import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url' import fs from 'fs'; import { resolve } from 'path' import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import { ViteEjsPlugin } from "vite-plugin-ejs"; import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' import process from 'process' /** * Before actually building the pages with Vite, we do an intermediate build step using ejs * Importing this separately and joining them using ejs * allows us to split some repeating HTML that cannot be added * by Vue itself (e.g. style/script loading, common meta head tags, Widgetbot) * The vite-plugin-ejs handles this automatically */ let assetsSrcPath = 'src_assets/common/assets/web'; let assetsDstPath = 'build/assets/web'; if (process.env.SUNSHINE_SOURCE_ASSETS_DIR) { console.log("Using srcdir from Cmake: " + resolve(process.env.SUNSHINE_SOURCE_ASSETS_DIR,"common/assets/web")); assetsSrcPath = resolve(process.env.SUNSHINE_SOURCE_ASSETS_DIR,"common/assets/web") } if (process.env.SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR) { console.log("Using destdir from Cmake: " + resolve(process.env.SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR,"assets/web")); assetsDstPath = resolve(process.env.SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR,"assets/web") } let header = fs.readFileSync(resolve(assetsSrcPath, "template_header.html")) // export default defineConfig({ resolve: { alias: { vue: 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js' } }, plugins: [vue(), ViteEjsPlugin({ header })], root: resolve(assetsSrcPath), build: { outDir: resolve(assetsDstPath), rollupOptions: { input: { apps: resolve(assetsSrcPath, 'apps.html'), config: resolve(assetsSrcPath, 'config.html'), index: resolve(assetsSrcPath, 'index.html'), password: resolve(assetsSrcPath, 'password.html'), pin: resolve(assetsSrcPath, 'pin.html'), troubleshooting: resolve(assetsSrcPath, 'troubleshooting.html'), welcome: resolve(assetsSrcPath, 'welcome.html'), }, }, }, })