# Check if env vars are defined before attempting to access them, variables will be defined even if blank if((DEFINED ENV{BRANCH}) AND (DEFINED ENV{BUILD_VERSION}) AND (DEFINED ENV{COMMIT})) # cmake-lint: disable=W0106 if(($ENV{BRANCH} STREQUAL "master") AND (NOT $ENV{BUILD_VERSION} STREQUAL "")) # If BRANCH is "master" and BUILD_VERSION is not empty, then we are building a master branch MESSAGE("Got from CI master branch and version $ENV{BUILD_VERSION}") set(PROJECT_VERSION $ENV{BUILD_VERSION}) elseif((DEFINED ENV{BRANCH}) AND (DEFINED ENV{COMMIT})) # If BRANCH is set but not BUILD_VERSION we are building a PR, we gather only the commit hash MESSAGE("Got from CI $ENV{BRANCH} branch and commit $ENV{COMMIT}") set(PROJECT_VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}.$ENV{COMMIT}) endif() # Generate Sunshine Version based of the git tag # https://github.com/nocnokneo/cmake-git-versioning-example/blob/master/LICENSE else() find_package(Git) if(GIT_EXECUTABLE) MESSAGE("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") get_filename_component(SRC_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" DIRECTORY) #Get current Branch execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_DESCRIBE_BRANCH RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_DESCRIBE_ERROR_CODE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # Gather current commit execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --short HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_DESCRIBE_VERSION RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_DESCRIBE_ERROR_CODE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # Check if Dirty execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} diff --quiet --exit-code RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_IS_DIRTY OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(NOT GIT_DESCRIBE_ERROR_CODE) MESSAGE("Sunshine Branch: ${GIT_DESCRIBE_BRANCH}") if(NOT GIT_DESCRIBE_BRANCH STREQUAL "master") set(PROJECT_VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}.${GIT_DESCRIBE_VERSION}) MESSAGE("Sunshine Version: ${GIT_DESCRIBE_VERSION}") endif() if(GIT_IS_DIRTY) set(PROJECT_VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}.dirty) MESSAGE("Git tree is dirty!") endif() else() MESSAGE(ERROR ": Got git error while fetching tags: ${GIT_DESCRIBE_ERROR_CODE}") endif() else() MESSAGE(WARNING ": Git not found, cannot find git version") endif() endif()