, i.e. `# platforms_pr: linux/amd64`. This will take # precedence over the `# platforms: ` directive. # `# artifacts: ` # `true` to build in two steps, stopping at `artifacts` build stage and extracting the image from there to the # GitHub runner. name: CI Docker on: pull_request: branches: [master] types: [opened, synchronize, reopened] push: branches: [master] workflow_dispatch: concurrency: group: "${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}" cancel-in-progress: true jobs: check_dockerfiles: name: Check Dockerfiles runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Find dockerfiles id: find run: | dockerfiles=$(find . -type f -iname "Dockerfile" -o -iname "*.dockerfile") echo "found dockerfiles: ${dockerfiles}" # do not quote to keep this as a single line echo dockerfiles=${dockerfiles} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT MATRIX_COMBINATIONS="" for FILE in ${dockerfiles}; do # extract tag from file name tag=$(echo $FILE | sed -r -z -e 's/(\.\/)*.*\/(Dockerfile)/None/gm') if [[ $tag == "None" ]]; then MATRIX_COMBINATIONS="$MATRIX_COMBINATIONS {\"dockerfile\": \"$FILE\"}," else tag=$(echo $FILE | sed -r -z -e 's/(\.\/)*.*\/(.+)(\.dockerfile)/-\2/gm') MATRIX_COMBINATIONS="$MATRIX_COMBINATIONS {\"dockerfile\": \"$FILE\", \"tag\": \"$tag\"}," fi done # removes the last character (i.e. comma) MATRIX_COMBINATIONS=${MATRIX_COMBINATIONS::-1} # setup matrix for later jobs matrix=$(( echo "{ \"include\": [$MATRIX_COMBINATIONS] }" ) | jq -c .) echo $matrix echo $matrix | jq . echo "matrix=$matrix" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Find dotnet solution file id: find_dotnet run: | solution=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*.sln") echo "found solution: ${solution}" # do not quote to keep this as a single line echo solution=${solution} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT if [[ $solution != "" ]]; then echo "dotnet=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT else echo "dotnet=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT fi outputs: dockerfiles: ${{ steps.find.outputs.dockerfiles }} matrix: ${{ steps.find.outputs.matrix }} dotnet: ${{ steps.find_dotnet.outputs.dotnet }} solution: ${{ steps.find_dotnet.outputs.solution }} setup_release: if: ${{ needs.check_dockerfiles.outputs.dockerfiles }} name: Setup Release needs: - check_dockerfiles outputs: publish_release: ${{ steps.setup_release.outputs.publish_release }} release_body: ${{ steps.setup_release.outputs.release_body }} release_commit: ${{ steps.setup_release.outputs.release_commit }} release_generate_release_notes: ${{ steps.setup_release.outputs.release_generate_release_notes }} release_tag: ${{ steps.setup_release.outputs.release_tag }} release_version: ${{ steps.setup_release.outputs.release_version }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup Release id: setup_release uses: LizardByte/setup-release-action@v2024.919.143601 with: dotnet: ${{ needs.check_dockerfiles.outputs.dotnet }} github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} docker: needs: [check_dockerfiles, setup_release] if: ${{ needs.check_dockerfiles.outputs.dockerfiles }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: packages: write contents: write strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: ${{ fromJson(needs.check_dockerfiles.outputs.matrix) }} name: Docker${{ matrix.tag }} steps: - name: Maximize build space uses: easimon/maximize-build-space@v10 with: root-reserve-mb: 30720 # https://github.com/easimon/maximize-build-space#caveats remove-dotnet: 'true' remove-android: 'true' remove-haskell: 'true' remove-codeql: 'true' remove-docker-images: 'true' - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Prepare id: prepare env: NV: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_tag }} run: | # get branch name BRANCH=${GITHUB_HEAD_REF} RELEASE=${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.publish_release }} COMMIT=${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_commit }} if [ -z "$BRANCH" ]; then echo "This is a PUSH event" BRANCH=${{ github.ref_name }} CLONE_URL=${{ github.event.repository.clone_url }} else echo "This is a PULL REQUEST event" CLONE_URL=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.clone_url }} fi # determine to push image to dockerhub and ghcr or not if [[ $GITHUB_EVENT_NAME == "push" ]]; then PUSH=true else PUSH=false fi # setup the tags REPOSITORY=${{ github.repository }} BASE_TAG=$(echo $REPOSITORY | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') TAGS="${BASE_TAG}:${COMMIT:0:7}${{ matrix.tag }},ghcr.io/${BASE_TAG}:${COMMIT:0:7}${{ matrix.tag }}" if [[ $GITHUB_REF == refs/heads/master ]]; then TAGS="${TAGS},${BASE_TAG}:latest${{ matrix.tag }},ghcr.io/${BASE_TAG}:latest${{ matrix.tag }}" TAGS="${TAGS},${BASE_TAG}:master${{ matrix.tag }},ghcr.io/${BASE_TAG}:master${{ matrix.tag }}" else TAGS="${TAGS},${BASE_TAG}:test${{ matrix.tag }},ghcr.io/${BASE_TAG}:test${{ matrix.tag }}" fi if [[ ${NV} != "" ]]; then TAGS="${TAGS},${BASE_TAG}:${NV}${{ matrix.tag }},ghcr.io/${BASE_TAG}:${NV}${{ matrix.tag }}" fi # parse custom directives out of dockerfile # try to get the platforms from the dockerfile custom directive, i.e. `# platforms: xxx,yyy` # directives for PR event, i.e. not push event if [[ ${RELEASE} == "false" ]]; then while read -r line; do if [[ $line == "# platforms_pr: "* && $PLATFORMS == "" ]]; then # echo the line and use `sed` to remove the custom directive PLATFORMS=$(echo -e "$line" | sed 's/# platforms_pr: //') elif [[ $PLATFORMS != "" ]]; then # break while loop once all custom "PR" event directives are found break fi done <"${{ matrix.dockerfile }}" fi # directives for all events... above directives will not be parsed if they were already found while read -r line; do if [[ $line == "# platforms: "* && $PLATFORMS == "" ]]; then # echo the line and use `sed` to remove the custom directive PLATFORMS=$(echo -e "$line" | sed 's/# platforms: //') elif [[ $line == "# artifacts: "* && $ARTIFACTS == "" ]]; then # echo the line and use `sed` to remove the custom directive ARTIFACTS=$(echo -e "$line" | sed 's/# artifacts: //') elif [[ $line == "# no-cache-filters: "* && $NO_CACHE_FILTERS == "" ]]; then # echo the line and use `sed` to remove the custom directive NO_CACHE_FILTERS=$(echo -e "$line" | sed 's/# no-cache-filters: //') elif [[ $PLATFORMS != "" && $ARTIFACTS != "" && $NO_CACHE_FILTERS != "" ]]; then # break while loop once all custom directives are found break fi done <"${{ matrix.dockerfile }}" # if PLATFORMS is blank, fall back to the legacy method of reading from the `.docker_platforms` file if [[ $PLATFORMS == "" ]]; then # read the platforms from `.docker_platforms` PLATFORMS=$(<.docker_platforms) fi # if PLATFORMS is still blank, fall back to `linux/amd64` if [[ $PLATFORMS == "" ]]; then PLATFORMS="linux/amd64" fi echo "branch=${BRANCH}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "build_date=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "clone_url=${CLONE_URL}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "artifacts=${ARTIFACTS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "no_cache_filters=${NO_CACHE_FILTERS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "platforms=${PLATFORMS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "tags=${TAGS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Set Up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3 - name: Set up Docker Buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 id: buildx - name: Cache Docker Layers uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: /tmp/.buildx-cache key: Docker-buildx${{ matrix.tag }}-${{ github.sha }} restore-keys: | Docker-buildx${{ matrix.tag }}- - name: Log in to Docker Hub if: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.publish_release == 'true' }} # PRs do not have access to secrets uses: docker/login-action@v3 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }} - name: Log in to the Container registry if: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.publish_release == 'true' }} # PRs do not have access to secrets uses: docker/login-action@v3 with: registry: ghcr.io username: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_NAME }} password: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_TOKEN }} - name: Build artifacts if: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.artifacts == 'true' }} id: build_artifacts uses: docker/build-push-action@v6 with: context: ./ file: ${{ matrix.dockerfile }} target: artifacts outputs: type=local,dest=artifacts push: false platforms: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.platforms }} build-args: | BRANCH=${{ steps.prepare.outputs.branch }} BUILD_DATE=${{ steps.prepare.outputs.build_date }} BUILD_VERSION=${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_tag }} COMMIT=${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_commit }} CLONE_URL=${{ steps.prepare.outputs.clone_url }} RELEASE=${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.publish_release }} tags: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.tags }} cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache no-cache-filters: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.no_cache_filters }} - name: Build and push id: build uses: docker/build-push-action@v6 with: context: ./ file: ${{ matrix.dockerfile }} push: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.publish_release }} platforms: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.platforms }} build-args: | BRANCH=${{ steps.prepare.outputs.branch }} BUILD_DATE=${{ steps.prepare.outputs.build_date }} BUILD_VERSION=${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_tag }} COMMIT=${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_commit }} CLONE_URL=${{ steps.prepare.outputs.clone_url }} RELEASE=${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.publish_release }} tags: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.tags }} cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache no-cache-filters: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.no_cache_filters }} - name: Arrange Artifacts if: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.artifacts == 'true' }} working-directory: artifacts run: | # artifacts will be in sub directories named after the docker target platform, e.g. `linux_amd64` # so move files to the artifacts directory # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/52816 find ./ -type f -exec mv -t ./ -n '{}' + # remove provenance file rm -f ./provenance.json - name: Upload Artifacts if: ${{ steps.prepare.outputs.artifacts == 'true' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: Docker${{ matrix.tag }} path: artifacts/ - name: Create/Update GitHub Release if: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.publish_release == 'true' && steps.prepare.outputs.artifacts == 'true' }} uses: LizardByte/create-release-action@v2024.919.143026 with: allowUpdates: true artifacts: "*artifacts/*" body: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_body }} generateReleaseNotes: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_generate_release_notes }} name: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_tag }} prerelease: true tag: ${{ needs.setup_release.outputs.release_tag }} token: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_TOKEN }} - name: Update Docker Hub Description if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} uses: peter-evans/dockerhub-description@v4 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD }} # token is not currently supported repository: ${{ env.BASE_TAG }} short-description: ${{ github.event.repository.description }} readme-filepath: ./DOCKER_README.md