#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace logging = boost::log; namespace sinks = logging::sinks; // Undefine the original TEST macro #undef TEST // Redefine TEST to use our BaseTest class, to automatically use our BaseTest fixture #define TEST(test_case_name, test_name) \ GTEST_TEST_(test_case_name, test_name, ::BaseTest, \ ::testing::internal::GetTypeId<::BaseTest>()) /** * @brief Base class for tests. * * This class provides a base test fixture for all tests. * * ``cout``, ``stderr``, and ``stdout`` are redirected to a buffer, and the buffer is printed if the test fails. * * @todo Retain the color of the original output. */ class BaseTest: public ::testing::Test { protected: // https://stackoverflow.com/a/58369622/11214013 // we can possibly use some internal googletest functions to capture stdout and stderr, but I have not tested this // https://stackoverflow.com/a/33186201/11214013 // Add a member variable to store the sink boost::shared_ptr> test_sink; BaseTest(): sbuf { nullptr }, pipe_stdout { nullptr }, pipe_stderr { nullptr } { // intentionally empty } ~BaseTest() override = default; void SetUp() override { // todo: only run this one time, instead of every time a test is run // see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2435277/googletest-accessing-the-environment-from-a-test // get command line args from the test executable testArgs = ::testing::internal::GetArgvs(); // then get the directory of the test executable // std::string path = ::testing::internal::GetArgvs()[0]; testBinary = testArgs[0]; // get the directory of the test executable testBinaryDir = std::filesystem::path(testBinary).parent_path(); // If testBinaryDir is empty or `.` then set it to the current directory // maybe some better options here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/875249/how-to-get-current-directory if (testBinaryDir.empty() || testBinaryDir.string() == ".") { testBinaryDir = std::filesystem::current_path(); } // Create a sink that writes to our stringstream (BOOST_LOG) typedef sinks::synchronous_sink test_text_sink; test_sink = boost::make_shared(); // Set the stringstream as the target of the sink (BOOST_LOG) boost::shared_ptr stream(&boost_log_buffer, [](std::ostream *) {}); test_sink->locked_backend()->add_stream(stream); // Register the sink in the logging core (BOOST_LOG) logging::core::get()->add_sink(test_sink); sbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); // save cout buffer (std::cout) std::cout.rdbuf(cout_buffer.rdbuf()); // redirect cout to buffer (std::cout) // todo: do this only once // setup a mail object mail::man = std::make_shared(); } void TearDown() override { std::cout.rdbuf(sbuf); // restore cout buffer // get test info const ::testing::TestInfo *const test_info = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info(); if (test_info->result()->Failed()) { std::cout << std::endl << "Test failed: " << test_info->name() << std::endl << std::endl << "Captured boost log:" << std::endl << boost_log_buffer.str() << std::endl << "Captured cout:" << std::endl << cout_buffer.str() << std::endl << "Captured stdout:" << std::endl << stdout_buffer.str() << std::endl << "Captured stderr:" << std::endl << stderr_buffer.str() << std::endl; } sbuf = nullptr; // clear sbuf if (pipe_stdout) { pclose(pipe_stdout); pipe_stdout = nullptr; } if (pipe_stderr) { pclose(pipe_stderr); pipe_stderr = nullptr; } // Remove the sink from the logging core (BOOST_LOG) logging::core::get()->remove_sink(test_sink); test_sink.reset(); } // functions and variables std::vector testArgs; // CLI arguments used std::filesystem::path testBinary; // full path of this binary std::filesystem::path testBinaryDir; // full directory of this binary std::stringstream boost_log_buffer; // declare boost_log_buffer std::stringstream cout_buffer; // declare cout_buffer std::stringstream stdout_buffer; // declare stdout_buffer std::stringstream stderr_buffer; // declare stderr_buffer std::streambuf *sbuf; FILE *pipe_stdout; FILE *pipe_stderr; int exec(const char *cmd) { std::array buffer {}; pipe_stdout = popen((std::string(cmd) + " 2>&1").c_str(), "r"); pipe_stderr = popen((std::string(cmd) + " 2>&1").c_str(), "r"); if (!pipe_stdout || !pipe_stderr) { throw std::runtime_error("popen() failed!"); } while (fgets(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), pipe_stdout) != nullptr) { stdout_buffer << buffer.data(); } while (fgets(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), pipe_stderr) != nullptr) { stderr_buffer << buffer.data(); } int returnCode = pclose(pipe_stdout); pipe_stdout = nullptr; if (returnCode != 0) { std::cout << "Error: " << stderr_buffer.str() << std::endl << "Return code: " << returnCode << std::endl; } return returnCode; } }; class PlatformInitBase: public virtual BaseTest { protected: void SetUp() override { std::cout << "PlatformInitTest:: starting Fixture SetUp" << std::endl; // initialize the platform auto deinit_guard = platf::init(); if (!deinit_guard) { FAIL() << "Platform failed to initialize"; } std::cout << "PlatformInitTest:: finished Fixture SetUp" << std::endl; } void TearDown() override { std::cout << "PlatformInitTest:: starting Fixture TearDown" << std::endl; std::cout << "PlatformInitTest:: finished Fixture TearDown" << std::endl; } }; class DocsPythonVenvBase: public virtual BaseTest { protected: void SetUp() override { #if defined TESTS_ENABLE_VENV_TESTS && TESTS_ENABLE_VENV_TESTS == 0 GTEST_SKIP_("TESTS_ENABLE_VENV_TESTS is disabled by CMake"); #else std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: starting Fixture SetUp" << std::endl; std::string pythonBinDirArray[] = { "bin", "Scripts" }; std::filesystem::path pythonPath = "python"; std::string binPath; std::string command; int exit_code; std::filesystem::path venvPath = ".venv"; std::filesystem::path fullVenvPath = BaseTest::testBinaryDir / venvPath; // check for existence of venv, and create it if necessary std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: checking for venv" << std::endl; if (!std::filesystem::exists(fullVenvPath)) { std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: venv not found" << std::endl; // create the venv command = "\"" TESTS_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE "\" -m venv " + fullVenvPath.string(); std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: trying to create venv with command: " << command << std::endl; exit_code = BaseTest::exec(command.c_str()); if (exit_code != 0) { if (!std::filesystem::exists(fullVenvPath)) { FAIL() << "Command failed: " << command << " with exit code: " << exit_code; } else { // venv command will randomly complain that some files already exist... std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: exit code (" << exit_code << ") indicates venv creation failed, but venv exists" << std::endl; } } } // determine if bin directory is `bin` (Unix) or `Scripts` (Windows) // cannot assume `Scripts` on Windows, as it could be `bin` if using MSYS2, cygwin, etc. std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: checking structure of venv" << std::endl; for (const std::string &binDir : pythonBinDirArray) { // check if bin directory exists if (std::filesystem::exists(fullVenvPath / binDir)) { binPath = binDir; std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: found binPath: " << binPath << std::endl; break; } } if (binPath.empty()) { FAIL() << "Python venv not found"; } // set fullPythonPath and fullPythonBinPath fullPythonPath = fullVenvPath / binPath / pythonPath; fullPythonBinPath = fullVenvPath / binPath; std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: fullPythonPath: " << fullPythonPath << std::endl; std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: fullPythonBinPath: " << fullPythonBinPath << std::endl; std::filesystem::path requirements_path = std::filesystem::path(TESTS_DOCS_DIR) / "requirements.txt"; // array of commands to run std::string CommandArray[] = { "\"" + fullPythonPath.string() + "\" -m pip install -r " + requirements_path.string(), }; for (const std::string &_command : CommandArray) { std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: running command: " << _command << std::endl; exit_code = BaseTest::exec(_command.c_str()); if (exit_code != 0) { FAIL() << "Command failed: " << command << " with exit code: " << exit_code; } } // Save the original PATH originalEnvPath = std::getenv("PATH") ? std::getenv("PATH") : ""; std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: originalEnvPath: " << originalEnvPath << std::endl; // Set the temporary PATH std::string tempPath; std::string envPathSep; #ifdef _WIN32 envPathSep = ";"; #else envPathSep = ":"; #endif tempPath = fullPythonBinPath.string() + envPathSep + originalEnvPath; std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: tempPath: " << tempPath << std::endl; setEnv("PATH", tempPath); std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: finished Fixture SetUp" << std::endl; #endif } void TearDown() override { std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: starting Fixture TearDown" << std::endl; // Restore the original PATH if (!originalEnvPath.empty()) { std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: restoring originalEnvPath: " << originalEnvPath << std::endl; setEnv("PATH", originalEnvPath); } std::cout << "DocsPythonVenvTest:: finished Fixture TearDown" << std::endl; } // functions and variables std::filesystem::path fullPythonPath; std::filesystem::path fullPythonBinPath; std::string originalEnvPath; }; class DocsPythonVenvTest: public virtual BaseTest, public DocsPythonVenvBase { protected: void SetUp() override { BaseTest::SetUp(); DocsPythonVenvBase::SetUp(); } void TearDown() override { DocsPythonVenvBase::TearDown(); BaseTest::TearDown(); } }; class DocsWorkingDirectoryBase: public virtual BaseTest { protected: void SetUp() override { #if defined TESTS_ENABLE_VENV_TESTS && TESTS_ENABLE_VENV_TESTS == 1 std::cout << "DocsWorkingDirectoryTest:: starting Fixture SetUp" << std::endl; temp_dir = TESTS_DOCS_DIR; std::cout << "DocsWorkingDirectoryTest:: temp_dir: " << temp_dir << std::endl; // change directory to `docs` original_dir = std::filesystem::current_path(); // save original directory std::cout << "DocsWorkingDirectoryTest:: original_dir: " << original_dir << std::endl; std::filesystem::current_path(temp_dir); std::cout << "DocsWorkingDirectoryTest:: working directory set to: " << std::filesystem::current_path() << std::endl; std::cout << "DocsWorkingDirectoryTest:: finished Fixture SetUp" << std::endl; #endif } void TearDown() override { #if defined TESTS_ENABLE_VENV_TESTS && TESTS_ENABLE_VENV_TESTS == 1 std::cout << "DocsWorkingDirectoryTest:: starting Fixture TearDown" << std::endl; // change directory back to original std::filesystem::current_path(original_dir); std::cout << "DocsWorkingDirectoryTest:: working directory set to: " << std::filesystem::current_path() << std::endl; std::cout << "DocsWorkingDirectoryTest:: finished Fixture TearDown" << std::endl; #endif } // functions and variables std::filesystem::path original_dir; std::filesystem::path temp_dir; }; class DocsWorkingDirectoryTest: public virtual BaseTest, public DocsWorkingDirectoryBase { protected: void SetUp() override { BaseTest::SetUp(); DocsWorkingDirectoryBase::SetUp(); } void TearDown() override { DocsWorkingDirectoryBase::TearDown(); BaseTest::TearDown(); } }; class DocsTestFixture: public virtual BaseTest, public DocsPythonVenvBase, public DocsWorkingDirectoryBase { protected: void SetUp() override { BaseTest::SetUp(); DocsPythonVenvBase::SetUp(); DocsWorkingDirectoryBase::SetUp(); } void TearDown() override { DocsWorkingDirectoryBase::TearDown(); DocsPythonVenvBase::TearDown(); BaseTest::TearDown(); } };