#!/bin/bash if ! [ -x "$(command -v ./go-png2ico)" ]; then echo "./go-png2ico not found" echo "download the executable from https://github.com/J-Siu/go-png2ico" echo "and drop it in this folder" exit 1 fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v ./oxipng)" ]; then echo "./oxipng executable not found" echo "download the executable from https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng" echo "and drop it in this folder" exit 1 fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v inkscape)" ]; then echo "inkscape executable not found" exit 1 fi icon_base_sizes=(16 64) icon_sizes_keys=() # associative array to prevent duplicates icon_sizes_keys[256]=1 for icon_base_size in ${icon_base_sizes[@]}; do # increment in 25% till 400% icon_size_increment=$((icon_base_size / 4)) for ((i = 0; i <= 12; i++)); do icon_sizes_keys[$((icon_base_size + i * icon_size_increment))]=1 done done # convert to normal array icon_sizes=${!icon_sizes_keys[@]} echo "using icon sizes:" echo ${icon_sizes[@]} src_vectors=("../../src_assets/common/assets/web/images/sunshine-locked.svg" "../../src_assets/common/assets/web/images/sunshine-pausing.svg" "../../src_assets/common/assets/web/images/sunshine-playing.svg" "../../sunshine.svg") echo "using sources vectors:" echo ${src_vectors[@]} for src_vector in ${src_vectors[@]}; do file_name=`basename "$src_vector" .svg` png_files=() for icon_size in ${icon_sizes[@]}; do png_file="${file_name}${icon_size}.png" echo "converting ${png_file}" inkscape -w $icon_size -h $icon_size "$src_vector" --export-filename "${png_file}" && ./oxipng -o max --strip safe --alpha "${png_file}" && png_files+=("${png_file}") done echo "packing ${file_name}.ico" ./go-png2ico "${png_files[@]}" "${file_name}.ico" done