# Edit on github: https://github.com/LizardByte/Sunshine/tree/nightly/packaging/linux/aur/PKGBUILD # Reference: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PKGBUILD pkgname='sunshine' pkgver=@PROJECT_VERSION@@SUNSHINE_SUB_VERSION@ pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="@PROJECT_DESCRIPTION@" arch=('x86_64' 'aarch64') url=@PROJECT_HOMEPAGE_URL@ license=('GPL3') depends=('avahi' 'boost-libs' 'curl' 'libappindicator-gtk3' 'libevdev' 'libmfx' 'libpulse' 'libva' 'libvdpau' 'libx11' 'libxcb' 'libxfixes' 'libxrandr' 'libxtst' 'numactl' 'openssl' 'opus' 'udev') makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'git' 'make' 'nodejs' 'npm') optdepends=('cuda: NvFBC capture support' 'libcap' 'libdrm') provides=('sunshine') source=("$pkgname::git+@GITHUB_CLONE_URL@#commit=@GITHUB_COMMIT@") sha256sums=('SKIP') prepare() { cd "$pkgname" # Skip submodules that we don't want if [[ $CARCH == "x86_64" ]]; then git -c submodule."ffmpeg-macos-x86_64".update=none \ -c submodule."ffmpeg-windows-x86_64".update=none \ -c submodule."ffmpeg-linux-aarch64".update=none \ -c submodule."ffmpeg-macos-aarch64".update=none \ submodule update --recursive --init elif [[ $CARCH == "aarch64" ]]; then git -c submodule."ffmpeg-macos-x86_64".update=none \ -c submodule."ffmpeg-windows-x86_64".update=none \ -c submodule."ffmpeg-linux-x86_64".update=none \ -c submodule."ffmpeg-macos-aarch64".update=none \ submodule update --recursive --init # It's unlikely that someone could get this far on a system with an incorrect arch, but we should handle it anyway # Pull linux ffmpeg submodules else git -c submodule."ffmpeg-macos-x86_64".update=none \ -c submodule."ffmpeg-windows-x86_64".update=none \ -c submodule."ffmpeg-macos-aarch64".update=none \ submodule update --recursive --init fi } build() { pushd "$pkgname" npm install popd export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-Werror=format-security/}" export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS/-Werror=format-security/}" cmake \ -S "$pkgname" \ -B build \ -Wno-dev \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -D SUNSHINE_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/usr/bin/sunshine \ -D SUNSHINE_ASSETS_DIR="share/sunshine" make -C build } package() { make -C build install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" }