/** * @file src/input.cpp * @brief todo */ // define uint32_t for #include extern "C" { #include #include } #include #include #include "config.h" #include "input.h" #include "main.h" #include "platform/common.h" #include "thread_pool.h" #include "utility.h" using namespace std::literals; namespace input { constexpr auto MAX_GAMEPADS = std::min((std::size_t) platf::MAX_GAMEPADS, sizeof(std::int16_t) * 8); #define DISABLE_LEFT_BUTTON_DELAY ((thread_pool_util::ThreadPool::task_id_t) 0x01) #define ENABLE_LEFT_BUTTON_DELAY nullptr constexpr auto VKEY_SHIFT = 0x10; constexpr auto VKEY_LSHIFT = 0xA0; constexpr auto VKEY_RSHIFT = 0xA1; constexpr auto VKEY_CONTROL = 0x11; constexpr auto VKEY_LCONTROL = 0xA2; constexpr auto VKEY_RCONTROL = 0xA3; constexpr auto VKEY_MENU = 0x12; constexpr auto VKEY_LMENU = 0xA4; constexpr auto VKEY_RMENU = 0xA5; enum class button_state_e { NONE, DOWN, UP }; template int alloc_id(std::bitset &gamepad_mask) { for (int x = 0; x < gamepad_mask.size(); ++x) { if (!gamepad_mask[x]) { gamepad_mask[x] = true; return x; } } return -1; } template void free_id(std::bitset &gamepad_mask, int id) { gamepad_mask[id] = false; } typedef uint32_t key_press_id_t; key_press_id_t make_kpid(uint16_t vk, uint8_t flags) { return (key_press_id_t) vk << 8 | flags; } uint16_t vk_from_kpid(key_press_id_t kpid) { return kpid >> 8; } uint8_t flags_from_kpid(key_press_id_t kpid) { return kpid & 0xFF; } static task_pool_util::TaskPool::task_id_t key_press_repeat_id {}; static std::unordered_map key_press {}; static std::array mouse_press {}; static platf::input_t platf_input; static std::bitset gamepadMask {}; void free_gamepad(platf::input_t &platf_input, int id) { platf::gamepad(platf_input, id, platf::gamepad_state_t {}); platf::free_gamepad(platf_input, id); free_id(gamepadMask, id); } struct gamepad_t { gamepad_t(): gamepad_state {}, back_timeout_id {}, id { -1 }, back_button_state { button_state_e::NONE } {} ~gamepad_t() { if (id >= 0) { task_pool.push([id = this->id]() { free_gamepad(platf_input, id); }); } } platf::gamepad_state_t gamepad_state; thread_pool_util::ThreadPool::task_id_t back_timeout_id; int id; // When emulating the HOME button, we may need to artificially release the back button. // Afterwards, the gamepad state on sunshine won't match the state on Moonlight. // To prevent Sunshine from sending erroneous input data to the active application, // Sunshine forces the button to be in a specific state until the gamepad state matches that of // Moonlight once more. button_state_e back_button_state; }; struct input_t { enum shortkey_e { CTRL = 0x1, ALT = 0x2, SHIFT = 0x4, SHORTCUT = CTRL | ALT | SHIFT }; input_t( safe::mail_raw_t::event_t touch_port_event, platf::rumble_queue_t rumble_queue): shortcutFlags {}, active_gamepad_state {}, gamepads(MAX_GAMEPADS), touch_port_event { std::move(touch_port_event) }, rumble_queue { std::move(rumble_queue) }, mouse_left_button_timeout {}, touch_port { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0f } {} // Keep track of alt+ctrl+shift key combo int shortcutFlags; std::uint16_t active_gamepad_state; std::vector gamepads; safe::mail_raw_t::event_t touch_port_event; platf::rumble_queue_t rumble_queue; thread_pool_util::ThreadPool::task_id_t mouse_left_button_timeout; input::touch_port_t touch_port; }; /** * Apply shortcut based on VKEY * On success * return > 0 * On nothing * return 0 */ inline int apply_shortcut(short keyCode) { constexpr auto VK_F1 = 0x70; constexpr auto VK_F13 = 0x7C; BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Apply Shortcut: 0x"sv << util::hex((std::uint8_t) keyCode).to_string_view(); if (keyCode >= VK_F1 && keyCode <= VK_F13) { mail::man->event(mail::switch_display)->raise(keyCode - VK_F1); return 1; } switch (keyCode) { case 0x4E /* VKEY_N */: display_cursor = !display_cursor; return 1; } return 0; } void print(PNV_REL_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET packet) { BOOST_LOG(debug) << "--begin relative mouse move packet--"sv << std::endl << "deltaX ["sv << util::endian::big(packet->deltaX) << ']' << std::endl << "deltaY ["sv << util::endian::big(packet->deltaY) << ']' << std::endl << "--end relative mouse move packet--"sv; } void print(PNV_ABS_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET packet) { BOOST_LOG(debug) << "--begin absolute mouse move packet--"sv << std::endl << "x ["sv << util::endian::big(packet->x) << ']' << std::endl << "y ["sv << util::endian::big(packet->y) << ']' << std::endl << "width ["sv << util::endian::big(packet->width) << ']' << std::endl << "height ["sv << util::endian::big(packet->height) << ']' << std::endl << "--end absolute mouse move packet--"sv; } void print(PNV_MOUSE_BUTTON_PACKET packet) { BOOST_LOG(debug) << "--begin mouse button packet--"sv << std::endl << "action ["sv << util::hex(packet->header.magic).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "button ["sv << util::hex(packet->button).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "--end mouse button packet--"sv; } void print(PNV_SCROLL_PACKET packet) { BOOST_LOG(debug) << "--begin mouse scroll packet--"sv << std::endl << "scrollAmt1 ["sv << util::endian::big(packet->scrollAmt1) << ']' << std::endl << "--end mouse scroll packet--"sv; } void print(PSS_HSCROLL_PACKET packet) { BOOST_LOG(debug) << "--begin mouse hscroll packet--"sv << std::endl << "scrollAmount ["sv << util::endian::big(packet->scrollAmount) << ']' << std::endl << "--end mouse hscroll packet--"sv; } void print(PNV_KEYBOARD_PACKET packet) { BOOST_LOG(debug) << "--begin keyboard packet--"sv << std::endl << "keyAction ["sv << util::hex(packet->header.magic).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "keyCode ["sv << util::hex(packet->keyCode).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "modifiers ["sv << util::hex(packet->modifiers).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "flags ["sv << util::hex(packet->flags).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "--end keyboard packet--"sv; } void print(PNV_UNICODE_PACKET packet) { std::string text(packet->text, util::endian::big(packet->header.size) - sizeof(packet->header.magic)); BOOST_LOG(debug) << "--begin unicode packet--"sv << std::endl << "text ["sv << text << ']' << std::endl << "--end unicode packet--"sv; } void print(PNV_MULTI_CONTROLLER_PACKET packet) { // Moonlight spams controller packet even when not necessary BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "--begin controller packet--"sv << std::endl << "controllerNumber ["sv << packet->controllerNumber << ']' << std::endl << "activeGamepadMask ["sv << util::hex(packet->activeGamepadMask).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "buttonFlags ["sv << util::hex(packet->buttonFlags).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "leftTrigger ["sv << util::hex(packet->leftTrigger).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "rightTrigger ["sv << util::hex(packet->rightTrigger).to_string_view() << ']' << std::endl << "leftStickX ["sv << packet->leftStickX << ']' << std::endl << "leftStickY ["sv << packet->leftStickY << ']' << std::endl << "rightStickX ["sv << packet->rightStickX << ']' << std::endl << "rightStickY ["sv << packet->rightStickY << ']' << std::endl << "--end controller packet--"sv; } void print(void *payload) { auto header = (PNV_INPUT_HEADER) payload; switch (util::endian::little(header->magic)) { case MOUSE_MOVE_REL_MAGIC_GEN5: print((PNV_REL_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET) payload); break; case MOUSE_MOVE_ABS_MAGIC: print((PNV_ABS_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET) payload); break; case MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN_EVENT_MAGIC_GEN5: case MOUSE_BUTTON_UP_EVENT_MAGIC_GEN5: print((PNV_MOUSE_BUTTON_PACKET) payload); break; case SCROLL_MAGIC_GEN5: print((PNV_SCROLL_PACKET) payload); break; case SS_HSCROLL_MAGIC: print((PSS_HSCROLL_PACKET) payload); break; case KEY_DOWN_EVENT_MAGIC: case KEY_UP_EVENT_MAGIC: print((PNV_KEYBOARD_PACKET) payload); break; case UTF8_TEXT_EVENT_MAGIC: print((PNV_UNICODE_PACKET) payload); break; case MULTI_CONTROLLER_MAGIC_GEN5: print((PNV_MULTI_CONTROLLER_PACKET) payload); break; } } void passthrough(std::shared_ptr &input, PNV_REL_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET packet) { if (!config::input.mouse) { return; } input->mouse_left_button_timeout = DISABLE_LEFT_BUTTON_DELAY; platf::move_mouse(platf_input, util::endian::big(packet->deltaX), util::endian::big(packet->deltaY)); } void passthrough(std::shared_ptr &input, PNV_ABS_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET packet) { if (!config::input.mouse) { return; } if (input->mouse_left_button_timeout == DISABLE_LEFT_BUTTON_DELAY) { input->mouse_left_button_timeout = ENABLE_LEFT_BUTTON_DELAY; } auto &touch_port_event = input->touch_port_event; auto &touch_port = input->touch_port; if (touch_port_event->peek()) { touch_port = *touch_port_event->pop(); } float x = util::endian::big(packet->x); float y = util::endian::big(packet->y); // Prevent divide by zero // Don't expect it to happen, but just in case if (!packet->width || !packet->height) { BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Moonlight passed invalid dimensions"sv; return; } auto width = (float) util::endian::big(packet->width); auto height = (float) util::endian::big(packet->height); auto scalarX = touch_port.width / width; auto scalarY = touch_port.height / height; x *= scalarX; y *= scalarY; auto offsetX = touch_port.client_offsetX; auto offsetY = touch_port.client_offsetY; std::clamp(x, offsetX, width - offsetX); std::clamp(y, offsetY, height - offsetY); platf::touch_port_t abs_port { touch_port.offset_x, touch_port.offset_y, touch_port.env_width, touch_port.env_height }; platf::abs_mouse(platf_input, abs_port, (x - offsetX) * touch_port.scalar_inv, (y - offsetY) * touch_port.scalar_inv); } void passthrough(std::shared_ptr &input, PNV_MOUSE_BUTTON_PACKET packet) { if (!config::input.mouse) { return; } auto release = util::endian::little(packet->header.magic) == MOUSE_BUTTON_UP_EVENT_MAGIC_GEN5; auto button = util::endian::big(packet->button); if (button > 0 && button < mouse_press.size()) { if (mouse_press[button] != release) { // button state is already what we want return; } mouse_press[button] = !release; } /** * When Moonlight sends mouse input through absolute coordinates, * it's possible that BUTTON_RIGHT is pressed down immediately after releasing BUTTON_LEFT. * As a result, Sunshine will left-click on hyperlinks in the browser before right-clicking * * This can be solved by delaying BUTTON_LEFT, however, any delay on input is undesirable during gaming * As a compromise, Sunshine will only put delays on BUTTON_LEFT when * absolute mouse coordinates have been sent. * * Try to make sure BUTTON_RIGHT gets called before BUTTON_LEFT is released. * * input->mouse_left_button_timeout can only be nullptr * when the last mouse coordinates were absolute */ if (button == BUTTON_LEFT && release && !input->mouse_left_button_timeout) { auto f = [=]() { auto left_released = mouse_press[BUTTON_LEFT]; if (left_released) { // Already released left button return; } platf::button_mouse(platf_input, BUTTON_LEFT, release); mouse_press[BUTTON_LEFT] = false; input->mouse_left_button_timeout = nullptr; }; input->mouse_left_button_timeout = task_pool.pushDelayed(std::move(f), 10ms).task_id; return; } if ( button == BUTTON_RIGHT && !release && input->mouse_left_button_timeout > DISABLE_LEFT_BUTTON_DELAY) { platf::button_mouse(platf_input, BUTTON_RIGHT, false); platf::button_mouse(platf_input, BUTTON_RIGHT, true); mouse_press[BUTTON_RIGHT] = false; return; } platf::button_mouse(platf_input, button, release); } short map_keycode(short keycode) { auto it = config::input.keybindings.find(keycode); if (it != std::end(config::input.keybindings)) { return it->second; } return keycode; } /** * Update flags for keyboard shortcut combo's */ inline void update_shortcutFlags(int *flags, short keyCode, bool release) { switch (keyCode) { case VKEY_SHIFT: case VKEY_LSHIFT: case VKEY_RSHIFT: if (release) { *flags &= ~input_t::SHIFT; } else { *flags |= input_t::SHIFT; } break; case VKEY_CONTROL: case VKEY_LCONTROL: case VKEY_RCONTROL: if (release) { *flags &= ~input_t::CTRL; } else { *flags |= input_t::CTRL; } break; case VKEY_MENU: case VKEY_LMENU: case VKEY_RMENU: if (release) { *flags &= ~input_t::ALT; } else { *flags |= input_t::ALT; } break; } } bool is_modifier(uint16_t keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case VKEY_SHIFT: case VKEY_LSHIFT: case VKEY_RSHIFT: case VKEY_CONTROL: case VKEY_LCONTROL: case VKEY_RCONTROL: case VKEY_MENU: case VKEY_LMENU: case VKEY_RMENU: return true; default: return false; } } void send_key_and_modifiers(uint16_t key_code, bool release, uint8_t flags, uint8_t synthetic_modifiers) { if (!release) { // Press any synthetic modifiers required for this key if (synthetic_modifiers & MODIFIER_SHIFT) { platf::keyboard(platf_input, VKEY_SHIFT, false, flags); } if (synthetic_modifiers & MODIFIER_CTRL) { platf::keyboard(platf_input, VKEY_CONTROL, false, flags); } if (synthetic_modifiers & MODIFIER_ALT) { platf::keyboard(platf_input, VKEY_MENU, false, flags); } } platf::keyboard(platf_input, map_keycode(key_code), release, flags); if (!release) { // Raise any synthetic modifier keys we pressed if (synthetic_modifiers & MODIFIER_SHIFT) { platf::keyboard(platf_input, VKEY_SHIFT, true, flags); } if (synthetic_modifiers & MODIFIER_CTRL) { platf::keyboard(platf_input, VKEY_CONTROL, true, flags); } if (synthetic_modifiers & MODIFIER_ALT) { platf::keyboard(platf_input, VKEY_MENU, true, flags); } } } void repeat_key(uint16_t key_code, uint8_t flags, uint8_t synthetic_modifiers) { // If key no longer pressed, stop repeating if (!key_press[make_kpid(key_code, flags)]) { key_press_repeat_id = nullptr; return; } send_key_and_modifiers(key_code, false, flags, synthetic_modifiers); key_press_repeat_id = task_pool.pushDelayed(repeat_key, config::input.key_repeat_period, key_code, flags, synthetic_modifiers).task_id; } void passthrough(std::shared_ptr &input, PNV_KEYBOARD_PACKET packet) { if (!config::input.keyboard) { return; } auto release = util::endian::little(packet->header.magic) == KEY_UP_EVENT_MAGIC; auto keyCode = packet->keyCode & 0x00FF; // Set synthetic modifier flags if the keyboard packet is requesting modifier // keys that are not current pressed. uint8_t synthetic_modifiers = 0; if (!release && !is_modifier(keyCode)) { if (!(input->shortcutFlags & input_t::SHIFT) && (packet->modifiers & MODIFIER_SHIFT)) { synthetic_modifiers |= MODIFIER_SHIFT; } if (!(input->shortcutFlags & input_t::CTRL) && (packet->modifiers & MODIFIER_CTRL)) { synthetic_modifiers |= MODIFIER_CTRL; } if (!(input->shortcutFlags & input_t::ALT) && (packet->modifiers & MODIFIER_ALT)) { synthetic_modifiers |= MODIFIER_ALT; } } auto &pressed = key_press[make_kpid(keyCode, packet->flags)]; if (!pressed) { if (!release) { // A new key has been pressed down, we need to check for key combo's // If a key-combo has been pressed down, don't pass it through if (input->shortcutFlags == input_t::SHORTCUT && apply_shortcut(keyCode) > 0) { return; } if (key_press_repeat_id) { task_pool.cancel(key_press_repeat_id); } if (config::input.key_repeat_delay.count() > 0) { key_press_repeat_id = task_pool.pushDelayed(repeat_key, config::input.key_repeat_delay, keyCode, packet->flags, synthetic_modifiers).task_id; } } else { // Already released return; } } else if (!release) { // Already pressed down key return; } pressed = !release; send_key_and_modifiers(keyCode, release, packet->flags, synthetic_modifiers); update_shortcutFlags(&input->shortcutFlags, map_keycode(keyCode), release); } void passthrough(PNV_SCROLL_PACKET packet) { if (!config::input.mouse) { return; } platf::scroll(platf_input, util::endian::big(packet->scrollAmt1)); } void passthrough(PSS_HSCROLL_PACKET packet) { if (!config::input.mouse) { return; } platf::hscroll(platf_input, util::endian::big(packet->scrollAmount)); } void passthrough(PNV_UNICODE_PACKET packet) { if (!config::input.keyboard) { return; } auto size = util::endian::big(packet->header.size) - sizeof(packet->header.magic); platf::unicode(platf_input, packet->text, size); } int updateGamepads(std::vector &gamepads, std::int16_t old_state, std::int16_t new_state, const platf::rumble_queue_t &rumble_queue) { auto xorGamepadMask = old_state ^ new_state; if (!xorGamepadMask) { return 0; } for (int x = 0; x < sizeof(std::int16_t) * 8; ++x) { if ((xorGamepadMask >> x) & 1) { auto &gamepad = gamepads[x]; if ((old_state >> x) & 1) { if (gamepad.id < 0) { return -1; } free_gamepad(platf_input, gamepad.id); gamepad.id = -1; } else { auto id = alloc_id(gamepadMask); if (id < 0) { // Out of gamepads return -1; } if (platf::alloc_gamepad(platf_input, id, rumble_queue)) { free_id(gamepadMask, id); // allocating a gamepad failed: solution: ignore gamepads // The implementations of platf::alloc_gamepad already has logging return -1; } gamepad.id = id; } } } return 0; } void passthrough(std::shared_ptr &input, PNV_MULTI_CONTROLLER_PACKET packet) { if (!config::input.controller) { return; } if (updateGamepads(input->gamepads, input->active_gamepad_state, packet->activeGamepadMask, input->rumble_queue)) { return; } input->active_gamepad_state = packet->activeGamepadMask; if (packet->controllerNumber < 0 || packet->controllerNumber >= input->gamepads.size()) { BOOST_LOG(warning) << "ControllerNumber out of range ["sv << packet->controllerNumber << ']'; return; } if (!((input->active_gamepad_state >> packet->controllerNumber) & 1)) { BOOST_LOG(warning) << "ControllerNumber ["sv << packet->controllerNumber << "] not allocated"sv; return; } auto &gamepad = input->gamepads[packet->controllerNumber]; // If this gamepad has not been initialized, ignore it. // This could happen when platf::alloc_gamepad fails if (gamepad.id < 0) { return; } std::uint16_t bf = packet->buttonFlags; platf::gamepad_state_t gamepad_state { bf, packet->leftTrigger, packet->rightTrigger, packet->leftStickX, packet->leftStickY, packet->rightStickX, packet->rightStickY }; auto bf_new = gamepad_state.buttonFlags; switch (gamepad.back_button_state) { case button_state_e::UP: if (!(platf::BACK & bf_new)) { gamepad.back_button_state = button_state_e::NONE; } gamepad_state.buttonFlags &= ~platf::BACK; break; case button_state_e::DOWN: if (platf::BACK & bf_new) { gamepad.back_button_state = button_state_e::NONE; } gamepad_state.buttonFlags |= platf::BACK; break; case button_state_e::NONE: break; } bf = gamepad_state.buttonFlags ^ gamepad.gamepad_state.buttonFlags; bf_new = gamepad_state.buttonFlags; if (platf::BACK & bf) { if (platf::BACK & bf_new) { // Don't emulate home button if timeout < 0 if (config::input.back_button_timeout >= 0ms) { auto f = [input, controller = packet->controllerNumber]() { auto &gamepad = input->gamepads[controller]; auto &state = gamepad.gamepad_state; // Force the back button up gamepad.back_button_state = button_state_e::UP; state.buttonFlags &= ~platf::BACK; platf::gamepad(platf_input, gamepad.id, state); // Press Home button state.buttonFlags |= platf::HOME; platf::gamepad(platf_input, gamepad.id, state); // Release Home button state.buttonFlags &= ~platf::HOME; platf::gamepad(platf_input, gamepad.id, state); gamepad.back_timeout_id = nullptr; }; gamepad.back_timeout_id = task_pool.pushDelayed(std::move(f), config::input.back_button_timeout).task_id; } } else if (gamepad.back_timeout_id) { task_pool.cancel(gamepad.back_timeout_id); gamepad.back_timeout_id = nullptr; } } platf::gamepad(platf_input, gamepad.id, gamepad_state); gamepad.gamepad_state = gamepad_state; } void passthrough_helper(std::shared_ptr input, std::vector &&input_data) { void *payload = input_data.data(); auto header = (PNV_INPUT_HEADER) payload; switch (util::endian::little(header->magic)) { case MOUSE_MOVE_REL_MAGIC_GEN5: passthrough(input, (PNV_REL_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET) payload); break; case MOUSE_MOVE_ABS_MAGIC: passthrough(input, (PNV_ABS_MOUSE_MOVE_PACKET) payload); break; case MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN_EVENT_MAGIC_GEN5: case MOUSE_BUTTON_UP_EVENT_MAGIC_GEN5: passthrough(input, (PNV_MOUSE_BUTTON_PACKET) payload); break; case SCROLL_MAGIC_GEN5: passthrough((PNV_SCROLL_PACKET) payload); break; case SS_HSCROLL_MAGIC: passthrough((PSS_HSCROLL_PACKET) payload); break; case KEY_DOWN_EVENT_MAGIC: case KEY_UP_EVENT_MAGIC: passthrough(input, (PNV_KEYBOARD_PACKET) payload); break; case UTF8_TEXT_EVENT_MAGIC: passthrough((PNV_UNICODE_PACKET) payload); break; case MULTI_CONTROLLER_MAGIC_GEN5: passthrough(input, (PNV_MULTI_CONTROLLER_PACKET) payload); break; } } void passthrough(std::shared_ptr &input, std::vector &&input_data) { task_pool.push(passthrough_helper, input, move_by_copy_util::cmove(input_data)); } void reset(std::shared_ptr &input) { task_pool.cancel(key_press_repeat_id); task_pool.cancel(input->mouse_left_button_timeout); // Ensure input is synchronous, by using the task_pool task_pool.push([]() { for (int x = 0; x < mouse_press.size(); ++x) { if (mouse_press[x]) { platf::button_mouse(platf_input, x, true); mouse_press[x] = false; } } for (auto &kp : key_press) { platf::keyboard(platf_input, vk_from_kpid(kp.first) & 0x00FF, true, flags_from_kpid(kp.first)); key_press[kp.first] = false; } }); } class deinit_t: public platf::deinit_t { public: ~deinit_t() override { platf_input.reset(); } }; [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr init() { platf_input = platf::input(); return std::make_unique(); } std::shared_ptr alloc(safe::mail_t mail) { auto input = std::make_shared( mail->event(mail::touch_port), mail->queue(mail::rumble)); // Workaround to ensure new frames will be captured when a client connects task_pool.pushDelayed([]() { platf::move_mouse(platf_input, 1, 1); platf::move_mouse(platf_input, -1, -1); }, 100ms); return input; } } // namespace input